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Mr. John F.




January 25, 20012

Mr. President Barack Obama, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500

Mr. Obama, for the last fifty years I have been trying to get all branches of government stop violating my Civil Right. This battle has taken me to United States Court Supreme. In John F. Kennedy v Trustee of President John F. Kennedy Case No. 09-3043-cv. I started out at the Southern District of New York Hon. William H. Pauley setting judge. The first comment he made "I came here do dismissed this case, but it looks like both parties are here." The Hon. Pauley is the sitting judge on the case John F. Kennedy V Trustee of President John F. Kennedy, Not only was that a clear violation of my Civil Rights but he did not follow the rules governing the federal Court. Hon. Pauley did not ask one question. Had he asked a question Judge Pauley would had been informed that there was a federal crime that was committed and the federal court is the right venue for this case. Marcy R. Harris Attorney at law missed in formed the Honorable Judge William H. Pauley when she stated in federal court that I was given up for adoption to the Burtons. I state emphatically I was not given up for adoption to the Burtons . changed my last name to Burton for the reason. could not answer to the name that my captors give me. Mary was my main captive she was the prime care giver or baby-sitter. Not that she cared just that she was the one who keep me. Mary had nine children living with her and not all at the same time. Mary came up with a birth certificate that is not mine. She and her children torture me to on end. Mary is a vile, vulgar, and reprobate that. was left with. I took the last name Burton out of the TV Guide . recall that my father the late President John F. Kennedy and my mother the late Movie Star Marilyn Monroe looked for me. Yes lived with them both. My parents trusted the Kennedy's of Massachusetts. For fifty years they have fail to keep their promise that they would looked out for me. Starting with the Attorney General of the United State Robert F. Kennedy and the Honorable Senator Edward M. Kennedy. These two men have one time or another been one of the Trustee of the late President John F. Kennedy last will and testament. They were always aware of my ware bouts. 1 of 2 pages

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