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A Fishy Tale

By Joey Ku Draft version 1

Screenplay: Scene 1: EXT: Under water Hotel escalator LS of a fish dressed in luxurious rich clothes stands outside the elevator s closed doors. CU shot of the fish s fin (-gers?) as it pushes the escalator button. LS jumps cuts to CU of the fish s head as it enters inside the elevator and doors closes. Scene 2: INT: Elevator CU of the fish s face as sounds of the elevator is heard going up, lights begin to flicker and beside the fish hangs a light string switch. The fish pulls this but results in the lights turning off. CU of the only visible nervous fish eyes as it panicky looks around for sources of light. Whilst still focusing on the fish s eyes a sound of the elevator bell rings as it reaches its destination. The doors open and from the fish s POV show a dimly lit corridor full of fish bones and dead fishes. Jump cuts back to the CU of the fish s eyes as it gulps in terror. The doors close and the sounds of the elevator going up again. Rays of light appears through the doors edges as the elevator goes up, the inside lighting of the elevator returns to normal relieving the panic of the fish for a few seconds in MS before going out again. Jump cuts back to the CU of the fish s eyes. Sounds of the elevator bell rings as it arrives to its last top floor, relieved that there s light ahead the doors open (whilst in CU of the eyes) and switches to ECU of the eyes as it turns to sheer horror.. Scene 3: EXT: Fisherman s port From the CU of the fish eyes, the camera goes back into OVS of a figure. Jump cut to CU shot of the fish screaming before jump cuts again to POV shot of the fish screaming as it looks at its hunter sitting on a deckchair with sinister smile. The scene ends as a LS of the whole scene which reveals that the figure is in fact a fisherman sitting on a deckchair with his fishing rod hanging onto an escalator trap with the fish inside.

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