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Introduction to electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic waves are a phenomenon of nature first observed as light. Yet light, the part of the electromagnetic spectrum we normally sense without additional instrumentation, is only a very small portion of the infinite spectrum of electromagnetic waves. In many ways, electromagnetic waves are part of the unseen realm of Creation. That is, without changing how we observe Creation, we will not perceive their existence. Through the study of physics and engineering advances humanity has come to understanding and use these unseen waves in a variety of applications. The light that comes from the sun or the light from a light bulb that allows us to read in an otherwise dark room is electromagnetic radiation. However, the electromagnetic vibrations that are possible extend well beyond what our eyes can perceive. Similarly, radio waves that we pick up on a radio as are the TV signals that are transmitted by our television station are also a form of this electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic radiation actually exist in an infinite spectrum. Each point on the spectrum operates the same way except that each point of the spectrum has a different a different frequency. It is because the frequency is different, each of the waves interacts with Physical Creation differently. Nonetheless, each frequency of electromagnetic of radiation follows the same rules. In this regard, light is the same exact same phenomena as a TV or radio signal except that they differ in frequency and subsequently are detected differently. Light is perceive by eyes. But the frequency of radio to TV electromagnetic waves cannot be detected by us unless we have some type of receiver and energy of the waves converted to sound detected by our ears or as the contrast of light and dark created on a TV screen. For those not familiar with electromagnetic radiation, the music and sound that we hear from musical instruments, or in fact, any noise are also energy waves and have a wave nature. The music and sounds that we hear functions very much like electromagnetic radiation. The only difference is that sound waves need a physical material such as air, in which to propagate or be transmitted or transported through to reach the person listening to the sound. Sound waves cannot be transmitted through a vacuum. For example the space between the earth and the sun is almost a vacuum.

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