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Muscles Submaxillary- Aids in swallowing and breathing. Temporalis and Masseter- Closes lower jaw.

Pectoralis- Moves arms toward and away from the body. Deltoid- Draws arm forward, away and outward from the body. Coracoradials- Aids the pectoralis in moving the arms. Common Flexors- Flexes wrist joint. Obliques and Abdomin- Flexes and extends the Abdominal Wall.

Triceps Femoris- Extends leg; straightens knee joint. Sartorius, Gracilis Major, Gracilis Minor, & Semitendinosus- Moves thigh in and out and in a rotation. Gastrocnemius- Extends foot; responsible for leaping action. Tibialis Posterior, & Tibialis Anterior- Assists in foot flex and ankle rotation. Common Extensors- Extends toes as in pointing.

DorsalMuscles Dorsal Fascia- Attaches Oblique muscles to the spine. Depressor Mandibulae, & Dorsalis ScapulaeHelps hold the Humerous Bone in the socket. Latissimus Dorsi- Moves arms up and down from reaching position. Triceps Brachii- Extends the forarm at the elbow (during leaping). Common Extensors- Extends the wrist.

Common Extensors of Back- Helps to maintain a straight spine. Gluteus- Flexes and extends the Femur. Biceps Femoris, & Semimembranosus- Flexes leg; bends the knee. Gracilis Major, & Gracilis Minor- Moves thigh in and out by rotation. Peroneus- Flexes foot. Common Flexors- Flexes toes.

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