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Lesson Study Guide

Lesson 5 Talking about Language

Indonesian Mengerti Bahasa Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris Anda Bicara Bisa Dan Saya Tidak Mengerti Bahasa Indonesia Anda Bisa Bicara Bahasa Inggris? To Understand Language


The Indonesian Language The English Language You (polite) To Speak Can/To be Able to And I Dont Understand Indonesian Can You Speak English?

Dont be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone if you know theyre from Indonesia. It can be very rewarding and it never hurts to try! If youre on a trip to Indonesia, dont hesitate to try. Foreigners, or bule, dont often speak Indonesian, so people will love to hear you try it, and you might even get a better price in the market!

Bonus Terms Indonesian Tolong Pelan-Pelan Tolong Bisa Bicara Pelan-Pelan? Please Slowly Could You Please Speak Slowly? English 2007 Ell Pond Language Services - A Division of Ell Pond Enterprises Inc.

Lesson Study Guide

Lesson 6 Talking about Nationality

Indonesian Dari Saya Dari Indonesia Orang Saya Orang Indonesia Orang Hutan Amerika Kanada Australia Inggris Belanda Perancis Jerman Italia Cina Jepang Spanyol Meksiko From I am from Indonesia Person I am Indonesian Orangutan/ Forrest People America Canada Australia England The Netherlands France Germany Italy China Japan Spain Mexico

English 2007 Ell Pond Language Services - A Division of Ell Pond Enterprises Inc.

Lesson Study Guide

Lesson 7 Introduction to Food and Drink

Indonesian Saya Suka Saya Tidak Suka Enak Makan Makanan Minum Minuman Air Botol Nasi Goreng I Like I Dont Like Delicious To Eat Food To Drink Drink (noun) Bottled Water Fried Rice


Indonesian food is one of the most delicious food in the world! It is inuenced by Indian, Malay and Chinese cuisine. If you are more adventurous, try to buy food from the street vendors (or kaki lima) and you will taste delicious local cuisine you might not nd in fancy restaurants. You can have a whole meal for under a $1 US!

Bonus Terms Indonesian Pedas Manis Garpu Hot Sweet Fork English 2007 Ell Pond Language Services - A Division of Ell Pond Enterprises Inc.

Lesson Study Guide

Lesson 8 Direction and Location
Indonesian Maaf Permisi Di Di Sini Di Sana Di Mana Ke Ke Sini Ke Sana Dari Mana Sorry Excuse Me! At (At) Here (At) There (At) Where To/Towards To Here To There From Where English

Di and Ke are key words when talking about objects in relation to each other. These words are used to form more complex relations such as on top of, inside below, etc. Indonesian follows a very logical and use of the concepts of at and toward to build more complex ideas.

Bonus Terms Indonesian Hotel Restoran Rumah Sakit Kantor Polisi Hotel Restaurant Hospital Police Station 2007 Ell Pond Language Services - A Division of Ell Pond Enterprises Inc.


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