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University of Delaware Department of Mathematical Sciences Analysis Preliminary Exam August 2003

1. (a) [10] Prove that the interval [a, b] is compact without using any theorems on compactness. (b) [6] Suppose f : [a, b] R is continuous; what can you say about the range of f ? Prove your claim - you may appeal to any theorems you wish. 2. (a) [8] Suppose f : R R is dierentiable and f (x) > 0 for all x R. Prove that f is a strictly increasing function. (b) [10] Suppose f : R R is continuous on R and dierentiable at every point except perhaps at x = 0. If limx0 f (x) = L then prove that f is dierentiable at x = 0 and f (0) = L. 3. (a) [8] Suppose f is Riemann Integrable on [a, b]. Dene a function

F (x) =

f (t) dt.

Prove that F is continuous on [a, b] and if f is continuous at a point p in [a, b] then F is dierentiable at p. (b) [10] Suppose f is continuous on [a, b], f non-negative on [a, b], and is the zero function.
b a f

= 0. Prove that f

4. (a) [10] Suppose fn is a sequence of continuous functions on [0, 1] which converges uniformly to f . Prove that lim fn (xn ) = f (x)

for every sequence xn in [0, 1] which converges to x. (b) [4] State the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem. 5. (a) [2] What is meant by the dierentiability of a function F : Rn Rm at a point p of Rn ? (b) [4] State a theorem which guarantees the dierentiability of F : Rn Rm at p in terms of conditions on the appropriate partial derivatives. What is the relationship between the derivative of F at p and the associated partial derivatives? (c) [8] State the Inverse Function Theorem and the Implicit Function Theorem. 6. Let S be the part of the surface z = x2 + y 2 which lies below the plane z = 4 and let D be the region bounded by S and the plane z = 4. (a) [8] Compute x2 dx dy dz.

(b) [12] Find a vector eld whose divergence is x2 and then use the Divergence Theorem to transform the above integral to a surface integral; then compute the surface integral. You may leave your answer in the form of an integral of a trigonometric function.

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