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Retina is filmy piece of tissue. It is a complex layered structure. The photoreceptor cells are the Rods, cones and ganglion cells. Rods function in dim light, cones in daylight. Human retina has 7 million cones and 75 to 150 million rods. When light is incident on the receptor cells, a proportional synaptic response is sent to bipolar cells and then to the ganglion cells. The signals from the rods and cones are mixed and combined.


Fig 1: Section of Retina


There are many acquired and inherited retinal diseases. AGE RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION (AMD) It is the degenerative condition of macula. It is caused by hardening of the arteries that nourish the retina. The central vision deteriorates.

Fig 2: The above fig illustrates the normal vision and vision affected by AMD

Contd RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA (RP) RP is the name given to a group of diseases that destroy the retina. In RP, the retina begins to degenerate, which causes peripheral and night vision to diminish. It is an inherited disorder in which excessive amounts of substance called phytanic acid accumulate and cause damage to retina. It results to tunnel vision gradually.

Fig 3: The above fig illustrates the normal vision and vision affected by RP

Fig 4: Fundus image of normal retina

Fig 5: Retina affected by AMD

Fig 6: Retina affected by RP

Artificial retina is a visual prosthesis, device intended to restore visual function. The DOE artificial retina project is a multi institutional collaborative effort. Its purpose is to develop and implant a device containing arrays of microelectrodes into the eyes of patients affected by AMD and RP. The resolution will help restore limited vision which helps in reading, unaided mobility and facial recognition.


Tiny camera mounted to eyeglasses. Transmitter Video processing unit Receiver Electrode array


Camera takes images in real time and sends the information to the video processing unit. Video processing unit sends the electric signals to the transmitter in the sunglasses. Transmitter sends the signal to the receiver. Receiver wirelessly receives this data and sends the signals through a tiny cable to the electrode array. Electrode array is stimulated by the received data to emit electrical pulses, which induces responses in the retina that travel through the optic nerve to the brain.

Fig 7: Pictorial representation of working of retina

THREE MODELS IN TESTING AND DEVELOPMENT MODEL 1 (ARGUS I) It consists of 16 electrode array. This implant enables the patient to detect when lights are on or off, describe an object s motion, count individual items, and locate objects in their environment.

Fig 8: Argus I pictured above

MODEL 2 ( ARGUS II) It is smaller, more compact than model 1. It is currently undergoing clinical trials. It contains 60 electrodes. Surgical implant time is reduced from 6 hours for model I to 2 hours for model II. MODEL 3 It will have more than 200 electrodes. It is ready for preclinical testing. It uses more advanced materials and has a highly compact array. It provides improved vision for patients.



A unique collaboration exists between public and private sectors led by the Department of Energy. Its purpose is to build the most advanced, high density micro electronic tissue interface- one that enables cells to communicate with machines.


LLNL uses microfabrication technology to design thin, neural electrodes that conform to the shape of the retina. It also develops packaging technology. Fig 10: Electrode array developed using microfabrication at LLNL

MICROFABRICATION is a term used to describe the process of fabrication of miniature materials. The electrode array is embedded on a silicone substrate polydimethylinesiloxane (PDMS)

PDMS is biocompatible. It is somewhat permeable to oxygen and highly impermeable to water. It is suitable for long term implants. The device is designed to be epiretinal. It will overlap in the central part of the eye affected by macular degeneration. Once implanted, the camera will capture a video signal. This signal is processed and transmitted inside the eye using a radio frequency link. The rf link is composed of an external rf coil that is a part of eyeglass apparatus. Another rf coil inside the eye will pick up the signal and transmit it to electronics that will format the signal for stimulating the electrode array.


DEI manages the collaboration Provides medical directions and performs clinical and preclinical testing of the electrode array implants.

SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORY Develops micro electro mechanical systems and high voltage sub systems for advanced implant designs. These include micro tools, electronic packaging and application specific integrated circuits.

Fig 11: MEMS implant design

ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY ANL develops packaging technology and hermetic seal technology that protects the prosthetic device from the saline ocular environment using its award winning R&D 100 ultrananocrystallinediamond technology. ULTRANANOCRYSTALLINE DIAMOND It is a material having a unique combination of properties. It has the highest hardness of any diamond, an extremely low friction coefficient and surface adhesion. Very high electron emission, chemical inertness, extremely high conductivity when doped with nitrogen, biocompatibility and surface functionalisation.

Fig 12: The UNCD technology developed at Argonne NL

LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY LANL performs imaging and modeling of the retinal function. It develops advanced optical imaging technology. These contributions will help in better understanding of how the prosthesis works by mapping the interactions between the brain and retina.

Fig 13: Imaging of the retinal function

OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY ORNL has several roles in the project. Develops concepts of electrodes, develops advanced instrumentation to evaluate the performance of electrodes. Study of long-term operational stability of the micro electrode arrays. The researchers have to used advanced electrode and fabrication technology to accomplish the goals. With their systems, electrodes are fabricated using nano particles and micro machining technology. A research team at ORNL is developing flexible carbon fiber which allows for a large array of fibers in a small space. The researchers must also develop a sophisticated camera.

NC State University performs electro magnetic and thermal modeling of the device in order to determine how much energy should be used to stimulate the remaining non diseased cells.

Fig 14: Thermal modeling of the device

UC SANTA CRUZ performs bidirectional telemetry for wireless communication and design electronic components for stimulating the electrode array. CALTECH uses the Artificial Retinal Implant Vision Simulator (ARIVS) software which is developed by CALTECH for real time image processing and enhancement of the miniature camera before it is fed to artificial retina.

Fig 15: Real time Image Processing


Second Sight Medical Products are the commercial partners of the AR project. They developed model 1 and model 2 devices. SSMP will be responsible for integration and development of devices under FDA regulation. They perform clinical trials and commercial distribution to patients.

The results have been astonishing. Artificial retina will be a wonderful boon that will restore eyesight for millions of blind people. Obviously, the first users of artificial retina technology will be blind people. Once the resolution of an artificial retina exceeds that of the human eye and it becomes possible to combine it with zoom capability, artificial eye implants will also become attractive for people with perfectly healthy eyes.

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