Giao An Tieng Anh 7 - Full-Cuc Hay

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh

Preparatory date :1/9 Teaching date : Period : 1 Unit one:

Back to school
A. Friends ( A1 + A3 )

I/ Objects At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to greet one another and introduce themselves. II/ Language contents 1, New words: classmate, so am I, me too 2, Structures: Nice to see you, Nice to see you again. III/ Teaching aids. Make a syllabus. Prepare pictures, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up 1, Warm up (5) (5) Answer the questions of Make questions: the teacher. Whats your name? How are you today? Are you happy to meet your 2,Presentati classmates after long on summer vacation? (15) Uses the picture to introduce the new lesson: They are bang and Oh. Oh is a new student. Listen to the tape How do they greet one Look at the books and another? Hi, Hello or Good repeat after the tape. morning? Opens the tape twice Work in the small groups Asks the students to look at 3 students stand up and the books and listen to the practice tape again. Lets them work in the small groups. Calls some groups to practice the dialogue. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 1 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Explains the different between two sentences. Nice to see you and Nice to see you again. ( can replace see by meet) Opens the tape again. Makes questions: Whats the new girls name? What class is she in? Who is also in class 7a? Tells the students to look at the sentences which are in the book Asks them to read. Opens the tape( each paragraph). Calls the students give their keys. Corrects their mistakes. Lets students make the dialogue again Now our class has a new student How will we greet her? Tells them to use the everyday English. Arrange the order dialogue. I am fine. Hello, Lan. How are you? Well, here is my bus. Bye Hung. Hello, Hung. Very well, thanks. And you? Good bye, Lan. See you soon. *Put the one word into lacks to compete the following sentences. Listen and repeat Answer the questions Her name is Hoa. She is in class 7a. Nam is also in class 7a. Look at the books. Read after the teacher. Listen and put the sentences, which are in the book. Give the keys . Practice Greet each other Do this exercise Give the correct dialogue. Hello, Lan. Hello, Hung. How are you? Very well, thanks. And you? Im fine. Well, here is my bus. Bye Hung. Good bye, Lan. See you soon.

3, Practice (15)

4,Productio n (5)

5, Homework (5)

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 2 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Im ....... new student.........class 7a I live..........Tran Phu Street. I live . parents and ..........sister Learn by heart the new words and the structures. Rewrite the dialogue in the your notebooks. Do ex. 1,2 (3,4 st) B/Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 2 A/

Friends (A2+ A5= A6)

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read fluently and can listen it. II/ Language contents 1, Vocabulary: still, different, lots of, a lot of, miss, unhappy. 2, Structures: She lives with her uncle. Her new school is bigger than her old school. III/ Teaching aids. Make a teaching plan. Prepare some pictures, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedure. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up Uses the picture to Listen to the teacher (5) introduce the new lesson; carefully. this is Hoa. She is from Hue. Now she lives with her aunt. This is a new school in Hanoi. - Or uses the picture to Listen and answer these questions ask. Do you remember this girl? Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 3 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, Presentatio n Where is she from? How many schools are there? Which school is bigger? - Reads the reading twice. - Lets the students read it swiftly - Calls some students to read. - Corrects their mistakes. - Make some questions about Hoa. Where is she from? Who is she staying with? Does she have a lot of friends in Hanoi? How is her new school different from her old school? Why is she unhappy? Asks the students to tell about Hoa. Asks the students to practice in pairs( speak about their old school - It has ........... It is bigger/ smaller......... Goes around the class to help weak students, remind students to use words, phrases to speak Let them write on the paper. Corrects their mistakes if they have. Listen to the teacher. Read the reading.

Answer the questions about Hoa. -She is from Hue. She staying with her aunt and her uncle. No, she doesnt. Her new school is bigger her old school. Because she misses her parents and her friends.

3, Practice

Tell about Hoa. Practice in pairs. Speak loudly.

Can write on the paper. - listen to teacher. - Practices with a partner.

Read the sentences .

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 4 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
4, Production. (5) *A3:Introduces it by asking some questions about the picture. Then opens the tape. -Asks some the students make a dialogue again. - Listens and corrects their mistakes. * Speaks aim of the listening. Tells them to read these sentences which are in the box. Can ask them to guess the keys. Opens the tape Gives the correct keys. Opens the tape again to check. *Opens each sentence. - Corrects the mistakes. 1- c, 2- b, 3- d, 4- a. Rewrite the reading in the books and answer the questions. Learn by heart . Do ex. 3,4 ( 4 sbt) Guess the keys. Listen it. Listen it carefully. Give the ideas. Listen to and write in the books

5, Homework (5)

V/ Draw experience

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 5 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Preparatory date: 1/9 Teaching date: Period 3 B/

Name and addresses.(B1+ B2)

I/ Objects . By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to introduce the thirth person and consolidate WH question. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: family name, surname, middle name, first name. 2, Structures: What is your family name? My family name is Pham. Where do you live ? I live at ......... III/ Teaching aids . - Make a teaching plan. - Prepare pictures, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up Uses the picture to ask Listen and answer (5) students -They are students. -They are in the class. - Who are they? -They are learning. - Where are they? -She is teaching/ asking. - What are they doing? - What is the teacher -They are answering. -They are talking doing? 2, - What are the students themselves Presentation Listen and repeat. doing? (20) - What are they talking Practice with a partner. about? Speak loudly. Opens the tape twice. Asks the students to practice in groupworks. Calls some groups to speak loudly. Listens and correct their Listen and read. mistakes if they have. Explains the meaning of the new words: Pham Thi Read again. Hoa. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 6 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- Pham: Family name. - Thi: Middle name. - Hoa: First name. Guides students reading. Lets students answer the questions by asking them. - Who is Hoa talking to? - What is Hoas family name? What is her middle name? - Where does she live? Talk sts to ask each other about Hoa. Listens and corrects. Asks students about themselves. Ex. What is your family name? What is your middle name? Where do you live? Lets a student talk about her or him: What is her/ his family name? *B2: Asks sts to look at the picture and ask each other: - Who are in the conversation? - What are they talking about? ( In the conversation between Nga and Lan. There is a lack of WH questions in the right place) Writes on the board. Corrects and gives the Answer the questions. She is talking to Miss Lien. Her family names Pham. Her middle names Thi. She lives at 12 THD Street. Practice with a partner. Answer My family is ......... My first name is..... I live at/ in................. Her/ His family is............ Look at the picture and answer They are Nga and Lan. They are talking about Miss Lien. Listen and complete this dialogue. Give the keys. Listen and correct. Work in pairs.

3, Practice

4, Procedure

Do this exercise

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 7 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
5, Homework keys. Practice with a partner (5) ( who, who, what, where, where, how) Lets sts practice in pairs Goes around the class to Rewrite in the notebooks help weak students. Make complete sentences from the following words. - Where/ your parents/ live/ - They/ live/ 30 Ba trieu street/ - How old/ your brother/? - Who/ teaching/ English/ class *B3: Explains doing Guides asking Game: Word square. Learn by heart Do ex.1,2(5 sbt) Guides doing V/ Draw experience Preparatory date: 3/9 Teaching date: Period 4

B/ Names and addresses (b3+b4+b5)

I/ Objects By the end of the lesson the students will be able to ask the distance and talk about means of transport. II/ Language contents 1, Vocabulary: How far,, near, far, about, meters, kilometers 2, Structures: a.How far is it It is not far/ near- about........meters/kilometers Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 8 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
b. How do/ does..........go to........? ......go bike/ bus..... III/ Teaching aids Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedure Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up. Uses the picture to Look at the book to answer introduce the new lesson by asking some questions: -There are five. How many people are there in the picture? -They are on the street. -They are going to school/ - Where are they? to work. - What are they doing? These students are going Listen to teacher. to school by bike( tell about means of transport) Listen carefully 2, because it is not far( tell Repeat after the tape. Presentation about distance) Work with a partner Opens the tape twice. Then asks sts to repeat the Speak in front of class dialogue. Lets sts work with a partner. Calls some pairs to speak Read these words aloud. Listen and correct their Repeat and write. mistakes if they have. Explains the new words: -How far,, far, not far, near, not near, how.......go, by bike Asks sts repeat the Look at the pictures and listen structures: -How far is it from your Read loudly these words house to school? It is not far- about 1 kilometers. - How do you go to Answer these questions: - It is .......... school? I go to school by bike. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 9 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
*B5: Pre- listen., asks sts to look at the 4 pictures to know these places: market, 3, Practice movie theater, post office, bus stop. Uses the questions to ask sts: - How far is it from your house to school/ market/ movie theater/ post office/ bus stop? Tells sts to practice with a partner Asks sts to practice free by using the structures over. Goes around the class to listens and helps the weak sts Can use the other pictures to practice or draw some distances 4, Production *B6: Pre- listen , asks sts to look at the picture and speak these places. Talks the aims of the listening: write 4 distances - school to Lans house : 300 meters. 5, Homework - Lans house to post office :700 meters. - School to movie : 3 kilometers. - Movie theater to post office: 2 kilometers Calls sts to practice. - What is your family name? - Where do you live? - How far is it from here? Practice with a partner. Work in small groups or with a partner Speak loudly. Practice Listen and write.

Give the keys Correct

Listen and answer

Write on the paper. Listen and write

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 10 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- How do you often go to school? Ask sts to write a survey Learn by heart. Write B6 in the notebooks. Do ex.3,5(sbt) V/ Draw experience

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 6 Unit two: Personal information A/Telephone numbers(A1+A2+A3) I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak or read numbers and telephone numbers, use the future simple. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: number, telephone, will, excuse me, telephone directory, 2, Structures: What is your telephone number? 8 263 019 I will call you soon. III/ Teaching aids. Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedure. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1,Warm up Asks sts to tell about them Tell about them. by using the structures which they have just learn. Answer. Then asks questions: Does Yes/ No your family have a telephone? Listen to teacher. Introduces: Nowadays, telephone has been very popular in our social communication. Thus, it is necessary for English learners to have a skill of Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 11 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, Presentation using and understanding telephone in their study. In Look at the books. this lesson, we will deal these matters. Answer( can answer Lets sts look at the book Vietnamese) and guess what is this. Asks: Where is this page Listen and read. from?


Explains: telephone number. - Guides reading telephone number: Stop after the coke, and read 3 number. Ex. 030 772 348 3, Practice 04 655 780 Tells sts to read the telephone numbers which are in the book, and work in pairgroups Note: 800, 111, 222, 000 You will listen to some peoples telephone numbers. You write down the number you hear. Opens the tape twice. Asks sts to compare with the number you write. Calls some sts to check Open the tape again *Asks sts to look at the picture and asks some questions: Do you often talk with some on the phone? - Do you know the 4, Production question asking for telephone number?

Practice with a partner and say the telephone number for these people

Listen write.





Check the keys. Listen and answer these questions.

Listen to the tape. Write in the notebooks. Practice with a partner. Reads these numbers telephone

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 12 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- Do you know how to give your telephone number to other people? Opens the tape and explains: What is your telephone 5, Homework number? I will call you soon. Gives some telephone numbers to practice Asks the question. - Do you have a phone? - What is your telephone number Lets sts write in the list Correct the mistakes. Learn by heart. Write 6 sentences about personal information. V/ Draw experience Listen and answer. Work in small groups Complete the list which is in the page 20. Rewrite in the notebooks.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 5

B/ Names and addresses(b6+b7)

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to practice listening , writing and asking the distance of the 2 places, use the structure: How far is it II/ Language contents. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 13 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
1, Vocabulary: Use the words about places and distances. 2, Structures: How far is it It is about ............ III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up *Asks sts some personal Listen and answer information: Where do teachers questions. you live Is it far/ near from your school? How far? Look at the picture and How do you go here? ask. *Shows the picture and asks: Read these words. What is this/ that? 2, Presentation introduce the new words: Lans house, school, Look at it and answer market, theater, post office - Asks sts to look the picture - Asks some questions about the picture: Is Lans house far or near Listen. Give the keys from school? - Speaks the aim of the listening: Find out 4 Listen and check distances in the tape - Opens the tape - Calls some sts to tell Rewrite in the notebooks the keys - Open the tape again, stop each sentence to check: a. school to Lans house: 3, Practice 300 meters. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 14 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
b. Lans house to post office: 700 meters. c. School to movie theater: 3kilometers. d. Movie theater to post office: 2 kilometers - Opens the tape again and tell sts to practice with a partner - Let them work in small groups by using other words. - Explains the exercise( b718 page). - Gives an example: Name: Vu Thi Mai. Address: 56 Le Loi street. Means of transport: by bus. Distance: about 1 kilometer - Calls a student to practice by answer the questions What is your full name? Where do you live? How do you go to school? How far is it from your house to school? - Goes around class to help weak sts - Consolidate asking and answering the distance and the means of transport by letting sts ask each other. Practice with a partner. Speak loudly.

Listen carefully to do

Listen and answer , then write your personal information in the paper. Can check with a partner

4, Production

Ask each other

Look at the drawing and ask each other

5, Homework

Rewrite these teacher.



Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 15 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- Listens and corrects their mistakes if they have - Can draw the distances Market.......................Sch ool Post office Bank.......................Bus stop Practice with a classmate by using the structures that they have learn. Do ex. 3,5(6,7- sbt) V/ Draw experiences Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 7. Unit two: A/ Telephone numbers( A4+ A5+A6+ A7) I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the studends will be able to practice asking for and giving telephone numbers, can use the future simple tense. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: free, see a movie, start, dont be late. 2, Structures: Will you be free tomorrow? Yes, Ill. What time will it start? Itll start at7 oclock. Where will we meet? Well meet in front of the movie theater. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up -Asks some questions: -Listen and answer. Do you have a telephone? Yes, I have. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 16 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
What is your telephone number? Do you know how to give your telephone number to others? -Lets sts look at the picture and answer the questions. Who are they in the 2, picture? Presentation. What are they doing? What are they talking about? Can you guess? -Now look at the dialogue and listen to the tape to know what they are talking about. -Plays the tape twice, and asks them repeat -Gives the new words: see a movie, start, great, late, free -Have the sts work in pairs. -Have the pairs role- play the dialogue, with one student playing Lan and the other playing Hoa. -Listen to them and correct in pronunciation . -Ask the questions: Who will meet tomorrow? What will they do? What time will they meet? Where will they meet? Give sentences: 3, Practice. - Well meet in front of the movie theater. - Would you like to come 030 772 864 No. -Look at it and answer. Phong and Tam. They are talking on phone. ( by students) -Look at the dialogue and listen to tape. -Repeat . -Read these words. -Work in pairs. - Practice with a partner.

Phong and Tam. They will see a movie. At 6.45 They will meet in front of the movie theater.

Look at it and read. Answer the questions teachers

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 17 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
to my house? - Lets meet. - Dont be late. Copy the form onto the board and ask the sts to read it. Pre- listening, the teacher asks some questions: -Do you sometimes go to the movies? -What do you 4, Production say to ask your friends to go to the movies with you?.... Play the tape and ask one or two sts to come up and fill it out in front of the class. Have the sts cross- check their form with a partner. Make any comments. 5, In order to consolidate Homework. speaking on the phone, the teacher asks the sts to make a conversation about themselves. Listen and correct. Then let them read the dialogue, ask the sts to role- play it. Have one or two pairs make up it in front of the class. Ask these questions. Learn by heart Make a conversation with classmates. Write answers into notebooks. Complete the Yes, I do. Would you like....? Listen and fill this form. Practice with a partner. Correct yourself mistakes. Make a conversation about themselves. Read the dialogue and roleplay. Answer these questions. Listen and copy into the notebooks

Listen , read and write these ordinal numbers and cardinal ones.

Look at the picture and

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 18 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
form that is in 21 page. answer a question: It is calendar. Explain the differences from cardinal number and ordinal numbers. One First (1th) Two Second(2th) Three Third(3th) Four Fourth(4th) Five Fifth(5th) Six Sixth(6th)....... Ask the sts to look at the picture and make a question: 4, Production What is this? It is a calender. Give the meaning of this word.Now you must listen and write the dates of July. Play the tape twice. Can ask the sts to work in pairs. Call on some sts who give ideas themselves. 5, Homework Check and give the keys. - The first of July. - The nineteenth. - The sixth. - The fourteenth. - The seventeenth. - The thirty- first. Ask the sts: Now many months are there in a year? What are they? Now you are going to write the

Listen the tape. Practice with a partner. Listen and correct the mistakes. Read and write.

There are 12 months in a year. They are January......December

Go to board and write on it.

Rewrite into notebooks

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 19 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
months in their correct order, using ordinal numbers. Have the sts work individually. Ask one or two sts to write their answers on the board. Make any necessary corrections. After that, note reading ordinal numbers. Learn by heart ordinal numbers and the months. Write them into notebooks V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 8 Unit two:

B/ My birthday(B1+ B2+ B3)

I/Objects. By the end of the lesson, the sts will be able to speak ordinal number and dates fluently, review the months. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Ordinal numbers and the dates. 2, Structures: III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up Ask the sts to repeat the Go to the board and speak ordinal numbers, which . they learnt in class 6. Then use the part one to introduce the ordinal Look at it and listen 2, numbers. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 20 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Presentation Play the tape and have the sts listen it carefully. Read the numbers aloud to the sts Go around the room, and ask each individual student to read the numbers aloud. Call on some sts read in front of the class. Rewrite the ordinal numbers on the board. Play the tape again and ask the sts to repeat them. Let the sts work with a partner. Listen and make any necessary corrections. Give some numbers and have the sts practice by speaking and writing. 16th, 20th, 31th, 12th, 5 th..... 16, 20, 31, 12, 5..... Explain pronuciationth. Call on the sts read them again. Listen to the tape. Read after the teacher. Read individually.

Write them into notebooks. Listen and repeat. Work with a partner. Listen and numbers. read


3, Practice


Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 9. Unit two:

B/ My birthday(B4+ b5)

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about birthdays and use the future simple tense. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: birthday, date of birth, nervous, worry, worried. 2, Structures: Whats your /her date of birth? When is your / her birthday? Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 21 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- June eighth. Ill be 14 on my next birthday. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm Ask the sts to speak the Speak and write them. up ordinal numbers and have them write big holiday in Vietnam. Look at the picture and Use the picture to answer the questions. introduce the new lesson by making the questions: Who are they? Guess what Mr Tan is asking What are they Hoa. talking about? Can you Listen to tape carefully. guess what Mr Tan is asking Hoa? Now you listen to the Listen and read it. 2,Presenta conversation and guess tion what Mr Tan is talking to Hoa. Play the tape twice and tell Role-play the dialogue with the sts to read the dialogue a partner. while listening to the tape. Let them work in pairs. Read these words and write. Have the sts role- play the dialogue, with one student Find the questions and playing Lan and other compare. playing Hoa . Explain the new words: nervous ,worried, date of Practice again the dialogue birth, birthday.. Then ask the sts to find the Read them and answer teachers questions and compare with your ones. Listen and correct mistakes Asks the sts to practice yourselves with a partner. Have the sts read the Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 22 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
questions in the book. Then make them. Give the correct answers: - Hoa is 13 year old . - She will be 14 on her next birthday. - Her birthday is on June eighth. - Hoa live with her uncle and aunt. Ask the sts to practice with a partner about Hoa. Now your will talk about yourselves. First, the teacher can make questions and the sts answer - What is your family name? - Where do you live? - How old are you? - When is your birthday? - How old will you be on your next birthday? After that, have the sts talk about the third person. In order to controlled practice, the teacher ask the sts to read again the dialogue. After that , explain the aims of the exercise. Copy the form onto the board. Ask one or two sts to fill out the form at the board. Make any necessary corrects. Have the sts write in the

Practice with a partner. Listen and answer the teachers questions. Then talk about yourselves.

3, Practice

Talk about the third person Read again the dialogue. Copy the form in the notebooks and fill out it. Check the mistakes yourselves. Write in the notebooks.

4, Production

5, Homework

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 23 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
notebooks. Let them write .about themselves Learn by heart . Talk about Hoa and about yourself. Do ex. 2,3(10-11SBT) V/ Draw experience Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 10. Unit two:

B/ My birthday(B6+ B7)

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read comprehension and acquitted with an invitation card. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: party, invite, finish, hope, join the fun. 2, Structures: My birthday is on....... The party will be at...... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1,Warm up. Make questions for the Listen and answer, then students: write in the form. - What is your name? - When is your date of birth? Look at the picture and - Where do you live? answer the questions. - What is your telephone numbers? 2, Have the sts look at the Presentation picture and answer: -What is Listen to the teacher and read the questions. Lan doing? -She is 12. -What are they Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 24 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
doing? Read the passage. Have the students read the passage Ask the students answer the questions about Lan such as: -How old is Lan? -Where does she live? -When is her birthday? -Who is she inviting to her party? 3, Practice -When will the party begin and end? Tell the students to imagine what they would do if they had to plan a birthday party, then call on several students to give their answers in front of the class. Listen to them carefully and make any corrections. Speak about the aim of this exercise: You must complete this invitation card to Lans party. Have the sts work in the 4, Production small groups, then ask them to complete the invitation card. Correct their mistakes if they have: Dear Nam( Mai....) I am having a birthday party on Sunday, May 25th. The party will be at my house at -She lives at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street. -She will invite some of her friends. -Itll begin at 5 oclock in the evening and finish at 9. First, they can work with a partner then they speak in front of the class.

Listen and compete this invitation. Work in the small groups Speak in front of the class, then correct mistakes yourselves.

Listen to the teacher. Work with a partner then practice in front of the class.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 25 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, from 5:00 to 9:00 Give the comments and I hope you will come and correct. join the fun. Love . Explain the body of the 5, Homework letter In order to practice the future simple tense, the Rewrite these exercises. teacher has the sts do this exercise. First, ask them to work with a partner then they speak aloud in front of the class. Teacher listens and makes any necessary corrections. Give the correct keys: -We will give Lan a pen/ a blouse.. -We will walk/ go by bike... -We will play hide and seek... -We will eat cake and ice cream... -We will drink soft drinks... -We will leave at 9:00 Read more time the reading. Write an invitation to your birthday party. Do ex.4, 5(11-12) SBT V/ Draw experience.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 26 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 11.

At home. A/ What a lovely home!( A1)

Unit three: I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to describe different rooms in a house and preseny exlamations. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: awful, comfortable, lovely, bright, amazing, convenient, favorite, rest of the house..... 2, Structures: What an awful day! What a bright room! What nice color! III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a cassette- player and a tape IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up - Put the correct tense of Go to board and do this the verbs: ex. I(be).......14 years old next - ....will be.. month. - .....will you invite.. Who..... you (invite) your party birthday? - .... will you play.. What (play)......? Answer the teachers -Make some questions question about the sts: How many ( by students) rooms are there in your 2, house? Presentation What are they? What are there in each Look at the picture and room? listen to the teacher. Can you name? Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 27 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Show the picture and ask some questions to introduce the new lesson, and ask the sts to name things in this picture ( they can speak by Vietnamese ) Listen and give comments. - sink, tub, shower, bed... Play the tape twice for the sts. Have the sts listen to the dialogue while reading along with it. Let the sts work in pairs. Tell the sts to role- play the dialogue. Explain the meaning of these words: awful, comfortable, lovely, bright, pink, favorite, beautiful, modern, convenient. Play the tape again and ask the sts to repeat it Call on some pairs to practice Explain the structure: Exclamations - Complaints: What an awful day! - Compliments: What a bright room! Can five some examples for sts: What an amazing kitchen! What a beautiful room! What a lovely living room! What a boring party! Name the things which are in the picture Read after the teacher. Listen and repeat. Work in pairs. Role- play the dialogue. Read these words write them into notebooks and the

Listen the tape and repeat it again. Practice the dialogue in front of the class. Listen and write them.

3, Practice

Read these questions. Work in pairs and find the answers Speak the answers in front of the class. Others listen and give comments

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 28 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Now look at Now answer to answer the questions in 4, Production your books. Have the sts work in pairs. Tell the sts that they will find the answer in the Talk about yourselves dialogue. 5, Homework Call some pairs, and give any necessary corrections; - The living room, Hoas Listen and write in the bed room, and the notebooks kitchen. - Because it is bright and it has nice colors: pink and white. - A sink, a tub and a shower. A washing machine, a dryer, a refrigerator, a dishwasher and an electric stove. Ask the sts to work with a partner to talk about you Cal some pairs to practice in front of the class Listen and give comments Learn by heart the new words and the exclamations. Talk 5 sentences about your house V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period: 12 Unit three: A/ What a lovely home! (A2) I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use exclamations to compliment and complain. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 29 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: complaint, expensive, wet, boring, bad, great, interesting, delicious, dinner, compliment. 2, Structures: What a lovely room! III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up Ask one student to read Read the dialogue and the reading and answer answer the questions. the questions which are in the book. Find the exclamations and Have them find the write them. exclamations in the Listen to the teacher. dialogue. Use the exclamations 2, which the student has just Listen to the teacher Presentation write on the board to introduce the new lesson. We have revised the Look at the picture and exclamations: The write the exclamations. exclamations contain both the complaints and compliments. Now you look at the pictures and write the exclamations. Have the sts write the complaints and the compliments in the notebooks. Read aloud these words. Go around the class to help weak students. Guide the sts read the new words Complaint, compliment, expensive, boring, wet, Write the sentences on bad, great, interesting, the board. delicious, dinner. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 30 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Let them read these words, then call on several students to read again. Listen and correct their mistakes. Call on one or two students to write their sentences on the board and read them. Correct the pronunciation for students: -What an awful restaurant! -What a wet day! -What a boring party! -What a bad movie! -What a great party! -What a bright room! -What an interesting room! Give some pictures of things and people and ask the students describe them by using the exclamations: What +a/ an +adj + noun! What + adj + noun! First, ask the sts to speak, and then they write them on the board . Make any necessary corrections Ask the sts to give the adjectives Use these adjectives to have the sts talk the felling about people and Read after the teacher. Rewrite them notebooks. on the

3, Practice

Look at these pictures to describe

Speak and write.

4, Production

Give the adjectives: tall , big, interesting, bad..etc.. Look at the things and people the teacher has just draw.

5, Homework.

Rewrite them notebooks.



Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 31 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
things. Can draw the things or the people *Or ask the sts to use these adjectives to speak. Interesting boring Beautiful bad Hot warm Write 6 exclamations. Learn by heart Do exercises 2(13_ sbt) V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 13 Unit three: A/ What a lovely home!(A3) I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to describe things in the house or rooms, and use the prepositions of positions. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: closet, sink, refrigerator, stove, washing machine, dishwasher, dryer 2, Structure: Is there a/ an.........? Are there.............? Where is it? Where are they? III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up Make some questions for Listen and answer. the sts - It is a pen. What a - What is this? beautiful pen. - Where is it? - It is on the table.... Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 32 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
( teacher can use the pen/ book/board.... to ask) - How many rooms are there in your house? What are they? - What is in your bedroom? Have the sts look at the picture which is in the books Make the questions: - What is in the picture?

2, Presentation

Look at the picture and answer - There is a table. - There is a window with a curtain. - There are two lamps. - There are some chairs. Listen the teacher and answer

3, Practice

Request the sts to ask and answer about things that you have told about and its position in the picture in your books. Guide them: Where is it? Its on the stand. ( There is a television on a stand) Have the sts work with a partner Call on some pairs and ask them to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. - There is a bonsai tree in a planter on a stand. - There are flowers in a vase on top of the table. .......................................... ...........

Work with a partner. Speak loudly in front of the class. Correct the mistakes yourselves.

Practice with a partner. Speak in front of the class.





Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 33 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Ask the sts to use the words which are in the box to ask and answer: - What is in the picture? 4, Production There is a bookcase, with books and newspapers on the wall? - Is there a vase of flowers ? Yes, there is. - Where is it? It is on top of the table. 5, Home Go around the class to work. help weak students Ask the sts to use the things that are in their class to practice. - Are there four windows in your classroom? Yes / No. - Is there a board in your classroom? Yes. - Where is it? It is on the wall. Listen the sts and make any necessary corrections. Guide the sts do the exercises: 3, 4( 14, 15sbt) Ask and answer about the things which are in your house or your room( 5 sentences) V/ Draw experience. which are in the box.

Use the structures, which the teacher has just given to ask each other. Practice in pairs.

Listen and write the ex.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 34 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 14. Unit three:

B/ Hoas family(B1+B2)

I/ Objects . By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak, ask and answer about occupations, practice reading comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: countryside, grow, raise, hard,, job, photo. 2, Structures: What does your father do? Hes a farmer. Where does he work? He works on the farm. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a cassette- player and a tape. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up Use the picture of the Describe the picture of the house and ask the sts to house. describe it (Use the structure the exclamation and the preposition of Listen to the teacher. position) Talk about yourself: My 2, names...I am a teacher. I Look at the picture and Presentation teach English in Dong Giao answer. school -They are Hoas parents. Show the picture and ask: -They are working. -Who are they in the -They are farmers. picture? -They work on the farm. -What are they doing? -Yes, they do. -What are their jobs? Listen to the tape. -Where do they work? -Do they work hard? Read aloud the dialogue. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 35 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Now you will listen to the conversation about Hoas parents. They are farmers. Play the tape twice, and ask the sts to listen and read the dialogue at the same time. Have the sts work in pairs Ask the sts to role- play the dialogue then have them revere their roles. Make any necessary corrections. Give the meaning of the new words: countryside, grow vegetable, raise cattle, work hard, from.... still, housework, job... Make questions about Hoas family. 3, Practice - What does Hoas father do? He is a farmer. - Where does he work? On the farm. - What is her mothers job? She is a housewife Have the sts work in pairs to talk about the farmers. 4, Production Go around the class to help the groups. Then ask the sts about themselves: - What does your father/ mother/ sister/ brother do? - Where does he/ she work? Work in pairs. Role- play the dialogue.

Listen, read and write

Listen and answer teachers questions


Talk about the farmers.

Talk about yourself. - My father is a worker. - He works in the factory.

Look at the picture and answer the questions. Read it carefully.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 36 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Listen and give any necessary corrections. Now look at the picture and answer the questions: Who is this? What does he/she do? Where does he/ she do? 5, Homework You read the reading and you will know about Lans family. Give the new words: hospital, take care of, a primary school, journalist, a Ha Noi newspaper. Ask them read the new words and the reading. Then practice with a partner by asking about the Lans family. Listen and correct their mistakes. After that have the sts talk about themselves. Learn by heart. Talk about your friends family, and your family. V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 15. Unit three: Ask and answer Lans family. about

Talk about yourselves. Listen and write into the notebooks.

B/ Hoas family(B3+B4)

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about occupations and listen comprehension to complete three form. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: about the occupations. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 37 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, Structures: The present simple tense with occupations III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Ask the sts to talk about your friends family. Answer the teachers questions: - What does your father/ mother do? - Where does he/ she do? If your father is a teacher, where he works. Have the sts look at B3 . Explain the aim of this exercise: You have 4 names of jobs and their definitions on the other side. However, these definitions are mismatched orderly with the names with the most suitable definitions. Ask the sts to match with a partner Call on some sts and ask them to answer. Give the correct keys: - A farmer works on a farm. - A doctor takes care of sick people. - A journalist writes for newspaper. - A teacher teaches in a school. Students activities Go to the board and answer the questions.

2, Presentation

Look at the books and listen the teacher.

Work with a partner. Speak loudly in front of the class. Compare with keys yourselves.

Copy them into the notebooks Listen the tape carefully and write necessary

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 38 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
*B4: Let the sts copy three form into their notebooks and explain the aim of the listening. Play the tape for each form. 3, Practice - Tom is a teacher. He is 26 years old and teaches at a high school. - Susan is a journalist. She is 19 and writes for a magazine. - Bill is 20 and he a nurse. He works in a hospital. Give the games: @ Guessing jobs. - His name is Nam. He takes care of sick people in the hospital. What does he do? - My mother works hard 4, Production every day. She is always busy from morning till night. She does the housework. What does 5, Homework she do? @ Write questions: - Hoas father is a journalist. - The doctor works in the hospital. - She is sad because she misses her parents Have the sts ask and answer about your friends occupations. Listen to them and correct their mistakes if they have Guess their jobs: information. Read the keys.

A doctor/A nurse.

A housewife - What does Hoas father do? -Where does the doctor work? -Why is she sad? Work in small groups. Write this exercise into your notebooks

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 39 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- This person cuts mens/ womans hair. - You go to this person when you are sick. - This person writes for newspaper or magazine. - This person works in a library. V/ Draw experience

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 16 Unit three:

B/ Hoas family


I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to describe apartments using comparatives and superlatives. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: look for, advice, empty, furnished, suitable, 2, Structures: It is expensive. It is more expensive. It is the most expensive. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare books, a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching procedure. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities Call on one student to talk One student goes to the about the family yourself. board and talks about the Ask some questions: family yourself. -Do you live in a house or Listen and answer the an apartment? teachers questions. -Which is more -I live in a house/ an comfortable? apartment Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 40 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Introduce the new lesson by talking about the picture that is in the book: This is Mr Nhat and this Mr John. Mr John is an English teacher from the USA. He is looking for an apartment in Ha noi for his family. Hes asking Mr Nhat for advice. Now we listen and read the conversation to know what they are talking about. Play the tape for the students. Play it a second time, and have the sts read the dialogue while listening to the tape. Have the sts work in pairs. Call some pairs and ask them to practice the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes Give the main new words: look for, advice, empty, furnished, suitable, expensive Explain Comparatives (bigger, better, more expensive, etc) and superlatives( best, cheapest, more expensive, etc) Have them look at Now answer the questions in your books. -The sitting room is more comfortable. Look at the picture and the books, listen to the teacher carefully.

2, Presentation

Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.

Read individually in front of the class. Listen and read them. Listen and write them into books. Read these questions. Work with a partner. Speak loudly in front of the class. Listen these answers and write them into notebooks.

3, Practice

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 41 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Let them work with a partner asking and answering the questions. Check their answer to make sure the students understand the exercise. Answer: a. The one at number 27. b. The one at number79. c. The one at number 79. d. The one at number 27. The most suitable is the smallest but is the newest of the three apartments. It has two bed rooms, a large modern bathroom and a kitchen. B6: Tell the students this exercise will give them practice in writing personal letters. Have the sts read through the letter, then tell them to fill in the blanks with the adjectives in the box at the top of the book. (Can ask them to read these adjectives first, and then fill) Have the sts read all the letter and give any necessary corrections( beautiful, expensive, cheapest, small, big, best) Rewrite answers into notebook. Copy the letter and read it.

4, Production

Listen . Read through the letter, and then fill it.

Read and correct.

5, Homework

Rewrite into notebooks

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 42 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
V/ Draw experience Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 17

Language focus 1
I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the structures which they have just learnt speak fluently and do exercises exactly. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Review all the vocabulary. 2, Structures: present simple tense, future simple tense, occupations, adjectives, prepositions. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare the pictures that are in the books. IV/ Teaching procedures Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Ask some questions about the students such as: -What do you often do on Monday? -Where will you do tomorrow? -Will you go to school tomorrow? By asking the questions, the teacher reviews the present simple tense and the future simple tense. Ask the students to repeat the structures and grammar, which they have just learnt from unit1 to unit 3. Students activities Listen and answer the teachers questions. -I often go to school on Monday. -I will go to school. -Yes, I will

2, Presentation

Listen and exercise.



Speak it in front of the class.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 43 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- Present simple tense. - Future simple tense. - Ordinal numbers. - Prepositions. - Adjectives. - Occupations. 3, Practice Can ask them to give the example for the part. Listen and correct their mistakes 1- Tell the students to complete the passages using the verbs in brackets. Go around the class to help weak students. Call on some sts and ask them to read the keys. Listen and give any necessary corrections: a. is/ lives/ are/ goes b. are/ eat/ rides/ catch 2- Guide the sts to write the things Nam will do/wont do tomorrow The first, can ask them to speak , and then write. -He will go to the post office, but he wont call Ba. Call on some sts and have them write their sentences that they do. Make any necessary corrections. 4, Production 4- Have the sts write the answers for the question: Where is my cat? By using

Give the example. Correct the mistakes

Listen to the teacher. Work with a partner Write the sentences on the board. Listen First speak and then write the sentences yourselves on the board.

Correct the mistakes. Listen and do this exercise.

Rewrite these sentences into the notebooks.

Work with a partner.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 44 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
the prepositions which are in your books. Correct their mistakes if they have -Its under the table. -Its in front of the chair. -Its behind the TV. 5, Homework -Its next to the bookcase. -Its on the couch. Tell the sts to write these peoples job titles. -He is a fireman. -She is a doctor. -She is a teacher. -He is a farmer. Ask the sts to repeat reading and writing the ordinal numbers Give some numbers to the sts write: 1st, 12th, 20th, 33rd,2nd,15th. Rewrite all the exercises into the notebooks. Prepare the papers for the test 45 V/ Draw experience Name: ............................................. Class:....................... Correct the mistakes and rewrite them into notebooks. One or two students read again the ordinal numbers Write these numbers Listen and write

Written test (45)

im Li ph ca c gio

I/ Write questions, begin with the words given(2m) 1, Hoas father is a farmer. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 45 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- What...................................................? 2, The doctor works in the hospital. - Where........................................................................? 3, She will go to school at 6 oclock. - What time........................................................................? 4, Its about 2 kilometers from my house to my school. - How far.............................................................................? II/ Supply the correct form of the verbs in the blanks.(2m) 1, Mai(be)............ my classmate. She(live).................with her brother at 23/6 Kim Dong street. We often(go) school by bike because it(not be)............... far from our houses. 2, Tomorrow(be)...........................Hoas birthday. The party(start) 7 oclock. I and my friends(meet)....................................each other at Hoas house .Im glad(see)......................them there. III/ Rewrite the following dates and months(2m) 2 thang 9:............................................. 30 thng 4.................................. 1 thng 5:............................................. 20 thng 11................................................. 8 thng 3..................................................... IV/Complete the passage, use the words given in the box(2m). For, out, in, is, weekdays. with, old, visit My name.........Mai. Im 12 years.................Im a student ...........grade 7. I live.......... my parents in Ho Chi Minh city. I go to school on..................... . At weekends, I often grandparents. Sometimes we go out...........dinner. We seldom go........... of the city. V/ Use the correct adjective form.(2m) 1, He is a..........................student in my class.( good ) 2, My new school is................than my old school.( big ) 3, This house is ................................for my family.( comfortable ) 4, The cars are ..............................than the bikes ( expensive ) The end Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 46 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 19 Unit four: At school. A/ Schedules( A1+ A2 +A3) I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the time, state the time and know the subjects. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: The subjects . 2, Structures: What time is it now? Its 7 oclock. Its five past two/ Its five to two. What time do you get up? I get up at five oclock. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a lock. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up. Teachers activities To review the time, the teacher asks some questions: -What time is it? -What time do you go to school? Now you look at these clocks and make questions and answers. Now you will hear the tape saying different times . You listen and repeat. Play the tape , stop the each sentence. Call some sts to speak these sentences. Listen and make any necessary corrections Students activities Listen and answer the teachers questions ( can by English or Vietnamese)

2, Presentations

Listen and repeat.

Some sts stand up and speak loudly in front of the class.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 47 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Have the sts make the questions and answers for the pictures. Listen and correct their mistakes. What time is it? - It is 7 oclock. - It is four fifteen/ It is a 3, Practice quarter past four. - It is nine forty/ It is twenty to ten. Let the sts work with a partner. Ask the sts to look at A2 and answer about you. First, the teacher makes questions, and then the sts work with a partner. - What time do you get up? 4, Productions I get up at five past thirteen. ( By the students) Can ask the sts other questions that they arent in the book. -Ex. What time do you go to school? Request the sts to look at A3 and ask: Do you know what it is. Explain: Schedule. Introduce the subjects that they are in the book: Math, English, Music, History, Physic, Physical education, Geography Speak the aim of the listening: This schedule Look at these clocks make questions answers. Listen to the teacher repeat speaking time. and and and the

Work in pairs about times Answer the teachers questions. Work individually, based on own lives. Work in pairs: one asks the questions and the other answer. Some pairs make questions and answers in front o the class. Guess . (can speak by Vietnamese) Listen to the teacher. Read after the teacher these words. Listen the aim of the listening.

Copy the schedule in your notebooks. Listen to the tape and

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 48 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
5, Homework lacks some information. They are either names of subjects or times of the lesson. Now you listen to it and write the needed information. Ask the sts to copy the schedule in their notebooks. Play the tape twice. Call on some sts and ask them to read the keys. Correct the students mistakes Learn by heart the new words. Write the times that you do the thing everyday. Do ex.1(21- sbt) write the information that you heard Correct own mistakes. Rewrite the exercises in the notebooks.

V/ Draw experience

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 20 Unit four:

A/ Schedules (A4+A5)

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about schedules, read for comprehension about subjects and schedules. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: other, subject, interesting, important, difficult. 2, Structures: What is she doing? She is studying Physic. What time does she have her Physic class? - She has her Physic class at 8.40 Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 49 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare pictures, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up Call on one st and ask him/ Write the names of her to write the names of subjects and answer the subjects. questions. Ask some questions ; -Do you like English/ -Yes/ No... Math.......? -I have English ...on -When do you have Monday, Thursday and English/Math.....? Saturday. Now look at these pictures Look at the pictures and 2, and answer: Do you know answer the teachers Presentation what they are doing? question. Have them tell the names of subjects that have in the Tell the names of pictures subjects: Physic, Geography, Literature Music, Math, Physical Ask them to look at the education. clocks and speak: What Look at the clock and time is it now? speak about the times. Then ask: What is Lan Answer the questions of doing? the teacher. What time does she have her Physic class? Listen to the teacher and Ask for the picture and answer the questions of listen to the sts , correct her/ him. their mistakes. Write and repeat these After that, give the keys: sentences. -Binh is studying Geography. He has Geography class at10.10 -Hung is studying Literature. He has his Literature class at 9.20 -Loan is studying Music. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 50 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
She has her Music class at 3.30 -Hoa is studying Math. She has her Math class at 2.50 -Mi is studying Physical Education. She has her Physical Education class at 3, Practice 4.40 Have the sts work with a partner, then call on some pairs and ask them to speak loudly on front of the class. Listen and give any necessary corrections. Note the using the present progressive tense and the present simple tense. Now you listen to the conversation between Hoa and Thu. It speaks about the schedules and the subjects that they like best. 4,Production Play the tape twice, and ask them to read again. Listen and guide the sts reading the new words: other, important, difficult Make some questions and have them answer: 5, Homework -When does Thu have English? -What other classes does Thu have on Thursday? -What is Thus/ Hoas favorite subjects? Ask the sts about themselves. Ex. What are you doing? Work with a partner: one asking and other answering. Some pairs of them speak loudly in front of the class. Listen and write.

Listen to the tape and read it while you listen. Read the new words. Answer. -She has English classes on Wednesday and Thursday. -She has Math, Geography... -Thus favorite subject is History. Answer. We are studying English. ( Depend on their schedules)

Yes/ No. Rewrite notebooks.



Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 51 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
When do you have English classes? What other classes do you have on Monday/Wednesday...? Do you like Math/ History...? Write your schedules in your exercise books. Do ex.2.3( 21-22 sbt) V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 21 Unit four:

A/ Schedules.(A6+A7)

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read comprehension and know the differences between schools in the USA and Vietnam. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: little, different from, uniform, hour, cafeteria, snack, popular, activity, baseball. 2, Structures: different from..... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare some pictures of schools in USA and Vietnam. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Call on two sts, ask them about their schedules. Make some questions about America: Which country has capital city as Washington DC? What do you know about USA? Students activities Speak about their own schedules Listen and answer teachers questions. They can guess. the

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 52 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, Presentation -USA: the Unites States of America. Show the picture and speak: This is a class in USA. Now you will read the passage about school in America and decide the statements are True or False. Have the sts read the passage and check the boxes. Call some sts and ask them to read loudly the keys Listen and give the comments - a, T d, T - b, F e, F - c, F f, F Can ask: Why is it T or F? Explain: - to be different from: Schools in the USA are different from schools in Vietnam. I am different from my sister. Football in USA is different from Football in England. Give the new words for sts. Ask the sts write the differences from between schools in the USA and Vietnam.( in groups) Go around the class to help the sts Look at the picture and listen to the teacher.

Read carefully. Compare with classmates Read loudly Listen and correct.


Speak: Why is it T or F?

3, Practice

Write the differences from between schools in the USA and Vietnam.

Listen and write these sentences into notebooks. Then they can read loudly in front of the class.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 53 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Call on two sts to go to the board and write . 4, Production Check and give the comments: - USA: Students dont usually wear school uniform. Classes start at 8.30 each morning and the school day ends at 3.30 or 4oclock.There are no lessons on Saturday. - Vietnam: Students usually wear school uniform. Classes start 5, Homework earlier at 7 oclock. On Saturday, the students still go to school Play the tape Ask the students to read while they listen it. Explain the new words: several, Home Economics, The world changes, River and mountain ranges. Write in correct order to make meaning sentences: - not/ American/ uniform/ do/ usually/ school/ wear/students - 9.5/ at/ Thursday/ science/ Mai/ class/ on/ has/. Rewrite and translate this reading into Vietnamese. Write 5 sentences about schools in Vietnam.

Listen and read.

Read again these words. Then read loudly the poem. Go to the board and do this exercise.

Rewrite into notebooks.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 54 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 22 Unit four:

B/ The library (B1)

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about the kinds of books that are in the library by using demonstratives and prepositions of position. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: As you can see, rack, reader, on the left, on the right,at the back of. 2, Structures: These shelves on the left have math and sience books. There are readers, novels and dictionaries. There is a book on the table. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a picture of the library. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Ask the sts to speak the differences between schools in the USA and Vietnam. Make some questions about subjects: How many subjects do learn at school? Which subjects do you like best? Where do you go, if you want to borrow books? Now we will visit a library by reading these following passages. Show the picture and Students activities Do the teachers requests

Name the subjects that they learn.

Listen to the teacher. Look at the picture and answer the questions: -It is a librarian./ They are

2, Presentatio n

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 55 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
ask: students Who is this? Who are -It opens at 7am, and closes they? at 4.30 What time does the -They are Math, English.... library open?/ close? Name the racks that are Listen the tape and read it. in the picture. Play the tape twice, and ask the sts listen to the tape. Then read after it . Explain vocabulary: -As you can see -on the left -on the right -at the back of. -next door These racks have magazines. These shelves on the left have Math and science books. Those shelves on the right have history and geography books. Make questions about the reading. Listen and corrects their mistakes if they have. Then give the keys: -The magazines are on the racks near the science books. -The newspapers are on the racks near the history books. -The math and science books are on the shelves on the left.

Read these words and write them into the books.

Answer them

3, Practice

Work with a partner : one asking and other answering. Make a conversation your classmates. with

4, Production

Look at the signs that are drawn by the teacher and answer .

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 56 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
-The history and ......are on the shelves on the Work with a partner. right. -They are at the back of Write in your notebooks. the library. Draw some prepositions of the books and ask, using the questions where Ex. Where is the history book? Where are the magazines? Have the sts work with a partner Rewrite the reading and translate into Vietnamese. Answer again the questions into the exercise notebooks.

5, Homework

V/ Draw experience.

Prepaeatoy date: Teaching date: Period 23 Unit four:

B/ The library ( b2+b3 )

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, yhe stdents will review prepositions of positions and practice in asking and answering questions about location. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: in the middle, wellcome. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 57 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, Structures: about the prepositions of positions. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities 1, Warm Use the picture of the up library to ask for the students with where If you go to the library, who usually helps you find the books and how do you ask for the librarian? Now you will listen to the conversation between Nga 2,Presenta and the librarian. tion Play the tape and have the students to listen the dialogue. Play the tape again and ask them read it while they listen. Have the students work in pairs. Ask them to role-play the dialogue, then have them reverse the roles. Make questions for the students: - Where are the math books? - Where are magazines and newspapers? 3, Practice To review the prepositions of positions, the teacher has the students use the questions that are in B1 to ask and answer. Students activities Look at the picture and answer the teachers questions. Listen and answer the teachers questions.

Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. Work in pairs. Answer the questions: - They are on the shelves on the left. - They are on the racks in the middle Work with a partner by asking and answering the questions. Do the teachers requests

Listen the tape and write.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 58 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Have the students label the shelves and racks in their exercise book. Now lets guess the position of the racks and shelves of books in the library. Play the tape for the students. Have the students write the locations of books. Call some students read loudly the information that they have just heard. 1. Study area 2. Science + Math 3. Geography 4+5. Newspapers and Magazines 6+ 7. English 8. Librarians desk After that, ask the students to speak again the locations in front of the class. Make free conversations with the students Then ask them to practice with a partner. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Label the picture that is in B1 and have the students ask each other. Help the students to practice. Review the question where Do exercise: 1,2 (24-sbt) Provide the answers. Correct the mistakes.

Speak again. Make free conversations

4, Production

Write in the notebooks.

5, Homework

V/ Draw experience. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 59 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh

Preparatory date Teaching date: Period 24 Unit four:

B/ The library ( B4 + B5 )

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension and remember the entire unit. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: receive, contain, million, employee, rocket, spare, adventure. 2, Structures: It is in Washington of theUSA. It has over 100 million of books. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Label the shelves and racks on the board, ask the sts to write the location of the books. Show the picture that is in the book and ask: Do you know which the largest library in the world is? Students activities Look at the picture and write the position of books on the board. Look at the picture and guess that which the largest library in the world is? Read silently the passage


Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 60 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
tion Now well read silently about the largest library in the world and answer the question: Which is the largest library in the word? Go around the class to help students reading. Have one or two students read the passage in font of the class, listen and make any necessary corrections to pronunciation. Have students write the answers in their notebooks, then ask them to compare with a partner. Call some students reading these answers loudly in front of the class. After that, give the corrects answers: -It is in Washington D.C, the capital of the USA. -It has over 100 million books -It has 1,000 km of shelves. -Because it receives copies of all American books. Have students read again these answers. Now explain the new words: Congress, capital, receive, contain, employee. Have students work in pairs by making and answering again the questions, and then ask them to practice in front of and guess.

Stand up and read

Write the notebooks.



Compare with a partner. Read the own answers, Listen and rewrite correct answers. the

Read them again. Read and write these new words. Work in pairs. Practice in front of the class. Listen and answer the teachers questions. -The National library. -Its in Hanoi, on Trang Thi street.

3, Practice

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 61 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
4, Production the class. Listen and correct their mistakes Make some questions about the local library: Which is the largest library in Vietnam? Where is it? Did you come there? When or How often? Do you like it? Why? Ask students repeat the positions that are in unit 4. Use the picture that is in A1 to make question Where Make a conversation about the library: -Is there a library in your school? - Is it big? - How often do you go there? -Where can you find the Math books? -Do you know which the largest library in the world?/ in Vietnam? Tell some things about it. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Read B5. Rewrite and translate the passage into Vietnamese. Prepare unit five. -Yes. Last Summer/ one time. -Yes, because it has many kinds of books. Make a conversation. * Example. -Yes. -No, it isnt. It is rather small. -One a week. -I can find them on the shelves on the right....etc Tell some things about the largest library in the world and in Vietnam.

5, Homework

Rewrite requests.



V/ Draw experience. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 62 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 25 Unit five: A/

Work and play

In class (A1)

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak language used to talk about school subjects. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Use, computer, interested in, experiment 2, Stuctures: Do some experiments. Learn how to use a computer. And review the present simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare some pictures , and a cassette player IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities 1, Warm up. Write the words in the corrects order to make meaningful sentences: -students/ have/ on/ lesson/ Vietnamese/ Saturday. -interesting/ Geography/ subject/ an/ is. Make questions: -How many day a week do you go to school? -What time do classes start? -How many subjects do you learn? Now you listen to this 2, passage and you will know Presentatio how to answer these n questions exactly and clearly Students activities Go to the board and do this exercise.

Listen and answer the teachers questions: -Six day a week. -They start at 7 oclock. -About eight.

Listen, look at the pictures and read after the tape.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 63 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Play the tape for the students. Have the students look at the pictures and read the captions under the each picture while listening the tape. Ask them to find the new words and explain these words: -Computer science. -Be interested in. -Do experiments. -map. Call some students and ask them to read it again. Listen and correct their mistakes. Ask the questions for each picture. Have students works in pairs. Have one or two students ask their questions in front of the class. Check the questions made up by the students. After that, give 5 questions: -What school does Mai go? -How many days a week does Mai go to school? -What time do classes begin/finish? -What does Mai think about Geography? -What is her lesson today? Talk about you. Can make some questions Find the new words

Read after the teacher. Work in pairs. Practice in front of the class.

3, Practice

Answer these questions: -Mai goes to Quang Trung school. -Six day a week. -At 7/ At a quarter past seven. -It is difficult -Her lesson today is physics.

4, Presentatio n

Work with a partner. Then talk in front of the class.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 64 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
5, Homework for students: -Which grade are you in? -Do you go to school six days a week? Rewrite into your -What do you think about notebooks. your subjects? -What is your favorite class? Why? Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Write 5 questions about Mai and 5 ones about you. Do exercise: Prepare next lesson.

V/ Draw experience.

Name:.......................................................................Class: 9................

Written test (45)

im Li ph ca c gio

I/ Use the correct form of verbs in the parentheses 1, He wishes he ( be )...........................a doctor in the future. 2, If I ( be ), I ( not do )...................................that. 3, My brother ( not go )...............................out since he failed in his exam. 4, He used to (go) school by bike, but now hes used to (walk) it . II/ Choose the correct word in the parentheses to complete the following sentences(2m). 1, The readers ..............want to borrow books must have library cards. ( whom, who, which, when ) Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 65 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, My father used to to the circus when we lived in the city. ( take, taking, takes, took ) 3, The clowns made us ....................excited ( feel, feeling, felt, fall ) 4, I hope you .....................with us next summer holiday. ( come, came, will come, comes) III/ Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first (2m) 1, Miss Green keeps our school library. Our school library....................................................................................................... .. 2, The air is not fresh. I wish.......................................................................................................... .................. 3, She felt sleepy because of the long performance. The long performance............................................................................................. ...... 4, Yesterday I read five books. Several of them were good. Yesterday................................................................................................. ..................... 5, They want to play football in the morning. They enjoy........................................................................................................ ............ 6, They have just repaired the window which they broke yesterday. The window..................................................................................................... ............. IV/ Find the word that it has the same meaningas the word given.(2m) 1, Place: countryside, spot, friend, sands. 2, Combine: finish, start, join, enjoy. 3,Join in: combine, take part in, perform, take. 4, Various: same, pure, really, differient. The end. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 66 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 26 Unit five: A/

In class. (A2)

Work and play.

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension to ask and answer questions about Ba. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: repair, appliance, fix, gutar, art club, artist. 2, Structures: What does he learn to do in elecctronics? He learn how to repair household appliances. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities - Ask the student to go to the board and give questions: What does Mai study in Physics? What do you study in Geography? What is your favorite subject? - Have the students look at two pictures and introduce about them: This is Ba , tell me what he is doing. Students activities Go to the board and answer the teachers questions.

2, Presentation

Look at two pictures and tell: He is learning how to repair a socket board in picture one, and he is playing the guitar in the picture two. Read a passage and find the main idea of the passage.

Now you read a passage about Ba and tell me what Read the passage with a the main idea of the partner. Then read it aloud. passage is. Have the students read the Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 67 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
passage Go around to help the sts .Then ask them to read it aloud to the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Have them work in pairs( use the questions about Ba) Call some good students in order to practice in front of the class. Listen and give the keys: a. Ba likes Electronics best. b. Yes, he does. He enjoys school very much. c. He learns to repair household appliances. d. He will be able to fix his own appliances. e. Yes, he is. His drawings are very good Call some students and ask them to read again the text to check those answers. Give the vocabulary: enjoy, 4, Production Electronics, household appliances, fix= repair, to be good at, artists. What does he learn to do in Electronics? He learns how to repair household appliances. How does this subject help Ba? He will able to fix his own appliances. Have the sts work in pairs, ask and answer about 5, Homework yourself, Make the questions for

Use the questions to work in pairs. Give the own answers. Compare with own answers and correct.

Read again the text. Read these vocabulary.

Rewrite these sentences into notebooks.

Work in pairs. Ask the teachers questions. Then practice in front of the class. Talk about own free time

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them. Listen and correct their mistakes. Rewrite them Can ask the sts to talk notebooks. more about their free time. Note the main structures that you have just learnt. - I learn how to draw in the art. - Im good at playing the guitar. Learn by heart the words and structures that theyve learnt. Write the passage : what you usually do in free time. V/ Draw experience:


Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 27

Unit five: Work and play.


In class ( A3+ A4)

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read and ask, answer the questions about a math problem, listen to find informations. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: right, cost, know, price, problem, zero, eraze. 2, Structures: How much does one banana cost? - 600 dong ( It costs 600 dong ) Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 69 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassete- player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Have a student tell what he/ she does in his/ her free time. Make some questions: -What is your favorite subject? -Do you like Math? -Is it easy or difficult? - Is it interesting? Now you will listen to a conversation in which they are solving problem. You read and answer: How much does one banana cost? Play the tape. Have the students read a conversation Ask them to find the new words. Then give and explain: -Right > < Wrong -Price -Cost -Erase Let the sts to work in pairs to answer this question: How much does one banana cost? Call one student and ask he/ she to read again the conversation *How much does one Students activities Answer the teachers question

Listen to the teacher

2, Presentation

Listen to the tape and read a conversation while listening. Give the new words. Read these words after the teacher.

Work in pairs. Compare with other pair about the answer: 600 dong.

3, Practice

Listen and answer teachers question.


Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 70 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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banana cost? 600 dong Use the things that are in the class to ask: How much does this pen cost? Have the sts make questions and answer them. Listen and correct their mistakes Now ask the sts to look at these pictures in page 54 and guess: What are the pictures about? Work with a partner. Guess: They are about subjects such as Geography, Physical Education....

Listen the tape carefully.

4, Presentation

5, Homework

Match the letters with the The aim of the listening: correct pictures. What subjects do Ba and Lan study on Saturday morning? Read the answer in front Play the tape, check the of the class. keys after the first time. Talk about it. Play the tape again and ask the sts to match the letters of the subjects with Ask and answer. the appropriate student, in the correct order. Ask one or two students to give their answers in front of the class Let the sts to work in pairs about the periods of their class on that day or other Rewrite into notebooks. days in a week. Ask them make a conversation about the school subjects that they study in the school. *Play the game Networks to consolidate the lesson: write the words that they

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
are in the Math. Then ask some questions: How much does.............cost? Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. Do ex. In ex. book. V/ Draw experience Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 28 Unit five:

A/ In class

Work and play.

(A5, A6, A7)

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension to know the words about the subjects in school. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: essay, past >< present,event, around, world, language class, graph, globe, atlas. 2, Structures: We learn about books . She studies different contries and their people . III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching proceduces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Make questions for student: -How many subjects do you study at school? -What are they? -Which subject do you like? Why? Now we read the passage 2, Presention to know the subjects that the Vietnamese students Students activities Listen and answer the teachers questions. -There are nine. -I like Math....because I know many numbers.

Listen to the tape and read.

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learn. Play the tape and ask the students to read while listening. Introduce the new words: essay, past, present, around, world. Call some students and have them read the passage. Listen and correct their mistakes. Make questions for students: -What do you study in Literature? -What do you History? -What do you Geography? -What do you Physics? study study study Find the new words and read them. Read loudly in front of the class.

3, Practice

Answer the teachers question -We learn about books and write essay. -We study past and present. -We study different countries and their people. -We learn about how things work. in -No, We dont. in Look at the books and listen carefully to in teachers explaining.

-Do you learn to play soccer in English? Let students to look at Now discuss with a partner, and explain doing it: We have 4 4, Production names of subjects in accordance with relevant words about each subject. You will find one irrelevant word and odd it out. Have students work in small group Call groups to speak the keys. Give the correct keys:

Work in groups. Each group gives the keys and others listen and give comment. Compare with teachers keys. Answer these questions( you can speak by Vietnamese ) Work with a partner

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Literature- paintings. History- basketball games. Science- preposition. English- England. Make questions for 5, Homework students: Do you like Math? What do you use in Math/Art/ Music... class? Now you match each subject to the correct items. Ask them to work with a partner. Call them to match. Give the correct keys. Can give these words: globe, atlas, graphs, equations, calculator. Give students small papers to answer a question, such as: What do you study in Math/ Geography...........? Ask students to read their papers. Listen and correct. Learn by heard the words and structures, Speak about favorite subjects. Do book V/ Draw experience. Some students match it. Compare with the teacher. Write the answer on their papers. Read them in front of the class. Rewrite these homework.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 29 Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 74 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Unit five: Work and play.

B/ Its time for recess. (B1,2)
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to discribe recess activiyies. II/ Language content. 1, Vocabulary: Recess, ring, bell,chat, blindmans bluff, catch, marble,skip rope, noisy, indoor. 2, Structures: Some students are playing games. The bell rings and the students go into the yard. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepair a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities Make questions for Listen to the teachers students: questions. What do you study ( by students) in.............? Are you good at.................? What is your favorite subject? 2, Do you like playing games? Look at these pictures and Presentatio Which game do you like speak: They are playing n playing? games. When do you usually play it? Now you look at these pictures and speak what Listen and read these they are doing. words. Can you guess, what games are they playing? (can speak by Vietnamese) Listen to the tape and Introduce the new words: read it. Blindmans bluff, Skip rope, Chat, Marbles, Catch Play the tape, and ask Read aloud in front of the students to look at the class. book, read the passage Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 75 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
while listening. Have them read passage aloud in front of the class. Check for pronunciation and make any necessary corrections. Use each picture to make questions for students: - What are these students doing at recess? They are playing games. -What are they playing? They are playing catch. Let students to work in pairs. Answer question the teachers

3, Practice

Work in pairs. One asks and other answer.( Use those pictures to ask and answer).

Talk about yourselves. Listen and correct their mistakes. You knew these students are playing these games, and you? Now you talk about yourselves. The first teacher makes questions and students answer them. Then students ask each other. Listen to students and help them practicing. *What do you usually do at recess? Do you usually talk with your friends? What do you usually do after school? What is your favorite game? For the listening, teacher speaks the aim of it, and Work with a partner.

Use these questions to practice with a partner.

4, Production

Listen to the aim of the listening, and listen to the tape. Compare the keys with a partner, and give it in frond of the class. Play this game. Go to board and write.

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5, Homework. then play the tape. (Can ask students to read these words.) *Mai is playing catch. Listen and write. Kien is playing blindmans bluff. Lan is skipping rope. Ba is playing marbles. Guide the game: Find some who to check students. After that, use the pictures to ask students to write the games that are under the pictures. Learn by heart all the new words. Talk about yourself by asking this question: What do you usually do at recess?

V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 30

B/ Its time for resess. (B3+ B4 + B5)

I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson. The students will be able to speak about activites of students in America and compare with Vietnamese schools. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: energetic, portable, earphone, shooting some hoops, penpel, junior high school, score goals, take part in, swap 2, Structures: What do students do at recess? - The energetic students often play baskeball. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teacing procedures. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 77 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Unit five:

Work and play.

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Stages 1, Warm up. Teachers activities Makes questions for students: -What do you usually do at recess? -Do you play skipping rope...? -What do you like/ dislike doing? -What do Vietnamese students often do at recess? -Do you know what students in the USA often do at recess? In order to know exactly what American students usually do at recess, now lets read part 3 (page 57) Have students look at the picture and answer the questions: -What is he doing? He is scoring goals. That is called Shooting some hoops -What are they doing They are listening to music. They have an earphone. Play the tape for students. Have students listen to it and read silently while listening. Go around the class and help students by giving Students activities Students listen to teacher and answer teachers questions. -I usually skipping rope. -Yes, I do/ No, I dont. -I like playing catch. -They usually marble......... at recess. -No/ Yes play

2, Presentation

Open the books and look at it. Answer the teachers questions. ( can answer by Vietnamese) Read after teacher these new words.

Listen to the tape. Read silently and can write these words. Read in front of the class. Work in pairs.

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some new words: pen pal, take part in, energetic, portable. 3, Practice Have students read the text in front of the class and correct their mistakes if they have. Then ask them to work in pairs about the part Questions. Listen to students keys and give correct answers: a. C c. D b. A d. D 4, Production Ask students to read full answers. Have students work with partner. USA Vietnam Basketball Play games Listen to music ( marble, catch Swap cards .................... Eat and talk Eat and 5, Homework talk Give the papers to students and explain 3, Practice doing this exercise. After that, ask students to speak The main activities of your class. Make questions for students: -What do you usually do Give answers

Read full answers. Talk about activities of students in USA and in Vietnam usually play at recess. ( need talk full sentences)

Listen to teacher and do this exercise. Speak loudly in front of the class. Listen to teacher answer questions. and

Play this game.

Rewrite into the books. Read the tex again answer the questions. and

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at recess? -Do you like playing............? -What do the students in Vietnam/ in USA do at recess? Then ask students to play this game. Explain playing it: You must write the games that you have 4, Production just known in Vietnam and in USA. Two groups, if the group writes more and faster, the group will win. Write 5 sentences about activities of sts in USA and VN Now you work individually, read the text again and answer 5, Homework the questions in your book. Have them compare with a partner, then read the answers. Give the correct answers: -She is doing her Math homework. -They are going to get a cold drink in the cafeteria. -Hes in the music room. -Hes learning to the tape. -He usually meets his friends. -She likes playing volleyball. Listen and mistakes. correct the

Read loudly in front of the class.

Work with a partner . Read these sentencs. Use the pictures that are in unit five to practice. Work in pairs.

Practice in front of the class.

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Ask them to work in pairs by making questions and answer. Explain this: Lets invite him. Why dont you come along? Use the pictures of unit five to practice by making the questions: - What do you usually do after school? -What sports do you like playing? -Should you work too much? Have students work with a partner about after school activities. Learn by heart vocabulary. Write 5 sentences about you by answering this question: What do you usually do after school? Rewrite a conversation into the notebooks. V/ Draw experience

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 31

Unit six: After school.

A/ What do you do? ( A1)
I/ Objects. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 81 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about after school activities. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: relax, invite, together, maybe. 2, Structures: You sould relax. I usually meet my friends. He practices it every day after school. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare some pictures, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Make questions for students: What do you usually do at recess -What do you usually do after school? Now you look at these pictures and answer the questions: -What are they doing in each picture? They are playing voleyball. They are doing homework. They are meeting friends. Introduce these words: play voleyball, do homework, meet friends. Now you will hear a conversation between Minh ans Hoa. They are talking about their after school activities. Play the tape and ask students to read it while listening. Students activities Listen to teacher and answer teachers questions.( by students) Look at these pictures and answer this question( by Vietnamese)

2, Presentation

Read these words Listen to the tape.

Read a conversation. Work in pairs and read it.

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Have students work with a partner. Then call some pairs and ask them to read the text loundly in frond of the class. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 32

Unit six After school.

A/ What do you do (A2)
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to practice asking and answering questions about after school activities using adverbs of frequently. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Adverbs of frequently: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, How often? 2, Structures: How often do you study in the library after school? -I always study in the library after school. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan - Prepare pictures of after school activities. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up. Make questions for students Go to board and answer to check old lesson and the teachers questions. introduce the new lesson: -What does Minh do after school? -What does Hoa do after school? -What sports 2, does she like playing? Look at those pictures and Presentatio Now you look at these do teachers requests. n pictures and answer the _They are studying in the questions for each picture: library. What are they doing? -They sometimes study. Where are they? When do you often Show each picture to ask study? and answer the questions. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 83 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Do you often play it? For the first picture has done for the students, ask them to work in pairs by making questions and answering Listen to students and correct their mistakes if they have. Introduce adverbs of frequently( read and write ): always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never. Make a sentence for the first picture They always study in the library. Have students replace always by other adverbs. Make questions: How often do they study in the library? Ask students to work in pairs. *Now talk about you: What do you usually do after school? How often do you ........after school? Have students use other activities to practice: go to the movie, visit ones grandparents, do housework... *Make new sentences: -I/ always/ stay/ uncle/ weekends/. -Mai/ never/ go swimming/. -My brother/ usually/ watch Read these adverbs.

Make sentences. Work in pairs.

By the students.

3, Practice.

Practice in front of the class. Read and write. I always stay with my uncle at weekends. Mai never goes swimming. My brother usually watches TV. How often do you stay with your uncle? After that they practice with a partner. Listen to teacher. Make a survey. Practice with a partner.

4, Production.

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TV/ evening/. 5, Homework Rewrite Ask students to make notebooks. questions for the underline words. Listen and correct their mistakes. @ Use the structure that you have learn to make a survey. Write 5 sentences about you to answer the question: What do you usually do after school? Other student uses the friends survey to speak: I and my friend usually read the books after school. Learn by heart. Talk about you. Do exercise 3( 28- sbt ) Prepare the next lesson. V/ Draw experience into the

Preparatory date Teaching date Period 33

Unit six: After school.

A/ What do you do? (A3 + A4 +A5)
I/ Objectivies. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension to answer the questions and listen for specific information. II/ Language contents. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 85 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
1, Vocabulary: Pastime, rehease, school anniversary celebration, president of the stamp collectors club, sporty, lie. 2, Structures: Use the present simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare pictures of Nga, Nam and Hoas activities. IV/ Teaching produres. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Make questions for students: -Do you like playing soccer? -How often do you play it? -What do you usually do after school? There are many activities to do after school. Do you know? Now you read the passage that is in the book and answer the question: What does each student do after school? Ask students to look at these pictures and answer the questions -What is Nga doing? She is rehearsing a play for the school anniversary celebration. Explain these words: rehearse, play, anniversary, celebration. -What is Ba doing? He is seeing the stamps. He is the president of the stamp collectors club. Guide reading these words: Students activities Answer theses questions. ( By students)

2, Presentatio n

Can guess. Look at the book .

Listen and answer the teachers questions.( Can answer by Vietnamese). Listen and repeat the words that were given by the teacher.

Answer and write.

Read all the words.

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stamp, president, collector, club. -What is Nam doing? He is lieing on the couch and watching TV. He is not very sporty. Explain the word: lie, sporty. Guide all the words. Ask students to look at the books and listen to the tape, then repeat Call some students to read. Correct their mistakes if they have And help them to find other new words, and explain them. Make questions for students: -What does Nga like doing after school hours? She likes acting. -What do Ba and his friends often do on Wednesday afternoons? They get together and talk about their stamps. -What does Nam do after school hours? He often watches videos, reads a library book or comics, or lies on the couch in front of the TV. Ask students to read again the reading. Then let them to work in pairs by answering the questions that are in the book. Listen to the tape and repeat it. Read in front of the class. Answer these questions. Note these new words.

3, Practice

Read the text again. Work in pairs by asking and answering the questions. Practice in front of the class.

Listen to teacher.

Listen to the tape.

Go to the board and match.

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Call some groups to practice in front of the class.( Can play a game noughts and crosses for each group). Youve just know what Ba, Nam and Nga do after school hours. What about other students, exactly Mai, Nam, Ba, Lan and Kien? What do they do after school? Now you listen to the tape and match each name to an activity. Ask students look at the book and repeat these words that are in the books.( Can ask them to guess) Play the tape twice and call a student to match. Pay the tape again to check. Then make a question for each student: What does Mai do after school hours? She goes to school cafeteria. Have them work in pairs. @Now talk about you. -What do you do after school hours? -How often do you do that? -When do you do it? -What activities do you like best? Show the student who has just told and ask: What Answer these questions.

4, Production

Work in pairs. Talk about you by asking these questions.

Ask the other friend. Play this game.

5, Homework.

Rewrite these exercises into your notebooks.

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does he/ she do after school hours? Etc. Use some pictures to match and talk: who and what does he/ she do after school hours? *Learn by heart the new words. Read again the reading and write the answers into your notebooks. Write 5 sentences about you. V/ Draw experience

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 34

Unit six: After school.

B/ Lets go! ( B1)
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the structures for making, accepting, and refusing invitations. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: assignment, relax. 2, Structures: What about going to the movies? Lets go to my house! Why dont you relax? III/ Teaching aids. - Make aplan. - Prepare some pictures of after school activities. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 89 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @Now you remind the old lesson and answer the questions: What does Nga do after school? Does Ba like collecting the stamps Is Nam very sporty? What does Nam do after school? What about you? @ You have just talk about some after school activities. Today we continue talking about other activities, now you look at this picture and you guess what they are doing? Introduce the new lesson by making questions: How many students are there in this picture? Who are they? Tomorrow is Sunday. They are talking about what they should do in this evening. Now listen to the tape and answer that question. Play the tape twice and ask them to repeat it. Call four students to read . Explain the new words: to be on, relax, assignment. -What about + V-ing...? -Why dont you + V.......? -Lets +V..... Students activities Remind the old lesson and answer the teachers questions. She rehearses a play. Yes, he does. No, he isnt. He usually goes home and watches TV. ( By the students) Listen and look at the picture that is in pages 64. Guess: They are listening to music. -There are four: Ba, Nam, Hoa and Lan. Listen to the tape.

2, Presentatio n

Practice class.



of the

Listen and write.

3, Practice

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Invitations. Accepting: Great or Oh, Id love to. Refusing: Im sorry. Ask them to work in pairs by answering the questions that are in the book. Go around the class to help students Then have them practice in front of the class. Listen and give the key. -Nam wants to go to the movies. -Because there arent any good movies at the moment. -Lan wants to listen to music at her home. -Because she has so many assignments. -Its Saturday. @ Use the pictures of four students and small papers to stick on the board: Nam : doesnt want to go to movie Ba :doent want go to Lans house Hoa: wants to listen to music Lan: wants to go to the movies Now you answer the question: What does Nam/ Ba/ Hoa/ Lan want to do? Now you make invitations with a partner, using : -Lets........ Work in pairs. Practice class. in front of the

Write into the notebooks.

Listen to carefully.

4, Production

Play this game. Stick these small papers so that they are correct sentences.

Answer this question Make invitations

5, Homework

Listen to and rewrite them into your notebooks.

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
-What about........ -Why dont you..... @ Write questions into notebooks. Imagine you wont have any lessons tomorrow. You make some invitations with your friends to relax. V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 35.

Unit six: After school.

B/ Lets go!
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension and discuss after- school activities in America. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: teenager, attent, youth, organization, scout, guide, musical instrument, coin, model, plane, 2, Structures: What do American teenages like doing in their free time? -They like attending youth organizations such as scouts and guides . III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare the pictures of American teenagers activities. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 92 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up. Teachers activities @Make questions for students: What do you usually do after school? ( you can speak 5 activities). Now you can talk about organizations of Vietnamese teenagers. Introduce words: organization, teenager, youth. @ Ask students look at these pictures in pages 65 and talk about them: they are the most popular after- school activities in America. Can you guess what these activities are. - eat and drink. - Watch TV. - Learn to play the guitar. - Collect stamps or coins - Go shopping. - Attend youth organizations. Have them read these words. Let students read the reading. Explain the words: -Scout also boy scout. -Guide also girl scout. -Coins. Ask students to read the reading in front of the Students activities Answer this question( can use these words: play soccer, watch TV, collect stamps, talk, skip- rope.....) By Vietnamese.

2, Presentation

Look at these pictures.

And guess. Look at these pictures and talk about them. Read again sentences. these

Find other words that you dont know.

Read the reading.

3, Practice.

Work in small groups.

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class. Listen to them and correct their mistakes. @ Have students answer this question: What do American 4, Production teenagers like doing afterschool? Ask them to work in small groups. Then let them to answer their answers. Teacher can give an example: They like eating in fast food restaurants. Listen and correct their mistakes. @Have students work in groups and ask them answer the question: -Which of the activities in the list for America teenagers do you think are also popular among 5, Vietnamese teenagers? Homework. -What organizations are there for teenagers in Vietnam? Listen to students and correct their mistakes if they have. Give students some small papers and ask them take a survey in a groups of four. Go around the class and help them to do this exercise. Then ask students to speak loudly in front of the class Practice in front of the class.

Work in groups and answer the question: ( watch TV, listen to music, go to the movies, help old people, collect stamps) It is Vietnamese youth teenager.

Make a survey for four students. Write on the papers. Speak loudly in front of the class. Compare with other groups and give the ideas Rewite into the notebooks.

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Learn by heart the new words Write sentences about the most popular American and Vietnamese teenagers do in their free time. V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teachng date: Period 36.

B/ Lets go!

Unit six:After


( B3+ B4+ B5 )

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to make invitations and refuse, accept invitations, study students activities in America. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: wedding, join,elderly people, community service, even, paint, concern, neighhood. 2, Structures: Would you like to..............? Yes, Id love to. Its my pleasure You are well come. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan -Prepare a tape and a cassette-player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @Talk about American Go to board and talk teenagers activities that about America they like. steenagers activities

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Make questions for students: - What is your date of birth? - Do you usually hold your birthday? - Do you invite your friends? - In which occasions do you use invitations? - How do you except or refuse the invitations? Through those questions teacher introduce the new lesson. @ Play the tape for each passage. Ask students repeat it . -Would you like to come to my house for lunch. ( Invitation) -Yes, Id love to.(Except). -Id love to but Im sorry I cant. (refuse). Ask students to work on pairs. Then have them practice in front of the class. Give other invitations: Why dont you.............? or What about ........? Have students make invitations in other occasions. Then call some pairs to make invitations. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. What do the students (By students)

They can Vietnamese.



2, Presentation

Listen and repeat.

Work in pairs. Practice in front of the class. Ese the other invitations to make the conversations. Talk in front of the class.

Answer the questions. Listen and repeat these new words.

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usually do in Summers in Vietnam? They usually do volunteer works. Do you know what kinds of volunteer works do American children often do to help community? Now you read this passage and you know what they do. Play the tape, and ask students to read it . Go around the class to help students and explain the new words: Elderly people, community service, neighborhood clean- up campaigns. Have students read it loudly in front of the class and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Ask students discuss in small groups about volunteer works of American teenagers and Vietnamese teenagers by asking the questions : How do some teenagers help the community? - How do Vietnamese teenagers help the community? Go around class and help them. Then call some groups and ask they speak in front of the class. Read the pasage.

Write these words.

Read loudly. Work in small groups by answering two questions.

3, Practice.

Practicein class.




4, Production.

Play the games. Do these exercises.

5, Homework.

Rewrite these exercises into the notebooks.

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Other groups and teacher listen to and give ideas. @ Teacher uses small papers to consolidate the lesson. Give exercises for students: - Make some invitations for your friends. - Give some community services in Vietnam and America. @ Learn by heart. Do exercises in the exercise book. Note speaking invitations and exceptings, refusing V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 37. Unit six:

Language focus 2.

After school.

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to do exercisex exactly and speak English fluently by using the words and structures that they had already learnt. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Repeat all of them. 2, Structures: III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 98 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- Prepare some pictures of exercises. IV/ Teaching produres. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @ Make quetions for students: What are you studying at the moment? How many subjects do you have? What are they? What time does this class start? Do you usually learn new words @ Ask students open the books and look at it and answer the questions: What is Lan doing? What is Mr Thanh doing? What are her brothers doing? -Introduce the new word: kick and ask students to complete the passage by using the present progressive tense: S +is/ am/ are+ -Correct their mistakes and give the keys: doing. Is writing, is reading, is cooking, are playing, is kicking, running. *Have students look at the picturesand speak using this that, these and those. Listen and correct. *Ask students to talk about time by asking the Students activities. Listen and answer these questions: - We are studying English. - There are ten. - It starts at7,30. - Yes, we do. Look at the picture answer the questions.

2, Presentation


- She is doing her homework. - He is reading newspaper. - They are kicking the ball. Repeat the using of the present progressive tense. Read in front of the class. Compare with the teachers answers. Work with a partner and then speak in front of the class. Answer this question: use all the ways of the time. Work in a small group. Write them into notebooks. the

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question: What time is it? Now look at the pictures and complete these sentences. Note to speak and write the correct time. 3, Practice *Make questions for students: What subjects do you have at school today? Do you often play the guitar in your music class? How often do you play marble at recess? @ Talk about the subjects that you learn at school. Ask students to look at the pictures and answer a question: What subjects are they 4, Production learning? -They are learning Physical Education/ Chemistry....... Talk about the adverbs of frequence: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never Now you write sentences about Ba. The first, can ask them to speak and then write. Correct their mistakes if they have. @ Use the game to find 5, the subjects you learn at Answer. -I have English.......... -No, I never play the guitar. -I always play the marble. Name all subjects and talk about these pictures. Then write them on the board. Practice in front of the class.

Talk again adverbs.



Speak the sentences about B, and hen write on the board.

Play the game. Make a conversation with a partner. Answer the questions.

Do the exercises.

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Homework. school. Then ask students to make a conversation by using the structures you learnt. Rewrite into notebook. Ex. How many subjects do you learn? What subjects do you like best? Do you always learn it? Etc *Give some exercises for students; -She always (catch).......bus. -Now they(play) -Lets (go).............swimming. -Would you like(come)........... movie. Do again these exercises into notebooks. Learn by heart the subjects you learn at school. Prepare for the test.

V/ Draw experience.

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Full name:............................. Class 7

English test


Li ph ca c gio

I/ Put the corect tense of the verbs in blanks to complete the following sentences( 3m) 1- She learns how ( use ).....................a computer in her Computer Science class. 2- My sister (be)............... a doctor because she always (take) of sick people. 3- Would you like (come) house. 4- She ( watch)........................TV tonight. 5- The students( study)................................English now. II/ Make questions for the following answers.(2m) 1- We have English, Math, Literature and History on Thursday. - What..................................................................................................... ...... 2- She usually has lunch at home. - How often..................................................................................................... ...... 3- My favorite subject is Physics. - What..................................................................................................... ................. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 102 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
4- They always play soccer in the evening. When........................................................................................................ .................... III/ Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.(2m) 1, We go to school six days.........................( a week, in a week, on a week, at a week) 2, Students never have time to play the whole game because recess is....................... ( short, long, energetic, lesson) 3, I enjoy.........................volleyball. ( play, to play, playing, plays). 4, History is ..................interesting and important subject. (a, an, the, at) IV/Answer the questions about you. 1, What time do you get up?........................................................................................... 2, How often do you go to school?................................................................................. 3, What is your favorite subject?..................................................................................... 4, Are you goog at English?........................................................................................... V/ Correct the mistake in the following sentences (1m) 1, People are living longer so there are more elder people. ................................................................................................................. ........................ 2, Some young people work at hospital volunteers. ................................................................................................................. ........................ The end Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 39 Unit seven: The world of work. A/ A students work. (A1) I/ Objectives. Bu the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about a students work and vacations. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 103 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: to be late for....., that takes about.........., vacation, summer vacation= summer holiday, last. 2, Structures: present simple tense, simple future tense and comparative of adjectives. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare some pictures of the summer vacations students. IV/ Teaching produres. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @Make some questions for students:- What time do your classes start and finish? -Do you like a summer vacation? -When will you have a summer vacation? Now you listen a conversation between Hoa and her uncle. Show the picture and ask questions: Where are they? What are they doing? Students activities Listen and answer the questions: ( by students ) Yes, I do. In June.

2, Presentations

Look at the picture and answer the teachers questions: They are in the kitchen and they are eating breakfast. Listen to the tape. Read the dialogue white listening. Work in pairs. Role- play the dialogue in front of the class.

@Play the tape and ask students listen to it carefully. Play it again and have students read the dialoge. Have students work in pairs. Ask the pairs to role- play Rewrite the meaning of the the dialoge and severe new words. the roles. Read these new words. Have one or two pairs

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3, Practice role- play in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Explain the meaning of the new words: to be late for........, that takes about......, vacation, summer vacation, last. @Ask students to look at these questions and read them. Then have them work with a parner. Tell the students that the answers are in the unit dialoge. Have some pairs practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. *Hoa does her homework 2 hours a day. *That takes about 2 hours each day. *Hoa will visit her parents on the their farm during her vacation. @Make questions for students: -What time do your classes start -Do your classes start earlier or later? -For how many hours a day do you do your homework? Do you work fewer than Hoa? -When will you have a Look at the questions and read them. Work in pairs. Ask the questions in front of the class. Rewrite the answers into notebooks. correct the

4, Production.

Answer about yourself. ( by students ).

Others listen and about yourself. Work with a partner.


5, Homework

Rewrite these homework into notebooks.

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vacation? -What will you do during the vacation? Then ask students to work with a partner, and have them role- play it. Listen and correct their mistakes. @Learn by heart . Rewrite all the answers into notebooks. Prepare next lesson. V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 40. Unit seven:

The world of work.

A/ Students work. ( A2+ A3 )

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension throught a letter and practice listening. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, celebrate. 2, Structures: Present simple tense and comparative of adjectives. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a letter in Viet Nam and some pictures of public holiday. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @Make questions for Listen to and answer the students: teachers questions. -What do usually do during vacation? -If you dont visit your uncle, what you will do? Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 106 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
-Will you write a letter? Use the letter to introduce the lesson. Ask students to look at it, this is a letter from American and it is a letter from Viet Nam. @Ask students to answer the questions: -Who wrote this letter? -Who did he write this letter? -In your opinion, what is the letter about? Now you read this letter and answer this question. Have students read the letter, and go around the class to help the students. Give the meaning of these words: -hear, find, celebrate, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, like doing. Call some students to read the letter. Teacher listen and corrects their mistakes if they have. @Have the students work in pairs by asking and answering these questions. Ask them to practice in front of the class. Give the correct answers: -Summer vacation is the longest in America. -During his vacation, Tim spends time with his family. Look at books about a letter. and tell

2, Presentatio n

Look at this letter and answer the questions: -Tim wrote this letter. -He wrote this letter to Hoa. ( Students can guess ) Read this letter.

Read these new words and write them.

Practice class.



of the

3, Practice.

Work in pairs. Practice these questions in front of the class. Write the correct answers into notebooks.

Talk again these vacations.

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
-Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American students. *Can you name American vacations that you have just learnt. Now you look at these pictures and talk about them.( you can answer the question: Which vacation is in the first picture?) Play the tape and ask students to write the name of the public holiday in each of these pictures. Play the tape again. Ask students to give their answers. Then give the correct answers: a. Thanksgiving. b. Independence Day. c. New Years Eva ( Day ). d. Christmas. Talk some sentences about these public vacations. @Now you talk about the vacations in Viet Nam. Teacher can make some questions: -How many vacations are there in Viet Nam? -What are they? -What do you usually do on each vacation? Ask students to work in pairs, then write on the papers. Call some students to read. Guess: which vacation is in each picture. Listen to tape and write the name of the public holiday in each picture. Give the answers. Listen to teacher.

4, Production

Work in small groups Answer the questions. teachers

Go to the board and write all sentences that you wrote. Correct the mistakes. Rewrite exercises notebooks into

5, Homework.

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Listen and correct. @ Learn by heart the new words. Name vacations in Viet Nam and in America. Answer the questions: -What do American students often do in that day? -What do Vietnamese students often do on that day? V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 41.

Unit seven :The world of work. A/ A students work ( A4 )

I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to practice reading for comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: take a look= have a look, typical, keen, review, definitely. 2, Structures: The present simple tense, fewer/ more .....than.... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a picture about Hoa. IV/ Teaching procedures. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 109 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @Call a student and ask him/ her to talk about the public holidays in Viet Nam and in American. In the public holidays, you usually havent classes. What do you usually do everyday? Is your work at school hard? How many hours a day do you study? Do you have to do a lot of homework? Now we read this text and we know that students work hard or dont work hard. @Ask students to look at this picture and answer the questions: What is Hoa doing? She is studying/ doing her homework. At home she always review lesson. She is a keen student so she is definitely not lazy. Now you read the text and find the main meaning of it. Can play the tape and ask them to listen. Call students to read in front of the class. Give the words: Take a look, Have a look, Students activities Go to the board and answer the questions.

I usually go to school. Yes, it is. I study four hours a day. Yes, I do.

2, Presentatio n

Look at this picture and answer: Hoa is studying/ doing her homework. Listen and read these words Read the text. If the teacher plays the tape you will listen it carefully. Read loudly in front of the class. Read and write these words. Answer these questions: ( can work with a partner ).

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3, Practice typical, period. Make questions for students. -What do many people think? -How many hours a week does Hoa work? -Is Hoa a keen student? -Does Hoa study hard? @Ask students to read again the text, have them look at the questions and work in pairs . Go around the class and help them to answer the questions. Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. Give the correct answers: a. People think students have an easy life because they only work a few hours a day and have along vacations. b.Hoa works 20 hours a week. It is fewer than most workers work. c.( students answer ) d. No, the writer doesnt think students are lazy. Have students read again the text. @Make questions about students: How many hours a day do you study at school/ at home? -Do you work hard? Read the text again. Work in pairs. Practice in front of the class. Rewrite answers. these correct

4, Production.

Work with a partner about yourself by asking these questions.

Others listen and compare with own answers. Practice in front of the class.

Read the part Remember.

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-Are you a good student? Why or Why not? -Do your parents think of you? -Is that more or fewer hours Hoa? Ask students to work with a partner, then have them practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. *Ask students to read the part: Remember and note these structures: -You will be late for school -Im usually early. -We only work a few hours a day. - This is fewer hours than any workers. -This is more than some workers. @ Learn by heart. Rewrite the Remember. Read again the text and answer again the questions into your notebooks. Make sentences as the same as these sentences.

5, Homework.

Rewrite exercises notebooks


V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 112 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Teaching date: Period 42. Unit seven:

The world of work.

B/ The worker. ( B1 )
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak daily works. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: part- time, homeless, mechanic, prefer, shift, day off. 2, Structures: He has fewer days off than my Mom. She takes care of thefamily. He repairs machines in the factory. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a photo of Toms family. IV/ Teaching produres. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activties Students activites @Call two students to talk Talk about own studying. about their studying. Use the picture to Look at books and answer introduce the new lesson the teachers questions. by making questions: -What is this? -Whose letter is this? -Who does Tom write 2, about in the letter? Presentation. @Please read this letter and you will know who Read the letter. Tom write about Play the tape and ask the Listen to the tape. students listen to it carfully. Read the letter while Ask them to read after the listening. tape. Scan this letter. Then have them scan it. Go around the class and help them if they need. Read in front of the class. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 113 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Call some studens to read the letter in front of the class. Listen to them and correct their mistakes if they have. Explain new words: Take care of, parttime, homeless, mechanic, prefer, shilt, day off. Ask the students to read the letter and answer the questions: What is his mothers job? What does his Dad do in a factory? What does he do in his free time? Where do they often go on vacation? Call students to answer these questions . Listen to them and corect their mistakes. @ Have students look at the questions that are in the pages 77, and ask them to work in pairs Ask them to practice. Listen and correct their mistakes and give the correct answers. -She works at home but three morning a week she works part- time at a local supermarket. -She cooks lunch for homeless people once a

Find the new words and read them. Answer the questions: - His mother is a housewife. - He repairs machines in a factory. - He plays golf. - They often go to Florida.

3, Practice.

Look at the questions and work in pairs. Practice class. in front of the

Write the correct answers. ( Can compare with own answers )

4, Practice.

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week. -He is a machanic. He repairs machines in a factory. -He works about 40 hours a week. -The John family always goes to Florida on 5, vacation. They have a Homework. great time there. Then ask them to compare with sentences that you guessed. @ Have students use these words to make new sentences: -My Mom/ take care/ family. -cook/ homeless poeple/ once a week/. -My Dad/ machanic/ repair/ a factory/ -golf/ free time/. -go to florida/ vacation. Ask them to speak and write these sentences. @ Learn by heart. Read again this letter. Use the words over to write Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 43. Do an exercise. First you can work with a partner. Then you speak the sentences that you have just done. Write them on the board. Rewrite into notebooks.

Unit seven: The world of work. B/ The worker. (B 2 + B3) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read comprehension and then compare some information . II/ Language contents. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 115 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
1, Vocabulary: feed, buffalo, pig, collect the eggs, grow rice, crop, real, buffalo shed, chicken coop. 2, Structures: He works more hours than Tims father. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a picture, a tape and a casette player. IV/ Teaching produres. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @Make questions for students: -What is Mr Jonhs job? -Where does he work? -How many hours a week does he usually work? -How many day off a week does he have? -Does he have a three week summer vacation? You have just known some information about Tims father. Do you know about Hoas father? Now you read the text to know some information about him. @Ask students to look at the picture and answer the question. This is Hoas father. What does he do? Where does he work? What is this? This is a buffalo. Read the text and guide students to read. Students activities Listen and answer: -He is a mechanic. -He works in a factory. -He usually works 40 hours a week. -He has two days off a week. -Yes, he has a three week summer vacation. Listen to teacher.

2, Presentatio n

Look at the picture and answer teachers questions: He is a farmer. He works in the fields. Listen to teacher and read it.

Ask them to read the text. Practice in front of the Go around the class and class. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 116 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
help them to read. Call some students to read the text. Listen to students and correct their mistakes. Give the new words: feed, buffalo, pig, egg, collect, grow, rice, buffalo shed, chicken coop. Make questions for students: -What does Mr Tuan do? -How many hours a week does he work? -How many days off does he have? -Does he work more hours than Tims father? @ Ask students look at the part b1 and answer again the questions about Tims father.( Or look at the answers that they answered). Ask them to compare with them. -Mr John works about 40 hours per week. He gets two days of every week. He also has a three week summer vacation. -Mr Tuan works 84 hours per week. He gets one day off, four or five times a year. He has no real vacation. *Who works more hours? -Mr Tuan works more hours than Mr John *Who works less hours? Read and write the new words. Answer the questions: -He is a farmer. -He works 84 hours per week. He gets one day off, four or five times a year. -Yes, he does. Read again the text is in the page 76 and answer the questions about Mr John Then they write on the table that they drawn into the notebooks. Talk about them in front of the class.

3, Practice.

Answer two questions and note these answers.

4, Production.

Work with a partner Talk about two jobs. Listen and notebooks. write into

5, Homework.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 117 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
-Mr John works less hours than Mr Tuan. @ Have students talk about two jobs: mechanic and farmer. Call some students to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. @ Rewrite two jobs into notebooks and learn by heart. Do exercise 3 ( pages 46) V/ Draw experience Preparatory date: Teching date: Period 44. Unit seven:

The world of work.

B/ The worker. ( B4+ B5 )

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to listen for coprehension and fill out into the form. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: hours per week, amout of vacation, be on duty, assistant, annual 2, Structures: Sometimes he works in the morning and sometimes he works in the afternoon. When he has less time, he goes to the city. Tims father has fewer days off than his father. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Procedures. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up. @ You talk about Tims Go to board and talk about fathers job and Hoas their jobs. fathers job. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 118 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Make some questions for students -What is your fathers job? -How many hours a week does he work? -Whats about his vacation? @ Now you listen to the tape and take notes. Explain the aim of this listening: It talks about some people and their jobs, you listen and take notes into this form. Label a form on the board, then guide the meaning of new words: -hours per week. -amount of vacation. Play the tape once. Play it twice. Call some students talk about each person and ask him or her fill out into the form that is on the board. Ask students to compare with their friends. Then play the tape three time( stop each sentence and check it) Give the correct sentences:
Name Job Amount of Hours per week vacation Peter doctor four weeks Susan nurse three weeks Jane shop

( By students )

2, Presentatio n.

Listen to the teacher about the aim of the listening. Put the box notebooks into the

Repeat these works. Listen to the tape Each student talks the sentences that he/ she has just heard. Others compare with their friends. Listen again and check into the notebooks.

3, Practice

Speak loudly in frond of the 70 class, using the examples.

50 35

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 119 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
one week assistant Phong factory two weeks Worker 48

Rewrite books.




4, Production

5, Homework.

@Use the form over to make sentences. Ex: Peter works more hours than Susan. Susan works fewer hours than Peter. Ask students to make sentences as the same as those. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Have students talk about the following jobs: - Mechanic. - Farmer. - Worker. - Teacher. - Nurse. - Shop assistant. ( Using the structures in form over to speak ) Can ask them this question: What are you going to do in the future? Then play the tape in part Play with words @ Rewrite all the jobs that you have just spoken into the notebooks. Prepare the next lesson: Unit eight.

Each student talks about a job. ( Using the main meaning of each job)

By students. ( Im going to be a doctor). Listen. Listen and write them into the notebooks.

V/ Draw experiences. Preparatory date: Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 120 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Teaching date: Period 45.

Unit eight: Places.

A/ Asking the way. ( A1+ A2 )
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and show the way. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: on the right, on the left, go straight a heard, opposite.... 2, Structures: Could you tell me how to get there? Could you show me the way to the supermarket, please? III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a casette- player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @Call on one student to go A student goes to the to the board and talk about board and talk about ones job that you have ones job. just learnt in unit seven. Ask students to look at the pictures in the book and Look at the pictures and 2, name them. name them. Presentation. @ Listen and give the correct names: a. National Bank of Read again these places. Vietnam. b. Saint Paul Hospital. c. Hotel. Then write them on the d. The Central Post office. books. e. Hanoi Railway station. f. Dong Xuan Market. Guide the students to read. Tell some places where Ask students: Are there you live. any similar places in our town? Name these places. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 121 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Help them to name some places that are in the town. *Now you look at the picture that is in the pages 80 and answer the questions: Who are they? They are Nga and a tourist Where are they? They are on the street. What does the tourist want? Do you know? Youll hear a conversation between Nga and a tourist. You listen and answer that question. Play the tape, ask students to repeat the dialogue. Have students role- play the dialogue. Listen and help the students to read correctly. Ask students to practice in front of the class. Tell students to ask over question: What does the tourist want? - He wants to go to the souvenir shop. - He wants to go to the supermarket. *He used these sentences to ask the way: - Could you tell me how to get to the souvenir? - Could you tell me the way to the supermarket, Look at the picture that is in the pages 80 and answer the questions. Read and write the new words.

Listen the conversation between Nga and a tourist.

Repeat the tape.

Practice in front of the class. Ask this question.

Practice these sentences.

3, Practice.

Practice in front of the class.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 122 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
4, Production. please? @ Ask students to roleplay Nga and foreigner. ( Have students use the structures that are in the dialogue) Listen and correct their mistakes. Then ask them to replace the words (the souvenir, the supermarket) by other places ( use the places that are in the part A1) @ Draw some street maps on the board and ask students to make the dialogue about asking the way. Guide students to ask and answer. Listen and correct. @ Learn by heart. Make again the dialogue . Do exercises 1,2 ( pages -sbt) Use the places that are in the part one to practice: -Could you tell me the way to National Bank of Vietnam? -Go straight ahead. Take the first street on the right. National Bank of Vietnam is in front of you. Listen and rewrite the homework.

5, Homework.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 46. Unit eight: I/ Objectives. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 123 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699


A/ Asking the way. ( A3 )

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask for and give directions to some places. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Review some places. 2, Structures: Ask the way and give directions. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player, a street map that is in the book. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @ Call on two students to go to the board and they ask and give directions to some places. Ask for students: Name some places that you live near them. Now I have a map where I live, and you read places that you can. @ Put the map on the board and ask students to read. Give the meaning of the words: - bakery: ca hng bnh - toy store: ca hng chi - drugstore: ca hng thuc - bank: ngn hng - shoe store: ca hng giy dp - police station: n cnh st - museum: bo tng - stadium: sn vn ng Students activities - P1: Could you show me the way...? - P2: Go straight ahead...... Ex: school, hospital, factory, market, hotel......etc. Look at the map and read those places.

2, Presentatio n

Then write them into your notebooks.

Listen to carefully.



Read loudly this example.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 124 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Have them practice these words. Explain asking and giving directions: *Where is the bank? The bank is between the hotel and the restaurant. Its opposite the hospital. Or: Take the second street on the right. The bank is @ Tell students to make the dialogue as much as over one, use these words: police station, shoe store, bookstore, restaurant, hotel, post office and school. Ask them to role-play. Listen to students and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Ask them to look at the map again and ask: If I go straight ahead to the second street, turn right. What is on the left next to the restaurant? The bank. You will hear similar directions. Listen the tape and write names of shops, offices you hear following the directions in the tape. Play the tape 2 or 3 times. Call on some students to read the names. And then give the correct answers: a. souvenir. b. shoe store. Practice it again. Use those words to make the dialogue. Practice in front of the class by rolling- play.

3, Practice.

4, Production

Look at the map again and listen to the teacher. Answer this question. Listen to the tape and give the names of places you heard.

Repeat the sentences you have just heard.

5, Homework.

Rewrite into the notebooks.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 125 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
c. Hotel. d. Drug store. e. Hospital. If the class has time, students will repeat the sentences in the tape. @ Use the map in the book and rewrite asking and giving directions into your notebook( Use the words given in the book) Read more times them. V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period: 47. Unit eight:


A/ Asking the way. ( A4+ A5 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about the distance between two places. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: coach, distance, have a guess. 2, Structures: How far is from( name of place ) to( name of place )? It is .................... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities Use the street map in part Look at the map and make 3 to check old lesson. the dialogue. Call two students and ask them to ask and gve Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 126 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
directions to those places. If you want to know the distance between two places, which question 2, youll make? Presatation. @ Now you listen the conversation between Hoa and Lan. Play the tape, and ask students to repeat. Have them role- play the dialogue. Ask them to review asking the distance between two places. - How far is it from Hue to Ho Chi Minh City? 3, Practice - I think its about 1, 030 km. Ask them to practice that structure @ Label the Vietnamese map on the board. Have students ask and answer question with a partner. * How far is it from Hanoi 4, to Vinh Production. - Its about 913 km. Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Use the street map in part 3 to make the dialogue. - Could you tell me the way to the supermarket?

Listen to the tape. Repeat the conversation. Practice the dialogue. Rewrite this quetion and answer.

Look at the map and practice with a partner.

Practice class.



of the

Look at again the street map in part 3 and make the dialogue as the example. ( By replacing underlined words ) the

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 127 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- Go straight ahead, take the first street on the right . It is in front of you. - How far is it from here to the supermarket? - Its about 500 meters. Ask them to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Have students read and write the part : remember. @ Learn by heat the structures in unit 8. Rewrite the questions and ansers in part 5 into your notebooks. Do exercises: 2 ( in pages 48 ) Practice class. in front of the

5, Homework.

Rewrite the duties your notebooks.


V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teching date: Period 48. Unit eight:


B/ At the post office( B1) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask for information at the post office and practice in inquiring about prices. II/ Language contents. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 128 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
1,Vocabulary: send, envolope, altogether, cost,change, mail, pay, receive. 2, Structures: How much does/ do it/ altogether? - It costs/ they cost............ How much chance does/ do................receive? - 1,000 dong. Id like to send this letter to the USA. III/ Teaching aids. - make a plan. - Prapare a book, a tape and a cassette plaeyer. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities 1, Warm up. @ Make questions for students: - Do you usually write the letters - Where do you go to send them - How far is it from your house to the post office? 2, - Do you often buy stamps Presetation. and envelopes? - How much are they? @ Now you look at this picture in the pages 83 and make questions for students: What do people usually do at the post office? If students dont answer by English, you can speak by Vietnamese. Teacher helps them: sending letter/ postcard, sending/ receiving parcel, making long/ short distance phone calls, buying stamps/ envelopes. Students activities Listen and answer the questions: - Yes, I do. - The post office. - About............ - Yes, I do. - About........ Look at he picture and answer the question. Can by Vietnamese. Read after the teacher. And write them. Listen to repeat. the tape and

Role play the dialogue.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 129 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Ask them to repeat these words. Play the tape and ask the students to listen the conversation between Liz and Clerk to know what they are talking about. Have them role play the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Explain the structures: - Id like to send this letter to the USA. - Id like some envelopes. - How much is/ are+ S? How much does/ do+ S+ cost? -Its+ price. -It costs/ Theycost+ price. Play the tape again and ask students to repeat. @ Then have them answer the questions in the book. Listen and correct their mistakes. Give the correct answers: - Lizll mail the letter to USA. - She pays 11,500 dong altogether. - She receives 3,500dong in change. Ask students to work with a partner by asking and answering the questions about you. Listen to explaining. the teacher

Read these sentences. Listen the tape again and answer the questions.

3, Practice.

Practice class.



of the

Work with a partner. Answering the questions.

Work in small groups.

4, Production.

Make a new dialogue by basing on the conversation in part one.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 130 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- Do you usually go to the post office? - Where is your nearest post office? - How do you get there from your home? - How much do your stamps and envelopes cost? Go around the class to help students. @ Have students work with a partner by basing on the conversation in part 1, you make up a similar conversation. The first the teacher can role- play a clerk and a student a clerk. Then students make the dialogue. Go around the class and help students to make sentences. Ask them to practice in front of the class. Note the main structures: - Id like to +V.......? - How much do/ does..........cost? It cost/ They cost........ @ Learn by heat the words and the structures. Read the dialogue more time. Do ex.1,2 ( in pages 50 ) Practice class. in front of the

Note these structures and read them. Rewrite the duties into the notebooks.

5, Homework.

V/ Draw experience. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 131 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 49. Unit eight:


B/ At the post office. ( B2 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension and answer the questions. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: local stamps, overseas mail, regularly, phone card. 2, Structures: Id like some stamps for overseas mail. I need to buy a phone card. I need a phone card. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and a picture. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities Call two students and ask Two students go the board them to make the dialogue and make the dialogue. at the post office. Now you look at the picture Look at the picture and and answer the questions: answer the questions; Where do Hoa and Nga go - to the post office. after school? What do they want from - They want some stamps. the post office? Do you know? Ask the students to guess.( they can speak by Vietnamese ) If you want to know, youll 2, listen to the conversation Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 132 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Presentatio n. between Nga and Hoa. @ Play the tape. Ask students to repeat the tape. Call on some students to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Give some words that students didnt know: - local stamps. - stamps for overseas. - A phone card. Play the tape again and have students role- play it in front of the class again. Make questions for students: - What does Hoa need from the post office? Why does she need stamps for overseas? - How often does she write the letters? - Why does she need a phone card? - Does she phone her parents one a week? Ask students to compare with their guessing @ Ask students to ask and answer the questions in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Give the correct answers: - Hoa needs some local stamps, some stamps Listen to the tape and repeat. Practice in front of the class. Repeat these words. Rewrite them notebooks. into the

Role -play the tape. Listen to the teacher and answer the teachers questions.

Others listen to answers and comments.

their give

3, Practice.

Compare guessing.



Make questions and answers in front of the class. If they have time, theyll write these answers into the notebooks.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 133 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
for overseas and a phone card. - Because she has a pen pal in America. - She writes the letters very regularly- about once a month. - Because she phones her parents once a week. - Yes, she does. @ Ask students to talk about them. The first teacher can make questions for them , then the students make questions and answer them. Teacher can give some words that they are used at the post office. - envelops, writing pads, postcards. Ask students to use these words to make the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Make the dialogue again. Answer the questions about you: - What do you do from the post office? - Why do you need them? - How often do you go to the post office?

4, Production.

Talk about you. The first answer teachers questions the

Use these words to make the dialogue.

5, Homework.

Practice with a partner. Rewrite your duty into your notebooks.

V/ Draw experience Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 134 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 50. Unit eight:


B/ At the post office.( B3, B4, B5 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about the price of some things and practice listening for comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Review the words that are used at the post office. 2, Structures: Id like........... How much is a letter to America? Its 9,500 dong. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a cassette- player and a tape. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @ Ask students to make a Make a dialogue and answer dialogue again, and ask the teachers queston. some questions about Hoa and about the students. Now you look at the Look at the picture and picture, Hoa goes to the answer the question. post office again. What does she talk to a clerk? Do you know? Listen to the tape. Now you hear a conversation between Hoa and a post office clerk but there is some unfinished information. You read and Read the words in the box. 2,Presenta complete the conversation. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 135 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
tion @ Ask students to read the words given in the box and the dialogue. Play the tape first. Play the tape twice. Ask students to read the dialogue that you have just completed. Can ask them to practice in pairs the dialogue. Play the tape again and correct their mistakes: like, are, much, is, change. Have students use the words that are in the box to make other 3, Practice. conversation. Teacher gives an example: Id like some postcards and writing pads? @ Ask them look at the picture in the pages 85 and answer the questions: What are they? These are the things which Mrs Robinson will buy. Now you listen and say the cost of each item as well as the total cost of the things. Play the tape twice and ask them to answer the questions: _ What is the total cost? _ How much change will Mrs. Robinson have from 60,000 dong? 4, ( Ask students to listen the Production. price of each item, then they must add up total). Listen the tape again. Read the dialogue that you have completed. Or practice in frontof the class. Listen the tape again and correct the mistakes. Use the words in the box and make the other dialogue. Practice in front of the class. Look at the picture. Speak the name of these things.

Listen to the tape to answer the teachers questions. Compare with a parner.

Answer the questions front of the class.


Rewrite the correct answers. Answer the questions.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 136 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Give the correct answer: - The total cost is 59,000dong. - She will have 1,000dong. Ask them to listen again. @ Explain the part 5. Read the questions and ask students to answer them. Have them work with a partner. Ask students first, then ask them to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Have students read the part: Remember: _ I need some envelopes. _ I need to buy a phone card. _ Id like some stamps for overseas. _ Id like to sed this letter to America. @ Learn by heart. Review all the lessons. Do exercises: Work with a partner. Correct the mistakes. Read the part: Remember.

5, Homework

Listen and rewrite them into books.

V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 51, 52. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 137 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh

Consolidate for the first term.

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will review all the main words, structures and grammar that the students learnt from unit one to unit one. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: 2, Structures: III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book and some exercises. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @ Make questions about students: - How are you? - Where do you study? - How often do you go to school? - How do you usually go to school?.....etc. Today we review the knowledge that we learnt from unit one to unit eight. @ Ex.1: Write correct tense of verbs in parentheses. - She needs (send) this letter to America. - The students in class 7a(learn) English now. - The doctor (take) care of sick people. - My mother usually (go) to work by motorbike. - We (visit) our grandmother this summer vacation. Ex. 2: Make questions Students activities Listen and answer teachers questions. the

Do these exercises. - to sent - are learning - takes - goes - will visit

2 Practice

- How often does she play badminton?

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 138 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
for underlined words. She plays badminton twice a week. Tourists visit the citadel in Hue. They will buy new shoes next Sunday. It takes me two hours to do my homework. Our classes start at 7 oclock. Ex.3: Make questions with the words given. The farmers work very hard. Vietnamese students work 25 hours a week. She isnt definitely because she works about 45 hours a week. They always go to Ha Long Bay on vacation Ex.4: Write correct adjectives in the blanks. Hoa is (thin) than Mai. Who is the (tall) person in your family? My father has (little) days of than my mother. Easter and Christmas are the (important) vacations of American students. She is a (good) student in my class. Ex.5: Rewrite the following sentences: No one in our class is taller than Nam. - What do tourists visit in Hue? - When will they buy new shoes? - How long does it take you to do your homework? - What time do your classes start? - How/ do the farmer work? - How many/ hours a week do Vietnamese students work? - Why/ isnt she definitely? - Where/ do they always go on vacation? - thinner - tallest - less - most important - good

Nam is the/ tallest student in my class. What/ an interesting movie! Where/ do you live? When/ is your birthday? Its fifteen past one.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 139 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- How interesting movie is! - What is your address? - What is your date of birth? - Its one fifteen. Ex.6: Put one correct word into the blank to complete the following sentences. I live with my family..........34 Ly Thuong Kiet Street. - Id like to.........this letter to USA. - ...........terrible weather! - supermarket. *Ex.7: Read carefully, and then answer te questions. Mr. Tuan and his wife, Mrs Hoa, live in Ha Tay. They both work in Ha noi.Mrs Hoa works in a hotel and Mr Tuan drives a taxi. They both enjoytheir jobs, because they meet a lot of different people. They live in a nice house, but they want to move.We like our jobs.Mrs Hoa says, but we have to travel in Ha noi every day. It takes a long time and it cost a lot of money. Mrs Hoa wants to buy a house in Ha Noi, but houses cost a lot too. a. Where do Mr Tuan and Mrs Hoa live? - at - send - What - Works Read the text carefully. Practice in front of the class.

Work with a partner.

Answer the questions: - They live in Ha Tay. - She works in a hotel. - He is a taxi driver. - Because they meet a lot of different people. - Because they have to treval into Ha noi every day.

- at. - Which

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 140 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
b. Where Does Mrs Hoa work? - Lots c. What does Mr Tuan do? d. Why do they enjoy their - From jobs? e. Why do they want to move to Hanoi? - on Ex.8:Choose the correct words to complete the - cheaper following sentences: a. My parents now. ( in, with, at, on ) b. ...........are there in your room? ( which, what, who, how ) c. Hoa has...........of friends in Hue.( many, any, lots, some ) d. Hw is your new house different .......your old house? ( with, about, to, from ) e. His uncle works.......his farm. ( at, on, in, from ) f. Which of these two houses are.......( cheap, cheaper, cheapest, the cheapest). Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 55 Unit nine:

At home and away.

A/ A holiday in Nha Trang. ( A1 )

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to tell the activities that happened in the past and talk about a vacation. II/ Language contents. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 141 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
1, Vocabulary: was, were, had, did, took, bought, wasnt, gift, trip, tired 2, Structures: The past simple tense with irregular verbs. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player, and some pictures of Nha Trang. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages Teachers activities 1, Warm @ Make questions for up students: - What do you always do in summer vacation? - Do you like traveling? - Do you know which place is it? - What you do when you visit Nha Trang? Now we are going to listen to a conversation between Ba and Liz. They are talking about Lizs vacation 2,Presenta in Nha Trang. You listen tion and tell me what they did there @Play the tape twice and ask students to repeat it. Have students work with a partner Call on some pairs and ask them to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Talk about the dialogue: all activities that Liz tells about happened in the past: Students activities Listen to the teacher and answer the teachers questions. ( by students )


Listen and dialogue.



Work with a partner. Practice in front of class. Read after the teacher. Listen and write.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 142 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
a. How was your vacation in N.T? - It was wonderful. I had a lot of fun. b. What did you think of N.T? - It was beautiful. The people were friendly, but most things werent cheap. c. What places did you visit? - My parents took me to see Cham Temples and Tri Nguyen Aquarium. d. Did you buy any souvenirs? 3, Practice. - Yes, I did. I bought a lot of different gifts for friends in America. f. Were you tired after the trip? - No, I wasnt. Ask the students to ask and answer each other. Listen to them carefully and correct their mistakes. @ Have the students read again the dialogue. Then ask them to arrange those sentences into order with a partner Call on students to read in front of the class. Then give the keys. - Liz went to Nha Trang. - Liz visited Tri Nguen 4, Aquarium. Production. - Liz bought souvenirs. Practice in front of the class.

Talk about Liz.

Ask and answer these questions again in front of the class.

Read again the dialogue. Arrange these sentences with a partner. Speak in front of the class.

Listen, read after the teacher and write them into the notebooks.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 143 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- Liz returned to Ha Noi. - Liz talked to Ba about her vacation. Explain about: go- went do- did Buy- bought visitvisited Take- took talktalked Have- had returnreturned Be- was/ were Ask them to read after teacher. @ Have students read the reading again and then answer the questions about Liz. - Where did Liz go on vacation? - Who went to the aquarium with Liz? - What did she buy in N.T? - Was she tired after the trip? Listen and correct the mistakes. *Ask the students talk about you by asking some questions: -Where did you go last vacation? -What did you think of it? -What places did you visit? -What did you buy? -Were you happy after the trip? @ Read the dialogue many times Answer the questions about Liz: - Liz went to Nha Trang on vacation. - Her parents went to the Aquarium with Liz - She bought a lot of different gifts for her friends. - No, she wasnt. Practice in small groups. Talk in front of the class.

5, Homework

Listen and rewrite into your notebooks.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 144 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Learn by heart the verbs in the past tense. Talk about Liz and you in past vacation. V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 56. Unit nine: At home and away. A/ A holiday in Nha Trang. ( A2 ) I/ Objectivies. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the past tense and read comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: shark, dolphin, turtle, crap, type of fish, cap, poster, saw, thought, wore, ate. 2, Structures: The simple past tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a cassette player and a tape and some pictures of animals in the sea. IV/ Teaching produres.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 145 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
1, Warm up @ Put the correct verbs in the blanks Tri Nguyen with her parents. She.........a lot of souvenirs for her friends in America.She........... tired after the trip. She....................a great time. (bought, wast. had, went) You knew that Liz and her family visited Tri Nguyen aquarium. Can you guess what Liz and her family did during the visit to Tri Nguyen? Call on some students to guess (they can guess by Vietnamese) @Play the tape and ask students to listen and read while listening the tape. Go around the class and help them. Call on some students to read the text in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Note the words that they dont know: - shark, dolphin, turtle, crab, cap - see( saw), wear( wore ), eat( ate ) Ask them to work with a partner by asking the questions in the book. Call on some pairs to read loudly in front of the class. Listen and give the correct Go to board and do this ( went, bought wasnt, had )

2, Presentatio n

Guess by Vietnamese or by English: What did Liz andher family do dring the visit to Tri Nguen Aquarium? Listen to the tape and read it. Read loudly in fron of the class. Read after the teacher these words. Work with a partner. Practice the text by asking and answeing the questions. Listen and repeat

Answer again questions.


Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 146 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
3, Practice answers. - Her parents went to the aquarium with her. - They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish. - They bought a cap and a poster. - Yes, she did. Liz wore the cap all day. - Yes, they ate fish and crab. - Because she rememberedthe beautiful fish in the aquarium. @ Have students read again the text then make and answer again questuions. Listen and correst their mistakes. Now you look at these pictures and tell the story of Lizs trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium. Ask them to do in small groups, then call on students to speak each picture Listen and give the correct sentences - The Robinson family went to the aquarium. - They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many colorful fish. - There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium. - Mr Robinson bought Liz a cap with a picture of a Read the text again.

Look at the pictures and tell the story of Lizs trip. Work in small groups Speak about each picture

Speak again these sentences. If you have time you can rewrite these sentences into your notebooks.

4, Production

Use the answers to tell again the story of Lizs trip. Review the past tense by answer these questions: - They went to aquarium. - Yes, they did. - He bought a cap for Liz. - Because she remembered the

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 147 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
dolphin on it. Mrs Robinson 5, Homwork bought a poster. - After their visit to the aquarium, the Roinsons went to a food stall. Mr. And Mrs. Robinson ate fish and crab and Liz ate noodles. @ Have students read again the text and tell about the trip of Lizs family to Aquarium in Nha Trang. Then make some questions for the text to review the past tense: - Where did they go? - Did they see sharks, dolphins.....? - What did Mr. Robinson buy for Liz? - Why did Liz eat noodles for lunch? After that the teacher notes the verbs in the past:* seesaw, eat- ate,think- thought, wear- wore, look- looked, buybought, bewas/ were,go- went @ Read more time the text 3, Practice. and tell again. Learn by heart all the verbs in the past. Do ex. 1,2( pages 53- S.B.T ) beutiful fish in the aquarium. *Repeat these verbs and write them into the notebooks. Rewrite the duty your notebooks. into

Compare with owner answers. Speak in front of the class.

Listen the tape again and check.

Read and words.



Read again and answer the questions: -b. The Robinsons returned - By bus. to Ha Noi by bus. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 148 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
4, Production -d. This was the first time Liz saw the paddies. -e. They stopped at restaurant for a short time. -h. Mrs Robinson bought some food for Liz. -j. They arrived home in the evening. Play the tape the four times and stop it in each sentence to check the key and explain the new words: - Unfortunately: tht khng may - rice paddy: cnh ng - peaceful: yn bnh - roadside restaurant: nh hng ven ng - peanuts: lc @ Ask students to read the sentences which they hear. And answer questions : -How did they returned to Ha Noi? -Was the second time Liz saw the paddies? -What did they do on the way back to Ha Noi? -What time did they arrived home? Call some pairs to practice . @ Talk about you by answering the questions: -How did you go to school yesterday -What time did you come back home -Did you watch T.V? -What did you do after - No, she wasnt. - They stopped at the restaurant and Mrs. Robinson bought some food for Liz. - At about 7 p.m Work with a partner. Practice in front of the class

5, Homework

Listen and rewrite the duty into the notebooks

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 149 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
school? @ Tell about Lizs trip. Learn by heart all the verbs in the past. Write 5 sentences what you did yes.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 150 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
1, Warm up @ Put the correct verbs in the blanks Tri Nguyen with her parents. She.........a lot of souvenirs for her friends in America.She........... tired after the trip. She....................a great time. (bought, wast. had, went) You knew that Liz and her family visited Tri Nguyen aquarium. Can you guess what Liz and her family did during the visit to Tri Nguyen? Call on some students to guess (they can guess by Vietnamese) @Play the tape and ask students to listen and read while listening the tape. Go around the class and help them. Call on some students to read the text in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Note the words that they dont know: - shark, dolphin, turtle, crab, cap - see( saw), wear( wore ), eat( ate ) Ask them to work with a partner by asking the questions in the book. Call on some pairs to read loudly in front of the class. Listen and give the correct Go to board and do this ( went, bought wasnt, had )

2, Presentatio n

Guess by Vietnamese or by English: What did Liz andher family do dring the visit to Tri Nguen Aquarium? Listen to the tape and read it. Read loudly in fron of the class. Read after the teacher these words. Work with a partner. Practice the text by asking and answeing the questions. Listen and repeat

Answer again questions.


Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 151 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
3, Practice answers. - Her parents went to the aquarium with her. - They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish. - They bought a cap and a poster. - Yes, she did. Liz wore the cap all day. - Yes, they ate fish and crab. - Because she rememberedthe beautiful fish in the aquarium. @ Have students read again the text then make and answer again questuions. Listen and correst their mistakes. Now you look at these pictures and tell the story of Lizs trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium. Ask them to do in small groups, then call on students to speak each picture Listen and give the correct sentences - The Robinson family went to the aquarium. - They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many colorful fish. - There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium. - Mr Robinson bought Liz a cap with a picture of a Read the text again.

Look at the pictures and tell the story of Lizs trip. Work in small groups Speak about each picture

Speak again these sentences. If you have time you can rewrite these sentences into your notebooks.

4, Production

Use the answers to tell again the story of Lizs trip. Review the past tense by answer these questions: - They went to aquarium. - Yes, they did. - He bought a cap for Liz. - Because she remembered the

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 152 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
dolphin on it. Mrs Robinson 5, Homwork bought a poster. - After their visit to the aquarium, the Roinsons went to a food stall. Mr. And Mrs. Robinson ate fish and crab and Liz ate noodles. @ Have students read again the text and tell about the trip of Lizs family to Aquarium in Nha Trang. Then make some questions for the text to review the past tense: - Where did they go? - Did they see sharks, dolphins.....? - What did Mr. Robinson buy for Liz? - Why did Liz eat noodles for lunch? After that the teacher notes the verbs in the past:* seesaw, eat- ate,think- thought, wear- wore, look- looked, buybought, bewas/ were,go- went @ Read more time the text 3, Practice. and tell again. Learn by heart all the verbs in the past. Do ex. 1,2( pages 53- S.B.T ) beutiful fish in the aquarium. *Repeat these verbs and write them into the notebooks. Rewrite the duty your notebooks. into

Compare with owner answers. Speak in front of the class.

Listen the tape again and check.

Read and words.



Read again and answer the questions: -b. The Robinsons returned - By bus. to Ha Noi by bus. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 153 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
4, Production -d. This was the first time Liz saw the paddies. -e. They stopped at restaurant for a short time. -h. Mrs Robinson bought some food for Liz. -j. They arrived home in the evening. Play the tape the four times and stop it in each sentence to check the key and explain the new words: - Unfortunately: tht khng may - rice paddy: cnh ng - peaceful: yn bnh - roadside restaurant: nh hng ven ng - peanuts: lc @ Ask students to read the sentences which they hear. And answer questions : -How did they returned to Ha Noi? -Was the second time Liz saw the paddies? -What did they do on the way back to Ha Noi? -What time did they arrived home? Call some pairs to practice . @ Talk about you by answering the questions: -How did you go to school yesterday -What time did you come back home -Did you watch T.V? -What did you do after - No, she wasnt. - They stopped at the restaurant and Mrs. Robinson bought some food for Liz. - At about 7 p.m Work with a partner. Practice in front of the class

5, Homework

Listen and rewrite the duty into the notebooks

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 154 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
school? @ Tell about Lizs trip. Learn by heart all the verbs in the past. Write 5 sentences what you did yes.

V/ Draw experience. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 155 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 57. Unit nine: At home and away. A/ A holiday in Nha Trang. ( A3+ A5 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to hold information through listening and tell again the story you hear. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: paddy, stop, arrive 2, Structures: The past simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @Ask the students tell Tell about Lizs trip. about the trip of Liz. Play: Rub out and Play the game by making remember sentences with the words Went was given in the box. visited 2, Bought saw had Presentatio Ate remember Guess about this ( can talk n wasnt by Vietnamese ) @ You know that Lizs family visited Nha Trang on vacation. Can you guess? -How did they return to Ha Noi? -What did they do on Read these statements. the way back to Ha Noi? -What time did they arrived home? Now you look at A3 and read these sentences, then Listen to the tape. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 156 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
you listen to the tape and choose the sentence in each pair which contains the similar information to the tape. Play the tape three times. Go around the class and help the students. Call on some students to read the choice. After that, give the correct sentences - improve Call some students to read the diary in front of class. Make questions for students: - Where did Liz and her parents arrive in Ha Noi from? - What does Mr Robinson do? - Who taught Liz Vietnamese? - What does Ba collect? - Where does her aunt live? - When will they have dinner together? Ask students to work with a partner and then practice in front of the class. @ Have them look at : Now make these sentences true and explain doing. Go around class and help students to do. After that, call on some students to read loudly. Work with a partner. Read owner choice. Listen to the teacher Read Bas diary loudly in font of the class. Work with a partner by asking these questions.

Listen to teacher. Work in small groups. Compare answers. with teachers

3, Practice.

Work in small groups.


Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 157 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Production Listen and correct their mistakes. - Liz lived next door to Ba. - Liz learned Vietnamese in Vietnam. - Ba collects stamps. - Liz's aunt lived in New York. - They moved to the other side of Ha Noi. - They moved. Now Ba is sad. @ Ask students to prepare a paper and write a diary of yesterday. Call on some students to read and give them the marks. Or ask them to use these verbs to make sentences: talk, go, arrive, teach, learn, do..... @ Read again Bas diary then write a diary of your. Do exercise 4- pages 54. Read the diary. Listen and correct. Rewrite the notebooks. duty into

5, Homework.

V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 58. Unit nine: At home and away. A/ A holiday in Nha Trang ( A4 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of he lesson, the students will be able to use the past simple tense with verbs talk, rent, move..........through the reading comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: mine, rent, keep in touch, improve. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 158 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, Structures: past simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @True or false: -Lizs family went to Ha Noi on vacation. -They saw sharks, dolphins and turtles in Tri Nguyen Aquarium. -Liz didnt eat fish. -They came back home by bus. -Liz saw rice paddies many times. -They arrived in Ha Noi at 7pm. Ask students to look at A4 and make some questions: -Is this a letter? No, its a diary. -Do you write diary? -What do you always write in your diary? ( If student answer yes. ) @ Now you read Bas diary and talk What did Ba write in his diary? Have students read Bas diary. Help students to read some new words: - friend of mine. - Rent - The other side of Ha Noi - Keep in touch. Students activities Go to board and do this exercise. - false. - True - True - True. - False - False. Listen and answer teachers questions. the

2,Presenta tion

Read Bas diary. Read with a partner. Practice in front of the class.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 159 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 59. Unit nine: At home and away. B/ Neighbors.( B1 + B2) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to the events that happen in the past. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: cut, hairdresser, neighbor, material, dressmaker, make. 2, Structures: Ms. Mai bought the material and made the dress for me. What a clever woman! III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player and a picture. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm @Ask students to talk about Speak in front of the class, up the activities that they did then write them. last week. Have them look at the pictures and listen to the Look at the picture and teacher: Hoa and Lan are guess what they are friends. They are talking to talking about. other. You know what they are taking about? Now you listen to the tape 2,Presenta carefully and tell me what tion are they talking about. Listen to the tape and @ Play the tape. write sentences that you Ask students to the tape and are heard rewrite things that you heard. Speak those sentences. Play the tape again. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 160 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Have students talk in front of the class. Ask them to open the books and compare with the dialogue. Listen and repeat the dialogue. Call on some students to practice the dialogue in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Teacher explains: - What a nice dress! - What a clever woman! - What an interesting book! They are compliments with What+ N Ask the students to compare with the compliments with How...........! Give the new words: cut, neighbor, hairdresser, material, dressmaker @ Have students read again the dialogue and then answer the questions: - What does Hoas aunt do? - Did her aunt cut Hoas hair? - What does Mrs. Mai do? - What did Mrs. Mai do for Hoa? Ask them to practice with a partner by asking an answering the questions Listen and correct their mistakes. Now you practice Yes- No Look at the dialogue and compare. Repeat the dialogue. Practice in front of the class. Read these compliments

Listen and compare with How....! Repeat the new words. Read again the dialogue and answer the questions. - Shes a hairdresser. - Yes, she did. - Mrs. Mai is a dressmaker. - She bought the material and made the dress for Hoa. Practice with a partner by using the YesNo questions.

3, Practice

4, Production

Talk about the neighbors by asking the following questions. ( by the students )

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 161 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
5, Homework question. The first teacher makes questions - Did Hoa buy the dress? Listen and write the duty No, she didnt. Then ask students to into the notebooks. practice. @ Have students talk about your neighbors: - Are your neighbors friendly? - Do you sometimes help them? - Do they help you? - What do you do for them? - What do they do for you? Ask them to work with a partner, then practice in front of the class. @ Make again the dialogue. Make 5 compliments. Write 5 sentences about activities that you did yesterday.

V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 60 Unt nine: At home and away. B/ Neighbors. ( B3+ B4 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use past simple tense to speak through the text: The neighbor. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 162 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
II/Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: sew, hobby, decide, sewing machine, cushion, try, fit. 2, Structures: Past simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @Read a dialogue and answer the questions, can use the Lucky number. Make some questions for students: - What do you learn in Home Economic - Do you like it? - What do you like to do most in Home Economics? Teacher introduces some words: sewing, knitting, cooking......etc @ Now you read the text about Hoa then answer some questions about her. Ask students to read silently and tell the content of the text. Teacher can make question for students: Who made a dress for Hoa? Students activities Go to the board. Answer the questions: - We learn how to cook. - Yes, I do. - I like to cook most.

2,Presenta tion

Read the text about Hoa silently and tell the content of the text. Mrs. Mai- Hoas neighbor made a dress for her. Read the text in front of the class.

Call some students to read the text on front of the class. Read and write these Listen and correct their words mistakes by guiding them to read the new words - Sew : may v - sewing machine: my khu Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 163 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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3, Practice. - cushion: gi - try: th mc - fit: va vn - hobby: s thch @Ask them to answer the questions by working with a partner. Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes, and then give the correst answers: *She learn how to use a sewing machine -She made her cushion for her armchair first. -It was blue and while. -Next, she made her skirt. -It was green with while flowers 4, on it. Production *It looked very pretty. -She tried it on but it didnt fit. -Hoa neighbor helped her. -Finally, it fitted very well. Have them write two sentences into their notebooks. @ Ask students to tell about their neighbor by working with a partner. Go around the class and help them by making some questions: -What is her/ his name? -How old is she/ he? 5, -What does she/ he do? Homework -What is she/ he good at? Then have them do exercise in part 4. Explain doing it. Call some students to read the Work with a partner. Practice in front of the class these questions and answers.

Correct the mistakes and write two sentences.

Work with a partner to tell about owner neighbor. First answer these questions and then tell about her or him. Do this exercise, after that read the work in front of the class. Listen and correct

Rewrite these duties into the notebooks.

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
work. Listen and give the correct answers: watched, bought, cut, used, decided, was, made, was, wasnt, helped, fitted. @ Read more time the text about Hoa. Rewrite the text in part 4, and Remember into the notebooks. Learn by heart the part Remember. V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 61

Language focus three

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the knowlegdes from unit six to unit nine to do the exercises, especialy the past simple tense. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: 2, Structures: past simple tense, presenr simple tense, prepositions, adjectives: more, less, fewer. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare further exercises. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm @Make some questions for Answer the questions. up students: - Hoa watched Mrs. - What did Hoa do? Mai make her dress. - What did her neighbor do for - She made a dress for Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 165 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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2, Review Hoa? - What did you do last night? @Through these answers, the teacher reviews past simple tense: *Uses: The past simple tense expresses an action that completely finished in the past. This tense always goes with: yesterday, last night/ week/ year, ago..... *Formation: S + Ved/ V2. S + didnt + V. Did + S + V? Example: -Mrs. Mai bought the material. -Mrs. Mai didnt buy the material. -Did Mrs Mai buy the material? -What did Mrs. Mai do for Hoa? Structures: - How much is it? Its 15,000dong - How far is it from the shoes store to the minimart? Its 500 meters @ Ask students to do the exercises *Past simple tense( in pages 97 ). a.Have students work, and then go to the board write the past simple tense. Buy- bought. Sendsent Help- helped. Thinkthought Remember- remember. Take- took talkHoa. Listen to the teacher carefully and rewrite them. Give some examples. Return- returned. Buy- bought. Go- went

Answer the questions.

3, Practice

Work with a partner

Practice in front of the class.

Correct the mistakes.

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talked b.Ask students to work with a partner. Call on students to do each sentence, then give the correct answers: played, talked, bought, worked, sent. *Simple tense( in pages 98 ) Have students work with a partner and then practice in front of the class. Give the correct answers: - help my Mom/ study English - I cleaned my room, helped my Mom, studied English, watched TV, played foodball and stayed at Hoas house. - I will study English, clean my room, help my Mom, see a movie, visit my grandmother and buy new shoes. *For one and two, the teacher asks students to make similar dialogues, use the words given in the book. Listen and correct their mistakes @ Write the questions with Whquestions. - We decorated our classroom on Saturday evening. - Hoa tried her new dress on. - He talked to his teacher about the film on TV. - I put the cake on the cupboard. - I left home for school at 6.30 yesterday. @ Learn by heart the past Read again sentences. these

4,Presenta tion

5, Homework

- When did you decorate our classroom? - What did Hoa try on? - Who did he talk to about the film on TV? - Where did you put the cake? - What time did you leave home for school? Rewrite the duty into the notebooks

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simple tense and other structures. - Do exercises3, 4 in pages 56, 57. - Learn by heart all the verbs and rewrite them into the notebooks. V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 62. Unit ten: Health and hygiene. A/ Personal hygiene. ( A1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the phrases and structures to tell about personal hygiene. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: take moernig exercise, get up, eat candy, take care of yourself, iron your own clothes. 2, Structures: Use the past simple tense and simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tapeand a casstte player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @Call on studentsto do the exercise: Put the verbs into Go to the board and do past simple tense. this exercise: - We( eat ).........a delicious - ate. dinner at restaurant last - Taught. Sunday. - Made. - He( teach ) English two weeks ago. Listen and and answer - I( make )...........a shirt for the questions: my Mom - She comes from Hue. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 168 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, Presentatio n Do you remember about Hoa? Where does she come from? Where does she live now? Who does she live with? Where do her parents live? @ You know that Hoa lives with her aunt in Ha Noi and her parent live in Hue, so that they usually write letters to Hoa. Now you read the letter wich Hoas mother sent her. Can you guess, what her mother wrote in the letter? Ask students to listen to teacher, then read silently it. Guide reading the new words: - Take morning exercises: - Get up early: - Take care of oneself: - Dont eat too much candy or stay up late. Those actions are called personal hygiene. Call some students to read the text in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Make questions for each paraghraph: - Why are Hoas parents busy? - Who helps them on the farm? - When did her aunt receive Hoas letter? *What does her Mom want her to do? *What does she want Hoa not to do? - She lives with her aunt. - They live in Hue. Listen and guess.

Listen to the teacher. Read silently the letter Read and write these words.

Practice in front of the class. Read again each paraghraph and answer the questions. Work with a partner .

3, Pactice

Answer these questions in front of the class.

Correct the answers.

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- When will her parents go to Ha Noi? Ask them to work with a partner, then call some pairs to pracice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Give them the correct answers: - Her Mom wants her to do her own washing and ironing clothes. - Her Mom doesnt want her to eat too much candy and stay up late. Call spme students to read the text again. @ Ask students to work in small groups by writing actions to take care of personal hygiene. Give some statements: brush teeth, wash clothes, have a bath, iron clothes Call on each group to tell about it. Listen and correct the mistakes. Then teacher holds the class to play game: Noughts and Crosses Work receive get up Stay up wash iron Visit do miss @ Rewrite the letter into notebooks Write 5 sentences about Read the text again. Work in small groups by writing the actions to take care of personal hygiene oneself. Talk about it in front of the class. Play this game.

4, Production

Write into notebooks


5, Homework

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hygiene oneself. V/ Draw experience Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 63. Unit ten: Health and hygiene. A/ Personal hygiene. ( A2 +A4 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson. The students will be able to listen comprehention and write the correct verb tense to complete Hoas letter to her Mom. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Actions about personal hygiene. 2, Structures: Past simple and simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities Have students talk about Talk about actions that actions that Hoas mom Hoas Mom wants her to wants her to do and doesnt do and doesnt want to want her to do to take care of do. 2, oneself. Presentation. @ Ask students to look at Look at the pictures and these pictures and work in work in pairs. pairs to guess what Hoa did in each picture. Play the tape first and ask Listen to the tape and students to write write actions that the students listened. Play the tape twice or three Listen carefully and times and have students arrange in order. arrange the sentences in Speak in front of the order. class. Call on some students to speak loudly in front of the Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 171 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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class. Listen and correct by opening each sentence: - Hoa got up and took a shower. - She polish her shoes and put them. She had her breakfast. - She put a sandwich in her lunch box. She went to school. - At recess, she drank some water and talked with her friends. - At home she changed into red pants and a shirt, she put on her sandals. - She washed and ironed her clothes - She went to bed at 11 oclock. ( a, e, f, d, g, c, h, b ) After that, ask students to talk again the actions that Hoa did yesterday. @ To practice the tenses of verbs, the teacher asks students to do the part 4 in pages 102. Explain the exercise. Have them do this. Call on some students to read. Listen and give the keys: was, having, show, take, get, go, wash, iron, eating, told, see, and go. Guide them to read this letter.

Listen each sentence and compare with owner sentences.

Correct the mistakes.

3, Practice

Talk again the actions that Hoa did yesterday.

Do this exercise. Give the ideas. Listen and correct the mistakes. Answer questions. these

4, Production.

Talk about yourself. Play this game.

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Make questions for students: - What did Hoa do? - What didnt Hoa do? Ask students to ask in front of the class, listen and correct. @ Have students talk about you. Can make questions for them: - What did you do yesterday? - What didnt you do yesterday? Hold the class to play the game: Call two students to go to board and write the verbs that are in two letters, and then change them into the past simple tense. If the student writes more and correctly, one will win and get the good marks. @ Learn by heart all the verbs. Write the letter to your friend and talk about actions you did to take care of personal hygiene. Others write the verbs into notebooks.

5, Homework.

Listen and rewrite the duty

V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date Teaching date: Period 64. Unit ten: Health and hygiene. A/ Personal and hygiene( A3 ) Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 173 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak and write the daily actions . Review the words and phrases about the title of personnal hygiene. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: About the personal hygiene. 2, Structures: Review the simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Male a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @Talk about actions that you did yesterday. Do you remember how write the diary? Do you write the diary everyday? What do you usually do everyday? @ Now you look at Nams diary. Ask students to read the actions that Nam does everyday. Ask student to ask and answer the questions that you make yourself Give some questions for them: - What does Nam do at 6. 30? OR What time does he get up? Have them work in pairs. Call some goups to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Then ask students to ask the question: What does Nam do Students activities Go to the board and answer the questions.

2, Presentatio n

Look at the book and read. Practice with a partner. - gets up. - At 6.30 Talk about that in front of the class.

Answer this question.

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3, Practice everyday? - He usually gets up at 6.30, does morning exercises and eat breakfast in the morning. In the evening, he usually does his homwork and goes to bed at 9.30 @ Now you takl about yourself. Let students to work in pairs Call some groups to practice in front of the class by using the questions: - What do you do everyday? - What time do you get up/ eat breakfast........? Then ask them to write the actions that you usually do everyday into the notebooks. One or two students rewrite on the board, others with a teacher correct the mistakes. @ Hold the class to play the game: True or false . Write some actions on the board , the students will put True or False after each action. Then you must make sentences with True. Get up. Have dinner Polish the shoes. Watch T.V Take a shower. Go to movies Go to market. Do homework Go to school. Help parents Then call two students to go to Work with a partner. Practice in front of the class. Write on the board.

Correct the mistakes.

4, Production.

Play this game.

Go to the board and do .

Listen and correct . Write the duty.

5, Homework

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board and do this exercise. Correct and give marks for them. @ Rewrite the actions that you usually do everyday. Write the verbs in part Remember into noteboos and learn by heart. Do exercise into workbook. V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 65. Unit ten:

Health and hygiene.

B. A bad toothache. ( B1 )
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about a visit to the dentist and can ask and answer the questions about the teeth hygiene. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: scared, hate, drill, cavity, fix, good luck. 2, Structures: Why did Hoa go to the dentist last week? - Because...... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a picture, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1. Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @ Make questions for Listen and answer the students: teachers questions. - What time do you get up? - Do you brush your teeth Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 176 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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every day? - Do you have to go to the dentist? - Why do you have to go to the dentist Ask the students to look at the picture and answer the questions: - Who are they? - What the matter with Minh? He has a toothache, so he has to go to the dentist. Now you listen to the tape to know what they are talking about. @ Play the tape. Then ask the students to repeat the tape. Give the new words and phrases: - Have an appointment: c hn - To be scared: s - Drill: ci khoan - Fill a cavity: hn rng - Hurt: au - Fix ones tooth: cha rng cho ai Call on some students and ask them to read the new words. Ask them to practice the dialogue with a partner, then practice it in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Make some questions for the content of the dialogue: - What is Minh going to do at 10.30 this morning? Look at the picture and answer the questions: They are Minh and Hoa. He has a toothache.

2, Presentatio n

Listen to the tape. Find the words and phrases that you dont know. Read these words. Practice with a partner. Listen again. to the tape

Practice with a partner then talk in front of the class. Answer the questions. He is going to see the dentist at 10.30. She saw a dentist and the dentist filled a cavity in her tooth. Look at the questions and answer with a partner. Practice in front of the

3, Practice

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
- What happened to Hoa last week? - How did the doctor help Hoa? After that, have students make a dialogue again. @ Let students to practice with a partner about the questions. Call some pairs and ask them to ask and answer the questions. Listen and correct their mistakes. - Minh has a toothache. - No, he doesnt. The loudness of the drill scares him. Because she had a toothache. - She filled the cavity in her teeth. @ Make questions about the students. - Do you brush your teeth everyday? - Did you have a toothache? - What did you do when you had a bad toothache? - Are you scared of seeing the dentist? - What did the dentist do with your bad toothache? - Ask the students to practice with a partner first, then call some pairs. Listen and give the correct answers. @ Read more times the dialogue. Answer again the questions class. Rewrite the correct answer into the notebooks.

4, Production

Do in small groups about yourself by answering the questions. Practice in front of the class.

5, Homework

Rewrite the duty into the notebooks.

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into notebooks. Do ex. 1,3 in page 63- 64. V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 66. Unit ten: Health and hygiene. B/ A bad toothache.( B2+ B3 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to understand the lesson by listening the tape, reading and answering the questions and then they speak English well. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: feel, surgery, smile, fill, forget. 2, Structures: Present simple tense with WH- questions. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @Make some questions to Go to the board and check old lesson. Do you often answer the questions. brush your teeth? Have you a bad toothache? Are you scared of seeing the dentist? How does the dentist 2, help you? Listen carefully the Presentatio Now you listen and read the tape. n following paragraph to answer over questions. Notice Dr. Lai @ Play the tape the first time, ask students to listen Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 179 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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carefully, and give some information about Dr. Lai. Before playing the second time, the teacher give the following box to students listen. Dr. Lais job Dr. Lais clothes. How do children feel? Dr. Lai helps children explains........ give s.......... tells. ............. remi nd to clea After that , play the tape again to check. Call on some students and ask them to read the information they listen. Give the correct information. Make questions, in order to students answer. Dr. Lai is a dentist. She wears uniform to work. Most children feel scared when they come to see Dr. Lai. She explains what will happen. She gives them advice. She tells them how to look after their teeth and she reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly. Before listening the text, the teacher ask students to talk Look at the box to complete the formations about Dr. Lai

Listen again to check. Some students talk about information that they heard. Listen the teacher and answer the questions. Work with a partner . Practice in front of the class. Talk about Minh. Read the text silently. Use the words in the text to complete the story. Read the story aloud in front of the class. Answer the questions.

3, Practice

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about Minh. Play the tape for students. 4, Have students read silently, Production and then ask them to complete the story by using the words that are in the reading. Call on some students to read the story Listen and correct the mistakes. Have students read again the text, make some questions for 5, students Homework. Whats the matter with Minh? How does he feel? What does Dr. Minh do? What does she talk to Minh? Why does that happy to Minh? @ Ask students to talk about their teeth. Then ask students to look at the picture of Minh and Dr.Lai and talk about it. Minh is nervous because he is seeing the dentist. He has a small cavity and Mr. Lai fills it. Minh has a bad toothache because he always forget to brush his teeth. @ Learn by heart the words and the structures. Do again the story in the book. Prepare the new lesson. V/ Draw experience Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 67. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 181 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Talk about yourself. Look at the picture and speak.

Rewrite the duty into the notebooks

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh Unit ten: Health and hygiene. B/ A bad toothache. ( B4+ B5 + B6 ).
I/ Objectivies. The students continue practicing about the teeth throughout information between Minh and Dr. Lai. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: About the teeth. 2, Structures: Why.......................? - Because...................... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @ Talk about Minh. Make some questions about Listen and answer the students: questions. Have you a bad toothache? When? Do you have to go to the dentist? Are you nervous? Look at the picture and Now look at the picture, and talk about it. answer the questions: Who is this? 2, Whats the Presentatio matter with him? Talk about this picture. n @ Have students look at the Work in small groups. pictures and talk actions of them. Listen and correct their Practice in front of the mistakes if they have. class. a. Minhs tooth hurts. Why does he hurt? Because he has a cavity. Make the dialogue. b. Minh is very nervous. Why? Because hes seeing the dentist. c. The cavity is not serious. Practice the dialogue. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 182 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Why? Because its small. d. Minh is very happy. Why? Because his teeth are Ok. Ask the students to practice again. @ Have students work in small groups using the following structure: Do brush teeth after meals. Dontuse an old toothache. Ask the students to talk about these pictures in front of the class. Teacher listens and corrects the mistakes. Use a tube of the Eat sweets. toothbrush. Use an old tooth See a dentist. rush Brush regularly Forget to brush . Teacher can give other pictures of the teeth and ask students to practice. @ Talk about yourself. What do you need to do for your teeth What dont you need to do for your teeth? Play the tape . Ask the students to listen and repeat. Teacher give the new words: Unhealthy food. Neglect. Work in small groups by writing the things that you need to do and dont need to do. Listen and correct the sentences Then use these sentences and talk again. Look at the other pictures and talk about it. Practice with a partner. Listen to the tape. Rewrite the new words. Listen and write the duty into the books.

3, Practice

4, Production

5, Homework.

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@ Talk about taking care of your teeth. Rewrite the sentences in part 5. Do exercises in the exercise book V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 68. Unit eleven:

Keep fit, stay healthy.

A/ A check- up.( A1 )

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use new words and phrases to speak the healthy. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: check- up, medical records, take ones temperature, measure, scales.... 2, Structures: Would you like............? III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and a picture of the lesson. IV/ Teaching produces Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities Make a question about Listen and answer the students: question. What do you have to do to keep your teeth healthy? Ask the students to look at the Look at the picture and pictures and answer the talk about it by asking questions about it to introduce the questions. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 184 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, Presentatio n. the new lesson. Who are they? Where are they? @What do you think what they are doing? Ask them to guess, and then ask them to read the introduction to know the new lesson. Teacher makes the questions for students Where are the students from? They are from Quang Trung school. What are they doing? They are having a medical check- up What will they do in a check up? Talk to them that they can speak by Vietnamese. Now you read the dialogue by listening to the tape. Play the tape Have them read the dialogue while they listen to it Call on some students and ask them to read the dialogue. Listen and correct the mistakes if they have. Explain the new words and phrases. Take ones temperature: Height: Measure: Weigh: Scales: Waiting room: *Would you open your mouth, Guess what these students are doing. Read silently the information and then answer the questions. Note the new words and phrases.

Listen to the tape and repeat it

Practice the dialogue in front of the class. Listen , read and write them.

Repeat structures.


Practice them.

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
please? Would you stand ere, please? Would you get on the scales, please? ( This structure is used to ask somebody to do something ) *That is 37 C. That is normal. You are one meter 45 centimeters tall. Im 40 kilos. Have the students practice in pairs. Listen and correct their mistakes. @ Ask them to listen to the dialogue again, and then number the sentences by using the information given in the conversation you have practiced. Have them speak loudly in front of the class. Listen carefully and give the correct answers: a.6- b.8- c.3- d.2-e.5-f.1-g.4h.7 Have students tell the story again: Hoa filled in her medical record. The nurse called Hoas name. Hoa left the waiting room. The nurse took Hoas temperature. The nurse measured Hoa. The nurse weighed Hoa. The nurse told Hoa to go back to the waiting room. Hoa returned to the waiting

3, Practice.

Listen the dialogue again and number the sentences with a partner. Read the keys. Correct. Use the keys above to tell again the story between Hoa and a nurse. Others listen and give the ideas yourself. Make a dialogue again. Do this exercise. Go o the board to do.

4, Production.

Correct this exercise into the notebooks.

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
room. 5, Home @ Call two students and ask work. them to role on the nurse and Rewrite these duties Hoa. into the notebooks. ( Teacher can use the open dialogue to practice ). Give the exercise to practice: Choose the correct answer> a. Students of my school are having a...........check- up. ( medicine, medium, medical ) b. I need to..............your temperature. ( take, make, do ) c. You have the form first. ( fill, feel, felt ) d. The doctor measured you because she wanted to know your......( high, height, weight ) @ Learn by heart the new words and phrases. Rewrite the sentences about checking the health. Do exercises into book. V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 69. Unit eleven: Keep fit, stay healthy. A/ A check- up. ( A2+ A3) Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 187 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak the healthy by listening and filling the medical records. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: About the healthy. 2, Structures: III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up. Teachers activities Make again the dialogue. Talk about the healthy yourself. Use the picture to introduce the listening: They are Hoa and a doctor. Hoa is having a medical check up. This is the conversation between Hoa and the doctor. However some words are missing. You 2, listen to it, find out the Presentation. missing words and complete the conversation. @ Play the tape and ask the students to listen it carefully. After the second playing, teacher asks students to find the missing words. Have them work with a partner, and then complete the dialogue. Call on some students to practice the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes: ask, how, your, 50, shorter, me, tall, meter 45 centimeters, will, nurse, Students activities. Talk about yourself. Look at the picture and listen to the teacher.

Listen to the tape. Find the missing words to complete the dialogue. Work with a partner. Practice the dialogue in front of the class. Correct the mistake if you have. Make again. the dialogue

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3, Practice. height, think, no, form. Ask students to make the dialogue again. Review the structures: -How tall are you? Im one meter 45 -How heavy are you?Im 42 kilogram @Make some questions about Hoa. - How old is Hoa? - How tall is she when the nurse measured her? - How heavy is she? - Does she think she is taller or shorter? - How tall is she? Teacher asks and students answer. Then teacher asks students to practice in small groups. Call on some groups to ask and answer. Teacher can have students talk about themselves. @ Now you look at B3, and work in pairs, one of you is A and the other is B. Look at your copy of the medical record and cover the other copy. In turn, A asks B about the missing information and completes the record. Give some new words: - Forenames - Surname -Male.........> < Female............( sex) Teacher gives questions Repeat the structures. Work with a partner, then practice it in front of the class. Others listen and give the ideas.

Talk about yourself. Look at A3 and listen to teachers explains.

4, Production.

Read these new words and rewrite into your notebooks. Listen and answer the teachers questions.

Then makes questions and other students answer them.

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forms A: Which class is he in? What is his surname? Where does he live? What is his weight?/ How 5, Homework heavy is he? What is his height?/ How tall is he? B: Which school does he go to? What are his forenames? How old is he? *teacher notices the forms: -What is his weight? = How heavy is he? -What is his height? = How tall is he? Weight (n) weigh (v) Height (n) High (a) @ Learn by heard the structures about height and weight. Complete the medical record about yourself. Do exercises 2,3 ( 69- sbt ) V/ Draw experience. Rewrite these forms into the notebooks. Can make some other questions. Rewrite the duty into the notebooks.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 70. Unit eleven: Keep fit, stay healthy B/ What was wrong with you? ( B1 ) I/ Objectives. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 190 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about the health and speak some names of illness. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: sick note, virus, cold, flu, headache. 2, Structures: Whats wrong with you? Have a bad cold. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a picture of the lesson, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @ Call two students on, and asks them to ask and answer about the health. Then the teacher gives the medical records and asks them to work in pairs by completing them. After that, call some students on to read the medical 2, records of your friends. Presentation. @ Use the picture to introduce the new lesson: Who are they? They are Lan and Mr. Tan, her teacher. -Now you look at the balloon 1: Lan wasnt there. She was absent. What do you think Mr. Tan is asking Lan? Lets look at the balloon 2 and answer: Whats wrong with Lan? Teacher introduces: She was sick. Were going to listen to the conversation between Lan and Mr. Tan. Yesterday Lan was sick, you listen and find Students activities Talk about your health. Fill the medical records. Talk about your medical records. Look at the picture and listen to the teacher. Look at the picture, listen and answer the teachers questions. Repeat and write the new words. Listen the tape and find out the structures that use to talk about health. Repeat the tape.

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out the structures that use to talk about health. Play the tape and ask students to listen and look at the books. Have students repeat the dialogue. Explain the words and phrases that students dont know: To be sick. A little tired. Stay inside Sick note. Virus: *Whats wrong/ the matter with sb? -S + have/ has + name of illness. Ex. Whats wrong with Lan yesterday? -She had a headache and a bad cold. Ask students to practice the dialogue again. @ Have them look at Now answer and answer the questions with a partner. Call some pairs on and ask them make questions and answers. Give the correct answers: -Because she had a bad cold. -She had a headache. -Mr. Tan told Lan to stay inside at recess. -The doctor said that Lan had a virus. -The doctor wrote Lans sick note. Write and read these words.

Practice this structure. Make a dialogue again. Answer the questions with a partner. Practice in front of the class. Others listen and give the ideas yourself. Talk about yourself.

3, Practice.

4, Production.

Work in pairs.

Practice health.



Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 192 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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*Make some questions about class: -Who was absent yesterday? -Why didnt she/ he go to school? -What was wrong with her/ him? Rewrite these duties -What did you do when you into the notebooks. were sick? I wrote a sick note. or I saw the doctor. or I had to stay at home.....etc @ Talk about yourself. Teacher makes some questions for students. -Were you ever absent from school last semester? -Why? If yes. -What was wrong with you? Then have students practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. @ Rewrite the sentences about health Make the dialogue with your friends about the health. Do exercises 1 ( 71 sbt ). Explain the structure: Had better + V -You had better stay inside.

5, Homework.

V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 71. Unit eleven:

Keep fit, stay healthy.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 193 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh B/ What was wrong with you? ( B 2+ B3 )
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about the health again by taking a survey and listening to complete the table. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Name some of illness: flu, headache, stomachache, sickness, absence, account for.... 2, Structure: The simple past tense. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some small papers to take a survey. IV/ Teaching produces Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @ Make some questions about Lan and ask students to answer. Make questions about one or two students: Were you absent from school last semester? Why were you absent? Did you have a toothache/ a mump/ a headache/ a stomachache/ a flu? @ Give the surveys and explain: These are the surveys about the health of students. You now work in the group of 4 in turn ask and answer the given questions to complete the survey. Have the students read over words After that, the teacher asks students to fill the name of the students in the group and tick Students activities Listen and answer the teachers questions. Read words. again these

2, Presentatio n.

Look at the surveys and work with a partner.

Fill in these surveys.

Practice in front of the class. Combine the results

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the illness which each of students had. Call all groups on to practice Rewrite the names of illness of groups on the board. After practicing, all the groups combine the results to find out which illness was the most common. Make questions for each class: -What was the most common illness? -What was the least common illness? @ Before listening, the teacher makes questions for students: -Who was absent from class for one day yesterday? -Which sickness did you/ her/ him/ them have? Now we are going to listen to a report telling you the days absence due to sickness of 7a. You listen to it and complete the table by writing the days in each column. Play the tape three times. After each time the teacher stops to check students. Then call some students on and ask them to read what they have just listened. Play last the tape and stop in each sentence to check. After that, give the correct answer;
ColdFluStomachacheHeadache Toothache

and ask which illness was the most common. Listen and answer the questions. Before listening, answer the teachers questions.

3, Practice.

Listen to the tape.

Listen and complete the table. Talk about something what they have just listened. Check these sentences. Correct the mistakes.

4, Production

Work in small groups. Practice with a partner.

Talk about that. Rewrite the duty into the notebook


10 43 37 5 Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 195 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Homework 17 Total days lost: 112 @ Ask students to take a survey for the class by using the over table.( Can give a mump ) Then ask students to practice with a partner about the illness. Model: -Were you absent last semester?/ last week?/ yesterday? -Why were you absent? -Did you have a flu? Listen and correct the mistakes. @ Learn by heart all the illness and make the sentences with them. Do exercises: 2,3( 72- 73sbt ) V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 72. Unit eleven: Keep fit, stay healthy. B/ What was wrong with you? ( B4 + B5 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the common cold by reading the text. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: common cold, runny nose, symptom, cough, sneeze, cure, drugstore. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 196 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, Structures: We call it the common cold because every year millions of people catch it. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan . -Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and the pictures of the common cold. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Play the game: Lucky number Make the questions about the health and the sickness. Among the diseases you learned, do you know which disease is the most common? The common cold. @ Ask the students to look at the picture and introduce the common cold: He has a common cold. -Do you know what symptoms of the common cold are? Tell me what are symptoms of the common cold? -runny nose: S mi -a light fewer: St nh -coughing: Ho -sneezing: ht hi Read a passage the common cold and ask the students to listen to it. Have students read a passage. Explain the new structures: -Everybody knows the symptoms. -Nobody knows a cure. -These medicines dont cure a cold, but they do relieve the symptoms. Students activities. Play the game by answering the questions. Listen to the teacher and answer the question (can answer by Vietnamese) Look at the picture in the book and listen to the teacher. Answer this question ( can answer by Vietnamese). Read these words and rewrite them into the notebooks. Listen to the teacher. Read a passage. Listen the teachers explaining. Can these structures into the notebooks. Read it in front of the

2, Presentatio n.

3, Practice.

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Call some students on and ask them to read it in front of the class. @ Have students work with a partner by asking and answering the questions. Ask them to practice in front of the class. Listen and give the correct answers: -Because every year millions of people catch it. -They are: runny nose, a slight fewer, coughing and sneezing. -No, there is no cure for the common cold. -No, these medicines dont cure a cold but they relieve the symptoms. -We can prevent a cold by eating well, doing exercise, keeping fit and staying healthy. Tell them to practice again. Listen and correct their mistakes. @ Ask students to close the books and work in small groups by writing the symptoms of the common cold and how can prevent a cold. Then answer the questions about you: -Do you have a common cold? -What are the symptoms of the common cold? -How do you feel? -What do you do when you have a common cold? class Work in a small groups by asking and answering the questions. Practice in front of the class. After that, rewrite these answers into the notebooks.

4, Production.

Make questions and answer them again. Close the books and do the teachers request. Tell about yourself. Answer questions. these

5, Homework.

Practice in front of the class. Rewrite into the

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-How can you do to prevent a notebooks. cold? After that, ask students to practice with a partner. @ Read and learn by heart the words. Rewrite the answers and remember into the notebooks. Do exercises in the exercise book V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 73+ 74. Unit twelve:

Lets eat!

A/ What shall we eat? (A1+A2+A4) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to tell about the food throughout the dialogue. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: chicken, beef, pork, pea, carrot, cucumber, spinach, papaya, pineapple... 2, Structures: Lets........ too/ so; either/ neither III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and a picture of the dialogue. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm @Talk about the common cold. Go to board and talk up Hang the pictures of fruits and about the common cold. food on the board and ask Look at the picture and students answer the questions: speak the names of How many fruits and food have fruits and food that you you known in English in the know. picture? Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 199 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
2, @ Now you continue looking at Presentati the picture and male a list of the on. fruits/ food which you havent known their English names in Vietnamese? Explain the meaning of these words: Beef : tht b Spinach: rau chn vt Pork : tht ln Cucumber: da chut Pea : u Papaya: u Carrot ; c rt Pineapple da Chicken : tht g Durian: su ring Have them read these words. Then play the tape and ask students to listen it carefully and answer the question what they bought. Teacher can give the words which the students dont know Meat stall A selection of: Vegetable stall On display: What about.... Ripe : Smell Teacher can stop at each paragraph of dialogue to explain the new words and structures: *Din t s ng tnh ph nh (cng khng th) - I dont like pork - Neither do I/ I dont either. 3, * Din t s ng tnh khng Talk the names of fruits and food that you dont know by Vietnamese. Read after the teacher these words and rewrite them into the notebooks.

Listen to the tape and repeat it. Make again the dialogue with a partner then practice in front of the class. Read these words.

Listen to the explaining of the teacher. Rewrite structures notebooks. these into your

Some students give the sentences like that.

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Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Practice. nh ( cng th) - Id like some carrot, too. - I like cucumber. So do I/ I do, too. * What about spinach and cucumber? - Id like them 4, @ Ask students to work with a Productio partner by making again the n. dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes *Have students answer the questions: -Who doesnt like pork? -What do they buy first? -Who likes to buy papaya and pineapple? -What do they buy finally? 5Homewo @ Ask students use the rk structures that they have just learnt to make sentences. Form: A: Id like chicken. B: I do, too/ So do I. A: What about beef? B: I dont like it. A: Neither do I/ I dont either. Use the words that are in A4 to write sentences. Call some students and ask them to write. @ Learn by heart all the words and structures. Answer again the questions. Do exercises into ex. book V/ Draw experience. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 201 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699 Work with a partner. Answer the questions. teachers

Then work in small groups about this. Make the dialogue with a partner then practice in front of the class. Others listen and give the ideas. Rewrite these duties into your notebooks.

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 75 Unit twelve:

Lets eat!

A/ What shall we eat?(A3+ A5) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to know how to prepare the meals and use recipe to make some food. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: cook, boil, heat, stir- fry, slice...... 2, Structures: First, she sliced the beef. Then, she sliced some green peppers and onions. Next, she cooked some rice. After that, she made cucumber salad. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures . IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities

@ Read and write all the names of fruits and food that Write the names of the you know, then answer the fruits and food. question: which fruits and Answer the questions: food do you like and dislike? -Yes, I do. Do you always cook meals? -Yes, I do. Do you like this work? Can speak by What do you do when you Vietnamese. 2 cook meals? Presentatio @ Give some words to answer Listen and read these n this question: slice, boil, heat, words. stir- fry, add Now you look at the picture Read this text carefully and answer what they are doing? After that, ask students to Read and write these Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 202 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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read carefully to answer the questions. Go around the class to help the students reading and finding the new words : - Green pepper: t xanh. - Salt: mui - Vegetable oid: Du thc vt - Soy sauce: x du - Cucumber salad: sa lt da chut - Chopsticks: a - Spoon: tha - Glass: cc Call some students on and ask them to read the text. Listen and correct the 3, Practice. mistakes if they have. @ Make questions for students: -What did Hoas aunt cook? -What did she do first/ next? -How did she poil the spinach? -What did she do last? -What did Hoa do? Have students make questions and answer questions by working with a partner and then practicing in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Now you look at part a : Answer the question and answer: What did Hoa, her uncle and aunt have for dinner? Write the menu. Give the menu:- Cucumber salad with onions. words.

Read loundly in front of the class. Answer the teachers questions, and then practice with a partner by making questions and answering them. - She cooked dinner. -First, she slice the beef. Next, she slice some green peppers and onions. -She added a little salt to the spinach so it tasted good. -She sliced the cucumbers and made cucumber salad. -Hoa set the table with places, bowls, chopsticks, spoons and glasses. Write the menu. Compare with a partner and then read your menu in front of the class. Look at these pictures and fill the missing

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Boiled spinach. words, after that put - Stir- fried them in order to. beef with green peppers and onions. Listen and correct the - Rice. Now you look at part b, and mistakes if you have. do the followings: This is the recipe Hoa aunt used. You look at the passage again and Some students go to and put the add the missing verbs to board complete the instruction and pictures in order to. then match instructions to the pictures. Ask students to compare with a partner and then read loudly Look at the pictures and talk about them. in front of the class. Give the missing verbs: slice the beef/ slice the green Others listen to and give pepper and onions/ heat the the ideas. pan/ stir- fried the beef/ add some soy sauce to the dish/ Rewrite these duties into boil rice/ add salt to the dish. the notebooks. *Matching the instructions to the pictures: 1- c; 2- f; 3- a; 4d; 5- b; 6-e; 7- g. @ Use the pictures in pages 117 again and ask students to put them in the order that you have just learnt and talk about them. After that, ask students to talk again how to prepare a meal and the names of things in the meals. @ Read again the text. Learn by heart. Do exercise 5( 76- sbt)

4, Production

5, Homework

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V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 76. Unit twelve: Lets eat! B/ Our food ( B1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of he lesson, the students will be able to speak about food that is caused the disease. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: terrible, probably, dirt, sick. 2, Structures: It must be...... It was probably.............. Make somebody do something. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and a picture. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @ Talk about how to cook rice/ Do this exercise. how to boil the vegetable. Or ask students to take part in a recipe- writing competition Work in the groups. for rice cooking by working in groups, using the verbs and structures you have learned. Talk about this. In 5 minutes, which group complete the recipe most quickly, will be winner. Go around the class to help Listen to the teacher. the students, and then give them the recipe: First, you put Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 205 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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2, Presentatio n. water in the pot and boil it. Next let it boil 5. Finally serve it. @ Now you look at the picture and answer the question: Where is Ba? He is in the hospital. Can you guess what is wrong with him - He has a stomachache. Now you tell me what causes stomachache? If students dont talk by English, they can talk by Vietnamese. You are going to listen to the conversation between Ba and the doctor at the surgery. You answer the question: Why did Ba have a stomachache? Play the tape, and ask students to listen carefully. After playing the tape three times, ask them to guess and answer that question. Write the students answers on the board, and then have students read again the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Give the new words and phrases: -It must be.... chc hn l -Its probably... chc c th l -Make somebody do something: Lm cho ai th no Look at the picture and answer the question. Guess what is wrong with Ba. Talk about causes(can talk Vietnamese ) the by

Listen to the tape to answer why Ba had a stomachache.

Guess to answer that question. Read the dialogue.

Listen and rewrite these new words and phrases.

Read after the teacher. Listen to the tape again and answer the question over.

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Ex. It must be something you ate. It was probably the spinach. That dirt can make you sick. Play the tape again and ask students to answer the over question. Compare with the first answer of students. Have students rewrite the question and answer into the notebooks. *Why did Ba have a stomachache? He had a stomachache because he didnt wash spinach well. @ Now look at the Now complete the story and complete the passage using the information in the conversation. Ask students to do this, and compare with a partner. Then call some students on to read the answers. After that, give the correct answers: doctor/ sick/ asked/ had/ spinach/wash/ more carefully/ vegetables/ make/ she/ medicine. Can make some questions about this passage: Why did Ba go to the doctor? Why was he sick? What did the doctor say to Ba? What can make Copy the answer and question. Look at this and complete the passage. Compare partner. with a

3, Practice.

Practice in front of the class. Correct the mistakes. Now answer these questions: -Because he was sick. -Because he ate some spinach last night. -He must wash the spinach well. The dirt can make people sick. -Yes, we must. Answer and make some sentences with should and shouldnt. Rewrite these into notebooks duties

4, Production.

5, Homework.

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people sick? Must we wash the vegetable carefully? @ In addition to having a stomachache which diseases are caused from food? To avoid stomachache and other food- related diseases, what should we do and what shouldnt we do? - We should........ - We shouldnt ... Ask students to make sentences to answer this question. @ Learn by heart. Read the dialogue again. Do exercise 1,2 in the pages 76- 77 sbt V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 77. Unit twelve: Lets eat! B/ Our food. ( B2 ) I/ Objectivies. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak importance of food to keep fit and stay healthy. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: healthy/ unhealthy food, building food, moderate amounts, energy, products, cereals, healthy lifestyle 2, Structures: the simple tense III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and some other things. IV/ Teaching produces. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 208 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @ Make questions for students: -Have you ever have a stomachache? -Why did you have a stomachache? -Did you have to go to the doctor? -What did the doctor say to you? You know that food plays an important part in our life. It gives us the main energy for body development. Thus, a balanced died is especially important. In our todays lesson, well learn about the definition of a balanced diet and useful guidelines about food. @ Make questions for students: -What is your favorite food? -What do you always have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? -Do you think your died is balanced? To know whether your diet is balanced or not, you will find the right answer in our lesson. Play the tape and ask students to listen while looking at the books. Then, have them repeat the text. Call some students on and let them to read the text in front Students activities Answer the questions: - Yes/ No. - Because I ate too much candies. - Yes, I did. - I neednt eat too much candy. Listen to the teacher. Note the new words.

2, Presentatio n

Listen and answer. (By the students)

Listen to carefully.



Repeat after the tape. Read it in front of the class. Read and write these words.

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of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Give the meaning of the new words and phrases: -healthy food >< unhealthy food -Moderate amounts khi lng hp l -energy nng lng -balanced diet ch n hp l -fatty food thc n giu cht bo -body- building food -dairy products thc phm b sa -a variety of a dng -cereals ng cc @ Talk students to read again the text and answer the questions in the book Ask them to work with a partner, then have them practice in front of the class Listen and give the correct answers: -Sugar adds taste to food and gives you energy. -A balanced diet is not enough, all people need exercise to keep a healthy life. @ Talk about you Do you think your died is balanced? Why? Why not? -Yes, because I eat a moderate amount . -No, because I dont eat fatty

Read again the text. Work in groups or with a partner. Rewrite these answers into the notebooks.

3, Practice.

4, Production

Answer the questions and then work with a partner by making questions and answers. Others listen and correct the mistakes. Talk about this. Rewrite these duties into the notebooks.

5, Homework

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food. Ask students to practice with a partner Teacher can talk about The pyramid food. *Repeat again the advantages of eating sugar and balanced diet. @ Tell the main of the text. Learn by heart. Answer again the questions into the notebooks. Do ex. Test yourself 4 into exercise book. V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 78. Unit twelve: Lets eat. B/ Our food. ( B3+ B4 ) I/ Objectivies. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to speak about the food and write the menu about a healthy and balances meal by listening and writing. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: About the food. 2, Structures: Use the simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and some pictures in the book. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities Talk about: -The importance of Go to board and talk food. about this. -The advantages of sugar. Others listen and give -What food should ideas. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 211 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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2,Presenta tion we eat/ shouldnt eat What does a balanced diet mean? @ How do you cook to have a meal healthy and balanced? In the past period, you learned about a balanced diet. Today we will further study about this concept through a menu for your self and family. Now you look at part 3 and the pie chart. They are three main food: -Body- building: bread, fish, milk....... -Energy- giving: honey, candy, cake... -Protective: pineapple, spinach... Now you use those foods to write a menu for yourself and your family, including details of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Remember to make your meal healthy and balanced. Go around class to help the students. Ask students to compare with a partner, and then call some groups, ask them to read the menu yourself. Listen, correct and give the ideas. @ To practice the food, the teacher asks students to look at these pictures and tell the names of these foods. Guide reading these words again: rice, noodles, fish, vegetables, fruits, beef, juice and water. Listen to the teacher. Look at the book and do teachers guidance.

Use those words to write a menu for yourself and your family.

Compare with a partner. Practice in front of the class. Correct the mistakes. Look at these pictures and talk about them. Read after the teacher. Listen to the teacher carefully.

3, Practice

Listen to the tape and put the words that you

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Before playing the tape, teacher explains that this is conversation about Lan, Ba, Nga and Hoa. Now you hear and tell what they ate and drank among the food and drinks mentioned above by writing the letters a, b, to each person corresponding with the food and drinks they used. 4,Productio Then, teacher plays the tape n. and asks the students to listen it carefully. Have them compare with a partner. After that, call some students and ask them to read aloud in frond of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes and give the correct answers: -Lan: b, d, f, g. -Ba: c, a, e, h. 5, -Nga: a, d, g. Homework -Hoa: b, e, g. Play the tape again and ask students to repeat the conversation. @ Hold the class to play the following game: Write many names of foods and drinks on the board, ask students to find the foods and drinks that Hoa, Nga, Ba and Lan used. And then, ask students to use these foods and drinks to write a menu for yourself and your family but remember to make heard under Nga, Lan, Ba and Hoa. Give these words you heard Listen and correct the mistakes.

Play the game.

Write a menu for your family.

Write these duties into your notebooks.

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your meal healthy and balanced. Call 3 or 4 students, if whoever writes faster and fuller, that will be a winner. @ Learn by heart. Write a menu for your family. Do exercises into ex. book V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 79.

Language focus 4.
I/ Objectivies. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to do the exercises exactly. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Review all the words. 2, Structures: The present simple tense and the simple past tense. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, pictures in the text book. IV/ teaching produces. Stages Teachers activities 1, Warm up. Make questions for students - Do you like eating candy? - What does a balance diet mean? - What do you do for your health? - Do you usually do exercise? - Were you ever absent from 2, school last semester? Presentatio - Did you have a bad cold? n and @ From last questions, the Practice teacher asks student to speak Students activities. Listen and answer teachers questions.

Repeat using and form of the simple past tense.

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again the form and the use of the present past tense. Let students to look at these pictures and talk about it. Listen and give the correct answers: a. No, I didnt. I watched TV. b. No, I didnt. I had dinner in a restaurant. c. No, I didnt. I went to the movie theater yesterday. d. No, I didnt. I read a book on the weekend. e. No, I didnt. I played football yesterday. *Use indefinite quantifiers: a little, a lot of/ lots of, too much. Ask students to look at these pictures and use the indefinite quantifiers over. a. a little coffee. b. A lot of tea. c. A little sugar. d. A lot of salt. e. Too much coffee. After that, have students complete the dialogue by using a little, a lot of, lots of and too much. Call some students on, and ask them make the dialogue: a little, a lot, a little, a lot of, too much, a little. *Review using so, neither, too, either Guide doing the exercise by giving a form: a, I like mangoes. Work with a partner, then practice in front of he class. Others listen and give the ideas.

Look at the pictures and talk about them.

Correct the mistakes.

Make the dialogue with a partner and practice in front of the class.

Listen and repeat

Practice the dialogue.

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-I like mangoes, too/ So Answer the questions of do I. the teacher. b. I dont like papaya. - I dont like either/ Neither do I Have students work with a partner to complete the Make a cucumber salad dialogue. wit a partner. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. *Before making cucumber Talk about this in front salad, the teacher makes of the class. some questions about food: Do you like cucumber salad? -Yes, I do. What about you, B? Rewrite into the - I like, too notebooks Do you know how to make a cucumber salad? Now I will tell you to make a cucumber salad: -Ingredients: ( in the text book ) -Making: use these following verbs: peel, wash, slice, mix, add, stir, wait. Ask them to speak about this in front of the class. @ Do again those into your notebooks. Learn by heart them. Do exercise 4( 73- sbt )

4, Homework

V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 216 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Period 81. Unit thirteen: Activities. A/ Sports ( A1+ A2 ). I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to describe and speak about sports and entertainment. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Names of ports such as skateboarding, rollerblading, roller- skating... 2, Structures: Using adjectives and adverbs and model verbs. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and some pictures of sports. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities. Students activities @ Make questions for Listen to teacher and students: answer the questions. -What do you usually do in ( By the students ) your free time? -Do you like playing soccer? -When do you usually play it? -What sports do you think 2, popular? What sports do you Listen carefully. Presentatio like best? n. @ You know playing sports is one of the most popular free time activities around the world. In this lesson and in the Look at the pictures in following ones we will learn the book and tell the about this topic. names of these sports. Now you look at the pictures If they dont speak by of sports in the book and tell English. the names of these sports. Read these words and Teacher can ask students rewrite into notebooks. speak by Vietnamese: soccer, tennis, swimming -Roller- skating: Guess 5 sports rest. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 217 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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-Rollerblading: These about are 5 among 10 sports which American teenagers like most. Can you guess rest? Rewrite 5 sports which students guess on the board. After that, ask them to read the result of a survey carried out recently about the most 10 popular sports among American teenagers. You hear and look at the book and find out what ten sports are . Compare with the earlier guess. Play the tape, and have students listen. Tell students to name the other sports which you hear: baseball, skateboarding, badminton, volleyball, basketball. Play the tape again, and explain the meaning of new words: -Surprising results: -The most popular choice: -One of the worlds most popular games: @ You have learned 10 sports which American teenagers like most. Do you think it is the same in Vietnam? And which sport is the most popular in Viet Nam? Ask students to look at the survey and ask your classmates what sport they Read these words. Hear 10 popular sports

Listen and tell the names the other sports that you heard.

Repeat again these words.

3, Practice.

Answer these questions. ( by the students ) Work with a partner. Practice in front of the class. Others listen and correct their mistakes. Talk about the sports again that the students in American and Vietnamese like best.

4, Production.

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like most. You can use these questions: Which sport do you like best? Go around the class and help students. Rewrite the results on the board and find which sport they like best. @ Ask students to talk about 10 sports which American teenagers like best. Make questions for students: -What do you usually do in your free time? -Do you like playing sports? -Which sport do you like best? -When do you usually play it? Have them do this exercise: Read the following names of sports and decide whether they are team sports, or individual sports by completing the chart: basketball, badminton, volleyball, rollerblading, tennis, swimming, baseball and football. Give the correct answers: @ Learn by heat all the names of sports -Name the sports you like best. -Do exercises: Then ask the questions of the teacher. After that, they work with a partner and practice in front of the class. Do this exercise. Rewrite the correct answers into notebooks. Rewrite these duties into your notebooks.

5, Homework.

V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 219 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Teaching date: Period 82. Unit thirteen: Activities. A/ Sports. ( A3+ A5 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the adverbs of manner and know forms of adverbs from adjectives. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Adjectives and adverbs. 2, Structures: Hes a good soccer player. He plays soccer well. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @ Make questions for students: Listen and answer the - Which sports do American questions of teacher. teenagers like best? - What about Vietnamese ( by students ) teenagers? - Which sport do you like best? - Do you play it well? - Are you a good player? Listen to the teacher. 2,Presenta @ You play soccer well so you tion are a good player. Look at these pictures Now you look at these pictures and talk about them. that are in the book and tell the name of them. Answer: He is playing Or ask students: What is he/ soccer. she playing Listen the tape and Listen and correct their repeat. mistakes. Play the tape and ask them to Answer this question. listen to the tape carefully. Then have them repeat. Make question: How does he play soccer? He plays soccer Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 220 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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well. *In English in order to express how someone do something we use adverbs of manner. *Most of these adverbs are formed as follows: Adjective + ly= adverb skillful skillfully slow slowly bad badly quick quickly safe safely Ask students to practice these sentences with a partner and then in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Explain using the adjectives and adverbs: He plays soccer well. He is a good soccer player - Give some especial adverbs good well fast fast late late hard hard early early @ Now you look at the pictures in the pages 133 and answer the questions: -What sport is it in the picture? Swimming. -Do you like swimming? Why? -Where can we go swimming? Now we read a passage about safety awareness in the Listen and repeat. Practice in front of the class these adjectives and adverbs. Others listen.

Make sentences with a partner, using these adjectives and adverbs. Listen and repeat, and then rewrite into the notebook. Look at the pictures and answer questions.

3, Practice

Listen to the teacher carefully. Read the passage and write these new words.

Read and practice these words and phrases.

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swimming pool or on the beach. Read the passage and explain Do the exercise by the meaning of the new words: changing the adjectives -Summer is on its way: k ngh to adverbs.
h ang n

-Water safety awareness:ch Listen and correct the v s an ton di nc mistakes. -Aim: mc ch -Pool lifeguard: ngi cu h Read and rewrite these -Pool edge:cnh b bi words into the -Obey: tun theo notebook. -Red and yellow flags: c v Ask students to read it carefully and change the adjectives in Give ideas. brackets to adverbs. 4, Production Have them work in small Talk about these groups. pictures again. Call on some groups and ask them to read their keys. Do this exercise. Listen and give the correct answers: -slowly/ slow Clear clearly Careful carefully -quickly/ quick Safe safely Careless carelessly -carefully/ careful Strict strictly What do you think about the -skillful/ skillfully position of the adverbs you have done? -well/ good Give the comments. @ Use the pictures that are in part A3 to practice. Listen to and correct the Rewrite these duties 5, Homework mistakes. into the notebook * Complete the sentences, use the adjectives or adverbs in bracket. -My mother cycles............ She is ........cyclist. ( slow/ slowly ) Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 222 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699
c vng

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-Bas sister swims...........She is a........swimmer. ( quick/ quickly ) -Mr. Hai drives............He is a .......driver.( careful/ carefully ) -He plays table tennis.............he is a.......player.( skillful/ skillfully ) -The boys in my class play soccer........They are........players. (Good/ well) Call students to give the correct answers @ Learn by heart all adjectives and adverbs. Rewrite the part A5 into your notebook. Do exercise 1,2 in the exercise book. V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date Teaching date: Period 83. Unit three: Lets eat! A/ Sports. (A4+ A6 ) I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to hold using the adverbs through the reading. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: walking, competition, wish, organize, participant, increase, ability. 2, Structures: Using the adjectives and adverbs. III/ Teaching aid. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures of walking. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 223 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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IV/ Teaching produces. Stages Teachers activities 1, Warm Make sentences with these up adjectives and adverbs: good/ well, skillful/ skillfully, bad/ badly. Ask some questions about students -Do you usually play sports every day? 2,Presenta -What sport do you play? tion -Do you like walking? @ Now you look at this picture and answer the questions: - What are they doing? - Do you always take a walk? - What are the benefits of walking? Nowadays, many people like walking because it is very benefits for their health. You are going to read a passage about walking- one of the most popular sport activities. After that you answer the questions in your book. Read or play the tape. Guide the students to read a passage. Can go around the class to help them finding the new words: - Walking for fun- WFF: - Competition: s tham gia - Prize: gii thng - Organize: t chc - Participant: ngi tham gia 3, Practice. - Increase: tng - Instead of taking motorbike: Students activities Go to board and make the sentences with these adjectives and adverbs. Answer the questions Look at the picture and talk about it by asking the questions of teacher. Listen to teacher.

Listen to the tape and read it. Practice with a partner and find the new words. Read again these words and rewrite them into the notebook.

Practice in front of the class. Work with a partner.

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thay th Call on some students to read this passage. Listen and correct their mistake if they have. @ Have students answer the questions by working with a partner. Next, make questions in order to students answer. Call some students on and ask them to make questions and answers. Then, give the correct answers: -He takes part in Walking For Fun club. -The writers school team won the first prize, they were so happy and wanted to keep the activity. -One activity is a 5 km walk to the beach on Sunday morning, and other walk- to- school day. -Its 5 km from school to the beach. -Wednesday is the WTS. -Members living near school often take part in the WTS. @ Have students read again a passage and then talk about the benefits of walking. Listen and give the comments: fun, easy, inexpensive, for everyone, healthy.... Can make some questions: -Is walking happy/ fun/ easy/ expensive? -Can everyone take part in walking? -Is walking healthy for Answer the questions Make questions and answers. Others listen and give the ideas. Rewrite the correct answers into the notebooks.

Talk about answers again.


4, Production

Read a passage again. Talk about the benefits of walking. Answer the questions. - Walking is very fun, easy and inexpensive. - Everyone can take part in it. Walking is very healthy for everyone. Talk about yourselves.

5, Homework

Rewrite these into notebook.


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everyone? *Talk about you: Do you always walk everyday? Do you like it? Do you think of walking? Does everyone living next door to you walk, too? @ Rewrite the answers into your notebooks. Rewrite the benefits of walk Preperatory date: Teaching date: Period 84. Unit thirteen: Lets eat! B/ Come and play. ( B1+ B4 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the model verbs (should, must, should, have to, can...........) through the dialogue about sports. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: paddle, spare, and model verbs. 2, Structures: I ought to finish my homework. I also have to finish this question for Math tomorrow. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and a pictures of sports, especially table tennis. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @ Do you usually play sport? Listen and answer When do you usually play teachers questions. sport? Others listen and give What sport do you like best? the ideas. Can you play table tennis? Is it interesting? 2,Presenta @ Now you look at this picture Look at the picture and tion and answer the questions: answer the questions: Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 226 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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-How many students are there in this picture? Who are they? What are they playing? Now you listen to the conversation between Ba and Nam, then answer the question: What should they do before they play table tennis? Play the tape and ask students to listen it carefully. Play the tape again and have students ask the question: Can Nam play table tennis? Why not? Should Nam finish his homework before he plays table tennis? Must Ba finish his homework? Ask students to read the dialogue and ask questions again. @ Have students look at the questions and ask them to work with a partner. Go around the class and help them. Make the questions for students. Let students to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Play the tape again, and ask again the questions above. Write these sentences on the board: *Nam cant play table tennis. Nam should finish his homework before he plays table tennis. There are two. They are Ba and Nam. Listen to the tape carefully and repeat it while listening. Read the dialogue in front of the class. Answer the questions with a partner and then in front of the class.

3, Practice

Look at part Questions and answer them with a partner.

Make questions and answers in front of the class. Listen and correct the answers. Rewrite the correct answers into notebooks. Listen to carefully. teacher

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4, Production Nam must do his homework first. Ba also has to finish this question for Math tomorrow. Explain these sentences: can, should, must, have to, ought to, could are model verbs. Uses: After model verbs add verb infinitive @ Use the picture to make the dialogue again. Then ask students to talk about themselves by asking these questions: Can you play football now? Why not? Must you stay inside? To study well, what must/ should/ shouldnt we do? Listen and correct their mistakes. Ask students to do the part B4. Explain: you read the text and fill in the space with the most suitable model verbs. Ask them to work with a partner. Give the keys: can, must, must not, should, can, ought to/ should, can/ should, should/ must. @ Learn by heart. Rewrite the sentences used model verbs Make 5 sentences with model verbs. Do exercise2,3 in pages 84-85 sbt. Make the dialogue again. Talk about you by asking the questions of teacher. Tell about this topic.

5, Homework

Read the text and work with a partner. Compare with some friends. Practice in front of the class. Correct the mistakes. Write these duties into notebook.

V/ Draw experience. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 228 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 85 Unit thirteen:

will be able to read about model verbs. breathing equipment,

B/ Come and play. ( B2 + B3 ). I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, the students comprehension about scuba- diving and practice II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: ocean, pearl diver, special deep- sea diving vessel, explore... 2, Structures: Use the modal verbs. III/ Teaching aids. Make a plan. Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player the sports IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up

and some pictures of

Teachers activities Students activities @ Can Nam play table tennis? Go to the board and What must he do before he answer teachers plays table tennis? questions about Nam What about you? What can and yourself. you play? -Nam cant play table You have learned about model tennis. verbs, the way to make and -He must do his refuse an invitation. We homework. 2, continue to practice these Presentatio verbs. Listen to the tape n @ Play the tape and ask carefully. students to listen to it Have them work with a Work with a partner. partner. Now you change the Make new dialogue by underlined details using these words that Using the formation in the box are in the box, to make up similar dialogue. Before students make up the Look at the pictures and Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 229 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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dialogue, teacher has them look at the pictures and ask: What are they playing? Then, call on students and let them practice the dialogue in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. @ Ask students to look at the pictures in pages 136 and talk: This is a sport which we have never learned before. -Now you tell me which sport it is: scuba- diving. - Where can you play this sport: oceans - To scuba- dive, what equipment do we need/ have to do? Special breathing equipment. - How do we call living things in the deep- sea? Underwater life. Ask students to read a passage about scuba- diving and tell the main idea after the first reading. After the second reading, have them decide whether the statements are true or false. Call students to give the answers, and then give the correct answers: False, True, False, True. Ask students to read the text again in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. @ Ask students to read again answer the question. Practice in front of the class. Others listen and give the ideas. Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher Guess which sport it is. Answer the questions to find the new words. Repeat these words and rewrite them into the notebook. Read this text carefully and find the main idea. Work with a partner. Give the answer. Read again the text and correct the mistake. Listen and answer the questions. Others listen and give the correct answers. Then rewrite the correct answers into the notebook.

3, Practice

4, Production

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the text again and make some questions about the text: - May we know the land very well? Could man not stay underwater? Could man swim freely underwater after the invention of equipment? Who invented a deep- sea diving vessel? What can we do nowadays? 5, We may know the land but Homework we know very little about the oceans. Man could not stay underwater. After the invention of special breathing equipment, man could swim freely underwater. Nowadays, we can explore the oceans, using special TV camera as well. @ Read and answer the questions again. Make the dialogue by using the words Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 86.

Read again these sentences And talk about using the model verbs.

Rewrite the duties into the notebooks.

Unit fourteen: Freetime fun. A/ Time for TV. ( A1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson. The students will be able to speak about activities freetime, especially speak about TV. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: News, series, prefer, sound, boring, guess. 2, Structures: They prefer to do other things. We like to do different things. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 231 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Id like to come and watch that. III/ Teaching aids. Make a plan. Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and a picture in the book. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages Teachers activities 1, Warm @ Ask students to talk about up scuba- diving with special breathing equipment Make a survey about what you usually do in freetime. Make questions: How many students watch TV in their freetime? What time do you always watch TV? What is your favorite program? 2,Presenta Do you like to watch TV, too? tion @ Now you look at the picture in the book, and answer a question: What are they doing? They are playing chess. When do they play it? Can you guess? Do they watch TV? Watching TV is one of the most popular activities in freetime. You listen to a conversation between Lan and Hoa. Play the tape twice or three times, and have students repeat the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Ask them to work with a partner by reading again the dialogue. Students activities Go to board and talk about this. Do the teachers guidelines and answer the questions. Answer.

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Listen to teacher. Listen to the tape carefully. Repeat the dialogue. Wok with a partner.

Practice the dialogue in front of the class.

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Go around class and help them if they need. Call some students and let them to make dialogue in front of the class. Give and explain the new words and structures: a. They prefer to do other things. _She prefer to read books to newspapers b. We like to do different things. -I like to watch TV. c. Would you like to have dinner at my house tonight? -Id love to. News in English: 3, Practice. Series: The adventure of the Cricket Ask them ask a question: What does Hoas family do in their freetime? -They talk about their day, usually read and sometimes play chess. What do Lans family do in their freetime? Her family watches TV every night. @ Have students read again the dialogue and answer some 4, questions about the dialogue. Production What does Lan invite Hoa to do? What does Lan want Hoa to do after dinner? Does Hoas family watch TV? Why not Read these new words and structures. Rewrite them into the notebook.

Answer the questions. Practice with a partner.

Read and make questions again. *Lan invites Hoa to eat dinner at her house. She wants Hoa to watch TV after dinner. No, because they prefer to do other things. Yes, she does. Do the part: Choose the best answer. Close the books answer again questions. and the

Talk about yourselves.

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Does Hoa enjoy The adventure of the Cricket ? Students answers. After that, ask them choose the best answer. Have students give their answers. Correct their mistakes and give the correct keys: a. C; b. A; c. B; d. C; e. D @ Let them to close the books and answer again the questions Rewrite these duties about the dialogue. into notebooks. Now you talk about yourselves What do you usually do in your freetime? Do you like always to watch TV? What is your favorite program? Does your Mom? Dad like to watch TV? What does he/ she prefer to do in his/ her freetime? Ask them to practice with a partner. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Talk about Hoas family and Lans family: What does Hoas family/ Lans family do in their freetime? Do again part: Choose the correct answer into your notebook. Learn by heart the new words and structures. Talk about you about watching TV.

5, Homework

V/ Draw experience. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 234 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 87. Unit fourteen: Freetime fun. A/ Time for TV. ( A2 + A4 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson the students continue to speak about activities in the freetime and review the structure: Would you like to + V infinitive......... II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: about advertisements. 2, Structures: Would you like to + V infinitive............. What would you like to + V infinitive..............? III/ Teaching aids. Make a plan. Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and the advertisements in the books. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1,Warm up Do you like to watch TV in your freetime? Go to the board and What is your favorite answer the questions. program? In your freetime somebody Listen to the teacher. likes to watch TV, someone likes to see movies, but someone like to play 2, soccer.....etc. If you like to see Look at the Presentatio movie, which program do you advertisements and talk n like best? about them. @ Now you look at these Read after the teacher. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 235 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
advertisements and talk about them. Guide students reading these advertisements and explain the meaning of them: Ha Noi Youth Culture House: Pop concert: Ha Noi Opera House: Classical concert: Detective movie: Nightly: New Age theater: Youth theater: Every night except Monday: Have them practice these advertisements in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. You are going to listen to a conversation between Hoa and Lan. They are discussing the suitable program to see. You listen and answer: which program will they see? Play the tape and ask students to repeat it . Have them work with a partner and then call on some students and ask them make a dialogue again. Listen and correct their mistakes. Make questions: - Which program will they see? They will see a cowboy movie. - When will they see it? They will see it on Sunday night. Practice with a partner. Rewrite sentences notebook. these into

Read again the sentences in front of the class. Listen to the tape.

Repeat the dialogue while listening. Work with a partner. Practice in front of the class. Answer questions. these

3, Practice.

Read again these advertisements and talk about them. Make up a similar conversation and then practice in front of the class.

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@ Ask them to read again the dialogue and have them look the advertisement, then make up a similar conversation. First ask them to practice with a partner and then practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Notes these sentences: - Would you like to+ V infinitive. -What would you like to+ V infinitive. -Can you make it on........? @ Use the invitations to make up the conversations, note the refutations and exceptions. Talk about you: - Do you like to see a movie? -Which program do you like best? -How often do you go to the movie theater? -When do you usually go to the movie theater? @ Learn by heart all the words. Read again the dialogue. Do exercise 2,3 sbt. Talk about sentences. these

4, Production

Using the invitations to make up other dialogue. To talk about you, using these questions.

5, Homework.

Rewrite these duties into the notebooks.

V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 237 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Teaching date: Period 88. Unit fourteen: Freetime fun. A/ Time for TV. ( A3 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about the title of TV and know the development of TV in Vietnam. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: gather, black and white programs, might, change, comfortable, together, owner 2, Structures: What would you like to watch.......? Id like to........ III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape a cassette player and some pictures in the book. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @ Use the advertisements to Go to the board and ask students to make up the make the dialogue by dialogue. using the Have students talk about you advertisements. by asking the teachers Other student answers questions: teachers questions. What do you usually do in your freetime? Listen and give the Do you like to see movie? ideas. 2, What about TV? Do you like to Presentatio watch? n @ Now today well learn about Listen to teacher. TV in Viet Nam. Ask students to look at the Look at the pictures and pictures and the title: TV in guess what the reading Viet Nam and guess what is about. the reading is about. After that, use the pictures to Listen to teacher and introduce the new words and answer the questions. phrases by making the Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 238 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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questions: P1: Did many people in VN have TV set in their home 30 years ago? What did they always do after dinners? Where did they watch TV? What color were the TV programs 30 years ago? P2: Do many people have TV in their home nowadays? Where do they watch it? What color are they? Guide the students to asking and give the correct answers: Only a few people had TV sets 30 years ago. They watched TV after dinners and they gathered both outside and inside their neighbors home. They are black and while program. But nowadays, many families have a TV set and they sit in their own living rooms to watch. They dont spend much time together any more. Explain new words and phrases: TV owners: Nhng nh c ti vi Gather: t tp Any more: khng cn na Neighbor: ngi hng xm Black and while program: Ask students to read the reading with a partner and practice in front of class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Can answer Vietnamese English. by and

Note the new words and phrases: TV set, nowadays, gather, outside, inside owners TV, own. Practice these words.

Listen to teacher and repeat this. Others listen and give the ideas.

Rewrite these into notebooks.


3, Practice.

Work with a partner. Practice the reading in front of the class. Close the books answer again questions. and the

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@ Ask the students to read again the reading . Have them close the books and look at the pictures to answer the questions again. Then ask them to ask and answer in front of the class. After that, have them complete the summary. Read and explain doing it. Ask them to work in small groups and give the ideas of own group. Listen and give the correct answers: People, not, TV, popular, evening, gather, they, today, have, life, know. Let them to read it in front of the class. Make again the questions and ask students to answer. Note again the main of reading. @ Hold the class to play the game by using the small papers to put order in the passage. Have them correct, and then read whole the reading. Or play True/ false. What about you: Does your family have a TV set? Do you like to watch it? Which program do you like best? When do you usually watch TV? Do the exercise. Work in small groups. Give the keys. Correct the mistakes. Read again in front of the class. Answer the questions. Play the game. Correct the mistakes. Talk about answer questions. you by teachers teachers

4, Production

5, Homework

Rewrite these into notebooks


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@ Read again the reading. Rewrite part: complete the summary. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 89. Unit fourteen:

Freetime fun.

B/ Whats on?( B1+ B4)

I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about TV and talk about programs they like best throughout the dialogue. II Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: to be on, program for teenagers, sport shows, cartoon. 2, Structures: Like to do or like doing. Prefer to do or Prefer doing. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and pictures of TV. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @ Ask students to talk about Go to board and talk the development of TV in Viet about this. Nam. Use the game Lucky Number to Answer the questions check old lesson: Do you like to by taking the numbers watch TV? and answer the 2, Which program do you like ? teachers questions. Presentatio When do you usually watch TV? n @ Use the picture to introduce Look at the picture to the new lesson by making the answer the questions: questions: Note the new words. What program is on TV now? Cartoon. Do you like to watch cartoon Answer the questions. on TV? Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 241 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Which character do you like best? Now you listen to conversation between Ba and Nga and answer the questions: What are they talking about? Do they like cartoon? What program do they like to watch? Play the tape and ask students to listen it carefully. Have them repeat while they listening. Call some students on and ask them to read the dialogue in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Talk about the structures: *Like doing: Thch lm g ( thnh thi quen hoc s thch ) Like to do: Thch/ mun lm g vo 1 im c th no . I dont like watching sports. On Sunday, I like to play sports. *Prefer to do / prefer doing I prefer taking part in them. I prefer to drink orange juice. @ Ask them to read the dialogue again ask look at the question to answer them First, make questions for students and then, ask them to make questions and answer them. Listen, correct their mistakes if Listen to carefully. the tape

Read the dialogue in front of the class.

Read and listen to this carefully.

Rewrite them notebooks.


3, Practice.

Make questions with a partner.

Listen and correct the mistakes.

Rewrite them notebooks.


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they have and give the correct answers: -No, because there arent any good programs for teenagers. -Ba watches sports shows, cartoons and movies. -Nga likes to watch programs about teenagers in other countries. -Because they dont play the kind of the music she likes. -In the evening Nga is going to listen to the radio and maybe read a book. *To understand more about TV program ask students to complete the passage by using the words in the box Have them work with a partner and then ask them to give their keys. Listen and correct their mistakes: around, watch, listen, series, show, like, station, receive, cities, possible. @ Let students to read the whole the reading and answer the questions: -What is the most popular TV show in a lot of countries? The most popular TV shows are series in a lot of countries. -What do many teenagers like? They like pop music. -What about you? What kinds of program do you like? Why? -Which program do you prefer? -What do you think about the Do this part. Work with a partner. Read the passage. whole the

4, Production

Answer the questions. Can work groups. in small

Talk about you. This question you can practice with a partner or in small groups. Rewrite these sentences into books.

5, Homework.

Rewrite these duties into the notebooks.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 243 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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TV programs for teenagers in Viet Nam? -Are these enough programs for teenagers? Are they good? *I like watching programs for teenagers Because they are very interesting. I prefer cartoons. They arent enough programs for us but they are good and interesting. @ Talk about program teenagers in Viet Nam and in the world like to watch. Male a dialogue with a friend about TV. Rewrite the part: Remember into the notebooks. And learn by heart all the words and phrases. V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 90. Unit fourteen: I/ Objectives.

Freetime fun.

B/ Whats on?( B2+ B3)

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By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk by English about the most popular TV programs by listening comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Early News, Weather forecast, The World Today ......etc. 2, Structures: What is on today? The present simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures in the book. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @ Make questions for students: - Did you watch TV last night? - Which program did you like best? - What about a sport show? 2, - Do you name some Presentation. programs you saw on TV last night? @ Use the above question to introduce the programs are in the book. - Childrens programs: C. T thiu nhi - Early News: Bn tin cho bui sng - Weather forecast: D bo thi tit. - The World Today: Th gii ngy nay - Movie: A Fistful of dolar : Guide students to read these programs and explain the aim of listening. This is a Students activities Go to board and answer the teachers questions. Can answer by Vietnamese Listen to teacher. Talk about these program Read and write Listen to the aim of listening.

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conversation between Lan and Ba. They are going talking about the times of the TV programs weve discussed. You listen and write down the time of the above programs. Play the tape, and ask students to listen it carefully and write down the time of these programs. Call on some students and ask them to read their keys. Listen and give the correct time - a. at five - b. at six - c. at ten past ten. - d. at a quarter past six. - e. at seven. * We know that nowadays there are many popular and interesting programs on TV. You look at these pictures and you can recognize the characters in each picture. Now you talk about them. Give the characters in pictures: - The Moffats band: Ban nhc - 4 contestants of the road to the Olympia Peak: The famous detective Sherlock Holmes Make a question: In which programs do these scenes usually appear? The moffats- pop music. Contestants- TV contests. Listen to the conversation and write down the time that you heard. Give the keys. Listen to the tape again and correct the mistakes.

Look at these pictures and talk about them. Then listen explanation teacher. to of the the

Repeat them and rewrite into notebooks.

Listen and read.

Read the reading while listening. Work with a partner Listen and answer the questions:

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Sherlock Holmes- imports Play the tape and ask students to repeat while they listening. Ask them to practice with a partner, and then have them read it in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Make questions for each passage. a. What is the long fom of pop music? b. What are the common kinds of contest? How can viewers join in the contest? c. What are the imports? - Popular music. - They are contest of knowledge, folk music, games, sports..... - They can join in the contest through telephone or mail. - Imports are foreign series such as Sherlock Holmes. Look at the questions in the book and answer by working with a partner. Listen and repeat these answers.

3, Practice.

4, Production.

@ After that, ask them to look at the questions in the books and work with a partner. Call on some students and let them to answer. Listen and give the correct answers. -Teenagers like to hear the latest pop music and see the shows of their favorite artists. - In contest program, the contestants are students, workers or family numbers. - Imports usually include police and hospital series. - (Students answer) Have students read the whole reading and ask them to

Practice groups.



Read the reading.



Read these new words. Answer questions. teachers

Do a survey by making

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practice about it. Listen and correct their mistake and give the new words: Audience, artist, perform, knowledge contestant, join in, series, cheaply. @ Talk about you: Make questions for students: Do you like watching TV? What is your most favorite program? Ask students to ask each others and make a survey by using the questions above. Give some other program people like - World discover: Khm ph th gii - Music gifl: Qu tng m nhc - Cookery show: Trang ni tr Collect the survey and ask students to answer: Which is the most popular you like watching? @ Talk about the programs you like watching on VTV. Talk about the most popular program the teenages in over the world like watching. Read the reading and learn by heard the new words. questions answering them. and

5, Homework.

Answer this question.

Rewrite these duties into the notebooks.

V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date:Teaching date: Period: 91 Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 248 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Unit fifteen:

Going out.

A/ Video games.( A1 )
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to hold the advice about the video games. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: amusement center, video games,addictive, arcade. 2, Structures: Dont + V.inf III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures of video games. IV/ Teaching produces Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @ Hold the class to play a Play this game. game: Networks by telling the names of the entertainment. Ask students to look at the Look at the picture and picture and ask: What do you answer the teachers see in the picture? questions. Note the new Amusement Center words. Are there any amusement centers in your town? Can speak by Do you often go to an Vietnamese. amusement center? ( If yes ) 2, What do you usually do there? Presentatio @ Now you listen to the Listen to conversation n. conversation between Lan and between Nga and Nam. Nam. Nam is going to the amusement center, you listen to it and tell me what he will Guess what Nam will do do there. in the amusement Have students guess what center. Nam will do there. Play the tape, and ask Read swiftly while students to listen carefully and listening to the tape. read swiftly while listening. Explain the words that Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 249 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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students dont know the mean. - Video games: Tr chi in t - Addictive: Gy nghin. - Arcade: Khu vui chi c mi vm Have students practice this dialogue by reading with a partner. Call some students on and ask them to make a dialogue in front of the class. Listen to them carefully and correct their mistakes. @ Ask them to read again this dialogue and make questions for them: - Where is Nam going? - What is he going to do? - How often does he go? Does he spent a lot of money? - How long does he usually stay? - Why must he be careful? - What will he do later? * Video games can be addictive if you play too much. - Dont spend too much of your time in the arcade.(This is a advice for you) Ask students to practice in small groups by making the questions and answering them. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Can video games be Read these words and write them into notebooks. Practice with a partner. Read the dialogue in front of the class.

3, Practice.

Listen to teacher and answer the teachers questions.

Make questions with partners, and then practice in front of the class.

4, Production

Talk the harms and interests of video games. ( in small groups ).

Listen and correct the

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harmful? Yes, video games can be harmful and addictive if you play too much. But video games help you relax after hard working day. Now you work in groups listing the bad effects caused by video games. Go around the class and help the groups if they need. Can give some words to help the students : Do harm to eyes: Lm hi mt Backache: au lng Waste time and money: Lng ph..... Learn worse: hc hnh sa st * Talk about you: Do you often play video games? Where do you usually play video games? When do you play it? Do you play too much? Why not? Ask them talk about yourself. * Give an advice - Dont play video games too much. - Dont worry. I wont. @ Learn by heart the advises and respondent. Write 5 advises for you: need do and neednt do in your free time. Rewrite the answers into your notebooks. mistakes. Rewrite these into notebooks. words

Talk about yourself.

Repeat and rewrite.

5, Homework

Write these duties into notebook.

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V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 92. Unit fifteen: Going out. A/ Video games.( A2 + A3 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the video games and know the bad effects of it. II/ Language contents. 1, vocabulary: inventor, dizzy, outdoor, social skills, develop, premises, robber, roberry, teaching aid, VCR, VCDs. 2, Structures: Modal verbs. III/ Teaching aid. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities Students activities @ Make questions for Answer the teachers students. questions. - Who usually play video Other listen and correct games? their mistakes. - How long do they play it? - What effets caused by video games? Listen to teacher. You knew the bad effects on video games if we play too much. Today we continue with this topic. In the reading, the 2, doctor will give you some Listen to the tape Presentatio advice that prevent video carefully n games from becoming addictive. In your opinion, Listen and read it while what are the advice. listening @ Play the tape twice and ask students to listen to reading Find the new words and carefully. structures. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 252 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Play the tape again and have students repeat the reading while listening. Explain the new words: - Dizzy: chng mt - Play outdoor: chi ngoi tri - Social skills: k nng giao tip x hi - Develop: pht trin Ask students to read the reading with a partner. Go around the class and help them reading. Call some students on, and ask them to read the reading. Listen and correct their mistakes. Make questions for students: - Who play video games? - Where do they play them? - Should they spend much time on these games? Why not? - What does the doctor say? Have students look at the part: Now answer. Complete the sentences by choosing the best suitable word. Give the answers: 1- d 2- a 3- d 4- b @ Ask students to read the reading again and ask the questions: - What bad effects of video games? Tired/ dizzy/ backache/ spend Read and write. Practice with a partner.

3, Practice

Read the text in front of the class. Listen to and answer teachers questions: -millions of young people play video games. -Some play them at home, others play them in arcades. -No, they shouldnt. Because they can become tired or dizzy. -This is very bad for children. They should play outdoor and develop their social skills. Read again the text answer these questions Others listen and give the ideas.

Listen to the teacher. Read the passage and complete it by putting the correct word in the brackets.

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time on their time..... - What advises about this? Play outdoor/ take part in activities with others/ develop social skills/ be with people of their age...... * Have students read the reading in pages 149. Tell about the aim of this exercise: use the words in the box to complete the passage. Dont give the new words and ask them to do with a partner. Go around the class and help students if they need. Call students and ask them to give own keys. Listen and give the correct answers: be, have, is, identify, are, use, can, will, buy, show. Have students read the passage and answer a question: What are the applications of videos? - Video protect the premises in the bank and stores. - Videos are used in university as a teaching aid. - Videos are important in the music industry. Have students read again the passage. @ Talk about you by answering the questions: - What do you usually do in your freetime? - Do you see video or play video games? - What are harmful of playing Give the ideas. Correct and write into the notebooks. Answer this question. Repeat these answers.

4, Production

Talk about answering questions.

you by teachers

( by students ) Listen ideas. and give the

5, Homework

Rewrite these duties into the notebooks.

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too much video games? - Do you usually play it? - Are you tired? dizzy? backache? - In your opinion, what need you do in your freetime? Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Read the reading more times. Learn by heart all the words. Rewrite the advises of the doctor. Do exercises: 2, 3( 94- 95 sgk) V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 93. Unit fifteen: Going out. B/ In the city( B1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the city throughout a dialogue. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: busy road, traffic, direction, motorbike awake, scare, hate, neighborhood 2, Structures: The life in the city is very noise , the roads are busy The life in the village is quiet, and there is a little traffic. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and a picture of the city. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages Teachers activities Students activities 1, Warm up @ Talk the useful of video . Go to the board and Talk the harm of video games. answer teachers Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 255 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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Introduce the new lesson by making some questions about students: -Do you live in the city or in the town? -Do you like living the city? Why or why not? -What different from city and village? @ Now you look at the picture in the book. Show the picture and talk about it: This is a city. What do you can see in it? Bikes, motorbikes, cars.....are called traffics. This is a busy road. Now you listen to conversation between Lan and Hoa and answer the question: What did they talk to each other? Play the tape and ask students to listen it carefully. Tell them to repeat while listening. Call some students on and ask them to read in frond of the class. Give the meaning of the new words: Rest: phn cn li Different: khc nhau Quiet: Kh Hate= dislike: ght, khng thch Noise: n o Awake: thc gic Direction: s ch dn Scare: s hi used to: quen. questions ( by students )

2, warm up

Look at the picture and answer a question. Listen and note the new words. Listen to carefully. the tape

Read it while listening. Practice with a partner and then read it in front of the class. Read these new words and structures. Rewrite these words into the notebooks.

Listen and read again.

3, Practice.

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Keep me awake: Get used to the noise: Play the tape again and ask students to read the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Have students look at these questions in the book and ask them to work in small groups. Go around the class and help them if they need. Call some groups on and let them to give the answers. Listen and give the correct answers: a. Hoa goes to the school theater one a week. The rest of the week she usually stay at home in the evening. b. No, she doesnt like the city. c. Before, Hoa lived in a village near Hue. d. She liked living in a village because she knew all the people in her neighborhood; the village was quiet and there was only a little traffic. e. She doesnt like the city because it is noisy and the roads are busy. f. She hates crossing the road most because bikes, motorbikes and cars come from every direction, and they scare her. Have students practice again these questions and answers Look at the questions in the book and work in small groups. Give the own answers.

Listen to teacher and correct the mistakes.

Rewrite d, e and f into the notebooks.

Make questions answers again.


5, Presentatio n

Work in small groups. Talk again the advantages and disadvantages in the city and in the village. If you have time you

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in front of the class. Listen and rewrite these correct their mistakes notebooks. @ Ask students to work in small groups by talking the By students advantages and disadvantages in the city and in the village.
Advantages in the village quiet A lot of little traffic Entertainment fresh air Good education Dis advancrowded few enterTages noisy tainment Heavy traffic boring a in the city Comfortable


*Now you talk about you What do you do in the evening? Do you like the city? Why? Why not? Do you like the countryside? Why? Why not? Ask students to use those questions to ask each other and answer them.

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Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 74. Unit fifteen: Going out. B/ In the city. (B2+ B4) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the city and the countryside, listen to activities in the freetime. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: the words about the city and the countryside, activities in the freetime Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 259 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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2, Structures: The simple past tense and the simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures of activities in the freetime. IV/ Teaching produces Stages Teachers activities 1, Warm @ Use the picture which is in up the past lesson to check old lesson by making the questions: - Is this picture of the city? - What do you see in this picture? - Do you like living in the city? Why or why not? Talk about the city again. Do you like the countryside? 2,Presenta Why or why not? tion @ Now you look at the questions in the pages 151 and answer them with a partner. Tell them to work with a partner or in the small groups. Go around the class and help them to practice. Then call on some groups and ask them to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. And then give them some sentences about advantages, disadvantages when you living in the city and in the countryside. - I dont like living in the city because it is very noisy and it Students activities Look at this picture and answer the questions. - Yes, it is. - I saw mane traffic. - By student A student talks again the city and the countryside. Work with a partner by answering the questions. Practice in front of the class. Others listen and give the ideas. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages in the city and countryside.

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3, Practice has many busy roads there. - I like to live in the city because it has a lot of entertainment and good education. @ Ask students what they usually do in their freetime. Then introduce the pictures in the part b4: They are the entertainment activities in the city. Now you talk about them - play chess. - Play table tennis - Listen to music - see a movie. - watch a soccer match. - Go to the restaurant These are 6 activities that Ba, Hoa, Nga, Nam, Lan and An did yesterday evening. Now you listen to the tape and match each name to an activity. Play the tape and ask students to listen to it carefully and match each name to an activity. Call on some students and ask them to read their keys. Then give the correct answers: Ba- b; Hoa- a; Nga- d; Nam-c; Lan- f; An-e. Play the tape again to check. Make questions for students: - What did Hoa do yesterday evening? - Did Nga see a movie? - What about Lan? Ask students to answer these questions . Listen to the teacher and answer the teachers questions. Look at these pictures and talk about them. Listen to the tape carefully and match them. Tell the keys. - Ba played table tennis. - Nga saw a movie. - Lan went to a restaurant. - Hoa played chess. - Nam listen to CDs. - An watched a soccer match.

Answer the questions.


4, Production

Practice in front of the class. Talk about you. By students. Others listen to and

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Listen and correct their mistakes. @ Have students talk about you by asking the questions: - What did you do yesterday evening? - Where do you live? - Do you like the city? - Why do you like the city? - Why dont you like the countryside? I dont like the countryside because it is boring. It has a few entertainment. I prefer the city to the countryside. @ Write the advantages and advantages in the city and in the countryside. Answer these questions: -What do you usually play in your freetime? - What did you do in the yesterday evening? - What do you prefer? City or countryside? Why? give the comments. -The city has only a little traffic, and it has it has a lot of noise. But I will get used to it soon.

5, Homework

Rewrite these duties into the notebooks.

V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 96 Unit fifteen: Going out. B/ In the city. (B3) I/ Objectives. Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 262 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to understand more about the city throughout the reading comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: used to, get used to, socialize, enjoy, decide 2, Structures: Hoa soon got used to the busy city traffic III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, atape, and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @ Make questions about Hoa: - What does Hoa do in the evening? - Does Hoa like the city? Why not? - What did Lan tell to Hoa? Lan told that Hoa will get used to the city soon. 2, Can you guess will Hoa get Presentation. used to it soon? How did Hoa do? @ Now today we are going to read the text about Hoa and answer the question: what could Hoa do in the city? Ask students to scan the reading and finds the new words and new phrases Explain these words and phrases: - Help each other: - Together: - Far too expensive: - Eat out: - Socialize: - Public library: - After all: Help them to read the text Students activities Listen to teacher and answer the questions about Hoa. Guess: Will Hoa used to the city soon? How did she do? Listen to the teacher.

Scan the reading and find the new words. Read these words and rewrite them into notebooks.

Read after the teacher. Read loudly in frond of the class. Answer the teachers

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again. Call on some students and ask them to read it in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Make questions so that students answer about Hoa. - Did Hoa get used to the city? - What could Hoa do? What did Hoa and her friends do when she go out? - Why did Hoa rarely go to see 3, Practice. movies or eat out in the evening? - What did she prefer to do? - Why did Hoa decide that the city wasnt so bad after all? Listen to students and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Have students to read again the reading, and then ask them to practice with a partner by making questions and answer them. Listen and correct their mistakes. Make again the question to find the main meaning of the text. After that, ask students to make a list of the things Hoa usually did in the evening, using the simple present tense. 4, Production - She usually visits, talks and listens to music. - She plays table tennis and plays chess with her friends. questions. Others listen and correct the mistakes.

Read again the reading and make questions to each other. Practice with a partner by making questions and answering. Rewrite in the paper.

Compare with a partner and talk about in front of the class. Rewrite into notebooks. the

Talk about answering questions.


by the

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- She socializes with her By students. friends. - She goes to the library and borrows books regularly. Call some students on and ask 5, Homework them to give own writing. If have time, can ask them to Rewrite these write on the board and correct into notebooks each sentence. @ Have students to read again the reading, and then ask some questions about you. - Do you like the city? Why? - Are you scared when you cross the busy road? What do you usually do in the evening? Can guide students to answer. @ Read more time the reading. Write about you: Do you like the city or the countryside? Why? Write the differences from the city and the countryside. V/ Draw experience.


Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 97 Unit sixteen:

People and places.

A/ Famous places in Asia. (A1)

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I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to know some famous places in Asia. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: The countries in Asia and capitals of them. 2, Structures: The past simple and simple present tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and some pictures of capital of Asian countries. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @ Talk about Hoa by answering the question: What did Hoa get used to do in the city? Can you name some countries by English? Among the counties over, which are in Asia? @ Ask students to look at the postcard and the sentence in it: Greetings from Bangkok! Now answer the questions: - Where is Bangkok? In Thailand. - What do you know about Thailand? Thailand is a country in Asia. Besides Thailand, which counties and their capitals in South East Asia do you know? Now you are going to listen a conversation between Hoa and Ba and answer the question: Which places her uncle flew to? Play the tape and ask Students activities Go to board and answer the teachers questions. By students.

2, Presentation

Look at the picture in the book and notice the sentence: Greeting from Bangkok!

Name the countries are in South East Asia you know Listen to teacher. Listen to the tape to name the places you heard.

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students to name places that are in the tape. Play the tape again and name the places: Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Phnom Penh, Vientiane and Yangon. Have students read these names. Play the tape again and ask students to read after the tape while listening. 3, Practice Ask them to read with a partner and after that let them to practice it in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Explain these words: - Its his job to fly there. - Occasionally: @ Have students read again the reading. Make some questions in so that the students answer. - What does Mr. Nghia do? - Where did he send this postcard? - Where is that? - Where does he fly to? *Mr Nghia is a pilot. He sent this postcard from Bangkok. It is in Thailand. He flies to Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore... Then ask students to match the halfsentences by 4, working with a partner. Presentation. After that, call on some Read these places.

Read the dialogue while listening. Read with a partner and read in frond of the class. Notice these sentences. Read again. the dialogue

Answer these questions: - He is a pilot. - He sent this postcard from Bangkok. - It is in Thailand - He flies to Hong Kong...

Look at the match and do it with a partner. Read the keys. Listen and correct the mistakes.

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students and let them to read the keys. Listen and correct their mistakes a. D b. F c. B d. C e. A f. E Have students read again these sentences. 5, @ Let them to read again the Homework. dialogue and ask them to talk about Mr. Nghia, especially talk about the places that he usually flies. And make questions for students: Do you know where are these capitals? - These capitals of the countries are in South East Asia. Which countries are in South East Asia? If the students dont talk by English, they can speak by Vietnamese. @ Read more time the dialogue. Rewrite these sentences you have just matched. Name the countries are in South East Asia you know Preparatory date: Teacing date: Period 98. Unit sixteen: Read again sentences. these

Read again dialogue.


Talk about Mr. Nghia, especially about the places where he usually flies. Answer the questions. teachers

Talk about the countries you know. Rewrite the duties into the notebooks

People and places.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 268 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh A/ Famous places in Asia. ( A2+ A3 )
I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the names of countries in South East Asia and the capital of these countries. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: The counties in South East Asia and the capitals of them. 2,Structures: The simple tense with the adverbs. III/ Teaching aid. -Make a plan. - Prepare a tape, a cassette player and some pictures of countries in South East Asia and the capitals of them. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up Teachers activities @ Do you remember Mr. Nghia in last lesson? Now you talk about him and the places where he usually flies. Now you look at the box in the book. The words in the box are the names of some Asian counties, tell me which counties they are. @ Ask students to read the names of these countries. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Give the names of these countries: - Cambodia: Cm pu chia - Myanmar: Mi- an- ma - Indonesia: In- - n- xi- a - Malaysia: Ma- lai- xi- a - China: Trung quc - Thailand: Thi lan - Laos: Lo Now you look at the below Students activities Listen to and talk about that. Others listen and give the comments. Look at the box and read them. Read more times these countries with a partner and then practice in front of the class. Rewrite these countries

2, Presentatio n

Read the capitals in the box.

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table. We have capital names of 7 countries you have learned. You complete the table by matching the names with the countries. Ask students to work this. Have them read loudly the sentences that you did. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Capital Country Bangkok Thailand Beijing China Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Phnom Penh Cambodia Vientiane Laos Yangon Myanmar Jakarta Indonesia *Answer the questions: Where does Bas uncle fly to? He usually flies to Bangkok. Where is that? It is in Thailand. You use the other words to replace underlined words. Call some students and ask them practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. @ You look at the picture in 156 pages and answer the questions: Where is this man? What does he do? Why do you know? What does a pilot do every day? You look at part 2 ( page Work with a partner by matching. Read the keys.

Correct the mistakes. Read these words.

Practice class.




Practice in front of the class by answering the questions. Work with a partner by replacing those words. Others listen to and correct the mistakes. Look at the picture and answer the questions: He is at the airport. He is a pilot. He flies to the other countries.

3, Practice.

Listen to the tape carefully and name the places you heard.

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156 ). This is one pilots schedule from Monday to Sunday. You listen to the tape and complete the schedule by writing the names of the places that the pilot flew to. Play the tape and ask them to listen to carefully. Have them give the places where they have listened. Correct the mistakes and give the correct places. Monday Bangkok and Singapore Tuesday Singapore Wednesday Jakarta Thursday Bali Friday Bali Saturday Hong Kong Sunday back to Ha Noi @ You look at the schedule and make sentences: For example: He flew to Bangkok and Singapore on Monday. Ask students to make sentences. Call some students give the sentences. After that talk to students: Do you know Laos? Is it in South East Asia? Is it big? Does it border with Viet Nam? Is its capital Vientiane? Make questions as the same that. Listen and correct their mistakes. Check the mistakes. Read these places.

4, Production

Make sentences same example Can work partner. -Yes, i know. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. No, it isnt with

the a

5, Homework.

Rewrite the duties into the books

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@ Name the capitals of Asian countries and learn by heart. Do exercise 1,2 in page 100. V/ Draw experience.

Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 99. Unit sixteen: People and places. A/ Famous places in Asia (A4) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to understand deeply about Asia through the reading. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: ancient monuments, Khmer/ Buddhist temples, puppet shows, resorts. 2, Structures: If you are interested in history, you could visit many ancient monuments. You may be interested in the traditions of different cultures. III/ Teaching aids.

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Full name: Class: 7 im

Dong Giao school Li ph ca c gio

I/ Write the correct tense of verbs in brackets.(2m) 1, Tan often (listen) pop music in his freetime. He (not like).............. (watch)..................TV. 2, People (gather) TV owners houses to watch TV in 1960s. 3, Lan prefers (take)....................part in sports to (watch)..............them on TV. 4, Mr Ba (be)............. in his room now. He (read)...............................a newspaper. II/ Make questions, using the words given.(2m) 1, We watched TV in our living room last night. Where....................................................................................................... ..................... 2, She likes cartoons best. What......................................................................................................... ..................... 3, My friend always goes to school by bike. How.......................................................................................................... ..................... 4, I will invite some friends on my birthday next week.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 273 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Who.......................................................................................................... .................... III/ Choose the best suitable word to complete the following sentences.(2m) 1, Nam plays volleyball.............................( skillful, skillfully, skill) 2, She ought to.....................her homework before going to bed. (finishes, finished, finishing, finish) 3, We dont (play, plays, playing, played) IV/ Read the text carefully and answer the questions.(2m) In 1960s, most people in Viet Nam didnt have a TV set. The people with TVs popular. In the evening, the neighbors gathered around the TV. They stayed until the TV programs finished. Viet Nam is different today. More families have a TV set and life is more comfortable. But neighbors dont know each other as well as they did in the past because they watch TV in their own living room. 1, Did most people have a TV set in 1960s? ........................................................... 2, What did the neighbors do in the evening? .......................................................... 3, How is life today in Viet Nam?................................................................................. 4, Where do people watch TV today? .................................................................... V/ Make new sentences. Use the cue words. (2m) 1, Nam/ like/ watch TV. ................................................................................. 2, Chi/ prefer/ pop music/ classical music. ................................................................................................................. ....................... 3, I/ buy/ some flowers/ my mothers birthday/ last week. ................................................................................................................. ........................ 4, They/ often/ listen/ radio/ when/ they/ be/free. ................................................................................................................. ........................ Full name: Class: 7 Dong Giao school im Li ph ca c gio Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 274 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh

I/ Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. (2m) 1, He is a .......................driver. (careful/ carefully/ care) 2, Lan prefers games on TV. (watch/ watches/ watched/ watching) 3, Teenagers like to listen to the ................pop music. ( late/ latest/ later/ newest) 4, you watch TV? Every night. (How long/ how far/ When/ How often) II/ Write the correct tense of verbs in bracket. (2m) 1, Lan usually (play) on Sunday. 4, My parents (take) to the movies last night. 3, She (not study)..................English well last semester, so she (get)............bad marks 4, She has to (see)................the dentist because she (have)...................a toothache. 5, My mother (not like)......................( watch).........................series. III/ Make questions, using the words given. (2m) 1, We usually stay at home on Sundays. When........................................................................................................ ..................... 2, I like watching cartoons. What......................................................................................................... ..................... 3, She played table tennis twice a week. How often......................................................................................................... ............ 4, Mr. Lam went to home at 7 oclock. What time.......................................................................................................... .......... IV/ Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (2m) Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 275 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

Gio n Ting Anh 7 Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THCS Yn ng Huyn Yn M - Tnhr Ninh Bnh
Last year, my school organized a club walking for fun. Most students enjoy taking part in this club. The regular activity of the club is a 5 km walk to the beach on Sunday morning. Another activity is a walk- to- school day (WTS). Members living near school volunteer to take a walk every Wednesday. 1, What did your school organized last year? .............................................................. 2, Do most students enjoy taking part in this club? .............................................. 3, How far is it from the school to the beach? ......................................................... 4, Who often take part in WTS day? ........................................................................ V/ Make new sentences, use the cue words. (2m) 1, Lan/ not like/ watch/ sports on TV. ................................................................................................................. ........................ 2, I/ prefer/ plays/ series. ................................................................................................................. ........................ 3, She/ play/ badminton/ last year. ................................................................................................................. ....................... 4, You/ should/ wash/ hands/ meals/ every day.

Ngi thit k: Nguyn Quang Ho - Trng THS Yn ng 276 Huyn Yn M- Tnh Ninh Bnh Tel: 030836061 -Mobil: 0946083699

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