Income Worksheet 2012

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Please review the cover letter/attachment with this APPLICATION for the other documents required for you to be considered for a Synod of the Sun scholarship. All documents must be received in the Synod office NO LATER THAN June 15, 2012. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Part II: FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1. What will be your income for the academic year Sep 2012 through Aug 2013? [Please complete Worksheet A to help determine income.] $__________________ 2. What will be your expenses for the academic year Sep 2012 through Aug 2013? [Please complete Worksheet B to help determine expenses.] $_________________ 3. If your expenses will exceed your income, describe how you plan to make up the difference.

WORKSHEET A INCOME ESTIMATES My Income: Spouses Income: Other Support: TOTAL INCOME 1. _________________ Do you plan to work during school year? Yes No

2. _________________ Comments: ___________________________________ 3. _________________ (Please complete table below) _________________ (sum of 1 + 2 + 3) DETAIL OF OTHER SUPPORT

Source My Family My Church My Presbytery General Assembly Seminary-Tuition Seminary-Other Other

Amount Requested

Likelihood* and Other Comments

*guaranteed or probable

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