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CTORYP PLUS Call for Prop posals for r Joint R& &D Proje ects PROFAC Deadline for Pha ase 1 15th March 5 h, 2012 ase 2 28th June, 2 8 2012 Deadline for Pha
The Member Countries of the Eur reka Umbrel lla PROFAC CTORYPLUS S: Austria, B Belgium, Finland, Malta, , Spain, Swe eden, Switzerland and Turkey co ommonly an nnounce a Call for Pro oposals for joint R&D r D projects. T The Call is focusing on developin innovativ products and appli n ng ve s ications in Smart and d Sustainabl Manufac le cturing Tec chnologies.. Applicants are expec s cted to dev velop ready to market y t solutions o projects w or which have strong mar rket potential. The Call invites for proposals with special w l focus to the e following d domains: He ere we sugg gest some do omains that can be relev vant Flex xible and ag gile producti ion Key y technologi ies for produ uction of tom morrow Res source Effici ient and Sus stainable ma anufacturing g processes Inte elligent man nufacturing systems Oth her Manufac cturing topic cs not covere ed above

Keywords f for the techn nical scope and industr rial sectors a are: Automatio on Engineer ring, Industr rial Enginee ering, sustain nability, ene ergy efficien ncy, reduction of waste (m materials, wa ater,..), Life C Cycle Engineering, Envi ironmental T Testing, etc.; y, mechatro onics, factory y automatio on, manufact turing, autom motive, food d, etc.. machinery PROFA ACTORYPLU US Member Countries s supporting t this call will l provide the e opportuni ity to access s to public funding fo or joint proj jects within less than 8 months. PROFA ACTORYPLU will pr US rovide assi stance to project pa artners dur ring project proposal, t , evaluat tion and monitoring pha ase. The Ca is annou all unced in th field of industrial research an experim he nd mental development in n cooperation with t the EUREKA A initiative an nd Eurostar rs programm me. Hence, th he Joint call initiative is s ed eration and in line wi th the proc d cedures of the EUREKA innovatio platform KA on m manage in coope www.eurekanetwo

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The Call is launched on 6st February, 2012 by PROFACTORYPLUS. Eligible partners are invited to present proposals for industrial R&D projects according to the following procedures: Qualifications The proposal should include at least two partners from two different EUREKA Member Countries, where at least one partner must come from a PROFACTORYPLUS Member Country. Project partners are funded in their respective countries. Each countrys funding regulations must be followed and respected. Innovation actors from other Eureka Member Countries or Associated Countries may also apply without a PROFACTORYPLUS Member Country organisation, but there will be no specific advisory support from the PROFACTORYPLUS umbrella. The project should have an obvious advantage and added value resulting from the cooperation between the participants (e.g. increased knowledge base, competitive advantage, access to R&D infrastructure etc.). The project should demonstrate the contribution of the participants from different countries on a balanced base, and the project must be sufficiently advantageous for all participants.

Supportive Measures by PROFACTORYPLUS The PROFACTORYPLUS Member Countries supporting this call will assist the project initiator and partners with supportive actions regarding the national funding rules as well as providing feedback comments about the technical content (Contacts are given below). For international partner search the services of the local branches of Enterprise Europe Network is recommended ( Introduce the keyword PF+Call for easy identification. You can also contact your national PF+ expert for introduction to networks in other countries.


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1) In the fi irst phase, p partners wil ll be asked t to present a short project prepropo osal via the template provided at t the PROFA ACTORYPL LUS website.. ed to the PF The e completed d template of the phase 1 prepropo osals should be submitte F+ Secretary y th March, 2 Gen neral, secret tariat@prof factoryplus until 15 5 2012 at 20:0 00 (CET). The e preproposals will be screened an nd evaluated d by PROFA ACTORYPLU US experts a against PF+ sco ope and call criteria and the results will be notified to the p partners wit thin 3 weeks s.

econd phas se, applicant ts will be su upported by PROFACTO ORYPLUS re epresentativ ves in 2) In the se contacting their respec ctive national/regional agencies to apply for th he EUREKA l label and for funding. Partners w will be suppo orted by the National Eu ureka Projec ct Coordinat tors on how to complete e submission of their full l application ns. Deadline o of the secon nd phase (fu ull applicat tion) is at T Thursday, 28th June 20 012 and suc ccessful th October 2012. h projects ar re approve ed at the EUREKA meet ting on 17

Submitcompletedfo ormto

Return nsignedand completedformtoyo our NationalPro ojectCoordin nator

Downloadtem D mplatesfrom m theP PROFACTOR RYPLUSwebsite.

Download dEUREKAAp pplication Proje ctFormfrom mthe EU REKAwebsit te.

Important t:
It is still po ossible for ap pplicants to submit an a application f for the June deadline ev ven if they had not submitted a an abstract for the Marc ch deadline..

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Each country will fund its eligible participants within EUREKA framework. Funding conditions and eligibility criteria may vary from country to country. It is strongly recommended to contact the corresponding PROFACTORYPLUS experts or National Eureka Project Coordinator for detailed information (see list below).

PF+ EXPERTS FOR QUESTIONS CONCERNING PARTNER SEARCH AND CONTENT Austria: Belgium: Malta: Spain: Sweden: Switzerland: Turkey: Christian Wgerer, +43 664 620 7675, Hubert van Belle, +32 50 357439, Alexia Grech, +356 2542 3212, Laura Vivas, +34 915815566, Margareta Groth, +46 473 3000, HansRudolf Helfer, +41 58 934 77 82, Abdurrahman Trk, +90 3124685300,

NATIONAL EUREKA PROJECT COORDINATORS FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT FUNDING RULES Austria: Belgium: Malta: Spain: Sweden: Switzerland: Turkey: Reingard Neto, +43 5 77 55 49 01, Robert Verbruggen, +32 2 238 34 18, Samantha Runco, +356 2542 3207, scar Fernndez, +34 91 581 55 18, Tomas Aronsson, 46 8 473 31 18, Andreas Gut, +41 31 322 11 07, Oguz Yapar, +90 312 468 5300 / 1600,


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