AMX Comande Admina

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amx_cvar sv_restart "time" - restart amx_map "mapa " - changelevel amx_votemap "mapa1" "mapa2" - vote za mapu

amx_slap "nick" "dmg" - slap igraca amx_slay "nick" - slay igraca amx_kick "nick" - kickas igraca amx_banip "nick" - banujes igraca amx_csay "color" pises slovima na sredini amx_tsay "color" lijeva strana amx_psay "nick" poruka playeru =======>>>>>>> immunity (can't be affected by other admins) 1 ========>>>>>>> reservation (has a reserved slot) 1 amx_ban [minutes] [authid or ip] [reason] 1 amx_banid [minutes] [name or #userid] [reason] 1ok amx_banip [minutes] [name or #userid] [reason] 1 amx_banmenu - displays ban menu 1 amx_unban [authid or ip] 1 ========>>>>>>> Free email address at 1 2 amx_kick [name or #userid] [reason] 1 2 amx_kickmenu - displays kick menu 1 2 amx_leave [tag] [tag] [tag] [tag] 1 2 amx_slap [name or #userid] [power] 1 2 amx_slapmenu - displays slap/slay menu 1 2 amx_slay [name or #userid] 1 2 amx_map [mapname] 1 2 amx_mapmenu - displays changelevel menu 1 2 amx_votemapmenu - displays votemap menu 1 2 amx_armor amx_armor [ part of nickname ] [ amount ] 1 2 amx_clcmdmenu - displays client cmds menu 1 2 amx_glow [authid, nick, @team or #userid] [alpha] 1 2 amx_godmode [authid, nick, @team or #userid] [0=OFF 1=ON] 1 2 amx_gravity [ gravity ] 1 2 amx_heal [authid, nick, @team or #userid] [life to give] 1 2 amx_money [@team, #userid, or name(can be partial)] [amount] 1 2 amx_teammenu - displays team menu 1 2 amx_teleport [authid, nick, @team or #userid] [y] [z] 1 2 amx_userorigin [authid, nick, or #userid] 1 2 amx_weapon amx_weapon [ part of nick ] or [ @ team ] or [ # index ] [ weapon to give ] 1 2 amx_bury [authid, nick, @team or #userid] 1 2 amx_uberslap [authid, nick or #userid] 1 2 amx_unbury [authid, nick, @team or #userid] 1 2 amx_disarm [authid, nick, @team or #userid] 1 2 amx_fire [authid, nick or #userid] 1 2 amx_rocket [authid, nick, @team or #userid] 1 2 amx_slay2 [authid, nick, @team or #userid] [1-lightning 2-blood 3-explode] 1 2 amx_chat [message] - sends message to admins 1 2 3 amx_csay [color] [message] - sends center hud message to all players 1 2 3 amx_psay [name or #userid] [message] - sends private message 1 2 3 amx_tsay [color] [message] - sends left side hud message to all players 1 2 3 say @[@ @ @][w r g b y m c][text] - displays hud message 1 2 3

amx_say [message] - sends message to all players 1 2 3 amx_vote [question] [answer#1] [answer#2] 1 2 3 amx_voteban [name or #userid] 1 2 3 amx_votekick [name or #userid] 1 2 3 amx_votemap [map] [map] [map] [map] 1 2 3 amx_cancelvote - cancels last vote 1 2 3 say /hp - displays info. about your killer everyone say /rank - displays your server stats everyone say /stats - displays others stats everyone say /statsme - displays your stats everyone say /top15 - displays top 15 players everyone say nextmap - displays nextmap everyone say thetime - displays current time everyone say timeleft - displays timeleft everyone say_team @[text] - displays message to admins everyone amx_who - displays who is on server everyone amx_help - displays this hel amx_cvar sv_password " amx_cvar sv_restart " 1 " amx_cvar mp_freezetime " 6 " amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire " 1 " amx_cvar mp_autokick " 0 " amx_cvar mp_tkpunish " 0 " amx_teammenu " " amx_kick " nick " amx_ban "nick" 9999 amx_banip "nick" "da" permamently amx_leave all "kick" citav server amx_nick "nick "new nick amx_cvar mp_buytime 0.15 amx_cvar mp_startmoney 800-16000 amx_cvar mp_roundtime 1.75 amx_cvar sv_minupdaterate 25 za lag KOMANDE ZA CW MECEVE amx_cvar sv_password " skidanje pasa sa servera amx_match mr12 esl recdemo amx_match mr12 esl recdemo

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