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DOCUMENT KESUME ED 405 015 JC 970 068 AUTHOR Conlon, Rose; And Others TITLE English Works. Teaching English to Non-Native Speakers in the Workplace. INSTITUTION Colarade State Community Coll. and Occupational Education System, Denver. SPONS AGENCY Office of Vocational and Adult Education (ED), Washington, DC. PUB DATE 95 ‘CONTRACT vi9BA00264-95 NOTE 150p.; Prepared as part of the Educational Partnerships in Colorado project administered under the AduIL Education Act (PL-100-297) as amended by the National ‘iteracy Act of 1991 (PL-102-73); fer related modules, see JC 970 069-072. AVAILABLE FROM CCCOES Workplace Learning, 1391 N. Speer Blvd., Suite 600, Denver, CO 8UZU4-2994 ($30). PUB TYPE, Guides - Classroom Use ~ Teaching Guides (For Teacher) (052) EDRS PRICE —“MFOI/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS —*Adult Basic Education; *Class Activities; Curriculum Development; Educational Games; *English (Second Language): Grammar: *Inplant Programs: Language Tests; “Learning Activities; Postsecondary Education: "Student Evaluation; Workplace Literacy One of a series of workplace education modules module includes assessment instruments and classroom activities for teaching English at a Second Language (ESL) in the workplace. First, an overview is provided, describing issues unique to teaching ESL in the workplace, Five levels of difficulty are then described Fer module activities (i.e., beginning, beginning/intermediate, intermediate, intermediate/advanced, and advanced) and four sample instruments are provided for asseseing students’ language level, including an oral assessment forn, a written test, an informal Language inventory, and a reading and writing assessment tost. The bulk of the module then provides 60 classroom exercises related to the Following notional or functional categories: (I) idioms; (2) making introductions; (3) conveying personal information; (4) workplace rules and tafety; (5) illness/injury; (6) parts of the body: (7) location and directions; (8) seasons; (9) food; (10) transportation and travel; (11) time; (12) grammatical categories, including adjectives, articles, count and non-count nouns, parts of speech, prepositions, and pronouns; (13) pronunciation; (14) question Formation: (15) reading prediction? (16) vaabulary: (17) present continuous, simple present, future, conditional, and imperative verb tenses; (18) phrasal verbs; (19) recognizing verb tense; and (21) infinitives and gerunds, Each activity includes a description of intended lesrning gusts, the difficulty level, the recommended group Size, the time needed, and necessary materials. (HAA) yp us O15 a ea AGNES a ere ee eke Ag ee Colonade Community College and Occupational Education System US Department of Education 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE ® A Guide to Teaching English as a Second Language Language Opens Doors 3 | @

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