Unit4 Ao1

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Explain the major body systems and examine lifestyle factors and their impact on health

skeletal system
There are 206 bones in the body. In the vertebral column there are 34 bones. The vertebral column allows helps us do many things like our posture, it helps our movement and also it supports our upper body. The longest bone in the body is the thigh.

muscular system
Muscles are what forms the shape of your body Over 40% of your weight is made up of skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle forms all the red meat around the body

cardio respiratory system

as you breath in the air travels to the alveoli and the oxygen goes on to the red blood cells which then is taken to be pumped round the body. The carbon dioxide is the put into the alveoli to be breathed out.

Risk on the skeletal system

Your diet can have a big effect on the skeletal system because if you are not eating the right vitamins you could damage your bones, if you dont have enough vitamin d you could have a disease called rickets.

Risk on cardio respiration system

smoking can have a massive of effect on the respiration system, when you smoke you get tare on your lungs which then blocks up your alveoli and then you struggle get oxygen round your body which can then lead to cancers.

Risk on muscular system

Your diet can effect your skeletal muscles because if there is not enough exercise in your life style because then it could lead to being overweight or obese and then it could also lead to having a high blood pressure.

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