The Khazar Jews

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The Kazarian Jews

What is a Kazarian Jew? And could they be what is referred to in Rev. 3:9 as the
Synagogue of Satan?

Q. What is a Kazarian Jew? And could they be what is referred to in Rev. 3:9?

A. The term Kazarian Jews refers to a Turkic people who occupied the area north of
and between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and by some accounts converted en
masse to Judaism in the early 700’s AD. According to these accounts, they were
eventually driven westward into Poland and Central Europe, and account for the
large Jewish population there prior to WW2. Some cite them as the origin of the
Ashkenazi, or European Jews.

The name Ashkenaz first appears in Genesis 10:3 as a grandson son of Japeth (one
of Noah’s three sons) and a son of Gomer, along with Ripoth and Togarmah.

Following the confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel, Gomer’s people moved
North and West. The descendants of Ashkenaz are believed to have gone furthest,
eventually reaching into into Central Europe. A corruption of Ripoth’s name is
thought to be the origin for the word Europa, or Europe, while Togarmah is the
father of the Armenians and Turks, from which the Khazars came. Altogether 12 of
the 70 patriarchs mentioned in Genesis 10 were descendants of Japeth and founded
what became the Caucasian Nations of Europe and Asia.

If our understanding of the history of the Khazars is correct, they would have
assimilated into the communities of their Gentile cousins after being driven
westward and could account for the dramatic rise of Judaism in Europe. This would
also explain why a majority of Jews in Israel today are Ashkenazi, or European,
Jews. After all they were the ones who came out of the concentration camps at the
end of WW2 and resettled Israel.

However, to identify them as the Synagogue of Satan in Rev. 3:9, who say they are
Jews but are liars, is to buy into the Palestinian myth that even if the Lord did
give the Promised Land to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob , the Jews of today have no
right to it, not being descendants of Abraham, but rather a bunch of “recently”
converted Gentiles.

Setting aside the validity of their conversions, there are many biological sons of
Israel in the land today, surely representing all 12 tribes, and the miraculous
way they got there is testimony to the legitimacy of their claim.

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