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The cat came in and with a grin Said she was feeling rather thin, Then fore my eyes, to my surprise, She sprouted wings and off she flies! Well that was fun, the cat pronounced, Before she saw my feet and pounced. My socks were torn to shreds, and worse, This cat had learned to swear and curse! She gnashed her teeth and snarled in rage Pretending I was half her age, A kitten she could boss about And even swat across the snout. Enough, said I, please settle down! But this just caused the cat to frown And climb upon the curtain rails, Then raise her wings, and off she sails! When to the ground she soon returned, The cat found something new shed learned: She found that she could call my name And fore too long, I surely came. Well trained was I in all things new And little was there I could do To stop this cat from haunting me Or taking all my privacy. So now, you see, I knew the price Of keeping cats and being nice. I swore to even up the score, For I could barely take much more. I built a boat of rose red wood And knew that it would be so good To see the last of Puss the Cat, Who lately even wore my hat! She sniffed the boat and all its trim Then leapt and danced on all within. She even checked the boat was sound And asked when it was seaward bound. So keen was she to see it float She didnt notice how Id gloat While thinking how the boat would sail Until it first did strike a gale. The sun was out, the breeze was light And fast the shore was lost from sight ~ While she was turned away from me, I left the cat to sail the sea. However, Fate did deal a blow, For what I found I didnt know Was that the vest I took with me Would never help me float at sea. I saw the cat did dance a jig As she did master all the rig Then set the sails for other lands, While I was left in Gods good hands. So as I swam and prayed to Him, I cursed the day I was so dim To take a cat like this as friend Before I saw how life would end. Inge Meldgaard 2012

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