Maddelacheruvu Road Us

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“M a d d e l a c h e r u v u

T h a a n d a ”
Anantapur ( D i s tri c t)
And h ra P rad e s h ( S tate )
Andhra Pradesh
I nd i a
“Maddelacheruvu Thaanda”
Village Statistics:
Number of houses: 40
Population: 160
Climatic Conditions:
Arid (Desert type !)
Farmers & Shepherds
Photo 1: Srikanth with the villagers
Economic Situation:
Low class (Extremely poor)
Lambadi / Banjara (Hindu Tribals)
Major Problem

No road –> lack of transportation –> villagers cut

off from the outside world –> lack of progress and
development in the village
Road Construction
Pursued the District Collector
of Anantapur - sanctioned 2.25
Further contributions
requested for the construction
of road to this village.

Road layout necessary for about

3 kms from the village to the
nearest road.
Photo 2: Current mud road not suitable for public
Plan of Action
Funds collected will be handed over to the
district collector of Anantapur in the form of a
Incharge: Mr.S.Somasunder (B.Tech, MBA)– One of
the inhabitants of the village and the first highly
educated person from the village
Responsibility: Srikanth Mohan Kethu – You all
know me !!!
Future Goals

Education to the children and all

the villagers
Health awareness in the village
Photo 3: Srikanth with the villagers

Photo 4: Srikanth with the school children

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