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External Aerodynamics and One-Way FSI Modeling

Hawk Missile Example Simulation
April 6, 2011

Presented by: Michael Showalter


Presentation Overview
Analysis Tools

Hawk Missile Geometry

Computational Meshes (Fluid & Solids) Model Definition CFD Fluids Results One-Way Pressure Coupling to ANSYS Mechanical External Data Set Capability (new R13) Questions and Discussion

ANSYS Suite of Analysis Tools

ANSYS Workbench:
DesignModeler (geometry creation) ANSYS Meshing (mesh generation) FLUENT (CFD - fluids solver) ANSYS (thermal & structural analyses)

Missile Geometry
Virtual Wind Tunnel

Farfield Flow Outlet Hawk Missile Body Farfield Flow Inlet

Angle of Attack 20o

Missile Geometry (zoom)

Farfield Flow Inlet

Half Symmetry

FLUENT Computational Mesh

Volume Mesh, CutCells (2.6M Total Elements)

Flow Outlet

Flow Inlet

Mesh Refinement Around the Missile Body

FLUENT Computational Mesh

Fluid Region CutCells with B.L. Mesh

Boundary Layer

Computational Model Definition

Steady state flow conditions
(i.e. not changing with time)

Three-dimensional model Linear elastic structural analysis Turbulent flow (SST k/omega model) Fluid: air, ideal gas Air inflow/outflow conditions:
Velocity = Mach 2.5, sea level, AoA 20o Temperature = 70 F

ANSYS Workbench One-Way FSI (Coupled) CFD, Pressure & Structural Simulation

Velocity Vectors
Mach 2.5, AoA 20o


Pressure Contours (Pa)

Mach 2.5, AoA 20o

Air Flow


Transparent Volume of Velocity

Mach 2.5, AoA 20o


Streamlines colored by Pressure (Pa)

Mach 2.5, AoA 20o


Mapping Project Page

The following project schematic illustrates one-way load mapping from FLUENT to Mechanical.

Hawk Missile M=0.9

Hawk Missile M=2.5


External Data Method

New at R13 is the ability to import loads from ANSYS tools, third party software, or even user defined loading. The loading needs to be in a delimited format, i.e. Excel .csv file. The data is entered using an External Data component system from the project schematic and then linked to the appropriate analysis. In the below example, pressures loads were extracted from FLLUENT and mapped to the Mechanical model. The next slide illustrates the external data setup.

Hawk Missile M=0.9

Hawk Missile M=2.5


External Data Importing Overview

*.csv File Name

Use to browse to *.csv file location Entered a Description (optional) Enter line number where data starts Format type: delimited Delimiter type: Comma

Specified data type and units for four columns imported

Added a data indentifier for Clipped Pressure (optional)

Preview of portion of data to make sure import correct


External Data Method Pressure Mapping

Mach 2.5, AoA 20o


Fixed Support at Nosetip, Inertial Relief


Contours of Total Deformation

Mach 2.5, AoA 20o


Contours of Equivalent Stress

Mach 2.5, AoA 20o


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