Act Math

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1. A house is 45 feet wide and divided into two rooms.

If one room is twice as wide as the other, how wide is the smaller room? A. 10 feet B. 15 feet C. 20 feet D. 30 feet E. 35 feet 2. Abe averages 3 miles per hour running and Beatriz averages 4 miles per hour running. How much further can Beatriz go in hour than Abe can? F. 2 miles G. 1 mile H. mile J. mile K. 1/8 mile 3. The 5 consecutive integers below add up to 190. What is the value of x? x-2 x-1 x x+1 x+2 A. 38 B. 37 C. 36 D. 35 E. 34 4. What is the least common multiplier of 5, 4x, 6y and 3xy? F. 30xy G. 60xy H. 60(xy)2 J. 72(xy)2 K. 72xy 5. I8-7 I - I7-8 I = A. -1 B. 0 C. 1 D. 2 E. 3

6. The child care center charges $11 an hour plus a daily $3 drop-off fee. How many hours of childcare did Robert pay for if he dropped his son off 3 days last week and paid $130 at the end of the week? F. 5 G. 7 H. 9 J. 11 K. 13 7. If a = -2 and b = -4, then a2 b + 2ab = A. 0 B. 4 C. 16 D. 32 E. 40

Answer Key
1. The best answer is B. If a distance of 45 feet wide is split into two portions, one twice as long as the other, we can write this mathematically as 2x + x = 45 or 3x = 45. x (the width of the smaller room) then = 15. 2. The best answer is H. If Abe goes 3 miles in one hour, he goes half of that or 1 miles in one half hour. Similarly, Beatriz can go 2 miles in one half hour. The answer therefore = 2 - 1 =. 3. The best answer is A. x - 2 + x - 1 + x + x + 1 + x + 2 = 5x = 390. x = 38 4. The best answer is G. 30xy is not a multiple of 4x. The next smallest figure listed is 60xy which is a multiple of all the numbers given and is therefore the correct answer. 5. The best answer is B. The absolute value of 8 - 7 is 1. The absolute value of 7 - 8 is also 1. 1 - 1 = 0 6. The best answer is J. Robert paid $9 in drop-off fees. If he paid $130 total and we use x to represent the number of hours of childcare he paid for, that means that 130 = 9 + 11x. 121 = 11x. x = 11. 7. The best answer is A. -2 squared is 4. 4(-4) + 2(8) = -16 + 16 = 0

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