Bhagavad Gita Dictionary

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary


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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary aacharah aacharan aacharatah aacharati aacharya aadarsah aadau aadhatsva aadhyah aadyantavantah aadih aadim aadityan aajyam 16.7 3.19 4.23 3.21 1.3 3.38 3.41 12.8 16.15 5.22 10.2 11.16 11.6 9.16 good behaviour doing undertaken does teacher a mirror after first fix wealthy having a beginning and an end the source beginning The group of Sun gods.They are twelve in number Ghee melted and clarified for offering in the sacrifice. oblation space situated in space tell imparted undertaking sincerity one who is in peril for one who aspires to ascend having reached

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aakasam aakasa-sthitah aakhyahi aakhyatam aarambhah aarjavam aartah aaruruksoh aasadhya

13.32 9.6 11.31 18.63 14.12 13.7 7.16 6.3 9.2

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary aasanam aasane aascharyani aashaa-paashashataih aashayaat aasinah aasinam aasita aasrayet aasritah aasritam aaste aasthaya aasurah aasuram aasuri aatataayinah 6.11 6.12 11.6 16.12 15.8 14.23 9.9 2.54 1.36 12.11 9.11 3.6 7.2 16.7 7.15 16.5 1.36 seat on the seat wonders bound by hundreds of hopes from seats sitting remaining should sit accrue resorted to who have taken sits adopting related to the non-divine beings demoniacal demoniacal nature criminals - One who sets fire to the house of, administers poison to, steals the wealth, land, and wife of, another person

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary aatma 6.5 Self. Gita-verses 11-30 in Chapter II and again in Verses 5 and 6 in VI. Atma is eternal, all pervading, immovable and immutable. situated in their hearts through the power of My yoga (see under Yoga) he returns liable to return who have their minds fixed on having fixed is surrounded having covered to one who lacks devotion overtakes prevails will speak of has been conveyed has been conveyed they know of noble birth arises towards

aatma-bhava sthah aatma-yogat aavartate aavartinah aavesitachetasam aavesya aavriyate aavrtya abhaktaya abhibhavati abhibuya abhidhasyati abhihita abhihita abhijananti abhi-janavan abhijayate abhimukhah

10.11 3.13 8.26 8.16 12.7 8.1 3.38 3.4 18.67 1.4 14.1 18.68 2.39 2.39 9.24 16.15 13.1 11.2

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary abhinandati abhipravrittah abhisandhaya abhi-vijvalanti abhyadhikah abhyanunadyan abhyarchya abhyasath abhyasa-yoga yuktena abhyasa-yogena abhyasuyakah abhyasuyantah abhyasuyati achalapratistham acharam achintyam achintyarupam achyuta adambhitvam adbhutam adesakale 1.4 4.2 17.12 11.28 11.43 1.19 18.46 12.12 8.8 12.9 16.18 3.32 18.67 2.7 welcomes engaged in action in expectation blazing greater resounding by worshipping practise involved in the yoga of practice through the yoga of practice jealous by nature criticising speaks ill permenant and beyond change; imperishable, well established moving inconceivable whose form is inconceivable name of Vishnu - Krishna devoid of deceit amazing at an improper place and time

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13.15 12.3 8.9 1.21 13.7 11.2 17.22

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary adhah-sakham adhamam adharmabhibhavat adharmam adhibhutam 15.1 16.2 1.41 18.31 8.1 whose branches spread downwards lower when adharma dominates sin; opposite of dharma the level of creation from where the five basic elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth are active the level of creation from where the divinity and the gods are active. the entity in the divine plane attains sovereignty dwelling place the level of the activity from where the effects of the sacrifice starts temporary as the overseer with concentration on the self steadiness in the knowledge of



adhidaivatam adhigacchati adhipatyam adhisthanam adhiyajnah

8.4 2.64 2.8 3.4 8.2

adhruvam adhyaks ena adhyatma chetasa

17.18 9.1 3.3

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary adhyatma-jn'ana 13.11 nityatvam adhyesyate adrohah adrsta-purvam adya agama-apayinah agatasun agham aghayuh agnih agre aha ahah a-haitukam aharah ahave ahimsa 18.7 16.3 11.45 4.3 2.14 2.11 3.13 3.16 4.37 18.37 1.2 8.17 18.22 17.7 1.31 10.5 the spirit

those who study this absence of enmity not seen before today have a beginning and an end those whoare still living sin a person who leads a sinful life god of fire in front of said day illogical food in battle The principle of not harming or hurting anybody or anything. This is a fundamental tenet of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. harmful alas

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ahitah aho

2.36 1.45

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary aho ahoratra- vidah ahuh aisvaram ajah 17.1 8.17 3.42 9.5 2.2 oh those who know about day and night say belonging to divinity One who is not born; meaning thereby permenant, transcendent for all time not knowing arising from ignorance deluded by ignorance inaction meaning therby absence of a specific type of action; technically inaction is also a type of action. non-performer the transcendent as the origin; that which does not die of the letters endless Action which ends up with unworthy result; not safe lazy freedom from covetousness

ajasram ajnana ajnanajam ajnanavimohitah akarma

16.19 11.41 10.11 16.15 4.16

akartaram aksara samudbhavam aksaranam aksayah akusalam alasah aloluptvam

4.13 3.15 10.33 10.33 18.1 18.28 16.2

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary alpa-buddhyah 16.93 alpam 18.22 alpa-medhasam 7.23 amalan amalan amanitvam amanitvam ami ami amrtatvaya amrtatvaya amsah amsuman anabhisvangah anadim anadi-madhya antam anadimat anahamvadi anahankarah analah anamayam Ananta ananta-bahum anantam 14.14 14.14 13.7 13.7 11.21 11.21 2.15 2.15 15.7 10.21 13.9 10.3 11.19 13.12 18.26 13.8 7.4 2.51 11.37 11.19 11.11 of small intellect trivial who are of little wisdom flawless flawless modesty modesty these these for immorality for immorality a part the radiant absence of affection without beginning without beginning, middle and end devoid of beginning not egoistic free from egoistic attitude fire beyond all evils 0, infinite having enormous arms endless

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary anantavirya ananyena anarambhat anaryajushtam 11.19 12.6 3.4 2.2 having enormous energy single-minded by not commencing Unworthy of a refined cultured person following the sanatana dharma for one who does not eat without reliance on without the feeling of jealousy for one who has not disciplined oneself not seeing having no re-birth differently by this limbs against his desire one who has no home the indefinable unpleasant ephemeral fleeting born out of food than the subtle end

anasnatah anas'ritah anasuyantah anatmanah anavalokayan anavrttim anekadha anena angani anicchan aniketah anirdesyam anistam anityah anityam anna-sambhavah anoh antam

6.16 6.1 3.31 6.6 6.13 8.23 11.13 3.1 2.58 3.36 12.19 12.3 18.12 2.14 9.33 3.14 8.9 11.16

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary antar-aramah antaratmana antare antavantah antavat ante antike anu dvegakaram anusmaret anya-devata bhaktah anyam anyani anyatha anyatra apaisunam apalayanam apanam 5.24 6.47 5.27 2.18 7.23 7.19 13.15 17.15 8.9 9.23 7.5 2.22 13.11 3.9 16.2 18.43 4.29 has inner joy with his mind between perishable limited at the end near painless thinking on worshippers of other deities the other other other other than aversion to vilification not withdrawing incoming breath. Refers to the energy with which food, solid and liquid, not absorbed into the body, is carried downward. It is the compliment of Pranic force. in the incoming breath lower

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apane apara

4.29 7.5

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary aparajitah aparam aparan aparani apare apariharye aparimeyam aparyaptam apatrebhyah apavrtam apohanam aprameyam apravrttih apunaravrittim architum arhah arhati arpita-mano buddhih artha vyapasrayah arthaka man asamshayam asasvatam asat asesatah 1.17 4.4 16.14 2.22 4.25 2.27 16.11 1.1 17.22 2.32 15.5 11.17 4.13 5.17 7.21 1.37 2.17 8.7 3.18 2.5 6.35 8.15 9.19 6.24 unconquerable later other other other over'what is unavoidable numerous unlimited to the undeserving open lose without limit inactivity the state of non returning to worship justified is able by devoting mind and intellect dependence on any object greedy for riches doubtless temporary non-existence completely

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary asesena Asita asnute asrada-dhanah astikyam asusrusave atandritah atapaskaya atatvarthavat athava ati-adbhutam atimanita atindriyam atistha ati-svapnasilasya atitaranti atitya ativa ativartate atma aupamyena 4.35 10.13 3.4 9.3 18.42 18.67 3.23 18.67 18.22 6.42 18.77 16.3 6.21 4.4 6.16 13.25 14.2 12.2 6.44 6.32 without exception father of the sage Devala attain without faith belief that god exists to one who does no service free from laziness and sleep;energetically to one who has not performed austerities unconcerned with truth or highly mysterious and wonderful haughtiness beyond the perception of senses transcendent and divine undertake one who is prone to sleep and dreaming beyond limits overcome having gone beyond very transcends criteria one would apply to one

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary atma-suddhayae 5.11 atma-vibhutayah 10.1 atmavisuddhaye atyaginam atyantam atyartham atyasnatah avachya vadan avadhyah avagaccha avahasa artham avajnatam avapasyasi avapnoti avapsyatha avaptavyam avaptum avapya avapyate avaram avasadayeth avasah 6.12 18.12 6.28 7.17 6.16 2.36 2.3 10.41 11.42 17.12 2.33 15.8 3.11 3.22 6.36 2.8 12.5 2.49 6.5 3.5 for purifying the heart of your own manifestations for purifying self to those who do not practise charity and sacrifice supreme very much for one who eats in excess indecent words can never be killed know in fun with insult you will commit obtains you shall achieve to be obtained to obtain having obtained achieved inferior denigrate under pressure

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary avasam avasisyate avastabhya avasthatum avasthitah avasthitam avatisthati avibhaktam avijneyam avikampena avikaryah avinasdyantam avyabhicharena 9.8 7.2 9.8 1.3 9.4 15.11 14.23 13.16 13.15 10.7 2.25 13.27 14.26 powerless there remains holding under control to stand arrayed existing acts undivided incomprehensible unfaltering unalterable indestructible through the unwavering unfaltering which is unfailing in My unmanifested form from the unmanifested of nature imperishable of that which is immutable in the divisions of the army infamy incorrectly

avyabhicharini 13.1 avyabhicharinya 18.37 avyakta-murtina 9.4 avyaktat avyavatma avyayam avyayasya ayanesu ayashah ayatha vat 12.5 4.6 2.21 2.17 1.11 10.5 18.31

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary ayatih ayuktasya ayuktasya baalaah baddhah badhnati badhyate bahavah bahih bahu damstra karalam bahu-baahu-uru padam bahudha bahula-ayssam bahumatah bahuna bahunam bahu-shakaah bahu-udaram 6.37 2.66 2.66 5.4 16.12 14.6 4.14 1.9 5.27 11.23 11.23 not energetic for one who lacks concentration for one who lacks concentration children bound it binds becomes bound many outside terrible with many teeth having many arms, thighs and feet .The reference is to the cosmic vision of the lord. variously very strenuous acceptable elaborately of many with many branches the reference is to the cosmic form of the lord ;with many bellies various kinds

9.15 18.24 2.35 10.42 7.19 2.41 11.23

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary bahya-sparsesu balam balavan balavatam bandham bandhuh bhaavesu bhah bhaiksyam bhajatam bhaktah bhaktiman bhakti-yogena bhakty upahratam Bharata Bharatarsabha 5.21 1.1 16.14 7.11 18.3 6.5 10.17 11.12 2.5 10.1 4.3 12.1 14.26 9.26 1.24 3.41 the touch; external ; external objects strength man of strength of the strong bondage relative, friend in moods radiance on alms those who worship devotee who is wholly devoted by the yoga of devotion presented with devotion scion of Bharata dynasty Best of Bharatas; nameof Arjuna. name of Arjuna name of Arjuna. supporter description radiance

Bharata-sattama 18.4 Bharata-srestha 17.12 bhartaa bhasa bhasah 9.16 2.54 11.12

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary bhasase bhasayate bhasmasat bhasvata bhava bhava samanvitah bhava samsuddhih bhavah bhavah bhavaih bhavam bhavan bhavana bhavapyayau bhavisyatam bhaya-abhaye bhayam bhayanakani bhayavahah bhedam bheryah Bhima-abhi rakshitam 2.11 15.6 4.37 10.11 2.45 10.8 17.16 10.4 2.16 7.13 7.15 1.8 2.66 11.2 10.34 18.3 10.4 11.27 3.35 17.7 1.13 1.1 you speak illumines to ashes with the radiant lamp of knowledge fixed full of fervour the purity of heart existence being by nature nature respected you meditation origin birth and death of future things to come fear and fearlessness fear terrible that which causes fear classification kettle drums used in the war in the care of Bhima

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Bhima-Arjuna samah bhimakarma bhinna Bhisma 1.4 1.15 7.4 1.11 equals of Bhima and Arjuna of fearful deeds is divided The chief warrior of the kaurava army; the scion of the family; He is the eighth son of King Sanatanu in front of Bhisma and Drona fits of fear frightened one attainment of enjoyment and prosperity of those who are addicted to enjoyment and wealth of enjoyments enjoyments one who enjoys food you will enjoy one who enjoys one who enjoys the fruits enjoyment of happiness to live and enjoy rotating

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Bhisma-Drona pramukhatah bhita-bhithah bhitam bhoga-aisvarya gatim bhoga-aisvaryaprasaktanam bhogaih bhogan bhogi bhojanam bhoksyase bhokta bhoktaram bhoktrutve bhoktum bhraamayan

1.25 11.35 11.5 2.43 2.44 1.32 2.5 16.14 17.1 2.37 9.24 5.29 13.2 2.5 18.61

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary bhramati Bhrguh bhruvoh bhumih bhungte bhunjanam bhutabhartr bhutadim bhuta-ganan bhuta-gramam bhutamaheswaram bhutanam bhutani bhuta-prakrtimoksam bhuta-prthak bhavam bhuta-sargau bhutasthah bhut-bhrt bhutejyah bhutesa bhutesu 1.3 10.25 5.27 7.4 3.12 15.1 13.16 9.13 17.4 9.8 9.11 4.6 2.28 13.34 13.3 16.6 9.5 9.5 9.25 10.15 7.11 whirls name of a sage. of the eye-brows earth enjoys enjoying supporter of beings origin of all objects the hordes of spirits the five elements of creationearth, water, fire, air and space the Lord of all beings of beings all beings liberation of beings from Prakrti diversity of living things creation of beings contained in the beings supporter of beings worshippers of elemental forceslike earth etc; the Lord of beings among beings

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary bhutih bhuvi bhuyah bibharti bijam bija-pradah boddhavyam bodhayantah brahma samsparsam brahma-agnau brahma-bhu tam 18.78 18.69 2.2 15.17 7.1 14.4 4.17 10.9 6.28 4.24 6.27 prosperity in the world again and again; more earnestly supports seed who plants the seed to be known enlightening contact with Brahman in the fire of Brahman who has identified himself with Brahman the disciplined life according to the scriptures,when the student studies at the master here the word brahma is indicative of the person of knowledge and knowledgeprofession; duties of Brahmanas the yogic practice by wich the supreme is realized. The supreme force of creation; the unmanifest force

brahmacharyam 8.11



Brahma-karma samadhina Brahman

4.24 3.15

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary brahmana brahmana ksatriya-visam 4.24 18.41 by Brahman The three social categoriesknowledge worker; the warrior and the traders and service providers - the Brahmanas, the Ksatriyas and the Vaisyas identification with Brahman Brahma-sutra is a vedanta work; the formulae in this work and sentences of this work which lead to the knowledge of the Brahman of those who interpret the Vedas knowers of Brahman of Brahman with Brahma as its source brothers I speak you speak Brahaspati; Teacher of gods the foremost of the Sama hymns. tell

brahmanirvaanam brahma-sutra padaih

2.72 13.4

brahma-vadinam 17.24 brahma-vidah 8.24 brahmi 2.72 brahmodbhavan 3.15 bratrn bravimi bravisi Brhaspatim Brhat-Sama bruhi 1.26 1.7 10.13 10.24 10.35 2.7

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary buddhau 2.45 buddhi-bhedam 3.26 buddhi-grahyam 6.21 buddhim buddhiman buddhi-matam buddhi-nashah buddhi-yogam buddhi-yogat buddhi-yukta buddhva budhah cchandasam cchandobhih cchetta cchinna-abhram 3.2 4.18 7.1 2.63 10.1 2.49 2.5 3.43 5.22 10.35 13.4 6.39 6.38 sheltering in the wisdom doubt in understanding, confusion, second thought can be grasped by intellect intellect man of wisdom of the wise people loss of wisdom possession of wisdom from the yoga of wisdom possessed of wisdom after understanding the wise one of the metres vedic texts the dispeller scattered cloud free from doubts whose doubts have been dispelled

cchinnasamsaya 18.2 ccinna-dvaidha 5.25

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary chaila-ajina kusauttaram 6.11 cloth, deer skin and kusa grass placed to fom one seat.These are offered to the respected guests as a mark of holy welcome. with disc in hand , Krishna wheel, disc, weapon of that shape. holding a disc, A name for krishna who used the disc weapon as his favorite eyes army restless owing to mental restlessness lunar light in the moon bow moving and non-me ring moving and non-moving moving practise the wandering moves about with four arms

chakra-hastam chakram chakrinam

11.46 3.16 11.17

chaksuh chamum chanchalam chanchalatvat chandramasam Chandramasi chapam chara-acharam chara-acharasya charam charanti charatam charati chaturbhujena

5.27 1.3 6.26 6.33 8.25 15.12 1.47 10.39 11.43 13.15 8.11 2.67 2.71 11.46

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary chaturvidam chaturvidhah chatvarah Chekitanah cheshtate chet chetana chetasa chikrisuh chintayet chintyantah chitrarathah. chittam churnitaih chyavanti dadami dadasi dahati daityanam daivah . daivam daivim daksah 15.4 7.16 10.6 1.5 3.33 2.33 10.22 8.8 3.25 6.25 9.22 10.26 6.18 11.27 9.24 10.1 9.27 2.23 10.3 16.6 4.25 9.13 12.6 of four kinds four classes the four a renowned warrior in the army of the Pandavas behaves if intelligence mentally being desirous let him think becoming meditative Chief of the Gandharvas the mind crushed they fail I give you give burns among the demons divine for the gods, related to gods divine who is clever

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary daksinayanam 8.25 southwardly movement of the sun with reference to the earth as the center of reference. promptness self-control addicted to ostentation and pride

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daksyam damah dambha ahankara samyuktah dambhah dambha-mana mada-anvitah dambhartham dambhena danakriyah danam danavah dandah darpah darpam darsana kanksinah darsaya dars'ayamasa dars'itam dasanantaresu dasyante

18.43 10.4 17.5

16.4 16.1 17.12 16.17 17.25 10.5 10.14 10.38 26.4 16.18 11.52 11.4 11.9 11.47 11.27 3.12

ostentation filled with vanity, conceit and arrogance for ostentation with ostentation charitable acts charity 'demons the rod pride of wealth conceit eager to see show showed has been shown between the teeth will give

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary datavyam dattam daya deha-bhrt dehabhrta dehah deham dehantarapraptih dehasamud bhavan dehavadbhih dehi dese Deva devaanaam Devadattam 17.2 17.28 16.2 14.14 18.11 2.18 4.9 2.13 14.2 12.5 2.22 6.11 11.15 10.2 1.15 ought to be given offered in charity kindness an embodied one for one who maintains a body bodies body getting another body which are having for their source the body- bodily born by the embodied ones the embodied being place Gods, living at the heaven of the gods the name of the conch used by Arjuna. It was called Devadatta or God- given because it was gifted to him by Indra. 0, God of gods of the God of gods the gods wealth

Devadeva Devadevasya devatah dhanam

10.15 11.13 4.12 16.13

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary dhana-mana mada-anvitah Dhananjaya 16.17 2.47 full of pride and arrogance of wealth A name of Arjuna. It means one who has conquered wealth. Arjuna is so called because he acquired much wealth-human, divine, material and spiritualunder the guidance of lord srikrishna. bow the wielder of the bow I support one controls noble soul not opposed to righteousness mind confused by incorrect understanding of the rules regarding the duty to be performed according to dharma.dharma-samsthapanarthaya righteousness, lust and wealth in the holy field of dharma

dhanuh dhanurdharah dharayami dharayate dharma atma dharma aviruddah dharma sammudhachetah

1.2 18.78 15.13 18.33 9.31 7.11 2.7

dharma-kamaarthan Dharmakshetre

18.34 1.1

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary dharmam 18.31 righteousness. Code of conduct governing the rights and responsibilities of individuals in society. : it stands for that collective Indian conception of the religious, social and moral rule of conduct , the law of selfdiscipline and endeavor dharmic

dharmasya dharme dharmyam dharmyamrtam dharmyat Dhartarastrasya dharyate dhata dhataram dhirah dhiram Dhrstaketuh

2.3 1.4 2.33 12.2 2.31 1.23 7.5 9.17 8.9 2.13 2.15 1.5

of dharma in righteousness conducive to righteousness eternal wisdom than righteous of the sons of Dhrtarastra- the king of the hastina town. is supposed dispenser the ordainer a wise person the wise man name of a king on the pandava side. Brother-in-law of Nakula. He was the king of the Cedi tribe.

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Dhrtarastrah 1.1 Eldest son of Vichitravirya and Ambika. He married Gandhari. Dhrtarastra was blind. But he was the king of the kurus. Duryodhana is his son. firmness unfailing eternal smoke smoke through meditation by thinking having the brilliance of the fire and the sun with a mouth from which blazing fire is coming out as if, holding many uplifted divine weapons annointed with divine perfumes divine by defects and imperfections evil sinful with sin

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dhrtim dhruva dhruvam dhumah dhumah dhyanena dhyayantah dipta-anala-arka dhyutim dipta-hutasa vaktram divya-aneka udhyata-ayu dham divya-gandha anu-lepanam divyam doshaih . dosham doshavat doshena

11.24 18.78 2.27 8.25 8.25 13.24 12.6 11.17 11.19 11.1

11.11 4.9 1.43 1.38 18.3 18.48

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary drastum Draupadeyah 11.3 1.6 to see sons of Draupadi. Draupadi was the wife of the pandavas. She was the daughter of Draupada, king of Panchala. Despite her dark complexion, she had a divine beauty which attracted numerous princes to her. She was married to the five Pandavas and by each of The commander-in-chief of the Kurus at the battle of Kurukshetra. He was the preceptor of Arjuna in military science firm in their beliefs firm with strength Drupada was the king of Panchala . he was the father in law of the pandavas. seen before you have seen view by seeing sorrow



druda vratah drudam drudena Drupadah

7.28 6.34 15.3 1.4

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drusta-purvam drustavan drustim drustva dukham

11.47 11.52 16.9 1.2 5.6

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary durasadam durgatim durlabhataram durniriksyam duskrtam duskrtinah. dusprapa duspurena dustasu dvandvah dvandva-moha vinir-muktah dvandvamohena dvandvatitah dvaram dvau dvesah dvesti dvesyah 3.43 6.4 6.42 11.17 4.8 7.15 6.36 3.39 1.41 10.33 7.28 7.27 4.22 16.21 15.16 13.6 2.57 9.29 difficult to control sad end very difficult difficult to see of the wicked ones evil doers hard to achieve which is insatiable corrupted a compound of two or more words being liberated from the delusion of duality by the delusion of duality having gone beyond the dualities door two aversion hates hateful

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Dvijottama 1.7 0, best of the twice-born or the Brahmin. The second birth is into the world of knowledge and mysticism. . The individual born as a child of nature grows up into his spiritual manhood and becomes a child of lightby the process of refinement attained b

dvisatah 16.19 dvi-vidha 3.3 dyava-prthivyoh 11.2 dyutam edha-msi ekam eka-ntam ekastham esyasi esyati etaih eti evam evam vidah evam-rupah 10.36 4.37 3.2 6.16 11.7 8.7 18.68 1.43 4.9 1.24 11.53 11.48

hateful two kinds of between heaven and earth gambling wooden pieces single at all concentrated at one place you will come he will come from these attains thus in this manner in this form

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary gaam gadinam gajendranam gamyate gandhah garbham gariyah gariyan gariyase gata-agatam gatah gata-rasam gata-sandehah gatasangasya gatasun gatavyathah gatih gatim gavi gehe ghatayati ghoram 15.13 11.17 10.27 5.5 7.9 14.3 2.6 11.43 11.37 9.21 8.15 17.1 18.73 4.23 2.11 12.16 4.17 6.37 5.18 6.41 2.21 11.49 the earth holding a mace, a name of vishnu among the elephants is reached fragrance seed which caused the birth of all things better greater than who is greater going and returning who have attained ne which has lost it's taste and essence with doubts dispelled who has abandoned attachment the departed who is fearless the real nature goal onacow in the house cause to be killed terrible

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary ghosah ghraanam giram gitam glanih ghnatah Govinda grasishnu guhyam guhyanam guhyatamam guhyataram gunapravrdhah gunatitah guruh guruna hanih hanisye hanta hantaram hanti hantum hanyate hanyuh haranti harati 1.19 15.9 10.25 13.4 4.7 1.35 1.32 13.16 11.1 10.3 9.1 18.63 15.2 14.25 11.43 6.22 2.68 16.14 10.19 2.19 2.19 1.35 2.19 1.46 2.6 2.67 uproar nose of words sung about decline killed name of one who devours secret of secret things highest secret more secret strengthened by gunas gone beyond the gunas teacher bythe master / by the great eradication I shall kill now the killer kill to kill killed kill carry away carries away

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Hareh 18.77 Harih 11.9 harsa-amarsa12.15 bhaya-udvegaih harsam harsa-sokaanvitah hastat hastini hatah hatam hatan hatva havih hayaih hetavah hetuh hetumadbhih hetuna Himalayah himsam himsatmakah hinasti hita-kamyaya 1.12 18.27 1.29 5.18 2.37 2.9 11.34 1.31 4.24 1.14 18.5 13.2 13.4 9.1 16.25 18.25 18.27 13.28 10.1 of Narayana Narayana from joy, impatience, fear and worry joy liable to joy and sorrow from the hand on an elephant has been killed the killed killed by killing oblation horses causes cause by the rational for this reason The great mountains-the abode of snow. harm naturally cruel harm wishing your welfare

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary hitam hitva hrdayadaurbalyam hrdayani hrd-dese hrdhyah hrdi hrih Hrsikesa hrsitah hrstaroma hrsyami hrsyati hrta-jnanah hrtoh hrtstham hryate hutam iccha iccha-dvesa samutthena icchantah icchasi icchati idam 18.64 2.33 2.3 1.19 18.61 17.8 8.12 16.2 11.36 11.45 11.14 18.16 12.17 7.2 1.35 4.42 6.44 18.64 12.9 7.27 8.11 11.7 7.21 1.1 beneficial abandoning mean weakness of the heart the hearts in the area of the heart agreeable in the heart modesty name of Krishna. delighted with hairs standing on end I rejoice rejoices deprived of their wisdom for the sake of in the heart carried forward offered in sacrifice desire by what originates from likes and dislikes desiring to know you would desire desires this

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary idanim idrk idrsam idyam ihante ihate ijyate ijyaya iksate Iksvakave 11.51 11.49 2.32 11.44 16.12 7.22 17.11 11.53 6.29 4.1 now so much like this worthy of worship they strive indulges in performed by sacrifices sees to Iksvaku who was the first among the kings of the solar dynasty from the objects of senses sense objects which can be felt and experienced who is happy in enjoying the pleasures of the senses; not going beyond it. objects of senses among the objects of senses activities of senses flickers lord of creatures dear

indriya2.58 arthebhyah indriya.gocharah 13.5 indriya-aramah 3.16

indriya-arthan 3.6 indriya-arthasu 5.9 indriya-karmani 4.27 ingate isam istah 6.19 11.15 18.64

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary ista-ka-ma dhuk 3.1 giver of desired objects.The reference is to the mystic desire yielding cow at heaven. the desirable with arrows godliness God another of the world 0 Lord of Universe world those who are involved in low quality actions one who keeps awake too long keeps awake defeat The Ganges. The Ganges is the 39th longest river of the world and the 15th longest in Asia with a lenqth of 2506 kilometres.But, from the point of view of sacredness, it is a river without a rival. Lord Krishna says, in the Bhagavad Gita, (Chapter 10, Ve person

istam isubhih isvarabhavah isvarah itarah jaagratah Jagannivasa jagat jaghanya guna vrttasthah jagratah jagrati jahi Jahnavi

18.12 2.4 18.43 4.6 3.21 7.6 11.25 7.5 14.18 6.16 2.69 3.43 19.31

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary janan janati jane janma-karma phala pradam janma-mrtyu jara-vyadhi duhkha- dosa anu-darsanam jantavah japa-yajnah jara jatasya jatu jaya-ajayau Jayadrata 8.27 15.19 11.25 2.43 has known knows know result in rebirth as the fruit of their actions of birth janma-mrtyu and misery seeing the evil in birth, death, old age, diseases and sorrows


5.15 10.25 2.13 2.27 2.12 2.38 11.34

jayah jayante jayeha jayema jetasi jhasanam

10.36 14.12 2.6 2.6 11.34 10.31

the creatures ritual of meditation oldage of one who is born at anytime victory and defeat king of Sindhu, A warrior of kaurava side; he was killed by Arjuna . splendour come into existence they should conquer we should conquer you shall conquer among the whales -that type of water form of life

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary jinanagnih jitah jivabhutam jivaloke jivanam jivati jnana dipena jnana-chaksusa jnana-dipite jnanam jnana-nirdhuta kalmasah jnana-sangena jnanasina jnanavan jnana-vijnana nasanam jnana-vijnana trpta-atma 4.37 5.19 7.5 15.7 7.9 3.16 10.11 15.1 4.27 18.5 5.1 14.6 4.42 3.33 3.41 6.8 the fire of knowledge has been conquered which appears in the shape of individual souls in the world of the living life, water lives with the lamp of knowledge those with eyes of wisdom which has been enlightened by knowledge the knowledge their dirt having been removed by knowledge through attachment to knowledge with the sword of knowledge man of wisdom destroyer of knowledge and discrimination whose mind is pleased with knowledge and realization

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary jnana-yajnah 4.33 sacrifice in which knowledge is substituted for all the materials of the sacrifice; or the knowledge acquiring-distributionpreservation is considered equivalent ot sacrifice. perseverence in knowledge- yoga man of knowledge of the wise will know to be known to be known having known should be known to be known he should make them work offer fire superior is superior light time at any time

jnana-yoga vyavasthitih jnani jnaninah jnasyasi jnatavyam jnatum jnatva jneyah jneyam josayet juhvati jvalanam jyayah jyayasi jyotih kaalam kadachit

16.1 7.16 3.39 7.1 7.2 11.54 4.15 5.3 1.39 3.26 4.26 11.29 3.8 3.1 8.24 8.23 2.2

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary kala-anala samnibhani kalah kalayatam kalevaram kalpadau kalpa-ksaye kalpate kalyana-krt kam kamah 11.25 10.3 10.3 8.5 9.7 9.7 2.15 6.4 2.21 2.62 resembling the flames of dissolution time among calculators of time body at the start of a yuga cosmic time cycle at the end of a cosmic time cycle becomes worthy doing good whom Desire. Cupid; basic universal desire which prompts action and pleasures. 0, you, having eyes like lotus petals. This is an attribute of lord vishnu because his eyes are beautiful like a lotus and of the shape of the leaf of the lotus. seated on lotus with minds full of desire

Kamala-patraksa 11.2

kamalasana stham kamatmanah

11.15 2.43

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary kama-upabhoga 16.11 paramah kamepsuna Kandarpah kapidhvajah 18.24 10.28 1.2 absorbed in the enjoyment of objects by one desiring results God of love, cupid Arjuna, so-called because his flag had the emblem of Hanuman the great monkey god. the sage Kapila who is the founder of the samkhya system of philosophy. organs of actions causes Action. An analysis of karma is given in Gita - verses chapter 3(27-29) ; chap 4-(16-18); (6-14) followed by action becomes action-bound from bondages of actions attachment to the fruit of action



karanam karanani karma

18.14 18.13 2.49

karma anubandhini karma bandhanah karma bandhanaih karma phala asangam

15.2 3.9 9.28 4.2

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary karma phalam 5.12 karma 3.14 samudbhavah karma-bandham 2.39 karma-chodana 18.18 karma-indriyani 3.6 karmaja karmajam karmajan karmanah karmanam karmani karma-phala prepsuh karma-phala samyogam karma-phala tyagai karmaphalahetuh karmasangrahah 4.12 2.51 4.32 3.2 3.4 2.47 2.47 5.14 12.12 2.47 18.18 fruits of action born of action the bond of action incentive for action organs of action from action caused by actions arising from action to action from actions duty who desires the results of actions association with the results of actions renunciation of the fruits of action fruits of action as the motive understanding of actions

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary karma-sanjnitah 8.3 karma-sanyasam 5.2 karmayogam Karna 3.7 1.8 meaning of action over renunciation of action karma yoga- Ref.Gita (2-38,47,48 ,51), One of the chief warriors of kaurava army ; the friend of duryodhana ; By relation he was the eldest of the pandava brothers; He was well known for his charity and generosity. 1 do act draws to itself agent agency to do one who is kind to all creatures duty and what is not duty work to be done to work form perhaps King of Kasi -A warrior.

karomi karoti karsati kartaram kartrtvam kartum karunah karya-akarye karyam karyate karye kas'chit Kasirajah

5.8 4.2 15.7 4.13 5.14 1.45 12.13 18.3 3.17 3.5 18.22 2.17 1.5

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary kasmalam kasmat kas'yah katarat kathanyatah kathaya katva-amla lavan atyusnatiksna ruksavidahinah kaumaram Kaunteya kausalam kavayah kavim kavinam kayam Kesava Kesavasya kham kilbisam kimacharah kimchit kireetee kiritinam 2.2 11.37 1.17 2.6 10.9 10.18 17.9 dejection 'why Kasya, king of Kasi. which when he was speaking describe to me the tastes of bitter, sour, salty, very hot, pungent, dry and irritating boyhood 0, son of Kunti; name of Arjuna cleverness the wise ones the omniscient of the omniscient body Name of Krishnaof Kesava space sin of what conduct anything the crowned one; Arjuna wearing a diadem

2.18 2.14 2.5 4.16 8.9 10.37 11.4 1.3 11.35 7.4 4.21 14.21 4.2 11.35 11.17

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary kirtayantah kirtim klaibhyam kledayanti Klesah kratuh kripaya kriyate krodhah Krpah Krsna 9.14 2.33 2.3 2.23 1.25 9.16 1.27 17.18 2.62 1.8 1.28 extolling reputation cowardice to make wet the struggle a sacrifice with pity undertaken anger brother-in-law of Drona Krishna is the eighth avatar of Vishnu, the son of Vasudeva, brother of Kunti, and Devaki, cousin of Kamsa. Krishna is "the most celebrated hero of Indian mythology and the most popular of all deities." Krishna is "a divinity of remarkable psychologic the dark fortnight to be pitied with folded hands duties done done with firmness

Krsnah krupanah kruta-anjalih kruta-krutyah krutam kruta-nischayah

8.25 2.49 11.14 15.2 4.15 2.37

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary krutena krutsna-karmakrt krutsnam krutsnasya krutsnavat krutsna-vit krutva ksahmi ksanam ksatra-karma kshama kshantih ksharam kshayam kshemataram kshetram kshetri kshina-kalmasah kshine kshipami kshudram ksipram kuladharmah 3.18 4.18 1.4 7.6 18.22 3.19 2.38 12.13 3.5 18.43 10.4 13.7 15.18 18.25 1.46 13.1 13.33 5.25 9.21 16.19 2.3 4.12 1.4 with action doer of all actions whole of the whole as if it were all one who knows the All having acted who is forgiving moment duties of Ksatriyas forgiveness forgiveness the perishable destruction,loss better option and safer field knower of the field whose sins have been destroyed on the exhaustion I throw mean quickly family rituals

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary kulaghnanam kulaks aye 1.42 1.4 of those who have destroy the family in the process of the destruction of a family the defects in the act of the destruction of a family family . women of the family of the family the name of a warrior Yudhishtira, son of Kunti undertake In Kurukshetra. Name of the place where the Mahabharata war wasfought. The discourse between Krishna and Arjuna was held here before the war began. Kurukshetra has been described in the Mahabharata as bounded by the rivers Sarasvati on eldest members of the kuru family should do how tortoise

kulaksayakrtam 1.38 kulam kulastriyah kulasya Kuntibhojah Kuntiputrah Kuru Kurukshetra 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.5 1.16 2.48 1.1

Kuruvrddhah kuryat kutah kuurmah

1.12 3.2 2.2 2.58

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary labdha labdham labdhva labha-alabhau labham labhante labhasva labhate labhe labhet labhyah laghavam lelihyase limpanti lingaih lipyate lobhah lobhopahata chetasah loka maheswaram lokah loka-ksya-krt lokam loka-sangraham 18.73 16.13 4.39 2.38 6.22 2.32 11.33 4.39 11.25 18.8 8.22 2.35 11.3 4.14 14.21 5.7 14.12 1.36 10.3 3.9 11.32 9.33 3.2 has been regained has been gained obtaining gain and loss gain attain you gain attains find acquire reached fall into disgrace you lick your lips taint signs tainted greed minds deluded by greed great Lord of the worlds man destroying the world world guidance of mankind

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary lokasya lokat loka-trayam 5.24 12.15 11.2 of all beings by the world three worlds namely the Earth, Intermediate Space and Heaven deprived of the offering of riceballs and water to the manes do not gentleness The lunar season relating to December-January. sacrifice to me taking refuge in me one who takes refuge in me pride and arrogance for my blessings your offer to me for me devoted to me to my devotees devotion to me through their thoughts on me my state for my state

luptapindodaka kriyah ma maardavam Maarga-shirsah mad - yaaji mad -ashrayah mad vyapasrayah madam mad-anugrahaya mad-arpanam mad-artham mad-bhaktah mad-bhaktesu mad-bhaktim mad-bhavah mad-bhavam mad-bhavhya

1.42 2.3 16.2 10.35 9.34 7.1 18.56 18.35 11.1 9.27 12.1 9.34 18.68 18.54 10.6 4.1 13.18

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary mad-gata-pranah 10.9 mad-gatena Madhava Madhusudana madh-yajinah madhyam mad-yogam maha-baho mahabhutani 6.47 1.37 1.35 9.25 10.2 12.11 2.26 13.5 whose lives are dedicated to me fixed on me One of the thousand names of Vishnu( Krishna). name of Krishna. those who worship me middle to the yoga for me O, mighty armed one, name of Arjuna The great elements which constitute the universe, namely, the ether, air, fire, water and earth. They are present in the entire universe though not evenly distributed. the great Brahman great womb great noble minded great sinner great warriors the great sages groups of great sages

mahad-brahma mahadh-yonih mahan mahanubhavan maha-papma maharathah maharsayah maharsi-siddha sangah

14.3 14.4 9.6 2.5 3.37 1.4 10.2 11.21

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary mahasankham mahashanah mahatmanah mahatmyam maheekrute mahesvasah maheswarah mahiksitam mahimanam mahipate maitrah makarah malena mamakah mamakam mamikam mamsyante mana apamanayoh manah manah-pranen driya-kriyah manah-prasadah 1.15 3.37 11.12 11.2 1.35 1.4 13.22 1.25 11.41 1.2 12.13 10.31 3.38 1.1 15.12 9.7 2.35 6.7 1.3 18.33 17.16 the great conch, named Paundra all-consuming of the great soul glory for the earth wielding great bows the great God rulers of the earth greatness O, king he who is friendly shark by dirt my mine to mine will think in honour and dishonour mind functions of the mind, life, forces and organs tranquility of mind

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary manah-shasthani 15.7 manasa manasah manasam Manavah manavah Manave mandaan mani-ganah manisinah manogatan manoratham mantavyah mantra-hinam manusam manuse-loke manusim manusyaloke manusyanam manusyesu manyate maranat Marichi 3.6 10.6 17.61 10.6 3.31 4.1 3.29 7.7 2.51 2.55 16.13 9.3 17.13 11.51 16.2 9.11 15.2 1.44 4.18 2.19 2.34 10.21 which have the mind as their sixth sense mentally from mind mental to Manu men to Manu of poor intellect pearls on string, necklace learned persons desires, which have entered the mind desired object to be considered where mantras are not recited human in the human world human into the world of men among men of men thinks than death Marichi - name of the chief of Maruts

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary martya-lokam Marutah masaanam mata mata matah matam mat-chittah matih mat-paramh mat-samstham matsthani matulah matva maunam mauni mayaya mayaya medhah medhavi Meruh misram mithya 9.21 11.6 10.35 3.1 9.17 6.32 3.31 10.9 6.36 12.2 6.15 9.4 1.34 3.28 10.38 12.19 7.15 7.14 10.34 18.1 10.23 18.12 18.59 human world a group of wind gods of the lunar based caluculation of the months thought mother is regarded teaching with minds fixed on me faith, mind who regards me (as the Supreme Goal) which abides in me abide in me maternal uncles thinking silence one who is silent by maya Cosmic illusion intelligence intelligent person Mountain of gods;golden mountain the mixed vain, false hood

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary mithya-acharah 3.6 mitradrohe 1.38 modisye mogha- jnanah moghakarmanah mogham moha-jala samavrutah moha-kalilam moham mohanam mohayasi moksa-kanksibhih moksam moksaparayanah moks'aya moksayase moksayisyami mrityum mriyate mrtasya 16.15 9.12 9.12 3.16 16.16 2.52 4.35 14.8 3.2 17.25 18.1 5.28 7.29 4.16 18.66 13.25 2.2 2.27 a hypocrite cheating and treacherytowards friends I shall hopes of vain knowledge of vain actions in vain trapped in the web of ilusion confusion of delusion delusion delusive you confuse me by persons desiring salvation salvation fully desiring salvation for freedom from old age and deathyou will be liberated I shall liberate you death dies of the dead

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary mrtyu-samsara vart-mani mrtyu-samsarasagarat mruganam mrugendra mrutam muchyante muda-yonisu muhuh muhyati mukham mukhani mukhyam mukta sangah muktah muktam muktasya muktva mulani mumuksubhih munayah munih murdhani muuda-grahena na 9.3 12.7 10.3 10.3 2.29 3.13 14.16 18.76 2.13 1.28 11.25 10.24 3.9 5.28 18.4 4.23 8.5 15.2 4.15 14.1 2.56 8.12 17.19 1.32 along the path of the living mortals from the sea of the mortal world of death among animals lion dead become freed in the wombs of the foolish moment is deluded face, opening, mouth faces, moths , openings the most important free from attachment liberated freed of the liberated person by abandoning roots seekers of salvation monks monk in the head with a foolish purpose not

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary nabhah nabhah-sprsam naganam naiskarmya siddhim naiskarmyam naiskritikah naisthikim Nakulah 1.19 11.24 10.29 18.49 3.4 18.28 5.12 1.11 sky reaching heaven among snakes or the elephants or the people of this class supreme state of freedom from duties freedom from action cruel arising from firmness Nakula and Sahadeva were the twin brothers born to Madri, second wife of King Pandu. bow down type of meditation i which the name of the lord is repeated . Such repetition is also considered equivalent to the ritualistic sacrifice. lowest among men

namaskuru nama-yajnaih

9.34 16.17



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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Naradah 10.13 A divine sage-Devarishi. He was the son of Brahma and devotee of Vishnu. Narada was an expert in law and the author of the book, Naradiya Dharma-Sastra. A book explaining the true secret of devotion and how the devotee should behave is also associated w of hell. In Verse 21 of Chapter XVI Krishna says that lust, anger and greed constitute the triple gates of hell and therefore one should avoid these.Seven hells are listed in the texts. These are the places where the dead suffer punishment for their evil in hell heroes of the world men among men the best among men of the woman



narake nara-loka virah naranam narapungavah narinam

1.44 11.28 10.27 1.5 10.34

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary nasa-abhyantara 5.27 charinau nasanam nasayami nastan nasthah nas'yati nava-dvare 16.21 10.11 3.32 4.2 6.38 5.13 that which goes through the nostrils destroyer I destroy to have been ruined is lost is ruined This word refers to the human body which has nine entry-exit points for the life to enter in to this mortal coil . The nine gates are the two eyes, two new ones being strongly body binds for binding purpose only learn death originating from sleep,lethargy and indifference he attains control are withdrawn I withdraw

navani nibaddah nibadhnati nibandhaya nibodha nidhanam nidra-alasya pramada uttham nigacchati nigrahah nigrhitani nigrhnami

2.22 18.6 14.7 4.41 1.7 3.35 18.39

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9.31 3.33 2.68 9.19

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary nihatah nihatya nihspruhah nimisan nimitta-matram nimittani nindantah nirasih nirgunam nirgunatvat nirikshe niruddam nirvairah nirvedam nirvikarah nis'chala nischarati nis'chayam nischayena nis'chitam nischitya nishs'reyasa karau nistraigunyah nitih 11.33 1.36 2.71 5.9 11.33 1.3 2.36 3.3 13.14 13.31 1.22 6.2 11.55 2.52 18.26 2.53 6.26 18.4 6.23 2.7 3.2 5.2 2.45 10.38 have been surely killed by killing free from covetousness shutting the eyes merely a tool omens while deprecating free from hope without quality devoid of qualities observe controlled who is free from enmity dispassion un perturbed unshakable wanders certainly with firmness firm for certain lead to salvation Free from the three qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas right policy

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary nityah nityajatam nityam nitya-sanyasi nitya-truptah nitya-vairina nityayuktah nitya-yuktasya nivaasah nivartante nivartanti nivartitum nivasisyasi nivata-sthah nivesaya nivruttani nivruttim niyaman niyatah niyataharah niyatam niyata-manasah niyatasya niyatatmabhih no 2.2 2.26 2.2 5.3 4.2 3.39 7.17 8.14 9.18 8.21 15.4 1.39 12.8 6.19 12.8 14.22 16.7 7.2 7.2 4.3 1.44 6.15 18.7 8.2 17.28 eternal constantly born eternal a man of constant renunciation constant concentration constant enemy constant firmness of constant concentration abode they return return to turn away you will dwell located in a place away from wind rest when they disappear withdrawal methods regulated having their food controlled daily of controlled mind of the daily obligatory duties by controlled minds no

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary nru loke nrushu nu nyayyam ojasa paapah paapa-krittamah paapat paapa-yonayah paapena paatakam pachami pachanti paksinam panava-anaka gomukhah panca Panchajanyam 11.48 7.8 1.35 18.15 15.13 3.13 4.36 1.39 9.32 5.1 1.38 15.14 3.13 10.3 1.13 13.5 1.15 in the world of man in men then righteous through power impure persons the worse sinner from sin born of sin by sin sin digest cook among birds war drums and instruments tabors, drums and horns five Name of Krishna's conch . It is made from the bones of a demon,named Panchajana, wholived under the sea and was killed by Krishna. The sound of this conch created terror in the minds of enemies.

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Pandavah 1.1 Pandavas were the sons of Pandu who was the brother of Dhritarastra and king of Hastinapura. The five sons of Pandu are Yudhisthira,-Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva. learned ones learned of the sons of Pandu than sinners among sinners sinful another's dharma than another's dharma supreme self the best 0 Supreme Lord highest supreme received through a regular succession of tradition scorcher of foes-a name of Arjuna beyond superior

panditah 2.11 panditam 4.19 Panduputranam 1.3 papebhyah papesu papmanam para-dharmah para-dharmat parama-atma paramah Parama-isvara paramam paramam paramparapraptam Parantapa parastat paratah 4.36 6.9 3.4 3.35 3.35 6.7 6.32 11.3 8.3 8.13 4.2 2.3 8.9 3.42

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary parataram parisamapyate parisusyati parjanyah parjanyat parnani Partha parusyam paryaptam paryavatisthate paryupasate paryusitam pasya pasyami pasyan pasyanti pasyatah pasyati pas'yet patangah patanti patram paurusam paurva-dehikam pautran 7.7 4.33 1.28 3.14 3.14 15.1 1.25 16.4 1.1 2.65 4.25 17.1 1.3 1.31 5.8 1.38 2.69 2.29 4.18 11.29 1.42 9.26 7.8 6.43 1.26 higher get merged dries up rainfall from rainfall leaves another name of Arjuna haughtiness limited becomes well established undertake stale behold I see while seeing they see to those who see sees finds moths fall a leaf manliness and courage related to the body of the previous birth grandsons

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary pavakah pavanani pavatam pavitram phala-akanksi phala-hetavah phalam phalani pidaya pita pitamah pitarah pitruunam pitru-vratah praapnuyat prabha prabhaseta prabhavam prabhavisnu prabhuh pradhanyatah pradiptam pradistam pradusyanti pradvisanti praha 2.2 18.5 10.31 4.38 18.34 2.49 2.51 18.6 17.19 9.17 1.12 1.33 10.29 9.25 18.71 7.8 2.54 10.2 3.16 5.14 10.19 11.29 8.28 1.41 16.18 4.1 fire the purifiers among the purifiers purifying desiring their results who are eager for results result results causing pain father grandfather forefathers among the manes followers of the manes shall attain effulgence speak source of emergence the originator the self according to their significance shining ordained by the scripture become impure hate each other told; instructed

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary praharsyet prahasan Prahlada prahrsyati prajah prajahati prajanah prajanati prajapatih prajna prajnam 5.2 2.1 10.3 11.36 3.1 2.55 10.28 18.31 3.1 2.57 2.67 he should be happy with a smile son of the demon king Hiranyakasipu. will become happy the beings when one completely gives up, renounces the projenitor when one realises Father of mankind wisdom final wisdom arising from the knowledge of distinction between self and non-self speech wich imitates the speech of the learned persons is used before shining an illuminator light reveals after praising uncivilized

prajnavadan prajuyyate prak praka-sah prakasakam prakasam prakasayati prakirtya prakritah

2.11 17.26 5.23 7.25 14.6 14.22 5.16 11.36 18.28

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary prakrti sambhavan prakrtih 13.19 7.4 born out of natural temparament and disposition nature; divine power, identified with sakti and maya the source of creation; the form a, expression and power of the Lord which is seated in nature enshrined in nature born of nature speaking final cosmic dissolution that which survives up to the end of the dissolution during dissolution when one dies disappears through carelessness, laziness and sleep carelessness through carelessness authority which causes turbulence is liberated in front

prakrti-stani prakrtisthah prakrutijan pralapan pralayam pralayantam pralaye pralinah praliyate pramada-alasya nidrabhih pramadah pramadat pramanam pramathi pramuchyate pramukhe

15.7 13.21 13.21 5.9 14.14 16.11 14.2 14.15 8.19 14.8

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14.13 11.41 3.21 6.34 5.3 2.6

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary prana-apana 15.14 sama-yuktah prana-apana-gati 4.29 pranakarmani pranam pranamya pranastah pranasyati pranavah pranayama parayanah pranayena pranesu pranidhaya praninam pranipatena 4.27 4.29 11.14 18.72 2.63 7.8 4.29 in conjunction with prana and apana forces of vital air movements of outgoing and inhaling breathsthe life function of the vital organs breath , life force after bowing down self-destroyed he is doomed sacred letter Om Yogic way to control the life force-regularly practising control of the vital forces out of love rising out of intimacy in the vital forces After prostrating - before the elders/gods/learned persons . of creatures by bodily salutation in which the student falls falt on the ground before the master and seeks his blessings

11.41 4.3 11.34 15.14 4.14

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary pranjalayah 1121 saluting with respect-with the hands folded and palms together attains I take refuge- in you those who have taken refuge see well seeing very well with clear mind and sight I see clearly the great grandfather achieved after reaching performs offering prayers without proper care tranquillity I try to propitiate absorbed as the situation arises of one with peace of mind by the grace of whose mind has become completely calm of one who is of cool mind

prapadyate prapadye prapannam prapasya prapasyadbhi prapasyami pra-pitamahah praptah prapya prarabhate prarthayante prasabham prasadam prasadaye prasaktah prasangena prasannacetasah prasannena prasanta manasam prasantasya

7.19 15.4 2.7 11.49 1.39 2.8 11.39 18.5 2.57 18.15 9.2 2.6 2.64 11.44 16.16 18.34 2.65 11.47 6.27 6.7

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary prasantatma prasaste prasavisyadhva m praseeda prasiddhyet prasrtah prasruta pratapanti pratapavan prathitah prati pratijane pratijanihi pratipadyate pratistha pratisthapya pratisthitam pratiyotsyami pratyaksa avagamam pratyanikesu 6.14 17.26 3.1 16.25 3.8 15.2 15.2 11.3 1.12 15.18 2.43 18.65 9.31 14.14 4.27 6.11 3.15 2.4 9.2 11.32 with a peaceful mind auspicious you support each other be pleased will be possible extending has occurred, spread allover burning due to heat and scorching one who has courage well known about; this is an indeclinable form of word. I understand like this You understand like this. he obtains that abode/support in which something dwells having established established I fight against the warriors of the enemy camp directly realisable and experiencable in the armies of the enemies

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary pratyavayah pratyupakara artham pravadanti pravadatam pravartate pravartitam pravestum pravibhaktam pravibhaktani pravillyate pravisanti pravksayami pravrddah pravrittih pravruttah pravruttim pravyathita antara-atma pravyathitam prayana-kale prayata 2.4 17.21 2.42 10.32 5.14 3.16 11.54 11.13 18.41 4.23 2.7 4.16 11.32 14.12 11.32 11.31 11.24 11.2 7.3 8.23 trouble, disturbance, blocking, obstructing expecting reciprocity they speak of those who debate engage in actions set in motion to be entered into differentiated have been grouped is destroyed enter I shall tell grown , improved movement engaged actions becoming agitated in my mind struck with great fear and disturbed at the last moment of death they have also gone by the same path

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary prayat-atmanah 9.26 prayati prayatnat prayuktah 8.5 6.45 3.36 a person who has made efforts to achieve leaves by effort forced to do, empowered, motivated pleased in mind with love who is happy ghosts of deceased persons. after death pleasure, affection O king those who are desirous of pleasing dear dear and beneficial one who does only those deeds which are liked by ; the best amongst such persons. what is pleasing dearer while it is being stated are stated

preeta-manah 11.49 Preeti-purvakam 10.1 preeyamanaya pretan pretya pritih pritivee pate priyachikirsavah priyah priyahitam priya-krttamah 10.1 17.4 17.28 1.36 1.18 1.23 7.17 17.15 18.69

priyam 5.2 priyatarah 18.69 prochyamanam 18.29 prochyate 18.19

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary prokta proktah proktam proktani proktavan protam prthagdvidhan prthak prthaktvena prthivyam prthvim prucchami prusthatah pujarhau Pujyah puman pumsah punah punyah punyakarmanam punyakrtam punyam punya-phalam 3.3 4.3 8.1 18.13 4.1 7.7 18.21 1.18 9.15 7.9 1.19 2.7 11.4 2.4 11.43 2.71 2.62 4.9 7.9 7.28 6.41 9.2 8.28 were spoken of has been taught is spoken of which have been spoken of proclaimed is strung of different kinds as seaperated in distinct and seqperate forms in this earth earth I seek and request you behind worthy of respect worthy of honour man of the individual again sacred of those who do noble deeds those who are righteous virtuous and meritorious deeds and the fruit of it fruits of noble deeds

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary pura puranah puranam purani purastat puratanah purodhasam Purujit purusah Purusarsabha 3.3 2.2 8.9 15.4 11.4 4.3 10.24 1.5 2.21 2.15 in ancient times timeless and belonging to the past; very old the ancient of the past; ancient in the front belonging to the past among priests Purujit - the name of a warrior ;(see Kuntibhoja) man; a generic name for all human beings A title ; like a bull among men; name of Arjuna of a person An adjective- like a tiger among men, name of Arjuna The supreme being ; best among men by past practice by the seers of the yore the previous one Detailed , plentily, without limit

purusasya 2.6 Purusa-vyaaghra 18.4 Purusottama 8.1

purva-abhyasena 6.44 purvaih purvataram puskalabhih 4.15 4.15 11.21

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary pusnami puspam puspitam 15.13 9.26 2.42 I make them grow and nourish flower This is a poetic usage. It means that which has come out like the flower from the tree; the best output. purified who are freed from sin due to the grace of the lord; or their meritorious deeds. putrid regarding the issues like sons and wife and home of the son which are free from attraction and aversion attraction and aversion of passionate nature who is attached in a solitary place secret king royal wisdom O king

putah puta-papah

4.1 9.2

puti putra-dara gruhadisu putrasya raga-dvesa viyuktaih raga-dvesau ragatmakam ragi rahasi rahasyam raja raja-guhyam rajan

17.1 13.9 11.44 2.64 3.34 14.7 18.27 6.1 4.3 12 9.2 11.9

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary rajarsayah 4.2 royal sages; men who were kings and sages at the same time of the temperament of the quality called rajas done through rajas having rajas sovereign knowledge originating from the quality of rajas kingdom for the joys of a kingdom for a kingdom Raksasas: of demons Sri Rama -the chief charecter of the epic Ramayana. There are three personalities called RAMA in indian mythology- One is Sri Rama,Second is Parashu Rama; the third is Balarama. The first two are the avatars of lord Vishnu; the third is the brother of Sri Krishna

Rajasah rajasam rajasasya raja-vidhya rajoguna samudhbhavah rajyam rajyasukhalobhe na rajyena raksamsi raksasim Ramah

14.16 17.12 17.9 9.2 3.37 8.17 1.45 1.32 11.36 9.12 10.31

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary ramanti ramate ranaat rasah rasanam rasatmakah rasavarjam rasyah ratah ratham rathopasthe rathottamam ratrih ratrya-agame ravih ripuh Rk 10.9 5.22 2.35 2.59 15.9 15.13 2.59 17.8 5.25 1.21 1.47 1.24 8.25 8.18 10.21 6.5 9.17 they enjoy enjoys from battle taste tongue watery excepting the taste juicy who are engaged chariot near the chariot splendid chariot night when night comes the sun enemy Rig Veda - One of the four vedas and the first amongst them the experience which makes hair stand on end the sages sages by the sages cosmic law of righteousness. without

roma-harsanam 18.74 rshayah rsheen rshibhih rtam rte 5.25 11.15 13.4 10.14 11.32

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary rtunam ruddhva rudhirapradigdhan Rudra-Adityah Rudranam rupam sa sa-adhi-bhutaadhidaivam sa-adhiyajnam sabda-brahma sabdadin sabdah sacchabdah sachara-acharam sachetah sada sad-asadh-yonijanmasu sad-bhave sadharmyam sadhu-bhave sadhunam 10.35 4.29 2.5 11.22 10.23 11.3 2.69 7.3 7.3 6.44 4.26 1.13 17.26 9.1 11.51 5.28 13.21 17.26 14.2 17.26 4.8 of the seasons by stopping drenched in blood Rudras and Adityas among the Rudras. form that as dwelling in the material and the divine planes as existing in relation to sacrifice result of vedic rites originating from sound sound the word "sat" with the moving and non-moving thing calm in mind always born in wombs good and bad goodness identify with nature in the sense of goodness of the good people

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sadhusu sadhyah sadosam sadrsam sadrsi saduh sagadgadam sagarah saha Sahadevah sahajam sahankarena sahasa sahasra-baho sahasra-krtvah sahasrasah sahasra-yugapar-yantam sahasresu saha-yajnah sainyasya sajiante sajiate sakha sakhe 6.9 11.22 18.48 3.33 11.12 9.3 11.35 10.24 1.2 1.16 18.48 18.24 1.13 11.46 11.3 11.51 8.17 7.13 3.1 1.7 3.29 3.28 4.3 11.41 regarding good people a class of demi-gods faulty comparable similar good with faltering voice ocean along with the youngest of the Pandu princes to which one is born by one who is egoistic suddenly O, you with a thousand hands a thousand times in thousands ends in a thousand yugas among thousand together with the sacrifices of the army they become attached becomes attached friend O, friend

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sakhyuh saknomi saknosi saknoti saksat saksi saktah saktam sakyah sakyam sakyase sama sama-buddha yah sama-buddhih samachara samacharan sama-chittatvam sama-darsinah samadhatum samadhau samadhaya samadhigacchati 11.44 1.3 12.9 5.23 18.75 9.18 3.25 18.22 6.36 11.4 11.8 9.17 12.4 6.9 3.9 3.26 13.9 5.18 12.9 2.44 17.11 3.4 of a friend I can you can one who can actually witness being confined confined possible possible you can Sama Veda being even attain equal minded you perform performing mental equanimity look equally to establish in the minds conviction does he attain

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary samadhi-sthasya 2.54 sama-duhkha sukham sama-duhkhasukhah samagatah samagram samah samah samah samahartum samahitah samaksam sama-lostaasama kanchanab samam samam samantatah samapasthitam samapnosi samarambhah Samarthyam samasaresu samasatah 2.15 12.13 1.23 4.23 6.3 2.48 6.41 11.32 6.7 11.42 6.8 of a man of firm wisdom same attitude in sorrow and happiness one to whom sorrow and happiness are the same who have assembled the whole inaction same years in destroying become manifest in public to whom a piece of earth, steel and gold are the same peace equality from every side arrayed you pervade actions Strength in the worlds briefly

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11.24 5.19 6.24 1.28 11.4 4.19 2.36 16.19 13.18

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary samasena samasi-kasya samata samatijayah samatitani samatitya samatvam samavasthitam sama-vedah samavetah samavetan sambandhinah Sambhavah sambhavami sambhavanti sambhavitasya samdrsyante samgrahena samgramam samharate samidhah samiksya samistabhya Samjanayan 13.3 10.33 10.5 1.8 7.26 14.26 2.48 13.28 10.22 1.1 1.25 1.34 14.3 4.6 14.4 2.34 11.27 8.11 2.33 2.58 4.37 1.27 3.43 1.12 briefly of the group of compound words equanimity ever victorious the past beings having gone beyond equanimity in success and defeat present alike Sama veda they assembled assembled relatives birth I am born are born to a worthy person are seen briefly battle fully withdrawn blazing having seen fully establishing causing

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary samjnartham samkalpaprabhavan samkarah samkarasya samkhye sammoham sammohat samnam samniyamya sampad sampadhyate sampasyan samplutodake samprakirtitah sampravrttani sampreksya samrddham samrddha-vegah samsayaatmanah samsayah samsayam samsayasya samsiddhau 1.7 6.24 1.42 3.29 1.47 7.27 2.63 10.35 12.4 16.5 13.3 3.2 2.46 18.4 14.22 6.13 11.33 11.29 4.4 8.5 4.42 6.39 6.43 for information which arrive from thoughts confusion intermingling in the battle deluded from delusion of the Sama mantras by completely controlling wealth becomes identified with a view to when it is flooded has been clearly explained when they appear looking prosperous with great haste who has a doubting mind doubt doubt of doubt for success

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary samsiddhim samsita-vratah samsmrtya samsparsajah samsritah samsuddhakilbisah samtarisyasi samud ram samuddharta samupasrita samvadam samvrttah samyak samya-matam samyami samyamya samyateindriyah samyati samye samyena sanaih sanatanah sanatanam 3.2 4.28 18.76 5.22 6.18 6.45 4.36 2.7 12.7 18.52 18.7 11.51 5.4 10.29 2.69 2.61 4.39 2.22 5.19 6.33 6.25 2.24 4.31 complete success in observing severe vows while remembering arising from contact with objects resorting to becoming absolved from sin you will cross over ocean the deliverer endowed with conversation become properly among those who keep the law the self-controlled man by controlling whose senses are controlled goes on sameness as sameness gradually eternal eternal

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sangah sangam sanga-rahitim sangat sanga-varjitah sanga-vivarjitah Sanjaya sanjayate sanjayati sankhah sankhyaih sankhyam sankhyanam sankhya-yogau sankhye sankhyena sanmasah san-nivistah sannyasah sannyasam sannyasanat sannyasasya sannyasa-yogayukta-atma 2.47 2.48 18.23 2.62 11.55 12.18 1.1 2.62 14.9 1.13 5.5 5.5 3.3 5.4 2.39 13.24 8.24 15.15 5.2 5.1 3.4 18.1 9.28 inclination attachment without attachment from attachment free from attachment free from attachment to everything Literally, one whose victory is complete. is born leads conchs by the sankhyas Literally, it means counting. for men of renunciation of Sankhya Yoga in Sankhya by the sankhyas six months seated renunciation renuniciation through renunciation about renunciation The soul endowed with the yoga of renunciation

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sannyasena sannyasi 18.49 6.1 through renunciation a monk.

sannyasinam sannyasya sanrani santah santustah sapatnan sapta sarapam sarasam sargah sarganam sarge sarhyama-agnisu

18.12 3.3 2.22 3.13 3.17 11.34 10.6 2.49 10.24 5.19 10.32 7.27 4.26

to those who resort to renunciation by dedicating bodies by being who is satisfied enemies seven refuge among large lakes rebirth of creations during creation in the fires ofself-discipline

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sarira vimokasnat sariram sariranah sarirastham sarira-vangmanobhih sarira-yatra sarire sarma sarva sarva kamebhyah sarva-arambah sarva-arambhaparityagi sarva-arthan sarvaascaryamayam sarva-bhavena sarva-bhrt sarva-bhutaasaya-sthitah sarva-bhutanam sarva-bhutani 5.23 13.1 2.18 17.6 18.15 3.8 1.29 11.25 11.4 6.18 18.48 12.16 18.32 11.11 15.19 13.14 10.2 2.69 6.29 departing from the body body embodied one in the body with the body, speech, and mind body maintenance in the body comfort all for all desirable objects all undertakings who has renounced all initiative of action all objects abounding in wonder everywhere with whole being supporter of all dwelling in the hearts of all beings of all creatures in all creatures

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sarva-bhuta6.31 sthitam sarva-bhutatm 5.7 abhutatma sarva-bhute-hite 5.25 sarva-bhutesu sarva-dehinam sarva-dharman sarva-dukhanam sarva-durgani sarva-dvarani sarva-dvaresu sarva-gatah sarvaghatam sarva-guhyatamam sarvah sarvah sarva-harah sarvaih sarva-indriyavivarjitam sarva-jnana vimudhan 3.18 14.8 18.66 2.65 18.58 8.12 14.13 2.24 3.15 18.64 3.5 8.18 10.34 15.15 13.14 3.32 abiding in all beings the self of the selves of all beings in the happiness of all beings in all beings of all embodied beings all duties all sorrows all difficulties all passages through all passages omnipresent to all-pervading of utmost secrecy all all destroyer of all through all devoid of all senses who are confused about all knowledge

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sarva-karmanam 18.13 sarva-karmani sarva-karmaphala-tyagamkuru sarva-kilbisaih sarva-ksetresu sarva-lokamaheswaram sarvam sarvani sarva-papaih sarva-papebhyah 3.26 12.11 of all actions all the duties give up the result of all work

3.13 13.2 5.29 2.17 2.3 10.3 18.66

from all sins in all the fields the great Lord of all the worlds all all from all sins from all sins in various ways who has abandoned thoughts of verything of all all round which has hands and feet everywhere which has ears everywhere whatever

sarvasah 1.18 sarva-samkalpa- 6.4 sannyasi sarvasya sarvatah sarvatah-pani padam sarvatahsrutimat sarvatha 2.3 2.46 13.13 13.13 6.31

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sarvato-diptimantam sarvatoksi-siromukham sarvatra sarvatragah sarvatragam sarvatra-samadarsanah sarva-vedesu sarva-vit sarva-vrksanam sarva-yajanam sarva-yonisu sarve sarvebhyah sarvendriyaguna-abhasam sarvesu sasankah sasvat sat satah satatam satatayuktah 11.17 13.13 2.57 9.6 12.3 6.2 7.8 15.19 10.26 9.24 14.4 1.6 4.36 13.14 1.11 11.39 9.31 9.19 2.16 3.19 12.1 shining all around which has eyes, heads , and mouths everywhere everywhere moving everywhere all-pervading who sees everything in the same manner in all the Vedas omniscient among all trees of all sacrifices from all wombs all among all shining with the activites of all senses in all the moon. ever-lasting existence of the real, of the self always being always devoted

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary satata-yuktanam 10.1 sathavarajangamam sati satkaramanapujartham satrau satruh satrum satrun satrutve satruvat sattva-anurupa sattvam sattvasamavistah sattvasamsuddhih sattvastah sattvat sattva-vatam sattve sattvikah 13.26 18.16 17.18 12.18 16.14 3.43 11.33 6.6 6.6 17.3 10.36 18.1 16.1 14.18 14.17 10.36 14.14 17.11 who are always devoted moving or non-moving being for getting name, fame and being worshipped towards an enemy enemy enemy enemies hostile like an enemy in accordance with nature virtuous endowed with virtue mental purity those who stick to sattva or virtue from virtue of the virtuous persons in virtue those with the sattva quality

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sattvika-priyah sattviki Satyakih satyam Saubhadrah sauksmyat Saumadatti saumyam saumyatvam saumyavapuh savijnanam savikaram savyasachin senaninam senayoh sevate sevaya Shaibyah Shankarah shariram shasi-suryanetram 17.8 17.2 1.17 10.4 1.6 13.32 1.8 11.51 17.16 11.5 7.2 13.6 11.33 10.24 1.21 14.26 4.34 1.5 10.23 4.21 11.19 favourite of one endowed with sattva born of sattva Name of a warrior truth son of Subhadra- the wife of Arjuna. because of its subtletly son of Somadatta, serene gentleness graceful form together together with knowledge Name of Arjuna among commanders of thearmies serves through service a king of the sibi tribe An ephithet of Siva -God of destruction. bodily having the sun and the moon as eyes

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary shastra-bhrutam 10.31 shastram 15.2 shastrani 2.23 shastra-panayah 1.46 shastra-sampate 1.2 shastra-vidhana 16.24 uktam shastra-vidhim 16.23 shasva tam shasvata-dharma gopta shasvatah shasvatah shasvate shasvatih shatashah shathah shaucham shauryam 10.12 11.18 2.2 1.43 8.26 6.41 11.5 18.28 13.7 18.43 among the wielders of weapons the scriptures weapons armed with weapons discharge of weapons as prescribed in the scriptures what is prescribed in the scriptures eternal Protector of the eternal dharma undying eternal eternal eternal in hundreds deceitful cleanliness valour

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Shikhandi 1.17 name of the charioteer on Pandava side. He was instrumental in the killing of the warrior Bhishma. grieves to grieve sorrow with a mind filled with sorrow dries with faith hears listen may hear hearing while hearing good or bad who renounce good and bad which produce good and bad results the auspicious in a clean of the pious

shochati shochitum shokam shokasamvignamanasah shosayati shraddadhanah shrnoti shrnu shrnuyat shrnvan shrnvatah shubha-asubham shubha-asubhaparityagi shubha-asubhaphalaih shubhan shuchau shuchinam

12.7 2.26 2.28 1.47 2.23 6.37 2.29 2.39 18.71 5.8 10.18 2.57 12.17 9.28 18.71 6.11 6.41

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary shudrah shudranam shudrasya shuni shurah shyalah sidanti siddhah siddhanam siddha-sanghah siddhau siddhaye siddhiasiddhyoh siddhih siddhim sikharinam simhanadam sirasa sisyah sisyena sita-usna sukhaduhkha-dah, 9.32 18.41 18.44 5.18 1.4 1.34 1.28 16.14 7.3 11.36 4.22 7.3 2.48 4.12 3.4 10.23 1.12 11.14 2.7 1.3 2.14 sudras -One of the four castes; the service providers of the sudras of the sudra on a dog heroes brothers-in-law become languid perfect among the siddhas groups of the siddhas in success for the accomplishment by success and defeat succeeds fruition of actions among the mountain peaks lions roar with head disciple by disciple Producers of cold, heat, pleasure and pain

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sita-usna-sukha- 6.7 duhkhesu Skandah smaran smarati smrta smrtah smrtam smrti-bhramsat smrtih smrti-vibhramah snigdhah sodhum somah somapah sparsan sparsanam sprha sprsan 10.24 3.6 8.14 6.19 17.23 17.2 2.63 10.34 2.63 13.7 5.23 15.13 9.2 5.27 15.9 4.14 5.8 in the midst of cold, heat, joy and sorrow a war-god, chief of Gods-army. remembering remembers thought of regarded referred to from failure of memory memory failure of memory nourishing withstand the juice of the soma plant those who drink the soma juice contacts the organ of touch; skin hankering touching

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Sraddha 17.2 faith ; a right by which the living offer the food to the manes and the departed. It is the yearly right performed by the childres(sons) in rememberance of their departed parents. faith steeped in faith man of faith faithfully devoid of faith with faith slips superior person superior superior to beauty properous who prosper possessed of I manifest creates will hear among rivers

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sraddham sraddhamayah sraddhavan sraddhavantah sraddhavirahitam sraddhya sramsate sresthah sreyah sreyan srih srimad srimatam sritah srjami srjati sroryasi srotasam

7.21 17.3 4.39 3.31 17.13 6.37 1.29 3.21 1.31 3.35 10.34 10.41 6.41 9.12 4.7 5.14 18.58 10.32

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary srotavyasya srotradini srotram srstam srstva srti srutam srutasya srutau srutavan sruti-paryanah sruti-vipratipanna srutva stabdhah stabdhah stenah sthairyam sthanam sthane sthanuh sthapaya sthapayitva sthasyati sthira-buddhih 2.52 4.26 15.9 4.13 3.1 8.27 18.72 2.52 11.2 18.75 13.25 2.53 2.29 18.28 16.17 3.12 17.8 5.5 11.36 2.24 1.21 1.24 2.53 5.2 what has to be heard five senses like the eyes, ear etc. the ear have been created having created courses heard what is heard have been heard heard who are engaged in hearing confused by hearing the Vedas after hearing obstinate those who are obstinate theif steadiness liberation it is proper stationary fix having fixed will become man of steady intellect

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sthirah sthiram sthira-matih sthita-dhih sthitah sthitah sthitam sthitan sthita-prajhasya sthitau sthitih sthitim sthitya sthivarinam strisu striyah stutibhih stuvanti suchah suchih su-duracharah sudur-darsam su-durlabhah suduskaram 6.13 6.11 12.19 2.54 5.2 5.19 5.19 1.26 2.54 1.14 2.72 6.33 2.72 10.25 1.41 9.32 11.21 11.21 16.5 12.16 9.3 11.52 7.19 6.34 substantial steady steady minded man of steady wisdom who is established are established established marshalled of a man of steady wisdom stationed steadfastness continuance by being established of the immovables of women women hymns praise grieve the pure one a very wicked man difficult to see very rare extremely difficult

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Sughosa manipuspakau suhrda suhrdanmitraryu da suhrt sukha-duhkhanam sukha-duhkhe sukha-dukha sanjaih sukham sukhani sukhasangena sukhasaya sukhe sukhena sukhesu sukhi sukhinah suklah sukla-krsne sukrta-duskrte sukrtam sukrtasya 1.16 1.26 6.9 9.18 13.2 2.38 15.5 2.66 1.31 14.6 14.27 14.9 6.28 2.56 5.23 1.37 8.24 8.26 2.5 5.15 14.16 two conchs named Sugosha and Manipushpaka. friend to a benefactor friend of happiness and sorrow happiness and sorrow known as happiness and sorrow happiness pleasures through attachment to happiness of happiness to happiness easily for happiness happy happy the bright fortnight white and black virtue and vice virtue of good

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary sukrtinah suksmatvat sulabhah sunischitam sura-ganah suranam sura-sanghah surendra-lokam suryah suryasahastrasya susukham Suta-putrah 7.16 13.15 8.14 5.1 10.2 2.8 11.21 9.2 15.6 11.12 9.2 11.26 of noble deeds because of subtlety easy to attain for certain neither the gods over the gods groups of gods the world of the king of gods the sun of one thousand suns very easy The name of Karna, a prominent kaurava warrior; literal meaning is - son of charioteer. on a string with roots well developed produces one's own relatives natural nature nature born of nature

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sutre suvirudhamulam suyate svabandvan svabavajam svabhavah svabhavaja svabhavajena

7.7 15.3 9.1 1.37 18.42 5.14 17.2 18.6

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary svabhavaniyatan 18.47 svabhavaprabhavaih sva-chaksusa svadha sva-dharmah sva-dharmam sva-dharme svadhya-jnanayajnah svadhyayaabhya -sanam svadhyayah sva-janam svakam sva-karma-nir atah svalpam svam svanusthitat svapake svapan svapnam svarga-dwaram svarga-lokam 18.41 11.8 9.16 3.35 2.31 3.35 4.28 17.15 16.1 1.28 11.5 18.45 2.4 4.6 3.35 5.18 5.8 18.35 2.32 9.21 as guided by one's nature born from nature eye of yours food offered to manes one's own duty one's own duty in one's own duty sacrifice through study and knowledge the practice of the mastery of the scriptures study of the Vedas relatives his own one devoted to ones own duty a little my own well performed an outcaste sleeping sleep heavenly gate heavenly world

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary svargam svarga-parah svargatim svasan svasthah svasti svasurah svasuran sva-tejasa svaya svayam svena svetaih swam syakarmana syam syama syandane syat syuh taamasa-priyam tada tadanantaram tadartham tadarthiyam 2.37 2.43 9.2 5.8 14.24 11.21 1.34 1.26 11.19 7.2 4.38 18.6 1.14 6.13 18.46 3.24 1.37 1.14 1.36 9.32 17.1 1.2 17.27 3.9 17.27 heaven with heaven as the goal heavenly goal breathing tranquil well fathers-in-law fathers-in-law your own brilliance by their own oneself by your own white at the tip with ones duties shall be may be in the chariot can be born liked by people having the tamasik disposition at that time soon after that for that sake meant for these

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary tadvat tadvidah tamah tamasam tamasi tamo.dvaraih tannisthah tanum tapah tapantam tapasa tapyante tasmat tasmin tasya tasyam tat.bhava. bhavitah tatam tat-buddhayah tat-para yanah tatparah tat-param tat-prasadat 2.7 13.1 10.11 17.13 14.13 16.22 5.17 7.21 7.9 11.19 11.53 17.5 1.37 14.3 1.12 2.69 8.6 2.17 5.17 5.17 4.39 5.16 18.62 in the same way who are experts in this darkness based on tamas in darkness doors to darkness,delusion who are firm in that body austerity heating up by austerity undertake therefore in that of that in that concentrated in its thought is pervaded those who have their wisdom concentrated in that who have that as their ultimate goal who is devoted that supreme self through His blessings

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary tatra tattva-jnanartha darsanam tatva-darsibhih' tatva-dars'inah tatvam tatva-vit tatvena tava taya tejorasim tisthati titiksasva traigunyavisayah trailokyarajyasya 1.26 13.11 2.1 4.3 18.1 3.28 9.24 1.3 2.44 11.17 3.5 2.14 2.45 there insight into the goal of the knowledge of Reality by the seers of Truth who have realized the Truth the truth knower of Truth in reality your with that a mass of brightness resides to bear related to the realm of the activities of three qualitiessattva, rajas and Tamas for the kingdom of the three worlds, namely, the earth, the heaven and the intermediate region. by three saves three of three kinds three in the three


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trayam trayate tribhih . tridha trin trisu

16.21 2.4 7.13 18.19 14.2 3.22

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary trividhah trividham trptih trsna-sanga samudabhvam tulya-ninda atma samstutih tumulah tusnim tustah tustih tusyati tvadanyah tvadanyena tvattah tyajyam tyaktum tyaktva ubhe ucchaihs'ravasa m 17.7 16.21 10.18 14.7 14.24 of three kinds of three kinds satisfaction arising from hankering and attachment to whom criticism and self- praise are the same; man of equi-poised disposition tremendous silent remains pleased satisfaction one remains satisfied other than you by anyone other than you from you should be renounced to give up by giving up both the divine horse on which the king of gods- Indra rides; this horse was born from the milky ocean and associated with nectar. remnants of a meal

1.13 2.9 2.55 10.5 6.2 6.39 1.47 11.2 18.3 18.11 1.33 2.5 10.27

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary udaahrtam udbhavah uddharet udvijate udvijet udyamya udyatah ugrah ugra-karmanah ugram ugrarupah uktah ukta-h uktam uktva ulbena 13.6 10.34 6.5 12.15 5.2 1.2 1.45 11.3 16.9 11.2 11.31 1.24 2.18 11.1 1.47 3.38 spoken of prosperity one should help disturbed dejected having taken prepared fierce, intense given to cruel deeds terrible of terrible form is stated are stated stated having stated the bag called the womb in which the child is placed; the cover inside mothers body opening take to contemplation burdened with by resorting to sat down through the means the witness attains

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unmisan upaasate upaasritah upaasritya upaavisat upaayatah upadrsta upaiti

5.9 9.14 4.1 14.2 1.47 6.36 13.22 6.27

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary upajayante upajayate upalabhyate upalipyate upama upapadyate upapannam uparamate uparamet uparatam upasangamya upasevate upavisya upayanti upetah upetya uragan urdhavam urdhvamulam urjitam 14.2 2.62 15.3 13.32 6.19 2.3 2.32 6.2 6.25 2.35 1.2 15.9 6.12 10.1 6.37 8.15 11.15 12.8 15.1 10.41 born arises perceived defiled Comparison, poetic speech of simile justified which presents itself gets retreated one should abstain having refrained having approached enjoys sitting they attain possessed reaching serpents upwards that which has its roots at the top vigorous

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Ushanaa 10.37 Sukracharya- the master of the demons; he is also the author of the treatise on morals- niti and economics- artha shastra. He is the counter part of Bruhaspati who discharges the similar work for the Gods. a category of manes residing there also departing departs for destruction are destroyed supreme the best with their heads a warrior of great skill and strength of those who know the noblest to shine brilliantly awake who declares clothes utterance utterance

ushmapah usitva uta utkramantam utkramati utsadanartham utsadyante uttamah uttamam uttama-ngaih Uttamaujah uttamavidam utthitauttisha vaadinah vaasaamsi vachah vachanam

11.22 6.41 1.4 15.1 15.8 17.19 1.43 15.17 4.3 11.27 1.6 14.14 11.12 2.3 2.42 2.22 2.1 1.2

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Vada vadah vadanaih vadati Vahami vahnih Vainateyah vairagyena vairinam vaisvanarah vaisyah vaisya-karma vajram vak vaksyami vaktrani vaktum vakyam vanijyam vara varnasankara karakaih 3.2 10.32 11.3 2.29 9.22 3.38 10.3 6.35 3.37 15.14 9.32 18.44 10.28 10.34 7.2 11.27 10.16 1.2 18.44 8.4 1.43 you tell me dialectic mouths talks about I arrange fire Garuda, son of Vinata through non-attachment the enemy fire in the stomach, which helps the digestion of food. vaisyas -trading community duties of Vaisyas Divine weapon of lord Indra ,Thunderbolt speech I shall tell mouths to speak speech cultivation, cattle rearing and commerce being which causes the inter-mingling of castes and sets in impurity of the races

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary varna-sankarah 1.41 varsam 9.4 Varsneya 1.41 vartamanani vartate varte varteta varteyam vartma Varuna vasah vasam vasat Vasavah Vasavah vase vasi Vasudevah Vasuki vasyatmana vayuh veda vedah vedaih 7.26 5.26 3.22 6.6 3.23 3.23 10.29 1.44 3.34 9.8 11.22 10.22 2.61 5.13 7.19 10.28 6.36 2.67 2.21 2.45 11.53 mixing of castes rain O, scion of the Vrsni dynasty; another name for Krishna present there is I continue acts continue path god of the waters. living influence under influence Vasus; demi-gods of wealth Indra- Indra is the Lord of Heaven under discipline man of self-discipline name of Krishna King of serpents or the Nagas by one of disciplined mind the wind. know the Vedas through Vedas

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary vedanam 10.22 veda-vada-ratah 2.42 veda-vidah vedavit vede vedesu vedhyah vedhyam veditavyam veditum vegam vepamanah vepathuh vetta vettha vetti vibhaktam vibhaktesu vibhavasau vibhuh vibhuhnam vibhum vibhuteh vibhutibhih vibhutim 8.11 15.1 15.18 2.46 15.15 9.17 11.18 18.1 5.23 11.35 1.29 11.38 4.5 2.19 13.16 18.2 7.9 5.15 10.4 10.12 10.4 10.16 10.7 among the Vedas who are absorbed in the wisdom of the Vedas those who know the Vedas versed in the Vedas in the Vedas regarding the Vedas object to be known object of knowledge to be known to be known impulse trembling trembling knower of all things know knows divided in the different things in the fire the omnipresent to manifestations the omnipresent of manifestations manifestations divine minifestations

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary vibhutimat vichaksanah vichalayet vichalyate vichetasah vidadhami vidheya-atma vidhi-hinam vidhi-yate vidhyam vidhyanam vidhyat vidhya-vinaya sampanne vidita-atmanam vidvan vigata-bhi vigatah vigata-iccha bhaya.krodhah vigata-jvarah vigatakalmasah vigata-sprihah vigunah 10.41 18.2 3.29 6.22 9.12 7.21 2.64 17.13 2.44 10.17 10.32 6.23 5.18 5.26 3.25 6.14 11.1 5.28 3.3 6.28 2.56 11.1 possessed of majesty the learned ones should disturb disturbed senseless I strengthen self-controlled man contrary to the scriptures established I know among sciences one should know possessed of learning and humility who have known the self learned man free from fear has departed free from desire, fear and anger who is devoid of desire faultless devoid of mental fever defective

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary vihara-sayya11.42 asana-bhojanesu vihaya vihitah vijanatah vijanitah vijaniyam vijayam vijita-indriyah vijitatma vijnanam vijnana-sahitam vijnatum vijnaya vikampitum Vikarana vikarmanah vikrantah viksante vilagna vimastarah vimohayati vimoksaya vimoksyase 2.22 17.23 2.46 2.19 4.4 1.31 6.8 5.7 18.42 9.1 11.31 13.18 2.31 1.8 4.17 1.6 11.22 11.27 4.22 3.4 16.5 4.32 while at play or on bed or seated or at meals after discarding ordained who knows the reality know the self am I to know victory who has controlled his organs controlled in body wisdom combined with experience to know well by understanding to deviate the third of the hundred sons of Dhrtarashtra about forbidden action valiant gaze sticking being free from enmity deludes for liberation you will be liberated

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary vimrsya vimubha-atma vimuchya vimu-dhabhavah vimudhah vimuhyati vimuktah vimuktah vimunchati vina vinadhya vinangsyasi vinasah vinasam vinasaya vinasyati vinasyatsu vindami vindate vindati vinischitaih vinivartante viniyamya viniyatam viparitam 18.63 3.6 18.53 14.49 15.1 2.72 9.28 15.5 18.35 10.39 1.12 18.58 6.4 2.17 4.8 4.4 13.27 11.24 5.4 4.38 13.4 2.59 6.24 6.18 18.15 thinking over of deluded mind having abandoned bewildered state who are deluded becomes deluded becoming free who have been freed abandons without raised you will be ruined ruin the destruction destroying is ruined among the ruined I get gets attains by the convincing recede controlling controlled opposite

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary viparitan vipari-vartate viparrta-ni vipaschritah Viratah. viryavan vis is yate visadam visadi visalam visam visame visanti visargah visate visaya pravalah visayah visaya-indriyasamyogat visayan visidan visidendam visistah vismaya-avistah 18.32 9.1 1.3 2.6 1.4 1.5 3.7 18.35 18.28 9.21 18.37 2.2 14.11 8.3 18.55 15.2 2.59 18.38 2.62 1.27 13.17 1.7 11.14 opposed to revolves adverse of an intelligent Name of the king valiant excels despair one who is in despair vast poison in this hour of peril enter offerings enters with sense objects for their shoots objects of senses originating from the organs and their objects on objects of senses in despair who was in despair foremost wonderstruck

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary vismayah vismitah Visnuh visrjami visrjan visrjya vistabhya vistaram vistarasah vistarasya vistarena vistitam visuddhatma visuddhaya Visvam Visvamurte Visvarupa visvatomukham Visve 18.77 11.22 10.21 9.7 5.9 1.47 10.42 13.3 11.2 10.19 10.18 16.17 5.7 18.51 11.19 11.46 11.16 9.15 11.22 with wonder being struck with wonder Vishnu-The God who preserves the universe. send forth releasing casting aside supporting spreading in detail of detail in detail seated of pure mind pure Universal O, you of universal form O, universal person facing many directions Visva-devas consisting of Rudras and other gods O, Lord of the universe free from attachment free from attachment, fear and anger

visveswara 11.16 vita-ra gah 8.11 vita-raga-bhaya- 2.56 krodhah

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary vitatah vivasvan vivasvatah vivasvate vivatomukhah vividhah vividhaih vivikta-desa sevitvam vivikta-sevi vivrdd ham vivrddhe vraja vrajeta Vrikrodarah vrjinam Vrsninam vyadarayat vyaharan vyaipya vyaktamadhyani vyaktim vyapasritya 4.32 4.1 4.4 4.1 10.33 17.25 13.4 13.1 18.52 14.11 14.12 18.66 2.54 1.15 4.36 10.37 1.19 8.1 10.16 2.28 7.24 9.32 spread the sun of vivasyan, the sun. to vivasvan,the sun with faces everywhere many by many kinds of resort to quiet places one who resorts to a quiet place increased increases take move about Bhima, one of the Pandavas. sin Vrsni race to which Krishna belonged. pierced while speaking permeating manifest in the middle glory by taking refuge

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary vyaptam 11.2 Vyasa-prasadat 18.75 vyatha vyathayanti vyathisthah vyatitani vyatitansyati vyatta-ananam vyavasayah vyavasayatmika vyavasitah vyavasthitan vyavasthitau vyavastitah vyktayah vymisrena vyudasya vyudham vyudham yabhih yacchraddhah yada yadasam 11.49 2.15 11.34 4.5 2.52 11.24 10.36 2.41 9.3 1.2 3.34 1.45 8.18 3.2 18.51 1.2 1.3 10.16 17.3 2.52 10.29 is permeated through Vyasas favour. fear disturb be afraid have passed will cross over open-mouthed determination single determination determined standing arrayed seated prepared manifested things conflicting removing in battle order battle array through which which is the faith of the individual when of the deities in water

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary Yadava yadi yadrccha-labha santustah yadrcchaya yadrk yadvat yagnah yagna-vidah yah yajantah yajante yajha-bavitah yajna.sistaasinah yajna-danatapah kriyah yajnaih yajna-ksapita kalmasah yajnam yajnanam yajnarthat 11.41 1.38 4.22 2.32 13.3 2.7 4.32 4.3 14.4 9.15 9.23 3.12 3.13 17.24 9.2 4.3 name of Krishna if pleased with what comes unexpected unexpected how it is as sacrifices those who know about sacrifice whatever by glorifying they worship being nurtured by sacrifices those who consume the remnants of sacrifices the act of sacrifice, charity and austerity through sacrifice have their sins destroyed by the performance of the sacrifices. sacrifice among sacrifices meant for sacrifice

4.25 10.25 3.9

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary yajna-sistaamrta bhujah yajnat yajna-tapah kriyah yajna-tapasam yajnaya yajnena yajnena yajuh yaksa-raksasam yaksye yam yam Yamah yanti yantra-arudhani yashah yasmat yasmin yasya yasyam yasyasi yata atmanah 4.31 3.14 17.25 5.29 4.23 9.2 4.25 9.17 10.23 16.15 2.15 2.42 10.29 3.33 18.61 10.5 12.15 6.22 2.61 2.69 2.35 5.25 those who consume the nectar remaining after sacrifice from sacrifice works of sacrifice and austerity of sacrifices and austerities for a sacrifice in sacrifice by sacrifice Yajur Veda among the Yaksas and goblins I shall perform sacrifice whom whichever King of death. follow hoisted on a machine fame owing to which in which whose in which will tell whose organs are controlled

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary yata-atma yata-atmavan yata-cetasam 12.14 12.11 5.26 self-controlled whose mind is controlled whose internal organs are under control whose body and mind are controlled controlling the actions of the mind and senses whose mind is controlled because of applying himself striving strive by one who tries while trying earnestly he strives efforts whose speech body and mind are controlled ascetics food cooked three hours earlier, that is, stale food, insipid, lost of taste who has controlled his organs mind and intellect in which manner

yata-chitta-atma 4.21 yata-chittaindriya kryah yata-chittasya yatah yatamanah yatantah yatanti yatata yatatah yatate yatati yata-vak-kayama- nasah yatayah yata-yamam 6.12 6.19 6.26 12.11 9.14 7.29 6.36 2.6 6.43 7.3 8.52 4.28 17.1

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yatendriya mano- 5.28 buddhih yatha 2.13

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary yathabhagam yathavat yatinam yatra yavan yavat Yaya yena yesam yoddhavyam yoddhukaman yodha mukhyaih yodha- veeraan yodhah yoga sanjnitam yoga sevaya yoga-arudhah yoga-arudhasya yoga-balena yoga-brastah yogadharanam yogaih yogakshemam 1.11 18.19 5.26 6.2 2.46 1.22 2.39 2.17 1.32 1.22 1.22 11.26 11.34 11.32 6.23 6.2 6.4 6.3 8.1 6.41 8.12 5.5 9.22 in different directions as they are to the monks where what I am whatever with which by which in the case of those must be fought who are intending to fight senior commanders brave warriors warriors what is known as yoga through the practice of yoga established in yoga when he has reached yoga with the strength of yoga one who has fallen from yoga Practice of Yoga. by the yogis welfare and security

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary yogam 2.53 yoga (see under yogadharanam) being veiled by creative power

yoga7.25 mayasamavrtah yoga6.37 samsiddhin yoga-sannyasta 4.41 karmanam yoga-sarisiddhat 4.38 yogasthali yogasya yogat yoga-vittamah yoga-yajnah 2.48 6.44 6.37 12.1 4.28

perfection in yoga one who has given up action through yoga one who has attained perfection through yoga. by being settled in yoga of yoga from yoga those who are well versed in yoga those who perform sacrifices through yoga whose mind is self absorbed in yoga firmness in yoga with yoga Lord of Yoga from the Lord of Yoga O Lord of Yoga

yoga-yukta-atma 6.29 yoga-yuktah yogena Yogesvarah Yogesvarat Yogeswarah 5.6 10.7 18.78 18.75 11.4

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary yogi yoginam yoktavyah yonih yotsyamanan youvanam yuddha visaradhah yuddham yuddhaya yuddhyasva Yudhamanyu yudhi Yudhisthirah yugapat yuga-sahasraantam yuge 5.24 6.27 6.23 14.3 1.23 2.13 1.9 2.32 2.37 2.18 1.6 1.4 1.16 11.12 8.17 4.8 a man of concentrated mind to this yogi has to be practised womb those who have the intention to fight youth proficient in battle battle for fighting engage in battle name of a great warrior in battle the eldest of the five sons of Pandu. simultaneously which ends in a thousand yugas Yuga means a historical period. you engage in battle of one who is restrained in his eating and movements of one who is moderate in his action

yujyasva 2.38 yukta-ahara 6.17 viharasya yukta-chestasya 6.17

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Bhagavad Gita Dictionary yukta-chetasah yuktaih yukta-svapna avabodhasya yukta-tamah Yuktatma yunjan yunjatah yunjita yunjyat yunkte yuyutsavah yuyutsum 7.3 17.17 6.17 12.2 7.18 6.15 6.19 6.1 6.12 1.14 1.1 1.28 of disciplined minds by those who are self controlled of one who is moderate in sleep and in wakefulness the most devoted yogis with a firm mind concentrating who is engaged in should concentrate should concentrate yoked eager for battle eager to fight

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