Casey and Trent's Side

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CASEY Well, I guess I wont have to watch Glee tonight. Ill be seeing all the drama I need.

The guy rolls his eyes, REVEALING, TRENT, jock, tough, 18, Emmas ex. TRENT Very funny, Casey. CASEY [Joking] Im quite the comedian. TRENT Drive faster, I want to see Emma. CASEY Calm your tits. Trent rolls his eyes. TRENT Do you think she still loves me? Casey pauses, thinking TRENT [CONTD] Do you? Casey sighs. CASEY You did cheat on her. Trent seems to get a bit angry by this comment: TRENT No I didnt, that slut kissed me! Casey raises her eyebrow. CASEY And you kissed her back. TRENT Hey, she was the one who made the move on me. CASEY Always blame the stupid slut.

Casey looks at Trent and looks back towards the road. Trent gives her a glare, full with hatred. TRENT Like you? CASEY Dont give me a better reason to kill you, and rip your balls off. TRENT Youre all talk and no show. CASEY Better shut up before I kick you out. Trent sighs and looks out the window

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