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student shall undertake a project to be pursued by him/her under the supervision of internal supervisor to be appointed by the Coordinator of the study Centre. Coordinator will approve both the subject and the name of supervisor. The project shall be submitted by the students on or before last weak of March. Project report shall carry 200 marks. These shall be evaluated by an external examiner appointed by university for 100 marks and for rest of the 100 marks by an internal board of examiners appointed by Director/Principal of the institution. This internal board of examiners shall comprise of a minimum of two internal faculty members. Guidelines for preparing a project report

Criteria for selecting the topic for project report: Project can be on any undertaken on any of five major functional areas viz., Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Operations/Production Management and Information Technology. Preparation of project report:


(a) (b) (c)

Title of project work: This should convey general issues that interest you the title should not be generic in nature and should imply that the work is being made to be able to make certain conclusions. Objectives: objectives of the report should be clearly mentioned. Mythology: students should specify the methodology that they are going to adopt to carryout the project. The project report can be either based on primary data collection methods or secondary data collection methods. If primary data will be used then questionnaires, charts, diagrams etc., should be employed. In case of secondary data, literature review of already existing literature on the related topics should be given prime importance. Format of report for submission The full content of the report must be hard bound together so that the pages cannot be removed/replaced. The cover of the report must contain title, name of the candidate, the award and the year of submission. Text pages should be printed on one side the paper, preferably with 1.5 line spacing, and pages numbers at the bottom of each page. Please use separate index sheets for all chapters; each chapter should start from a new page. The project report must be around 75-100 pages Format of :a project report should contain the following parts a) Title page b) Preface c) Acknowledgement d) Table of contents e) List of illustration and tables(optional)


f) Main text(Chapters) g) Reference material-appendices, glossary, references, h) bibliography (optional)

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