Examen Yutcelis

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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

C.E.N. Manola Luna Silva

Maturn, Febrero 2 - 2012-02-01 1St English Text 2do Lapso
Obj. 2.1. Entender y expresar mandatos, peticiones, instrucciones y prohibiciones
Full Name: ____________________________ Section: ______________________
Part I.- Complete the sentences with the words given (5 points)
a.- wait a __________________ please.
b.- Listen carefully, _______________
c.- Brush your _______________
d.- Read this ____________ Then aswer the questions
e.- Dont ______________

* go out
* teeth
* moment
* please
* paragraph

Part II .- Identify the following sentences. Write if it is a Request, an instruction, a

prohibition or a command. (5 points)
a.- Bring me the package, Please: ___________________________
b.- Go to be!: _____________________________
c.- Dont Forqet the book: ___________________
d.- Write down your address and your telephone number: _______________
e.- turn off the lights: _______________________
f.- Please, tell me the time: ____________________
g.- Get out!:_______________________
h.- Dont wear that dress: ________________
i.- Undeline the right answer and answer the questions: ___________________
k.- Read aloud!: ________________________
Part III writ 3 commands, Requests and prohibitions (4 points)
Part IV.- Look the picture and write according the actions (6 points)

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