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Pediatric Rehabilitation Assessment and Consultation Services (PRACS) 49th Street Community Health Centre Bay A 4755 49th

h Street RED DEER, AB T4N 1T6 Phone: (403) 314-5240 Fax: (403) 314-5230

O.T. Notes
Volume 2, Issue 5

Tips and Strategies from your Occupational Therapist.

June 2010

Fun Summer Ideas

How to make a referral to Occupational Therapy:
Here is a list of some fun summer ideas that encourage the development of fine motor skills. Freeze juice with strong colors e.g. grape, orange, cranberry, into ice cubes. Take cubes out to draw with on white paper and pop the rest into cold drinks! Encourage water play that includes squeezing water out of sponges, using turkey basters, eye-droppers, or squeeze toys. Play with squirt toys or spray bottles. Try nozzles that have different resistances. Paint shapes onto the sidewalk or on the fence. The student could also be responsible for watering the plants every day. Playing with clay, plasticine or playdough with focus on squeezing and manipulating the clay into different shapes. Try pushing pegs or small objects into the clay. Play wastepaper basketball by crumpling strips of newspaper and trying to throw them into the wastepaper basket. Play with bubbles outdoors. Practice popping bubbles using the tips of the thumb and index finger. Use small tongs to pick up styrofoam chips, cotton balls, small toys or marbles and place them into containers. Practice making shapes/letters out of cookie dough (sugar cookie dough works well). Practice making structures out of Lego or blocks. Make a structure and then have the student try to duplicate the structure on his own. Use sidewalk chalk to make large pictures. Play a game of "Go Fish" with letter cards instead and ask each other for cards based on letter name or sound. Write down the letters each turn under two columns: asked and received. Use a small shovel to dig-out shapes in the sand. Use a pail of water to pour into the shapes and watch the water swirl! Practice printing words in the sand. Use your finger, a stick, or a seashell. "Guess the letter" and write letters on each other's backs. Or, have the child close his/her eyes and write a letter large on a black board or wall with their printing hand and have them guess what it was. Then keep score by having the child print the letters they got right or wrong and tally it up at the end. Have a prize for whoever gets the most right! Fill a large Ziploc bag with shaving cream, glop (cornstarch and water), sand or rice, or fill a small cookie sheet with a thin layer or salt, sugar or pudding. Have the student draw letters and numbers with his/her finger on the surface or the bag or cookie sheet.

Teacher to complete referral package. Parent to complete referral package and consent form. School coordinator/ Director of Student Services to ensure all documentation is completed and signed. Completed referral package to be sent to the PRACS Intake Resource Coordinator by mail or fax.

***Services are funded by Student Health Partnerships.***

Did you Know?

Researchers believe that thinking, problem solving, and creative processes are slowed when the body is low on fluids. Remember to stay hydrated in the summer heat!

Its Time to Move (A Movement Break Idea)

Get outside to play! Try hanging from the monkey bars, climbing playground structures, playing hopscotch, or swimming in a pool. All of these activities help build proprioception skills. So over the summer, turn off the TV and send the children outside to play for fun, exercise, friendships, fresh air, and sunshine. Let them play for an hour every day or more. Soon, you will have trouble getting your happy children back indoors.

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