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Bad Fat Cat

Pam has a cat. The cat is fat. The fat cat is black. Black fat cat sat in the jam. Pam has a rag bag. In the bag went Black Fat Cat. Dad and Pam ran with Black Fat Cat to the tap.

Red Hen Red Hen is Pams pet. Black Fat Cat is wet. Black Fat Cat ran to get Red Hen. Red Hen ran to Pams bed. Black Fat Cat sat on Pams bed. He let Pams bed get wet. Can Fat Cat get Red Hen? Pippin Pig Pippin Pig went to dig in the pit. Black Fat Cat ran to Pippin Pig. The Black Cat hit the little pig. He bit him on the leg.

Pippin Pig ran and hid in the big tin bin. The fat cat did not fit in the bin. Dotty ran to get Pam. Will Pam get rid of Black Fat Cat? Dotty Dog Dotty Dog is in his box. Black Fat Cat is on the top of the box. The Black cat has a hot pot. He will pop the pot on Dotty. Dotty cannot spot the cat. Red hen can spot Black Fat Cat. She will hop onto the box. She will stop Black Fat Cat.

Nuts, Buns and a Hug Run Dotty! Run to get Pam! Dotty tugs Pam to the bin. Pippin is in the bin. He is hot in the sun. This is not fun. Black Fat Cat sits by the bin. Pam runs up to the bin. She gets Pippin Pig. She sets him on the rug. Pam has nuts for Pippin. Dotty the pup has a bun. Red Hen runs to hug Pippin. Red Hen gets a nut too.

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