Trainer Cost 2008-2009 Proposal

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Proposal for Athletic Trainer Cost allocation, for 2008-2009

The following design is based on a flat fee plus a usage fee. 1)A flat fee of $150 per club would be a voluntary opt IN fee . As an example, if 18 clubs participate, this totals $2700. 2)The remaining portion of the salary would be paid based on usage allocations. Assuming a base salary of $15,000, then $12,300 of the salary would be paid based on usage. 3)The base salary could be additionally supplemented by additional usage by Clubs (off site, after hours, tournament coverage, playoffs, etc). This rate for additional hours would be a mutually accepted rate established prior to the season. Teams should agree on hourly or event rate for consistency. 4)As defined in the job description, the trainer should be hired for duty from 2:00- 6:00 pm on all school days. 5)Usage fees would be calculated by the following: a) Clubs that opted OUT:- $100/contact b) Clubs that opt IN- Costs allocated by number of contacts for their athlete, in comparison to total number of contacts for all IN clubs. This proportion would be multiplied by the total annual cost of trainer, less the retainer opt IN fees, and any other usage fees collected from the opt OUT clubs, if any. % 1.68 0.59 2.37 5.73 68.71 0.69 2.45 2.45 2.37 3.75 4.05 0.99 1.38 0.34 0.34 1.09 0 0 0 0 Proposed $ Total Fee(flat +usage fees) 356.24 222.57 441.51 854.79 8601.33 234.87 451.35 451.35 441.51 611.25 648.15 271.77 319.74 192.43 192.43 284.07 150 150 ? ? ~ $15,000 Prior 2007 0 727.12 908.90 908.90 3362.93 2363.14 818.01 872.54 636.23 2054.11 1181.57 545.34 654.41 908.90 454.45 1272.46 327.20 363.56 0 0 $18,359

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