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Assessment S: Masakit na talaga Pain is felt on the right hypogastric area, radiating to the groin, rated pain as 10/10,

O: >with initial vital signs of: BP:140/90 mmHg, PR:78 bpm, RR:23 cpm, T: 38.3C >febrile >Guarding of abdomen noted >facial grimaces are observed >with limited movements noted >

Explanation of the Problem

Objectives After 30 minutes of nursing interventions the patient will be able to: y Decrease pain scale from 5/10 y Decrease temperature y Demonstrate diversional activities and relational activitites like Deep Breathing Exercise y Verbalize to report pain relieve or controlled

Interventions done at ER >assessed vital signs

Interventions to be endorse >monitor vital signs every 4 hours and record

Rationale >this can be a baseline information >to be able to rule out the underlying condition >observations may/may not be congruent with verbal reports and may be only indicator present when patient is unable to verbalize >analgesics reduces pain and promote rest and comfort >antipyretic reduces fever


>assessed characteristics of pain >assessed non verbal cues of pain

>administered ketorolac 1amp IM as ordered >administered paracetamol 500mg 1tab as ordered >ensured safety by raising the bedrails >instructed to do deep breathing exercise >encouraged verbalization of feelings and concerns >encourage to verbalize or to report pain

>patient is in pain.

>this activitites can distract attention to pain and reduce tension >this can help us to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions and to know the patients condition

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