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February 5, 2012, 2012 True Vine Baptist Church Sermon Notes Title: The Facts of Sowing and Reaping

Text: Galatians 6:7-9 be not deceived - Paul warns the believers in Galatia about the kind of life they lived. Many Christians had been deceived believing Satan's lies about sin and earthly pleasures 1. Fact#1: What you sow is what you reap. If you plant mango seed you will harvest mango fruit. - Job 4:8 Galatians 6:8 flesh.reaped also flesh Fact #2: Sow less, reap more. Mark 4:31-32 Jesus' example of mustard seed. Jesus' example of the seed and the sower. If you lived in earthly pleasures you will pay more than what you have invested. Psalm 126:6 Galatians 5:16-24 Live according to the will of the Spirit. Living in the Spirit will manifest through our lifestyle. Gal.5:25 If you lived in earthly pleasures you will pay more than what you have invested. Psalm 126:6 III. Fact #3: Sow now, reap later. v.9

A. Don't be discouraged (weary) in doing good 1. Despite of the hardships 2. Despite of the criticisms

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