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Xplore 2012

A Camp for Young Men and Women to Explore Gods Call in their lives, to answer that call and make a difference!

What is Xplore?
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camp for:Young men and women (18 to 30 years old) SPM & STPM students waiting for their results Students in colleges/university on holiday Diploma holders & degree graduates

What do we do?
Xplore } Exposes the young men and women to pastoral ministry, i.e. what a priest does on a regular day } Explore Gods call in the lives of these young men and women and how they can act on it

Here are what we did

A summary of the activities.

Chat Sessions with the Clergy

Chat with the clergy: 9.30am to 11.15am (Tuesday - Saturday)

Chat Session (Cont)

Surrounding Lunch

Surrounding Lunch

The Guys Preparing Lunch

Volleyball Match

More recreation

After the Hospital Visit

Participants went to the Miri General Hospital to spread some Lunar New Year cheers!

They got a cheering of their own

House Blessing

School Chaplaincy

Praise and Worship during the Chaplaincy

Dance Performance at the St. Columbas Primary School

Night Out

Youth Fellowship

Men & Women Behind the Scenes

We also thank the Anglican Youth Council, donors and supporters, the participants parents, friends and family and all who have supported and assisted this Xplore Youth Bootcamp directly and indirectly. May God bless you!

The January 2012 (Pilot) Batch

Standing: Mervyn, Eliot, Aaron Billy, Perry, Patrick, Joyce, Statia, Sapphira, Aaron Janggu, Matthias, Jesper

Dear Youth between 18 and 30: We hope to see you with us in the next Xplore Camp! God bless you!

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