SJ Week 7 Readings

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Cardiff Sufi Group: The Spiritual Journey, Week 7

Weekly Readings

Surpass Your Self

Welcome to the Cardiff Sufi group, part of the Threshold Society. This weeks readings urge us to surpass our conventional notions of ourselves. We suggest this four step approach to working with this selection: Read this selection, out loud if possible, seven times. Dwell upon the phrase or sentence that touches you. Ask yourself what relevance or application this has to yourself. Finally, sit in the afterglow of these reflections and open yourself to whatever new insight or message the Divine might have for you.

Text One
Im the devoted slave of anyone who doesnt claim to have attained dining with God at every way station. Many inns must be left behind before you reach your home (1.3259-3261)

Text Two

By God, dont linger in any spiritual benefit you have gained, but yearn for more like one suffering from illness, whose thirst for water is never quenched. The Divine Court is the Plane of the Infinite. Leave the seat of honour behind; let the Way be your seat of honour (3.1960-1961)

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