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God teaches Human birth rightright

God teaches Jesus the Holy Spirit the only way to teach right of birth right is by peace care respect equality instead of war force degradation of god Sven billion plus birth right children of the human race trinity. Teaching holy human right life for all god children is within the righteous teachings of Jesus for

each every birth right child of the birth right trinity. Forcing beating religions against god birth right children anywhere on earth by force rape genocide is not the holy human right way to teach god children about the holy human race trinity by the holy messiah.

God teaches in the holy messiah that all are the holy human seven billion blood birth right children bless in love faith freedom the Holy Spirit.

Holy human birth right ²right of the holy birth right human race messiah comes with care share peace friendship helping guiding all birth right children right of the trinity. The holy human right of to love with the birth right human race trinity comes for every man woman child born in every birth right nations on god earth. Peace teaches care takers learn much more about the holy trinity by holy human truth right truth all holy human birth right

educational teachings of the true only human race trinity holy messiah of all human life. Right by power force death beating rape degradation repression lying is not the ways of all Jesus the holy messiah taught lived teaches died for spilled his blood for all the holy father human race children right is the right holy human truth of all human birth right..

Might power makes only death suffering taking of god birth right truth in birth right life of

the Holy Father the holy messiah the Holy Spirit for each all human race children on god birth right on God earth. God teaches Jesus the Holy Spirit is the only holy trinity of birth right for all the billions of children of god in every birth right nation. Amen

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