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These tiny typographic details can make a big difference

Typographic Etiquette

The "quotation marks" provided on your keyboard are stiff, lifeless, and dumb. Smart is sexy. Smart quotes are sexy. See?

Use Smart Quotes, Dummy

How to type these !@fi things

html maC oS uniCoDe

Thats swell!

S m a rt q u o t e S

"That's swell!"

Dumb quoteS

quotation marks arent meant to be used for units of measurement. use Prime and Double Prime.
Prime & Double Prime

Quotation Marks Dont Measure Up Shes 56

q u o tat i o n m a r k S

Shes 56

Theres already a period, a space, and a capital letter to signal the new sentence. isnt that enough for you? besides, the extra spaces create unsightly gaps in body copy.

One Space After a Period. Not Two.

+1 for Proper Math Symbols


‘ +] u+2018 ’ ++] u+2019 “ ++[ u+201C ” ++] u+2019D ′ u+2032 ″ u+2033 × u+00D7 − u+2212 ÷ +/ u+ooF7 fi fi ++5 u+Fb01 fl fl ++6 u+Fb02 ff ff u+Fb00 ffi ffi u+Fb03 ffl ffl u+Fb04
Whats the best way to use ligatures on theweb? When should you avoid justified type?
learn this and more in the new book


m at h S y m b o l S

n o t m at h S y m b o l S

the letter x hyPhen

unlike twins, some letters pairings look weird unless theyre conjoined.
W i t h l i g at u r e S

Ligatures Bring Letters Together find afford affinity affluenza find afford affinity affluenza

W i t h o u t l i g at u r e S

Design for Hackers Reverse-Engineering Beauty

by David kadavy iSbn: 978-1-119-99895-2 available on

v 1.0 august 15, 2011

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