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Welcome to Talk about Talk

Please take a few minutes to complete this very short questionnaire before the training starts. 1. Read this short description: Tom often turns up late to his job/appointment, and easily switches off when instructions/information is given. Tom doesnt have much contact with other young people and spends a lot of time on his own. He tends to hang back from beginning tasks until everyone else has started and needs encouragement to engage in conversation. a. What are your thoughts about Toms performance?

b. How would you support his progress? Rate the following (by ticking a box) according to how effective each approach might be in Toms case:
Approach to try Give Tom a choice of doing other activities that he might enjoy more Repeat instructions for Tom individually Explain to Tom how it makes others feel when he turns up late Explain to Tom what the rules/behaviour expectations are for the job/appointment Ask Tom how you could help him solve the problem Contact Toms parents to ensure that he is more organised Encourage Tom to think about his strengths and difficulties 1 Not useful at all 2 Maybe useful 3 Probably useful 4 Id definitely try this

Change the structure of the session/his working day Provide a separate room for Tom where he wont be distracted Explain that his job/support will be at risk if his behaviour does not improve Keep Tom behind at the end of work/ the appointment to make up the lost time Use simple language for instructions and explain difficult words Make the rules for listening very clear Say instructions in a louder voice

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