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Guys (read Rajeev Bharshetty)... Do any of you know how to work with mysql on linux?

I mean starting the service n all... Plus what is the equivalent of htdocs on linux?
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Like 22 hours ago

Rajeev Bharshetty For starting the service , sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start and for stopping use sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop .... if u have installed lampp (xampp) software then you can find htdocs in path /opt/lampp/htdocs else /var/www is the apache server folder for running server applications. Yesterday at 4:52am Like

Rajeev Bharshetty For detailed steps on xampp installation refer this

Life in Open Source ...........: Xampp Installation and Configuration in Linux Yesterday at 4:54am Like

Bharath Bhushan Lampp installation is on linux ... Then u use Start apache2 service Start mysql as su But they haven't installed lampp in out dept lab

Yesterday at 8:37am via mobile Like

Syed Abdul Kareem guys any one tell dem to install....plz.... Yesterday at 12:25pm Like

Nik Ash Rajeev... If lampp isn't installed, we can still run client-server based apps right? Cause Apache is there by default... Yesterday at 2:05pm Like

Syed Abdul Kareem abt creating DB n all it vl be difficult i guess.. Yesterday at 2:19pm Like

Rajeev Bharshetty Nik Ash yeah Yesterday at 8:01pm Like

Nik Ash thanx...

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