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1440 CPs and Guests to assemble at the tent area

A very good afternoon sirs, ladies and gentlemen. Im Lt Kdr Murugaya, the emcee for this event. As we are waiting for the arrival of our Commandant, I would like to take this opportunity to explain briefly on how this event is going to take place so that everyone is aware of the sequence, what to expect and what to do during the event. Announcing the arrival of the Commandant,Yang Berbahagia Brigadier General Dato Ismeth Nayan bin Ismail. That was a splendid performance by the lion dance performers(Any Name?) Im sure it kept you on your toes and I hope everyone have enjoyed the performance and managed to snap some good pictures of this memorable occasion! YBhg Dato, Sirs, Ladies and gentlemen, the performance you have just witnessed marks the start of this years Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College Chinese New Year Celebration. - For your information, the story goes that once upon a time a monk had a dream in which there were many sorrows and evils plaguing the land. The monk prayed and asked the gods how he could prevent these evils from occurring. The gods told him that a lion would protect them and fight back the evils. The Chinese people had never seen a lion before, but had heard stories that the lion was the king of all the other animals, so the monk combined all the lucky or magical animals he could think of and so made a lion to ward off the evil and bad luck.

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1500 Arrival of Commandant 1510 After Lion Dance Performance

1515 Photography Session

- I would now like to invite the Organizing Chairman to cordially accompany the Commandant for a photography session with the organizing committee. - All other guests, CPs and families may proceed to the dining hall.

Commandant adjourns to the dining hall

YBhg Dato, Sirs, Ladies and Gentlemen, Xin Nian Kuai Ler, Happy New Year Gong Xi Fa Chai, Congratulations and be prosperous

MCs welcoming address

A very warm welcome to one and all to MAFSC 41/2012 Chinese New Year Celebration as we are gathered here today to usher the year of the dragon with full vigor and enthusiasm. To all our foreign friends, who may not be familiar with the Malaysian culture, here is a brief introduction to one of the many festive celebrations we celebrate here, in Malaysia. Chinese New Year is an important celebration to the second largest community in Malaysia, the Chinese. It marks the end of the Winter Season and the start of the Spring Season in ancient China. Chinese New Year is the longest and the most important festivity in the Chinese Calendar. It lasts for 15 days and is also known as the Lunar New Year. According to tales and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against a mythical beast called the Nian. Nian would come on the first day of New Year to devour livestock, crops, and even villagers, especially children. To protect themselves, the villagers would put food in front of their doors at the beginning of every year. It was believed that after the Nian ate the food they prepared, it wouldnt attack any more people. One time, people saw that the Nian was scared away by a little child wearing red. The villagers then discovered that the Nian was afraid of the color red. 3

Tossing of Yee Sang

YBhg Dato, Sirs, Ladies and Gentlemen, In celebration of the Chinese lunar calendars most important festival, Chinese New Year, numerous dishes from different origins are savoured. Yee Sang is one such traditional dish. It is symbolic of good luck, prosperity, health and all things auspicious. Yee Sang comprises thin slices of pickled vegetables and other ingredients which are mixed together thoroughly when the dish is eaten. The taste of the dish is enhanced by its special sauce which imparts a distinctive flavour. Tossing of Yee Sang is done by all close family members and friends to signify the strengthening of relationships and sharing of luck and wealth. The popular custom is for all round the dining table to toss the ingredients high in the air and at the same time each person shouts loudly Loh Hey which means toss high for Longevity and Prosperity. Alternatively, you can also shout out in English, Money, Money, Money or Luck, Luck, Luck. To experience this tradition, the Organizing Chairman will now invite the Commandant to join Faculty Members and Course participants for Yee Sang tossing. (Say loudly, Lou Hei..Lou Hei....Money, Money, Money)

1535 CNY



Thank you YBhg Dato


Commences Sirs, Ladies And Gentlemenn, Now That The Lion Has Rumbled Im Sure Our Tummys Are Equally Doing The Lion Dance. Laid out at the stalls today are some Chinese Dishes specially selected to enable everyone present to experience the taste of Chinese cuisine. All of you are now cordially invited to help yourselves to the mouth watering treats prepared specially for you. Enjoy yourselves. 8 1600 Filler 1 (during meal) The Chinese New Year is also known as the Lunar New Year because it marks the first day of the Lunar month in the Chinese calendar. It is widely celebrated by Chinese around the world and even in countries with extensive interaction with the Chinese culture. Traditions are aplenty and the common ones that are practiced includes Spring Cleaning, where families discard old things and do a thorough scrub down of the house. It is believed the cleaning sweeps away the bad luck of the preceding year and makes their homes ready for good luck. Brooms and dust pans are put away on the first day so that luck cannot be swept away. Family members from near or far will try to make it a point to make it home and have a reunion dinner on the eve of Chinese New Year.

As 2012 is the year of dragon, let me tell you about the person born in the

year of the Dragon. In Chinese astrology a dragon person is special. They usually stand out as befits a dragon. They are also powerful and wise. In a group of people, the Dragon person stands out. There is a certain aura about them. They certainly are not shy they demand attention and respect. The dragon is a symbol of power. Therefore in Chinese astrology the dragon person born under this Chinese Zodiac sign tends to be a "doer" they do things and achieve power by getting things done. A dragon can breathe out fire so the person born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon can be a hothead. Watch out if you make them angry! However, the dragon has a soft underbelly and so in Chinese astrology the dragon person born in this Chinese Zodiac year has a "soft spot" to them. They may get angry at someone who annoys them but they also show great compassion to people in need. A dragon has a long tongue which is often seen.

So in Chinese astrology the dragon person born in this Chinese Zodiac year has a sharp tongue they will say things that can be quite sarcastic and biting.

The person born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon can be quite a confronting person but if you can reach their "soft heart" they are worthwhile allies. 2012 is the Chinese year of the dragon. So what does 2012 hold for a person born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon? Such people should double their efforts in whatever they do - work, education and other projects. Their natural talent and abilities should stand out with great results. However, watch out for that temper! Keep it in check and do not spoil your good work.

I would also like share some findings on those who were born on the year of Ox. Ybhg Dato, I am sure this is quite related to you. Oxen are persistent they do their tasks over and over again. They dont slacken off or take short cuts. It is important to retain this trait in 2012. The person born under this Zodiac sign believes hard work is required for success and that short cuts will not work according to Chinese astrology. The Oxen animal is an outdoors animal like the horse. The person born under this Zodiac sign prefers outside country areas to city apartments.

Oxen are strong animals that is why they are used to pull heavy loads. People born under this zodiac sign are strong physically and or mentally. Oxen are placid creatures they just do their work over and over. The person born under this Zodiac sign is easy going and dogmatic about their tasks. They just do it and ignore outside distractions. They are not prone to temper tantrums if things do not go their way. People born under this Zodiac sign are often leaders because of their hard working dependable determined nature. They get to the top because they persist. And those Oxen animals are at the front pulling heavy loads. So the person born in the Year of the Ox is at the front leading and pulling other people along. As long as they do this, 2012 should be okay for those belonging to the Year of the Ox.

1630 Filler 2 (during meal)

As I had mentioned, the Chinese Zodiac system consists of 12 animals, and a popular legend has it that a race was used to decide the animals to report to the Jade Emperor. The cat and the rat were the worst swimmers in the animal kingdom. They

decided that the best and fastest way to cross the river was to hop on the back of the ox. The ox, being a nave and good-natured animal, agreed to carry them across. However, overcome with a fierce competitiveness, the rat decided that in order to win, it must do something and promptly pushed the cat into the river. The Cat therefore lost out in the race and failed to finish. Because of this, the cat has never forgiven the rat, and hates the water as well. After the ox had crossed the river, the rat jumped ahead and reached the shore first, and it claimed first place in the competition. Following closely behind was the strong ox, and it was named the 2nd animal in the zodiac. After the ox, came the tiger, panting, while explaining to the Jade Emperor just how difficult it was to cross the river with the heavy currents pushing it downstream all the time. It was named the 3rd animal in the cycle. Suddenly, from a distance came a thumping sound, and the rabbit arrived by jumping from one stone to another in a nimble fashion. For that, it became the 4th animal in the zodiac cycle. Coming in 5th place was the dragon, flying. Of course, the Jade Emperor was deeply curious as to why a strong and flying creature such as the dragon should fail to reach first. The mighty dragon explained that he had to stop and make rain to help all the people and creatures of the earth, and therefore he was held back a little. The Jade Emperor was very pleased with the actions of the dragon, and he was added into the zodiac cycle, number 5. As soon as he had done so, the horse appeared. But hidden on the horse's hoof is the snake, whose sudden appearance gave the horse a fright, thus

making it fall back and giving the snake the 6th spot, while the horse placed 7th. Not long after that, a little distance away, the sheep, monkey, and rooster came to the shore as the 8th 9th, and 10th animal. The 11th animal is the dog while the pig came in as the 12th and last animal of the zodiac cycle. 10 11 1640 Organizing Chairmans speech 1650 Ang Pow & Orange presentation by Commandant I now like to invite Maj Alex Chen Wei Rong(Singapore Army), the organizing chairman for this afternoons event to say a few words. Another important tradition during Chinese New Year is the practice of giving Ang Pow or Red Packets to singles and young children Ang Pow are considered extremely auspicious to receive as a gift and even more auspicious if they contain money. Traditionally, red packets containing money were given to Feng Shui masters when they deliver predictions of good health or wealth. Similarly, giving of Ang Pows signifies giving good luck and wealth to the younger generation so that they may prosper and make the coming generation more prosperous and successful than the one before them. Mandarin oranges on the other hand with its golden appearance also signifies wealth and richness. In keeping with the traditions, the Organizing Chairman will now invite YBhg Commandant to present Ang Pow and Mandarin Oranges to Bachelor CPs and the children present today.


1715 Conclusion and Commandants departure

YBhg Dato, Sirs, Ladies and Gentlemen, that marks the end of our Chinese New Year event for this year. The organizing committee wishes to thank the Commandant and all present here for gracing this occasion with your attendance. We hope that all of you, especially our foreign friends have had a memorable afternoon and may this experience remain among your most cherished moments in the years to come. Till we meet again in another event ..have a Properous and Wonderful year ahead. Thank you.


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