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Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuedes Tribute to Tayo Aderinokun, 1955 2011

Tayo Aderinokun literally walked into my life in 1988. In his characteristic unassuming manner, he approached my desk at Continental Merchant Bank to introduce himself and thrust out his hand saying Hi, Im Tayo. He then said You must be Aig. We chatted for a minute; he excused himself and then left. This brief encounter between him, a manager and me, a youth corper did not happen by chance and would have a profound effect on my future career in banking. Tayo had without meeting me identified me as someone that he would want to work with as he pursued his vision for an entrepreneurially-driven career in banking. Over the next thirteen years I observed several similar instances where Tayo would instinctively take a chance on the future potential of an individual he had never worked with. I recall one instance where a young salesman visited Tayo to sell him a swimming pool; Tayo was impressed with the young chaps selling skills and recruited him on the spot despite his lack of relevant experience to work in Guaranty Trust. The young man, now bald, went on to have a meritorious career in the banking profession. Once Tayo had you on board, he commenced the delicate process of molding you into a confident, knowledgeable, and urbane banking professional. Those who worked with him will never forget his pushing, inspiring, cajoling, and sometimes bullying to drive his recruits or should I say pupils to attain standards of excellence that define what is best in Nigerias banking industry even today. I am grateful to God for influencing Tayo to invest significant amounts of time in my professional development. What most do not know is that I was told almost everything - his history, his trials, his triumphs, his family relationships - in the belief that this exposure would accelerate my rate of development and process of maturing. Tayo was a man whose intellect and high level of enlightenment gave him clarity of purpose and confidence of judgment to pursue the goals he had set for himself with almost clinical efficiency. His vision was always uncluttered and the path to attainment very clear, thus he was quick and decisive in resolving the dilemmas that we all meet in lifes journey. Because Tayo did not hold back much from those he embraced, I was privileged to interact very closely with his vast network of relationships: Regulators, Customers, Bankers, Business Partners, and friends from every background and demographic constituency. His only basis for discrimination was whether you were straightforward with him or not. He was loyal and supportive to anyone he regarded as a friend so much so that he had this knack for converting his customers into close friends. These friendships ensured that his customers literally took their business wherever Tayo went. For those who competed for business with Tayo, they will readily duff their hats to this truly outstanding Relationship Manager.

At Guaranty Trust we used to say that great organizations make ordinary people extraordinary; today, let me paraphrase and say great leaders can be measured by the exploits of their followers. Tayo taught me how to plan and execute; whether it was a product, an event, a business strategy, a marketing call, or a negotiation. Tayo believed in planning and this was one of his most outstanding qualities. I recall him regaling me with his hosting of the then Continental Merchant Bank CEO and Foreign Dignitaries during an official visit to Kano during his tenure as the Bank's Kano Branch Manager: precision timing, a dash of panache, and innovative use of the resources available to him resulted in an extremely successful outing. I recall several events that we planned together, which set a standard that, truth be told, was a challenge to better. But on a larger scale, the story of First Marina, the founding of Guaranty Trust, and the rebranding of Guaranty Trust are examples of truly outstanding case studies of world class planning and execution. Tayos untimely departure has left thousands of people with a shared sense of painful emptiness and frustration because this colossus of banking, who had so much more to give, was taken away at the prime of life. But what better way to deal with our pain than to use the memories of Tayo's time and service as a father, brother, son, friend, colleague, mentor, leader and patriot as a cloth to wipe away our tears. What better way to honour this great Nigerian than to complete some of the projects he started as he transited from his role as the builder of great companies to that of the builder of a great Nigeria. Adieu Uncle T, a rare Nigerian of inestimable value.

Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede Managing Director, Access Bank plc

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