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Summary of lectures 1-5

1. 2.

Rule to locate an object in space, using a standard length, the centemeter Concept that the position of an object is a function of the time, x=x(t), using a standard unit of time, the second

3. Concept of velocity and rule to calculate velocity 4. Concept of acceleration and rule to calculate acceleration

The fundamental assumption of how to describe and calculate the movement of objects, Newtons equations Fx=max, Fy=may,fz=maz, for the three directions used to locate the object. These equations allowed the definition of m, mass, in terms of a standard mass, taken as 1 gram The electrostatic force, is the force between two objects that each have a property called charge . The equation for the force is (q1 q2)/r2 where q1 and q2 are the charges on the two objects and r is the distance between the objects. The equation allows the determination of the charge on any object when we have chosen a standard charge. The standard charge is called the statcoulomb.


7. A definition and rule for the calculation of work.


The amount of work required to bring object 2 from infinity to a distance r from object 1 when both have charge is (q1 q2)/r . This work is called the potential energy. The sum of all the potential energies of all the pairs of objects in a system is the total potential energy. The amount of work required to bring an object of mass m from no velocity to a final velocity of v is 1/2 (mv2) . This work is called kinetic energy. The total kinetic energy of a collection of objects is the sum of all the individual kinetic energies. If a system of objects is isolated from the rest of the world (universe) then the total energy, the sum of the total potential energy and the total kinetic energy, does not change as time changes.



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