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Sr. No. Particular Page No.
3.1 S.A.P.
3.3 BUSY


Chapter 1






Accounting software is application software that records and processes
accounting transactions within functional modules such as account payable,
account receivable, trial balance and balance sheet etc. it function as an
accounting information system. It is developed by the company himself or
from other third party company who create this type of software and they
can also modified that software with local modification
After mid 1990s the businessman understand the important of
accounting software and after that every businessman started the use of
accounting software in his business and now das every business from small
scale to large scale business use the accounting software in his business for
recording every business transaction made by them.
Accounting software are introduced after the innovation of computer
which is most important to use the accounting software but before the
innovation of computer there is a system which is used by every business to
record their business transaction it is could the book keeping and
accountancy. The all accounting software base is on this accounting
technique which used by old people. To find out the history of accounting
software firstly we want to know the history of accountancy.
On the basis of past information the practice of accounting had been
around for many thousands of years ago. Most of the formal modern day
accounting started at the end of the Crusades. As trade dramatically
increased between Europe and Middle East business grew to beyond what a
single owner cold manage this brought about the need for written records so
that business owners could keep track of their transactions and ensure that
their agents performed profitably.
The double entry system was first used in Genoa, Italy around the 13

century and was further polished in Venice with the industrial revolution
business expanded to great size both in terms of sale, purchase and staff
these larger business required capital and capital required investor who in
turn required proper reporting of funds they were also subject to increased
government regulation and taxation accounting kept on advancing to the

present day and involves the standardization of reporting and the
development of international accounting standard .
Today accounting is called the language of business because it is the
vehicle for reporting financial information about a business entity to many
different group of people. Accounting that concentrates on reporting to
people inside the business entry is could management accounting and is used
to provide information to employees, managers, owner manager and
auditors. Accounting that provides information to people outside the
business entity is called financial accounting and provides information to
present and potential shareholders, creditors such as banks or vendors
financial analysts, economists and government agencies to do all this things
management use various software for prepare record which useful to them
and others related to that business.
In this project we understand the important, need of accounting
software use in business and also the advantages and disadvantages of
accounting software. It is very crucial to define which accounting software is
use in business. Before know which accounting software is useful in
business we know the history of accounting software.

In todays market there are so many different accounting software
introduce for business. Thats why the business man really very confused to
select the best software for his business. They are totally depend on the
charter accountant of his business or the dealer of some accounting software.
The following are the objective of this project.
To analyse the user of accounting software in developed and indeveloped
areas business.
Which accounting software mostly preferred by business man.
What are the expectation of business man from accounting software.
Comparison of accounting software to find out which accounting software is
useful to business
Help to suggest the best accounting software to the owner of business.
How this software useful to auditor and for government.
How this software help to make a business control.






In 19
century the growth of industry is growing fast so the industry
not capable to maintain the all records of business and that is affect the
industrial development. Thats why the industry wants some technique
which is useful to maintain all the record of transaction made by them to
analyses the profit and loss of the business. They also want to increase their
market and expand their business in all around the world. But they fail to do
that because if they do this than they unable to prepare the proper record of
these books of accounts.
In middle of 19
century after the innovation of Super computer they
can use that to maintain the records of their transaction but the cost of super
computer was so big and also it wants the so much space to store it. It is very
difficult to industry so they unable to use the super computer. After the
innovation of minicomputer and microcomputer the industry is like to use
this system to maintain the record of accounting. Because it is not so costly
and it was not want more space to store. Industrialist likes to welcome this
system to store in his business and use it in his day to day transaction.
After some time this computer also not so useful to maintain the
accounting records so they want to innovate some special software which are
want to maintain there all accounting transaction and also the bill of business
and also the software which is create the trial balance of the business and
also the balance sheet of the business. So there is the start to innovate the
accounting software. To prepare the accounting software they want to use
the accounting functions which use in book keeping and accountancy. In
1972 SAP accounting software is introduce. After SAP introduce there are
so many other company introduce different types of accounting software
such as Tally, Busy, Oracle etc. some business man create there own
accounting software which they want in his business.
The best practice of accounting in todays world is to have automated
accounting practices. Books were initially paper ased systems in accounting,
but with the introductions of a wide varieties of accounting software, the
digital file system and digital books are becoming a fashion. Accounting

software not only helps in speeding up processes, but it provides you
compact information about the performance of your organization.
Earlier, when accounting software was not in use, businesses had to
spend resources and time to maintain huge data of accounts department. Not
only data maintenance, but the transfer of files from one department to other
took months. Sometimes, the companies were forced to keep data files for
years and many times the accounts department could not find the
coordination between the data transferred from one department to other.
Following are some advantages and disadvantages of accounting software.

1. Enables effortlessness data transfer:-
The main benefit of accounting software is - when the data is entered
through the software, it is updated throughout the system. For example: If a
person makes some entries in stock, the data gets updated at every
management level and in every department. The employees can view the
updated data at their software terminal. No need to move the data file from
one department to other. Everything happens automatically at the main
server or at the main database, as the information gets updated.
2. Lowers expenses on data collection and data transfer:-
The data of inventory and accounting is required at almost every
business unit be it a shop or a corporate house, and accounting software
helps you to save money spend on maintenance of paper files and
accounting data.
3. Fast data transaction:-
The manual process of accounting and delay in calculations is
prevented through accounting software.
4. Human errors is eliminated:-
The software does its job on time without error and the company
officials get time to concentrate on core business activities. If a company
gets exact information and exact figure on time, it can make forecast for
further processes and make strategies to improve business. The time spent
on handling accounting books and resources is reduced.

5. To get easy and fast reports:-
Each and every data entry gets updated in the software and you can
get reports of every week, month, quarter or year in minutes.
6. Promotes business development:-
Business areas improved through accounting software are sales,
inventory management, merchant accounts, budget, asset management,
taxation and payroll. Some accounting software even provide legal services
and important dates are flashed to remind of the priorities in a day.
7. For better sales:-
Accounting software not only benefits the business owners, but the
employees and customers are also benefitted from the features. The process
of monetary transaction speeds up on the use of a software and customer are
satisfied to get quick service.
8. Industry specific software:-
There are many industry specific accounting software specifically,
designed for manufacturing or construction sector.
9. Easy to use and handle:-
You can conduct every day business transactions through your
accounting software and you may even make payment online through the
software to your clients or you can even receive payment through online

1. Technology has some disadvantages:-
Automation of processes makes people too much dependent on
technology and if the technology is not working, no work will happen.
2. It alone cannot provide complete automation:-
Accounting software provides reliable data to the business
organizations, but if it is integrated to other ERP modules, its functionality
improves. If only accounting software is installed in a company, then the
data of all the other departments will not get updated automatically, and
manual entry to systems will be required, which can cause delays and may
increase the chances for human errors.

3. Unusual accounting reports couldn't be attained from automatic
You can get only those reports from software, which are predefined.
If you need reports other than the ones, which are found in accounting
software, you may find it difficult to get. Sometimes, the design patterns of
some reports are too complex for software to give, in the exact format.
4. User rights and permissions may create difficulties:-
The need and rights of various users is different and if the user rights
are not defined at each level or if users exchange their jobs for a day, the
software has to define the changed rights, which is done by an administrator.
In such cases, until the changes are made the other user will find it
impossible to work, which means the other employee has no work until his
rights are defined for the day. The user's rights and the concept of reporting
are difficult for technology to implement. In many cases, manual reporting is
considered better than automatic.
5. Making business strategies and budgeting can be difficult through
automatic systems:-
After recessions, the trends have changed in market, and the concept
of budgeting and forecasting has widely changed, whereas, software makes
forecast only through definite procedures and technical instructions. Many
companies follow their own procedure of forecasting, which is done
manually on excel sheet, and the previous year's data is taken from the
software. Forecasting and budgeting requires data based on the changed
market situation or based on business seasons, where the software has
limited provisions.
6. Selection should be made appropriately:-
The selection of accounting software mainly depends on the needs of
a company or on the needs of an organization. If it is needed for a shop, a
desktop version of accounting software can be bought, but if it is needed for
a big corporation, multiuser software will be required. Spending money on
expensive multiuser accounting software without a need can be wasteful and
buying desktop version for big company can be unwise.

It can be tough task to decide to get the best accounting software for
your organization, but you can buy after studying the features of various
accounting packages available in market and comparing their features.
Accounting software not only helps large organization, but small
organizations are equally benefited by an automatic system and there are
many software which has been launched in the market to meet the
requirement of small to mid-sized organizations.
Some of the common types of accounting software available in market
Accounting software for small businesses:-
The bestselling accounting software for small organizations includes
QuickBooks, Cougar Mountain Software, Tally, Sage and Busy. These
packages have a highly developed financial module and other module is just
integrated through a few limited features to the main accounting software.
These packages have some basic features such as account receivable and
payable, general ledger, inventory and payroll. The companies buying this
software can fulfilled the basic need of automatic accounting through these
packages. The cost of these packages for small businesses is low and
implementation is also very easy.
Software that offer business management:-
If you wish to buy an accounting software that helps you to track the
working of inventory, CRM, billing and ERP, then you can buy Microsoft's
Dynamics, Sage, NetSuite, Oracle or SAP. The business management
solution comes with a range of features to enable integration to HR
implementation, CRM, inventory, production, and manufacturing and
provide you a complete automation of each and every accounting activity.
These packages are generally very expensive and the cost also depends on
the number of features enabled.

Internet enabled accounting software programmes:-
The market has changed in many ways and vendors are looking to
new markets to get new customers. To reach new clients the system should
be web enabled and web hosted solution are equipped to provide you online
web hosted accounting software. There are many software in this section
such as Clarity accounting, Net books etc. If you own a small business unit
and you have many shops at many geographical locations, you can buy a
cheap web enabled package which has restricted features as needed by your
company. You may even get industry specific package to meet your

Accounting software for free:-
You can also get accounting software for free. You can search for free
accounting packages on internet. QuickBooks provides you the option, to
own the package for free. QuickBooks can be used by twenty customers and
it provides modules such as payroll, invoice generation, print checks etc.



3.1 S.A.P.
3.3 BUSY


2.1 S.A.P.

SAP is stand for Systems, Applications, and Products in Data
Processing. SAPs story is one of a steady rise from a small, five-man
operation headquartered in southwest Germanys Rhine-Neckar region to
one of the worlds largest independent software providers and an employer
of more than 47,598 people in over more than 50 countries. This software is
introduced in 1972. It is helps companies of all sizes and industries run
better. They said that Our mission is to help companies of all sizes and
industries to run better. Our vision is to help the world run better.
The first 10 years chronicles the highlights of the companys
beginnings and subsequent development from SAPs foundation its first
software modules, and the SAP R/2 system to the companys first year
revenues first customers outside of Germany and first trade-show
From back office to boardroom, warehouse to storefront, desktop to
mobile device, ASP improvers people and organizations to work together
more efficiently and use business insight more effectively to stay ahead of
the competition. We do this by extending the availability of software across
on premise installations, on demand deployments and mobile devices.
Today, SAP has sales and development locations in more than 50
countries worldwide. SAP applications and services enable more than
109,000 customers worldwide to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and
grow sustainably. SAP is one of the largest providers of ERP software in
world market and its ERP solution are structured to offer solutions to
manufacturing units, consumer product industry, financial services and
service industry. It has five hundred fifty micro-vertical solutions for small
and mid size companies. It is known globally for its implementation in
process manufacturing, consumer goods, financial sector, government and
public sector. Company thinks the growth rate of user of this software is
18% to 22% every year. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of


1. It has many levels of features and functionality, and any kind of
industry finds it easy to adopt SAP functioning. It is appropriate for large
business organizations, multinational companies and government sector,
which follow complex business plans.
2. It provides appropriate solution for work flow and back office

3. It offers extremely flexible ERP solution as it defines business plans
at many stages and the companies buying the software can easily define their
rules in SAP's architecture.

4. It provides automation at three levels, which helps in automating
business processes and workflow.

5. It can be implemented even to very complex business units and
government organization.

6. It comes with the flexibility of integration to a range of database
unlike Oracle and it is easy for SAP to work on databases of different
Disadvantages of SAP
1. It appears complex for easy business processes and implementation of
SAP is a very tough procedure.
2. It gives a highly professional service to business organizations, but
the cost of software and implementation is very high.
3. It has too much flexibility, which increases the risk factor.
4. Maintenance of enterprise software is very expensive.

5. Its deployment may take many years for completion.
SAP holds a major market in enterprise resource planning software
and its top rival is Oracle. Other vendors offering high quality enterprise
software are Infor, Microsoft and QAD. SAP is one of the most expensive
enterprise resource planning solutions that take a long time for
implementation. In the changing scenario in enterprise software, how to
define the future of SAP and Oracle?
It is expected in future that SAP and Oracle may enter the enterprise
software as a service market. SAP has been trying to improve its market in
global tier structure where Oracle is dominating market. About fifty percent
of the enterprise software market is dominated by SAP and Oracle. SAP and
Oracle both are trying to improve their bases in software as a service.


In early 1980s Mr. Bharat Goenka introduce one computer accounting
software it is cauld as Tallly. They said that when we started everyone in
the software industry was in products, but soon they shifted to services,we
were the only ones inflexible in staying in products. In last 30 years they
develop producs for the Indian market and they make India an attractive
place to do business in.
Mr. Goenka believes The single most important factor which makes
a business grow is do the ownwes of the seniors in the business have the
tome to make the business grow? Senior management is so lost in business
grow. Our approach in tally is to make it possible for freeing up tome for the
senior management, and make it possible for them to access information
easily and from anywhere so that time is saved.
Accounting software should have a good speed and power to deliver
complex reports in minutes. Tally is one of the most commonly used
Accounting software, which can be implemented in small business
organizations and big financial companies. The ease of using Tally makes it
convenient to be used even by a user who is new to technology.
Features of Tally Accounting Software
Tally accounts software provides options for simple stock and
inventory maintenance. There are many modules, which have been
exclusively designed to provide stock management feature such as purchases
order, invoicing, stock query and multiple stock evaluation. The forms also
provide flexibility to have multiple units in measurement.

It supports various protocols in its web feature and you can transfer
data through HTTP, HTTPS, ODBC, SMTP, FTP or other mode of data
transmission. The data can be formatted in XML and HTML format. The
latest version of Tally accounting software also supports SOAP and SDF
data formatting to promote its interoperability with the Windows .NET


It is one of the best accounting software for multi user environment
and it can be installed through LAN set up. It allows multi directory set up
and web enabled publishing of financial reports. The graphical analysis and
reports of it can be easily published through internet and there are many
options in accounting reports in Tally.
Advantages of Tally Accounting Software
1. Good speed and reliability:-
It runs very fast at low configured system also. More than 70% of
small businesses run this accounting software. It shows its reliability and
2. Simple to use and operate:-
It is very easy to use Tally accounting software and it can be used to
increase productivity of an organization. When it was launched as a desktop
version, many buyers were attracted towards the simplicity and ease of use
of the software. Users of Tally are accustomed to its procedures and the
latest version of it has maintained its previous features.
3. Tally 9 is featured for multi lingual platform and object oriented
Tally's support for the high power database, enables it to be used on
multi user platform and make easy transactions at multi user levels. The
upgradation in this software has enabled it to move from desktop to multi
user environment. The capacity of database has also increased.
4. Complete business support:-
There are many features of Tally, which makes it very strong
software for supporting a business organization. The dynamic reports and
MIS of Tally gives complete opportunity to view every aspect of the
business. You can have amazing control over the data synchronization and
multi-lingual features. It's operation does not require much expertise in
software handling and the buyers can get reports as per their needs without
getting into the complexities of the software. Tally accounting software can
allow transactions across various geographical areas.

5. Navigation is easy:-
In Tally the module and forms can be viewed through drill down
display, where you can track the link between different modules and get the
exact picture of data flow. In the accounting module, you find the feature for
general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, bank operations and
other functions.
1. Online payment:-
This software is not useful to make an online payment to any party
and online payment of tax.
2. Tax form:-
This software not useful to file any tax form in online it is not useful
to create the tax form in this software it want to export the information
and than use that information to fill the form.
3. Less audit features:-
Tally accounting software is have the less feature for auditor to make
an audit of that company there is not any path for auditor to make an
audit of that business directly.
4. Basic accounting knowledge and training:-
The user of this software is mostly want the basic accounting
knowledge to make entry in accurate book of account if he fail to select
correct book than he made a wrong his book of account and that will be
affect his business. With the basic accounting knowledge he also want
the training of that software to understand how he use that software to
maintain the record his entry.
5. No customization:-
User of this software not have power to customize this software they
not make any change in this software when user purchase this software that
time he just select the version he want to use that version build only that

much information which he can made they can not customize that
information which they want.
2.3 BUSY
The accounting software Busy founded in 17
September 1990 in
India by a group of computer professionals with the primary objective of
providing professional IT services including thifd-party maintenance of
personal computer and peripherals, customized software solutions and
turnkey, IT projects. Busy Infotech Pvt. Ltd. is focus in development and
kareting of business accounting software under the trademark of Busy,
which was hitherto being undertaken as software division of digitroncs.
Busy is sold and supported all over the country through an ever
increasing network of Channel partners. More and more computer traning
institutes are also taking up Busy to teach computerized accounting. This
software is installation base of over 60000 including the prestigious ones
like World Bank, India International center, All India management
Association, Amity Business school, LG Chemicals, Asian Paints, Plaza
cables, Archana Airways etc.
The following are the features of this accounting software
1. Multi-location Inventory Management:-
Busy is useful to make a multi-location inventory management. When
the business man have his office in different area that time also he can
maintain his main inventory record by using this software.
2. User friendly:-
This software is very easy to use it is a very user friendly software
because it is give the different options for every function provided by this
3. Excise base report creating:-
This software create the report in excise base thats why it is useful to
make an analysis and also to transfer it other person.

4. Sale and Purchase Analysis:-
Busy software also provide the information of purchase and sale
analysis which is useful to understand the trading made by the business and
also how much they want to do in business. It is also useful to make the
comparison with past records.
5. Direct E-mail / SMS facility:-
This software provide the direct e-mail or SMS facility to send
massage to related person with proper record of massage and
canformation of massage sending.

Following are the some advantages and disadvantags of this
accounting software
1. Simple to use and operate:
It is very easy to use Busy accounting software and it can be used to
increase productivity of an organization. When it was launched as a desktop
version, many buyers were attracted towards the simplicity and ease of use
of the software. Users of Busy are accustomed to its procedures and the
latest version of it has maintained its previous features.
2. Complete business support:
There are many features of busy, which makes it very strong
software for supporting a business organization. The dynamic reports and
MIS of busy gives complete opportunity to view every aspect of the
business. You can have amazing control over the data synchronization and
multi-lingual features. It's operation does not require much expertise in
software handling and the buyers can get reports as per their needs without
getting into the complexities of the software. Busy accounting software can
allow transactions across various geographical areas
3. Promotes business development:
Business areas improved through use of this accounting software in
sales, inventory management, merchant accounts, budget, asset
management, taxation and payroll. Some accounting software even provide
legal services and important dates are flashed to remind of the priorities in a

4. To get easy and fast reports:
Each and every data entry gets updated in the software and you can
get reports of every week, month, quarter or year in minutes.
5. Easy to use and handle:
You can conduct every day business transactions through your
accounting software and you may even make payment online through the
software to your clients or you can even receive payment through online
1. User rights and permissions may create difficulties:-
The need and rights of various users is different and if the user rights
are not defined at each level or if users exchange their jobs for a day, the
software has to define the changed rights, which is done by an administrator.
In such cases, until the changes are made the other user will find it
impossible to work, which means the other employee has no work until his
rights are defined for the day. The user's rights and the concept of reporting
are difficult for technology to implement. In many cases, manual reporting is
considered better than automatic.
2. No customization:-
This software can not make customization which want the user. This
software provide only that much function which installed under it. The user
not make customize this software in which he want.
3. Small and medium scale business only:-
This software is useful to small scale and medium scale business it is
not useful as much want the large scale business. But now days it is useful in
large scale business also.
4. User training:-
The user of Busy want to take the training of how he use this software
without training he not operate this software comfortably. The Busy
company provide the training station to users or there are some computer
institute which give training of how use this software.




The following are some question which is use to find out the
important of accounting software use by some business and the owners are
satisfied with the use of software. These questions were asked to some
accountant and owners of the business who use the accounting software
daily in their business.
1. Which accounting software you use?
2. Who had suggested you this software?
3. Why have you select this software?
4. From how many years you are using this software?
5. What did you like in this software?
6. If you compare with other software, how do you find it?
7. Are you satisfied by using this accounting software?
8. Whether this software is been used by educated people?
9. Which type of report is generated by this software?
10. Whether it is useful for online filing of tax?
11. If you want to change the accounting software which one will you like to

When I prepare the questioner I had visited some business man for
taking interview personally to identify users point of view of related
software. Every business man gave me the answers for the questions, asked.
This was helpful to me to make my analysis on these softwares some
owner also introduce me to their accountant which was also helpful to me.
They communicate with me very freely and told me some advantages and
disadvantages of that software and also suggest that which part of software
should be developed which is useful to them and then they like to change
the versions of related accounting software.

When I went to visit the firm and meet the owner of that firm. I
observed the local area where the firm exists. The office area where they
work. The computer system they use in their office. The education
qualification of the owner and the accountant of the firm. And also which
type of firm it is? These things were also taken into consideration. When, I
took the interview of the owner of the business.




To compare the accounting software I selected three different
accounting software which are useful in all type of business organization.
Firstly I had collected the historical background of these software and also
the features, functions, advantages, and disadvantages of these accounting
software. This information is very useful because every business man look
these things when he select and accounting software. This information was
also useful to compare this software with each others and to make an
analysis of this software.
This is very important part of this project to make an analysis on this
software. For this purpose I had created a simple questionnaire for the user
of this accounting software. For this purpose I had visited fifty different
business owners to find out which accounting software they use and how
they take benefit of that software. I ask them the question to analyses this
things from their point of view.
1. The following chart show the user of accounting software

Accounting software User (divided in 50 user)
S.A.P. 11
Tally 32
Busy 6
Other than this 1

accounting software. This software user is in small scale and also the
medium scale business. The user of S.A.P.
Tally users. S.A.P software is found in large scale business only. Busy
accounting software users are very less than both of this accounting
software. This is mostly use in small scale and medium scale business.
answer was, 60% users use this software because of the Chartered
Accountant of that related firm. 20% users consulted with software dealer
they understand the functions of th
function is satisfied that owner. 12% of owner makes the search of different
accounting software compare that all selected software and then selected the
accurate accounting software for their business. And remaini
select the software on suggestion of their related people and co business

The user of Tally accounting software is much more than other
accounting software. This software user is in small scale and also the
medium scale business. The user of S.A.P.
Tally users. S.A.P software is found in large scale business only. Busy
accounting software users are very less than both of this accounting
software. This is mostly use in small scale and medium scale business.
2. Suggestion
When question arise that who had suggest you this software? So the
answer was, 60% users use this software because of the Chartered
Accountant of that related firm. 20% users consulted with software dealer
they understand the functions of th
function is satisfied that owner. 12% of owner makes the search of different
accounting software compare that all selected software and then selected the
accurate accounting software for their business. And remaini
select the software on suggestion of their related people and co business

The user of Tally accounting software is much more than other
accounting software. This software user is in small scale and also the
medium scale business. The user of S.A.P.
Tally users. S.A.P software is found in large scale business only. Busy
accounting software users are very less than both of this accounting
software. This is mostly use in small scale and medium scale business.
Suggestion of software
When question arise that who had suggest you this software? So the
answer was, 60% users use this software because of the Chartered
Accountant of that related firm. 20% users consulted with software dealer
they understand the functions of th
function is satisfied that owner. 12% of owner makes the search of different
accounting software compare that all selected software and then selected the
accurate accounting software for their business. And remaini
select the software on suggestion of their related people and co business
The user of Tally accounting software is much more than other
accounting software. This software user is in small scale and also the
medium scale business. The user of S.A.P.
Tally users. S.A.P software is found in large scale business only. Busy
accounting software users are very less than both of this accounting
software. This is mostly use in small scale and medium scale business.
of software:-
When question arise that who had suggest you this software? So the
answer was, 60% users use this software because of the Chartered
Accountant of that related firm. 20% users consulted with software dealer
they understand the functions of th
function is satisfied that owner. 12% of owner makes the search of different
accounting software compare that all selected software and then selected the
accurate accounting software for their business. And remaini
select the software on suggestion of their related people and co business
The user of Tally accounting software is much more than other
accounting software. This software user is in small scale and also the
medium scale business. The user of S.A.P.
Tally users. S.A.P software is found in large scale business only. Busy
accounting software users are very less than both of this accounting
software. This is mostly use in small scale and medium scale business.
When question arise that who had suggest you this software? So the
answer was, 60% users use this software because of the Chartered
Accountant of that related firm. 20% users consulted with software dealer
they understand the functions of that software which given under it and that
function is satisfied that owner. 12% of owner makes the search of different
accounting software compare that all selected software and then selected the
accurate accounting software for their business. And remaini
select the software on suggestion of their related people and co business
The user of Tally accounting software is much more than other
accounting software. This software user is in small scale and also the
medium scale business. The user of S.A.P. accounting software is lower than
Tally users. S.A.P software is found in large scale business only. Busy
accounting software users are very less than both of this accounting
software. This is mostly use in small scale and medium scale business.
When question arise that who had suggest you this software? So the
answer was, 60% users use this software because of the Chartered
Accountant of that related firm. 20% users consulted with software dealer
at software which given under it and that
function is satisfied that owner. 12% of owner makes the search of different
accounting software compare that all selected software and then selected the
accurate accounting software for their business. And remaini
select the software on suggestion of their related people and co business
The user of Tally accounting software is much more than other
accounting software. This software user is in small scale and also the
accounting software is lower than
Tally users. S.A.P software is found in large scale business only. Busy
accounting software users are very less than both of this accounting
software. This is mostly use in small scale and medium scale business.
When question arise that who had suggest you this software? So the
answer was, 60% users use this software because of the Chartered
Accountant of that related firm. 20% users consulted with software dealer
at software which given under it and that
function is satisfied that owner. 12% of owner makes the search of different
accounting software compare that all selected software and then selected the
accurate accounting software for their business. And remaini
select the software on suggestion of their related people and co business
The user of Tally accounting software is much more than other
accounting software. This software user is in small scale and also the
accounting software is lower than
Tally users. S.A.P software is found in large scale business only. Busy
accounting software users are very less than both of this accounting
software. This is mostly use in small scale and medium scale business.
When question arise that who had suggest you this software? So the
answer was, 60% users use this software because of the Chartered
Accountant of that related firm. 20% users consulted with software dealer
at software which given under it and that
function is satisfied that owner. 12% of owner makes the search of different
accounting software compare that all selected software and then selected the
accurate accounting software for their business. And remaining 8% owner
select the software on suggestion of their related people and co business

The user of Tally accounting software is much more than other
accounting software. This software user is in small scale and also the
accounting software is lower than
Tally users. S.A.P software is found in large scale business only. Busy
accounting software users are very less than both of this accounting
When question arise that who had suggest you this software? So the
answer was, 60% users use this software because of the Chartered
Accountant of that related firm. 20% users consulted with software dealer
at software which given under it and that
function is satisfied that owner. 12% of owner makes the search of different
accounting software compare that all selected software and then selected the
ng 8% owner
select the software on suggestion of their related people and co business
business accounting.
theirbusiness from that time they are using only that software they have not
selected any updated version of that related software because they have
become expert in the related software and all function of the software.
People have b
create any confusion in their mind. But there are some users who are
interested in using the latest versions of the software. They like to use the
function performed by related software to increa
business. The following chart show the user of accounting softwares and
have not changed the software. And they use accounting software and also
interested in changing the software by selecting the upgraded software and
any other so

This chart shows the impact of other person thinking on use of
business accounting.
3. Year of using the same software
Some user were using the software
theirbusiness from that time they are using only that software they have not
selected any updated version of that related software because they have
become expert in the related software and all function of the software.
People have b
create any confusion in their mind. But there are some users who are
interested in using the latest versions of the software. They like to use the
function performed by related software to increa
business. The following chart show the user of accounting softwares and
have not changed the software. And they use accounting software and also
interested in changing the software by selecting the upgraded software and
any other so

User of same software

This chart shows the impact of other person thinking on use of
business accounting.
Year of using the same software
Some user were using the software
theirbusiness from that time they are using only that software they have not
selected any updated version of that related software because they have
become expert in the related software and all function of the software.
People have become so expert that they dont select any other software to
create any confusion in their mind. But there are some users who are
interested in using the latest versions of the software. They like to use the
function performed by related software to increa
business. The following chart show the user of accounting softwares and
have not changed the software. And they use accounting software and also
interested in changing the software by selecting the upgraded software and
any other software.
User of same software

This chart shows the impact of other person thinking on use of

Year of using the same software
Some user were using the software
theirbusiness from that time they are using only that software they have not
selected any updated version of that related software because they have
become expert in the related software and all function of the software.
ecome so expert that they dont select any other software to
create any confusion in their mind. But there are some users who are
interested in using the latest versions of the software. They like to use the
function performed by related software to increa
business. The following chart show the user of accounting softwares and
have not changed the software. And they use accounting software and also
interested in changing the software by selecting the upgraded software and
User of same software
This chart shows the impact of other person thinking on use of
Year of using the same software:-
Some user were using the software
theirbusiness from that time they are using only that software they have not
selected any updated version of that related software because they have
become expert in the related software and all function of the software.
ecome so expert that they dont select any other software to
create any confusion in their mind. But there are some users who are
interested in using the latest versions of the software. They like to use the
function performed by related software to increa
business. The following chart show the user of accounting softwares and
have not changed the software. And they use accounting software and also
interested in changing the software by selecting the upgraded software and
user |n arcentage
This chart shows the impact of other person thinking on use of
Some user were using the software when they had started
theirbusiness from that time they are using only that software they have not
selected any updated version of that related software because they have
become expert in the related software and all function of the software.
ecome so expert that they dont select any other software to
create any confusion in their mind. But there are some users who are
interested in using the latest versions of the software. They like to use the
function performed by related software to increa
business. The following chart show the user of accounting softwares and
have not changed the software. And they use accounting software and also
interested in changing the software by selecting the upgraded software and
User use different software
user |n arcentage
This chart shows the impact of other person thinking on use of
when they had started
theirbusiness from that time they are using only that software they have not
selected any updated version of that related software because they have
become expert in the related software and all function of the software.
ecome so expert that they dont select any other software to
create any confusion in their mind. But there are some users who are
interested in using the latest versions of the software. They like to use the
function performed by related software to increase the productivity of
business. The following chart show the user of accounting softwares and
have not changed the software. And they use accounting software and also
interested in changing the software by selecting the upgraded software and
User use different software
user |n arcentage
This chart shows the impact of other person thinking on use of
when they had started
theirbusiness from that time they are using only that software they have not
selected any updated version of that related software because they have
become expert in the related software and all function of the software.
ecome so expert that they dont select any other software to
create any confusion in their mind. But there are some users who are
interested in using the latest versions of the software. They like to use the
se the productivity of
business. The following chart show the user of accounting softwares and
have not changed the software. And they use accounting software and also
interested in changing the software by selecting the upgraded software and
User use different software

This chart shows the impact of other person thinking on use of
when they had started
theirbusiness from that time they are using only that software they have not
selected any updated version of that related software because they have
become expert in the related software and all function of the software.
ecome so expert that they dont select any other software to
create any confusion in their mind. But there are some users who are
interested in using the latest versions of the software. They like to use the
se the productivity of
business. The following chart show the user of accounting softwares and
have not changed the software. And they use accounting software and also
interested in changing the software by selecting the upgraded software and
user ln

user who wants to change the accounting software. But some software are
required to upgrade every year.
This m
the format which user use to maintain his record. Upgrade is done for some
specific function attach with it. For e.g.:
changes are to be done accordingly
software works with the old information as the new information is not been
uploaded or upgraded.

the user and makes him to use that software. Such as the tally users said this
software is easy to use and give the best result every time the S.A.P. user
said this software is so fas
make our work accurate and useful to take the correct decision of business
related. The user of Busy accounting software said this software give some
interesting features which is not given in other softwar
these things which attract them to use that software. And find these software
very useful and advantages as it also reduces the cost and save the space of

In this chart the user of same accounting software is more than that
user who wants to change the accounting software. But some software are
required to upgrade every year.
This mainly happen in large scale industry but this upgrade does not change
the format which user use to maintain his record. Upgrade is done for some
specific function attach with it. For e.g.:
changes are to be done accordingly
software works with the old information as the new information is not been
uploaded or upgraded.

4. Advantages of software
Every software has some different things or quality which impresses
the user and makes him to use that software. Such as the tally users said this
software is easy to use and give the best result every time the S.A.P. user
said this software is so fas
make our work accurate and useful to take the correct decision of business
related. The user of Busy accounting software said this software give some
interesting features which is not given in other softwar
these things which attract them to use that software. And find these software
very useful and advantages as it also reduces the cost and save the space of
In this chart the user of same accounting software is more than that
user who wants to change the accounting software. But some software are
required to upgrade every year.
ainly happen in large scale industry but this upgrade does not change
the format which user use to maintain his record. Upgrade is done for some
specific function attach with it. For e.g.:
changes are to be done accordingly
software works with the old information as the new information is not been
uploaded or upgraded.
Advantages of software
Every software has some different things or quality which impresses
the user and makes him to use that software. Such as the tally users said this
software is easy to use and give the best result every time the S.A.P. user
said this software is so fas
make our work accurate and useful to take the correct decision of business
related. The user of Busy accounting software said this software give some
interesting features which is not given in other softwar
these things which attract them to use that software. And find these software
very useful and advantages as it also reduces the cost and save the space of
user of same
In this chart the user of same accounting software is more than that
user who wants to change the accounting software. But some software are
required to upgrade every year.
ainly happen in large scale industry but this upgrade does not change
the format which user use to maintain his record. Upgrade is done for some
specific function attach with it. For e.g.:
changes are to be done accordingly
software works with the old information as the new information is not been
uploaded or upgraded.
Advantages of software:-
Every software has some different things or quality which impresses
the user and makes him to use that software. Such as the tally users said this
software is easy to use and give the best result every time the S.A.P. user
said this software is so fast and make them interconnect with each other to
make our work accurate and useful to take the correct decision of business
related. The user of Busy accounting software said this software give some
interesting features which is not given in other softwar
these things which attract them to use that software. And find these software
very useful and advantages as it also reduces the cost and save the space of
user of same
user of dlfferenL
In this chart the user of same accounting software is more than that
user who wants to change the accounting software. But some software are
required to upgrade every year.
ainly happen in large scale industry but this upgrade does not change
the format which user use to maintain his record. Upgrade is done for some
specific function attach with it. For e.g.:
changes are to be done accordingly .In case if its not done then the
software works with the old information as the new information is not been

Every software has some different things or quality which impresses
the user and makes him to use that software. Such as the tally users said this
software is easy to use and give the best result every time the S.A.P. user
t and make them interconnect with each other to
make our work accurate and useful to take the correct decision of business
related. The user of Busy accounting software said this software give some
interesting features which is not given in other softwar
these things which attract them to use that software. And find these software
very useful and advantages as it also reduces the cost and save the space of
user of dlfferenL
user of software
In this chart the user of same accounting software is more than that
user who wants to change the accounting software. But some software are
ainly happen in large scale industry but this upgrade does not change
the format which user use to maintain his record. Upgrade is done for some
specific function attach with it. For e.g.:- Tax changes every year hence
.In case if its not done then the
software works with the old information as the new information is not been
Every software has some different things or quality which impresses
the user and makes him to use that software. Such as the tally users said this
software is easy to use and give the best result every time the S.A.P. user
t and make them interconnect with each other to
make our work accurate and useful to take the correct decision of business
related. The user of Busy accounting software said this software give some
interesting features which is not given in other softwar
these things which attract them to use that software. And find these software
very useful and advantages as it also reduces the cost and save the space of
user of software
In this chart the user of same accounting software is more than that
user who wants to change the accounting software. But some software are
ainly happen in large scale industry but this upgrade does not change
the format which user use to maintain his record. Upgrade is done for some
Tax changes every year hence
.In case if its not done then the
software works with the old information as the new information is not been
Every software has some different things or quality which impresses
the user and makes him to use that software. Such as the tally users said this
software is easy to use and give the best result every time the S.A.P. user
t and make them interconnect with each other to
make our work accurate and useful to take the correct decision of business
related. The user of Busy accounting software said this software give some
interesting features which is not given in other software. Every user said
these things which attract them to use that software. And find these software
very useful and advantages as it also reduces the cost and save the space of
user of software
In this chart the user of same accounting software is more than that
user who wants to change the accounting software. But some software are
ainly happen in large scale industry but this upgrade does not change
the format which user use to maintain his record. Upgrade is done for some
Tax changes every year hence
.In case if its not done then the
software works with the old information as the new information is not been
Every software has some different things or quality which impresses
the user and makes him to use that software. Such as the tally users said this
software is easy to use and give the best result every time the S.A.P. user
t and make them interconnect with each other to
make our work accurate and useful to take the correct decision of business
related. The user of Busy accounting software said this software give some
e. Every user said
these things which attract them to use that software. And find these software
very useful and advantages as it also reduces the cost and save the space of

In this chart the user of same accounting software is more than that
user who wants to change the accounting software. But some software are
ainly happen in large scale industry but this upgrade does not change
the format which user use to maintain his record. Upgrade is done for some
Tax changes every year hence
.In case if its not done then the
software works with the old information as the new information is not been
Every software has some different things or quality which impresses
the user and makes him to use that software. Such as the tally users said this
software is easy to use and give the best result every time the S.A.P. user
t and make them interconnect with each other to
make our work accurate and useful to take the correct decision of business
related. The user of Busy accounting software said this software give some
e. Every user said
these things which attract them to use that software. And find these software
very useful and advantages as it also reduces the cost and save the space of
Serles 1

storing files and registers and every data is been saved in these software and
it is also very easy to get information any time when required .

5. Comparison of software:-
When the question was asked to compare the accounting software
with other software. 40% owner did not want to compare their software with
other software they just want to continue with their old software. 52%
owners like to make a comparison of two different accounting software.
They think every day there is some development in new technology and they
would like to adopt that technology to increase their business growth .So
they compared the software because they are useful for them. But the 8%
owner were confused while comparison of different accounting software
because they think that if they change the software, It can create some
confusion in their mind and also they did not want to face any problem
generated in front of them.

user User in %
No comparison 40
Like to make the compare 52
Confuse to make comparison 8

compare his accounting software.
more than the other user who not like to make a comparison.

business because
which they want from that software. But 5% owner are not satisfied with
their software as they expect more from these software and they dont use
any upgraded software to fulfill their requirement .
satisfied .

The abov
compare his accounting software.
more than the other user who not like to make a comparison.

6. Satisfaction of owner:
There is 95% owner satisfied by using software installed in their
business because
which they want from that software. But 5% owner are not satisfied with
their software as they expect more from these software and they dont use
any upgraded software to fulfill their requirement .
satisfied .

Satisfied of owner
Not satisfied owner

The above chart show the difference
compare his accounting software.
more than the other user who not like to make a comparison.
Satisfaction of owner:
There is 95% owner satisfied by using software installed in their
business because this software give them all relevant data or information
which they want from that software. But 5% owner are not satisfied with
their software as they expect more from these software and they dont use
any upgraded software to fulfill their requirement .
Satisfied of owner
Not satisfied owner
no comparlson
e chart show the difference
compare his accounting software.
more than the other user who not like to make a comparison.
Satisfaction of owner:-
There is 95% owner satisfied by using software installed in their
this software give them all relevant data or information
which they want from that software. But 5% owner are not satisfied with
their software as they expect more from these software and they dont use
any upgraded software to fulfill their requirement .
Satisfied of owner
Not satisfied owner
no comparlson
e chart show the difference
compare his accounting software. Here the user like to make comparison is
more than the other user who not like to make a comparison.
There is 95% owner satisfied by using software installed in their
this software give them all relevant data or information
which they want from that software. But 5% owner are not satisfied with
their software as they expect more from these software and they dont use
any upgraded software to fulfill their requirement .
llke Lo compare
Ser|es 1
e chart show the difference when
Here the user like to make comparison is
more than the other user who not like to make a comparison.
There is 95% owner satisfied by using software installed in their
this software give them all relevant data or information
which they want from that software. But 5% owner are not satisfied with
their software as they expect more from these software and they dont use
any upgraded software to fulfill their requirement .
llke Lo compare confuse ln
Ser|es 1
when a user has
Here the user like to make comparison is
more than the other user who not like to make a comparison.
There is 95% owner satisfied by using software installed in their
this software give them all relevant data or information
which they want from that software. But 5% owner are not satisfied with
their software as they expect more from these software and they dont use
any upgraded software to fulfill their requirement .hence they are not
confuse ln
a user has the power to
Here the user like to make comparison is

There is 95% owner satisfied by using software installed in their
this software give them all relevant data or information
which they want from that software. But 5% owner are not satisfied with
their software as they expect more from these software and they dont use
hence they are not
Serles 1

the power to
Here the user like to make comparison is
There is 95% owner satisfied by using software installed in their
this software give them all relevant data or information
which they want from that software. But 5% owner are not satisfied with
their software as they expect more from these software and they dont use
hence they are not
Serles 1

unsatisfied owner by using the selected accounting software in his business.

training of the software if they learn the basic training than they can handle
this software very easily. And they learn automatically how to use this
software. But in user of S.A.
training they cannot use this software. For this purpose the dealer of the
company make a training station for worker .Where proper knowledge and
training regarding the software is been given.
document which wants to be filed with tax department. Busy accounting
software is liable to make an online filing of tax and S.A.P. is also liable to
make online tax filing.

On the basis of this chart the satisfied owner is more than the other
unsatisfied owner by using the selected accounting software in his business.
7. Trainings of
The user of Tally and Busy accounting software require the basic
training of the software if they learn the basic training than they can handle
this software very easily. And they learn automatically how to use this
software. But in user of S.A.
training they cannot use this software. For this purpose the dealer of the
company make a training station for worker .Where proper knowledge and
training regarding the software is been given.
8. Online filing of tax:
Tally accounting software is not useful to make an online filing of
document which wants to be filed with tax department. Busy accounting
software is liable to make an online filing of tax and S.A.P. is also liable to
make online tax filing.

On the basis of this chart the satisfied owner is more than the other
unsatisfied owner by using the selected accounting software in his business.
Trainings of software:
The user of Tally and Busy accounting software require the basic
training of the software if they learn the basic training than they can handle
this software very easily. And they learn automatically how to use this
software. But in user of S.A.
training they cannot use this software. For this purpose the dealer of the
company make a training station for worker .Where proper knowledge and
training regarding the software is been given.
Online filing of tax:
Tally accounting software is not useful to make an online filing of
document which wants to be filed with tax department. Busy accounting
software is liable to make an online filing of tax and S.A.P. is also liable to
make online tax filing.
On the basis of this chart the satisfied owner is more than the other
unsatisfied owner by using the selected accounting software in his business.
The user of Tally and Busy accounting software require the basic
training of the software if they learn the basic training than they can handle
this software very easily. And they learn automatically how to use this
software. But in user of S.A.
training they cannot use this software. For this purpose the dealer of the
company make a training station for worker .Where proper knowledge and
training regarding the software is been given.
Online filing of tax:-
Tally accounting software is not useful to make an online filing of
document which wants to be filed with tax department. Busy accounting
software is liable to make an online filing of tax and S.A.P. is also liable to
make online tax filing.
On the basis of this chart the satisfied owner is more than the other
unsatisfied owner by using the selected accounting software in his business.
The user of Tally and Busy accounting software require the basic
training of the software if they learn the basic training than they can handle
this software very easily. And they learn automatically how to use this
software. But in user of S.A.P. requires training compulsorily without
training they cannot use this software. For this purpose the dealer of the
company make a training station for worker .Where proper knowledge and
training regarding the software is been given.
Tally accounting software is not useful to make an online filing of
document which wants to be filed with tax department. Busy accounting
software is liable to make an online filing of tax and S.A.P. is also liable to
On the basis of this chart the satisfied owner is more than the other
unsatisfied owner by using the selected accounting software in his business.
The user of Tally and Busy accounting software require the basic
training of the software if they learn the basic training than they can handle
this software very easily. And they learn automatically how to use this
P. requires training compulsorily without
training they cannot use this software. For this purpose the dealer of the
company make a training station for worker .Where proper knowledge and
training regarding the software is been given.
Tally accounting software is not useful to make an online filing of
document which wants to be filed with tax department. Busy accounting
software is liable to make an online filing of tax and S.A.P. is also liable to
On the basis of this chart the satisfied owner is more than the other
unsatisfied owner by using the selected accounting software in his business.
The user of Tally and Busy accounting software require the basic
training of the software if they learn the basic training than they can handle
this software very easily. And they learn automatically how to use this
P. requires training compulsorily without
training they cannot use this software. For this purpose the dealer of the
company make a training station for worker .Where proper knowledge and
Tally accounting software is not useful to make an online filing of
document which wants to be filed with tax department. Busy accounting
software is liable to make an online filing of tax and S.A.P. is also liable to
On the basis of this chart the satisfied owner is more than the other
unsatisfied owner by using the selected accounting software in his business.
The user of Tally and Busy accounting software require the basic
training of the software if they learn the basic training than they can handle
this software very easily. And they learn automatically how to use this
P. requires training compulsorily without
training they cannot use this software. For this purpose the dealer of the
company make a training station for worker .Where proper knowledge and
Tally accounting software is not useful to make an online filing of
document which wants to be filed with tax department. Busy accounting
software is liable to make an online filing of tax and S.A.P. is also liable to
saLlsfled owner
noL saLlsfled owner

On the basis of this chart the satisfied owner is more than the other
unsatisfied owner by using the selected accounting software in his business.
The user of Tally and Busy accounting software require the basic
training of the software if they learn the basic training than they can handle
this software very easily. And they learn automatically how to use this
P. requires training compulsorily without
training they cannot use this software. For this purpose the dealer of the
company make a training station for worker .Where proper knowledge and
Tally accounting software is not useful to make an online filing of
document which wants to be filed with tax department. Busy accounting
software is liable to make an online filing of tax and S.A.P. is also liable to
saLlsfled owner
noL saLlsfled owner

9. Change in accounting software:-
The sole owner not likes to change the accounting software which
they already use in business. There are fewer people who like to change the
accounting software.



On the basis of the above research and analysis I come on the
conclusion that every accounting software make an important part in
business and the function which are performed by the software is also
arranged by the companies who made this software is good and they think
on every business man which they want and which not. Firstly when any
owner starts his business he wants to take a decision to select the accounting
software which is useful for his business. Some accounting software
company give the facility to customize the accounting software in owner
point of view but the cost of customization is much more than selecting the
any other software. It is also depending upon the owners on how much big
business he has. If there is a small scale business than they have so much
potion to select the software such as Tally, Busy etc. if there is medium or
large scale business than they can use any of this software such as S.A.P.,
Tally, Busy etc. because now days this accounting software provide the good
service to each and every type of business.
The following guidance to the owner when they select the software
1. Make a need analysis and define your budget. First you should make a
wish list, where you can mention the needs of your organization and you can
define your budget. You can get a wide range of choices in your limited
budget and you can even buy expensive highly featured accounting packages
to meet your future business needs.

2. If you are not expert in accounts practices, you should contact an
accountant, who tells you about the main features of the package, which
should be present in an accounting package to meet your business
requirements. You may even contact a consultant to get accurate reviews of
various software packages.

3. There are many types of accounting software available in market and
if you own a small business, you should buy accounting package that
provides solution for small businesses but main features such as

bookkeeping or record creations, should be done at a high speed. If your
organization has small units at many geographical locations, you may need
web enabled software.

4. There are solutions, which provides add-on features to allow
specialized data entry and some accounting software provides additional
modules such as inventory or insurance at a limited cost.

5. If you need a large database, then you should buy the accounting
software, which can keep huge records and you shouldn't buy cheap
accounting solution, which may require replacement in a few years.

6. If your business requires multiple entries at one time, you may need
the accounting software, which allows multi user entries.

7. Search for value added services in your budget.

8. You can buy industry specific accounting software and you can
search on internet to know about various software packages.

9. You should buy reliable accounting software that has many years of
experience or has a steady client base.

10. You can talk to your business partners and consultants to decide
about the features of your accounting package. You can search for software
that fulfils basic needs of your organization at a low price. You can get many
low cost robust accounting systems, which fulfils your basic requirements.

11. You can even buy accounting software-as-a-solution (SaaS) to get
immediate and less expensive solution. SaaS provides solutions at a low
price, where you can prevent expenses on buying new hardware or hiring
technically proficient support staff.

1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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