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Comparing people, things....

1.) for the following groups of words the comparative and superlative are formed by adding an -er or -est a) monosyllabic words - words consisting of one syllable - short words: e.g.: short - shorter - shortest cheap - cheaper - cheapest
if the word ends in vowel and consonant consonant is doubled

....mind the spelling! fat - fatter - fattest slim - slimmer - slimmest late - later - latest large - larger - largest b) adjectives ending in -y: e.g.: happy - happier - happiest easy - easier - easiest

if an adjective ends in e the e gets lost

bei quiet, simple, narrow, shallow, clever ... both are possible

2.) all other adjectives form their comparatives using more and most: e.g.: interesting - more interesting - most interesting beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful

3.) irregular forms: good - better - best bad - worse - worst 4.) how to make comparisons: if they are of the same size, quality,...we use: Johnny is as tall as Greg. I'm as old as Rick. if there is a difference between two: not, (=not, than. Greg is not as old as Mary. My sister is older than I am. 5.) the superlative: He's the tallest. This is the fastest car we have. many - more - most much - more - most

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