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Dantes Peak Movie Based Revision!

Rent the movie from the library, answer the

questions What style of eruption is the first explosion in the opening credits

What is the most significant health hazard to the pollution in the first scene?

What hazard kills Marion?

Who does pierce brosnan work for

Name two other volcanoes in the northern cascades

When they say the depth is 10 to 20km what does this indicate if found under a dormant volcano?

Hot spring - why is it unlikely lava is rising in the hot spring?

The smoky quartz crystal could also be?

Why do the trees die?

Why Are the squirrels dead?

Why is the Acidity in the lake so low?

What methods does he mention for monitoring

What causes the bubbles in the lakes

Why is there a mound in the middle of the crater?

Where are most of Europe s versions of "spider legs" tested?

Why are shallow magmatic quakes worrying to volcanologists?

Why does the water come out brown?

What is the biggest hazard during the earthquake?

How is the eruption column shown different from the 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens?

What should have happened after a few minutes of the eruption starting?

Why is there lightening in the ash cloud?

Give two reasons as to why the basaltic lava flow at the start of the eruption is unrealistic

How strong does acid need to be to dissolve the aluminium boat?

If grandma really got in the lake how long would she last? What is the name of the hazard that starts after grandma dies and why?

Why is it unlikely the dam would break?

What type of lava flow does pierce try to cross?

Why is it wrong for this movie?

Why should the car not make it?.

What do the red arrows labelled predicted refer to?

Why is the scene with the pierce outdriving the pc flow completely unrealistic?

Which volcano are the flying scenes actually from?

When would be a more realistic time for the lahar?

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