The Reasons For Voting For Ron Paul

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A Q&A Analysis of the Policy Positions of the Top* Presidential Candidates

*The adjective top is used for brainwashing purposes only.

Q: Which presidential candidates supported the United States bombing of Libya,

a sovereign nation which posed no threat America and had cooperated with the U.S. in its war on terror? A. Newt Gingrich B. Barack Obama C. Mitt Romney E. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Q: Which presidential candidates support the Federal Reserve System, a privately

owned corporation that makes money out of thin air to finance our nations debt? A. Newt Gingrich B. Barack Obama C. Mitt Romney E. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Q: Which presidential candidates believe in manmade global warming and

support carbon taxes or cap-and-trade schemes that would devastate our economy? A. Newt Gingrich B. Barack Obama C. Mitt Romney E. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Q: Which presidential candidates have publicly stated or implemented policies

indicating they support the individual mandate for health insurance? A. Newt Gingrich B. Barack Obama C. Mitt Romney E. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Q: Which presidential candidates supported the TARP bailout?

A. Newt Gingrich B. Barack Obama C. Mitt Romney E. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Q: Which presidential candidates have taken no substantive steps to effectively

end abortion on demand that resulted from the Roe v. Wade decision? A. Newt Gingrich B. Barack Obama C. Mitt Romney E. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Q: Which presidential candidates support subsidies for ethanol, a petroleum

substitute whose production artificially drives up food prices and which damages automobile engines? A. Newt Gingrich B. Barack Obama C. Mitt Romney E. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Q: What are the reasons I should vote for Ron Paul in 2012?


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