Some Sort of A Philo Reviewer

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Epistemology The scope and nature of knowledge

Deep Skeptics
There is no truth! There is no knowledge! Everything is a perceptual illusion o Mistakes in reasoning o Poor track record (limited perspective) What is known at present can certainly change in the future!

Radical Externalists
There are lots of truths: 1. 2. 3. Evolution Cooperation Instinct

ACGUERRA [2.02.2012]

3 Logical Principles
Its really just like Math. 1. 2. 3. Principle of Identity When a statement is true, it is true. If it is false, it is false. Principle of Non-contradiction A statement cannot be true and not true at the same time and in the same respect. Principle of Excluded Middle True or false not true and false!

ACGUERRA [2.02.2012]

Types of Knowledge Claims

Source of knowledge Coherence ANALYTIC* Correspondence EMPIRICAL Mind One and one make two. Senses I have observed that a pot of boiling water scalds when touched, therefore this belief is true. Mind + senses Scalding sensations felt upon touching a pot of boiling water are universal to all people, therefore the belief that it scalds is true. Subjective experience I have seen a ghost at least once in my lifetime; therefore ghosts are true relative to my own perception. What can be known? Formal knowledge Empirical knowledge Means of validation Presence of coherence of terms in a system Correspondence between mind and reality

Inter-subjective EVALUATIVE

Formal + empirical knowledge

Validity through consensus


Personal truths (factual vs. existentialism)

Subjective experience

*a priori = independent of senses

ACGUERRA [2.02.2012]

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