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SECTION A Answer all questions. This section consists of objective questions.

Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. If you are unable to answer any question, proceed to the next question. 1. In which of the following is X in the correct position in a food chain. Antara berikut, yang manakah kedudukan yang betul bagi serangga X dalam rantai makanan berikut.

X A B C D 2. Plants X Tumbuhan X X Eagle X Helang Frog Plants Katak Tumbuhan Eagle Frog Helang Katak Frog Eagle Katak Helang Plants Frog Tumbuhan Katak X Eagle X Helang Plants X Tumbuhan X

Defecate is defined as discharging. Nyahtinja dimaksudkan sebagai penyingkiran. Which of the following is a defecating process? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah adalah proses nyatinja? A B C D Urinating Buang air kencing Defecate Buang air besar Sweating Berpeluh Breathing Bernafas


Which of the following are the characteristics of animals that protect themselves from very cold weather? Antara berikut, yang manakah ciri haiwan yang melindungi diri daripada cuaca yang amat sejuk? I II III IV A B C D Thick fur Bulu tebal Hard Shell Cangkerang keras Scales Bersisik Thick layer of fat Lapisan lemak yang tebal I and II only I dan II sahaja. I and IV only I dan IV sahaja II and III only II dan III sahaja III and IV only III dan IV sahaja


Which of the following will happen to the leaves of a plant that is kept in cupboard for two weeks. Antara berikut, yang manakah akan berlaku kepada daun sepohon pokok yang disimpan dalam kotak hitam selama 2 minggu. I II III IV A B C D Fall Gugur Wilted Layu Turn yellow Menjadi kuning Increase in size Semakin besar I and II only I dan II sahaja. I and IV only I dan IV sahaja I , II and III only I, II dan III sahaja I, III and IV only I, III dan IV sahaja 2


The figure below shows a food web. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu siratan makanan

The carnivore in the food web is Karnivor dalam siratan makanan ini ialah A B C D the tiger only. harimau sahaja the eagle only. helang sahaja the eagle and the rabbit. helang dan arnab the tiger and the eagle. harimau dan helang


Owls are useful in a paddy field. They eat the rats that eat the rice grains. What will happen if the owl popultion in a paddy field decreases? Burung hantu amat berguna di sawah padi. Mereka makan tikus yang makan bijiran padi. Apakah yang akan berlaku jika populasi burung hantu di dalam sawah padi semakin berkurangan? A B C D The rice harvest will increase Hasil tuaian padi meningkat The rat population will decrease Populasi tikus berkurangan The paddy plant will grow well Pokok padi akan hidup subur The paddy field will be overrun by rats Sawah padi akan musnah disebabkan oleh tikus


The following information refers to a life process of humans. Maklumat berikut merujuk kepada suatu proses hidup manusia. To produce offsprings Menghasilkan anak To increase in number Menambah bilangan To avoid extinction Mengelakkan kepupusan

Which life process does the information refer to? Proses hidup manakah yang dirujuk oleh maklumat itu? A B Breathing Bernafas Defecation Penyatinjaan C D Reproduction Pembiakan Response to stimuli Gerak balas terhadap rangsangan


What will happen if humans do not excrete and defecate? Apakah yang akan berlaku jika manusia tidak berkumuh dan bernyahtinja? A B They will fall sick. Manusia akan jatuh sakit. They cannot survive. Manusia tidak boleh hidup. C D They will be healthy. Manusia akan menjadi sihat. They will become extinct. Manusia akan pupus.


Yasmin measures the length and width of four cards, A,B,C and D. Which card has the biggest area? Yasmin mengukur panjang dan lebar empat keping kad, A,B,C dan D. Kad yang manakah mempunyai keluasan yang paling besar? Length Panjang A B C D 6cm 5cm 8cm 9cm Width Lebar 4cm 5cm 3cm 2cm


Figure shows several activities that involved force. Rajah menunjukkan beberapa aktiviti yang melibatkan daya. Force daya



Which activities uses the same force as P and Q ? Aktiviti manakah melibatkan penggunaan daya yang sama dengan P dan Q? A B C D P Sweeping the floor Menyapu lantai Pulling a school bag Menarik beg sekolah Pushing a trolley Menolak troli Close the drawer Meutup laci Q Press a switch Menekan suis Combing hair Menyikat rambut Press a switch Menekan suis Pulling a flag Menarik bendera


Diagram shows a worker pushing a heavy load. Rajah menunjukkan seorang pekerja sedang menolak suatu beban yang berat.

Which of the following methods can be used so that it is easier to move the load? Antara berikut, kaedah manakah yang sesuai digunakan untuk memudahkan pergerakan beban tersebut? I II III A B 12. Pull the load using a rope. Tarik menggunakan tali Place rollers under the load Meletakkan roda di bawah beban Coat the floor with oil Melumurkan lantai dengan minyak II only II sahaja I and II only I dan II sahaja C D II and III only II dan III sahaja I, II and III I, II dan III

Toy car X takes 8 seconds to travel 100 cm. Kereta mainan X mengambil 8 saat untuk bergerak sejauh 100cm. Which of the following objects moves faster than toy car X? Manakah antara objek-objek berikut bergerak lebih laju daripada kereta mainan X? A B C D Object P takes 6 seconds to travel 100 cm. Objek P mengambil masa 6 saat untuk bergerak sejauh 100cm. Object Q takes 9 seconds to travel 100 cm. Objek Q mengambil masa 9 saat untuk bergerak sejauh 100cm. Object R takes 12 seconds to travel 100 cm. Objek R mengambil masa 12 saat untuk bergerak sejauh 100cm. Object S takes 15 seconds to travel 100 cm. Objek S mengambil masa 15 saat untuk bergerak sejauh 100cm.


Which of the following activities are difficult to perform without friction? Antara aktiviti berikut , yang manakah sukar untuk dilakukan tanpa geseran? I II III IV A B Sharpening a knife Menajamkan pisau Turning a door knob Memusingkan tombol pintu Swimming in a pool Berenang di dalam kolam renang Slowing down a moving bicycle Memperlahankan basikal yang bergerak I and II only I dan II sahaja I and IV only I dan IV sahaja C D I, II and IV only I, II dan IV sahaja II, III and IV only II, III dan IV sahaja 6


The bar cat below shows the the distance travelled by four objects after 20 minutes . Carta palang di bawah ini menunjukkan jarak yang dilalui oleh empat objek dalam masa 20 minit

Which object of the following statements about the objects is true based on the bar chart? Antara yang berikut,pernyataan manakah yang benar tentang carta palang di atas? A B C D 15. R is faster than P and S but is slower than Q R lebih laju daripada P dan S tetapi lebih perlahan daripada Q P is faster than R and S but is slower than Q P lebih laju daripada R dan S tetapi lebih perlahan daripada Q Q is faster than P and S but is slower than R Q lebih laju daripada P dan S tetapi lebih perlahan daripada R P and R are faster than Q and S P dan R lebih laju daripada Q dan S

The picture below shows a maid wringing out a cloth Gambar di bawah ini menunjukkan seorang pembantu rumah memerah kain.

Which of the following activities involve the two types of forces used by the maid? Antara aktiviti yang berikut,manakah yang melibatkan dua daya seperti yang dilakukan pembantu rumah itu. 7


The diagram below shows a feather which is dropped from X to the ground.The feather takes 5 seconds to reach the ground.What is the speed of the feather? Rajah di bawah ini menunjukkan sehelai bulu pelepah dijatuhkan dari X ke lantai.Bulu pelepah itu mengambil masa 5 saat untuk sampai ke lantai.Berapakah kelajuan bulu pelepah itu?

A B 17.

8 cm/s 12 cm/s


10 cm/s 14 cm/s

What is meant by speed? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kelajuan? A B C D A calculation of the distance travelled by an object Pengiraan jarak yang dilalui oleh objek A difference between time and distance Perbezaan antara masa dengan jarak A measurement of how fast and object moves Ukuran beberapa laju suatu objek bergerak A relationship between moving objects Hubungan antara objek-objek yang bergerak 8


The diagram shows the classification of preservation methods for a few types of food. Rajah menunjukkan pengkelasan kaedah pengawetan untuk beberapa jenis makanan. Food preservation Kaedah pengawetan makanan

X Papaya Betik Nutmeg Buah pala Mango Mangga

Y Anchovies Ikan Bilis Chillies Cili Shrimp Udang Kecil

Which of the following correctly represents X and Y? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah mewakili X dan Y dengan betul? A B C D 19. X Canning Pengetinan Bottling Pembotolan Pickling Penjerukan Salting Pengasinan Y Pickling Penjerukan Salting Pengasinan Drying Pengeringan Freezing Penyejukbekuan

A cook does not have tamarind for a asam pedas dish. Which of the following fruits is suitable to replace the tamarind? Seorang tukang masak kehabisan asam jawa untuk masak asam pedas. Buah yang manakah sesuai mengggantikan asam jawa? A B C D Papaya Betik Mango Mangga Banana Pisang Water melon Tembikai


A few paper clips were put into a beaker of water next to an open window.After a few days, the water turns brownish. What is the conclusion? Beberapa batang klip kertas dimasukkan ke dalam bikar berisi air dan diletakkan di tepi sebuah tingkap yang terbuka. Selepas beberapa hari , air bertukar menjadi keperang- perangan. Apakah kesimpulannya? A B C D The water reacted with the sunlight. Air bertindakbalas dengan cahaya matahari. The water mixed with dust and dirt. Air bercampur dengan debu dan kotoran The water and air reacted with the paper clips. Air dan udara bertindakbalas dengan klip kertas The water heated by the sun light reacted with paper clips. Air yang dipanaskan oleh cahaya matahari bertindakbalas dengan klip kertas.


A plate of rice was left on the table. Why did the rice spoilt after five days? Sepinggan nasi diletakkan di atas sebuah meja. Mengapakah nasi itu menjadi basi selepas lima hari? A B C D It was kept for too long Ia disimpan terlalu lama It was exposed to the air Ia terdedah kepada udara It was kept in a cold and dark place Ia disimpan di tempat yang sejuk dan gelap. It was caused by bacteria and fungi. Ia disebabkan oleh tindakan bakteria dan kulat.


The following information shows a type of food preservation process. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan suatu proses pengawetan makanan.

Food is sterilized before it is packed in airtight containers. Makanan dibasmi kuman sebelum dibungkuskan dalam bekas kedap udara. Air from the packages and containers are drawn out to make a vacuum. Udara dari bungkusan dan bekas dikeluarkan untuk menjadi hampagas. Microorganisms cannot survive without air as they require air for respiration. Microorganisma tidak boleh hidup tanpa udara kerana ianya perlu bernafas

This type of food preservation is Jenis pengawetan makanan di atas ialah A B drying Pengeringan smoking pengasapan 10 C D vacuum packing pembungkusan vakum pasteurisation pempasteuran


The following are steps in the pickling of fruits. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah penjerukan buah-buahan. W X Y Z Mix the fruits with salt and leave overnight Gaulkan buah dengan garam dan biarkan semalaman Soak the fruit in a concentrated sugar solution Rendamkan buah di dalam larutan gula pekat Wash and drain the sliced fruits Basuh dan toskan buah yang dihiris Slice the young fruits Hiris buah muda

Which of the following is in the correct sequence? Antara berikut, yang manakah adalah urutan yang betul? A B C D 24. W X Y Z X W Z Y Y Z W W Z Y X X

Which of the following cannot be reused? Antara berikut, yang manakah tidak boleh diguna semula ? A B C D Plastic bottle Botol plastik Old tyre Tayar lama Pieces of cloth Sehelai kain Tissue paper Kertas tisu


Which of the following causes the change in the length of shadows of an object from morning until evening? Antara berikut , yang manakah akan menyebabkan perubahan panjang bayang-bayang objek dari waktu pagi sehingga petang? A B C D Size of the Sun Saiz Matahari The movement of the Earth around the Sun Peredaran Bumi mengelilingi Matahari Rotation of the Earth on its axis Putaran Bumi di atas paksinya Movement of the Moon around the Earth Peredaran Bulan mengelilingi Bumi



Which statements are true about the eclipse of the moon? Manakah penyataan yang benar mengenai gerhana bulan ? I II III IV A B C D The moon is between the sun and earth. Bulan berada di antara matahari dan bumi. The earth is between the sun and moon. Bumi berada di antara matahari dan bulan. Can be observed by naked eyes. Boleh diperhatikan dengan mata kasar. Occurs only for a few minutes. Berlaku hanya untuk beberapa minit. I and II I dan II I and IV I dan IV II and III II dan III III and IV III dan IV


Figure shows the different shapes of the moon during the eclipse of the moon. Rajah menunjukkan pelbagai bentuk bulan ketika kejadian gerhana bulan.

Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the shapes of the moon? Antara berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan urutan bentuk bulan yang betul? A B C D S, R, Q, P Q, R, S, P R, P, Q, S Q, R, P, S



Figure shows the position of the sun, the earth and the moon. Rajah menunjukkan kedudukan matahari, bumi dan bulan.

Which of the following shows the correct position of the moon during the total eclipse of the moon? Antara berikut yang mana merupakan kedudukan bulan yang betul ketika gerhana bulan penuh? A B 29. P Q C D R S

Zaid wants to raise a heavy box to a higher place. Zaid hendak mengangkat kotak berat ke tempat lebih tinggi. Which simple machine should he use? Mesin ringkas yang mana sepatutnya digunakan olehnya? A B Inclined plane Satah condong Lever Tuas C D Screw Skru Wedge Baji


Which of the tools below uses the principle of lever? Alat yang manakah menggunakan prinsip tuas?


P and R R and S 13


Q and R P and S

SECTION B Answer all question. Jawab semua soalan. The suggested time for this section is 30 minutes. If you are not able to answer a question, proceed to the next question. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Masa yang dicadangkan untuk bahagian ini ialah 30 minit. Sekiranya kamu tidak dapat menjawab sesuatu soalan, teruskan menjawab soalan berikutnya. Tuliskan jawapan kamu dalam ruang yang disediakan. 1. The table below shows the number of turtles that lay eggs on an island. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan bilangan penyu yang bertelur di sebuah pulau. Year Tahun 2002 2006 2010 (a) Number of turtles that lay eggs Bilangan penyu yang bertelur 2 5 7

State one reason (inference) based on this information. Nyatakan satu inferens berdasarkan maklumat-maklumat ini. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] Write one reason on the number of turtles that lay eggs to support the answer in 1(a) Tuliskan satu pemerhatian tentang bilangan penyu yang bertelur untuk menyokong jawapan dalam 1 (a). ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] State what is changed (manipulated variable). Nyatakan pemboleh ubah yang dimanipulasikan. ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] Predict what will happen if the island is developed into a holiday resort. Ramalkan apa yang akan berlaku jika pulau itu dibangunkan menjadi tempat peranginan. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] 14





Table shows the result of an investigation on the cooling of 400 ml of water. Jadual menunjukkan keputusan suatu penyiasatan tentang penyejukan 400 ml air. Time / minute Masa / minit Water temperature / C Suhu air / C 0 3 5 7 9 11 13

99 87 77 69 63 59 57


What is the aim of the investigation? Apakah tujuan penyiasatan itu ? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] Give one reason why the water cools. Nyatakan satu sebab mengapa air menjadi sejuk. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] Predict the water temperature at the 10th minute. Ramalkan suhu air pada minit ke 10. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] What conclusion can be made from this investigation? Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat daripada penyiasatan ini ? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] State the trend of water temperature. Nyatakan corak perubahan suhu air. ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] 15






Different number of ice cubes are put into a three beakers as shown in diagram below. Kuib ais berlainan bilangan dimasukkan ke dalam tiga buah bikar seperti dalam rajah berikut.

The temperature of water in the beaker is recorded in table below. Suhu air di dalam bikar direkodkan seperti di dalam jadual di bawah Beaker W X Y (a) Number of ice cubes (Bilangan ketulan ais) 10 8 6 Temperature of water after the melting of ice ( C ) Suhu air selepas ais mencair (C) 10 15 20

Based on Table , write one conclusion. Berdasarkan Jadual , tuliskan satu kesimpulan. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah]


Predict the temperature of water after the melting of ice when the 7 ice cubes are put into the beaker. Ramalkan suhu air selepas ais mencair apabila 7 ketulan ais dimasukkan ke dalam bikar. ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] Based on the Table 3, state the trend of the temperature of water after the melting of the ice. Berdasarkan Jadual 3, nyatakan corak perubahan suhu air selepas ais mencair. ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] 16



State one inference (reason) based on the temperature of the water after the melting of the ice in beaker W Nyatakan satu inferens (sebab) berdasarkan suhu air selepas ais mencair di bikar W ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] Write an observation to support your inference in (d). Nyatakan satu pemerhatian bagi menyokong inferens anda di (d). ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah]



The bar chart below shows the result of an investigation. Carta palang di bawah menunjukkan keputusan sesuatu penyiasatan
150 130 110 Length of 90 shadow / 70 Panjang bayang50 bayang (cm) 30 10 -10



Time / Masa (hour)


What is the aim (purpose) of the investigation? Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini ? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah]


State one conclusion that can be from information in the table . Nyatakan satu kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan maklumat dalam jadual. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah]



Based on the result obtained at 1.00 p.m, give reason. Berdasarkan keputusan yang diperolehi pada pukul 1.00 tengahari , berikan sebab. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah]


Sally carries out an investigation. She places two models P and Q near to each other. Then she uses a piece of newspaper to fan them. Sally menjalankan satu penyiasatan . Dia meletakkan dua model P dan Q secara berdekatan antara satu sama lain. Kemudian dia menggunakan kertas surat khabar untuk mengipas model-model itu. Q P


Based on the investigation, state Berdasarkan penyiasatan itu, nyatakan: (i) What is changed? Apakah yang diubah? _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] (ii) What is observed? Apakah yang diperhatikan? _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah] What is kept the same? Apakah perkara yang sama? _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark] [1 markah]



SKEMA JAWAPAN Bahagian A 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bahagian B Soalan 1 (a) No enemies / No water pollution / No development ata the beach / etc if suitable (b) The number of turtles that lay eggs increase (c) The Year (d) The number of turtle that lay eggs decrease Soalan 2 (a) To investigate the relationship between the time with the water temperature (b) The water lose heat (c) 61C (d) The time increase, the water temperatue decrease (e) Decrease Soalan 3 (a) The number of ice cubes decrease, the temperature of water after the melting of ice increase (b) 17C (c) Increase (d) The number of ice cube in P are the most (e) The temperature of water after the melting of ice are the lowest. Soalan 4 (a) To investigate the relationship between the time with the length of shadow (b) The time increase, the length of shadow decrease until 1 pm than increase (c) Matahari berada tegak di atas kepala / The position of the sun is 90 degree or straigth at the top of our head Soalan 5 (a) (i) (ii) (iii) The height of model The time for model fall The type of model / the place of investigation / the speed of fan / etc if suitable A B B C D D 7 8 9 10 11 12 C A B B C A 13 14 15 16 17 18 C A B B A C 19 20 21 22 23 24 B C D C D D 25 26 27 28 29 30 C C B C A C


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