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prepared by Team 1 Sandra Busik Susan Le Peter Lockwood Pradeep Miglani Reita Sikka Kai Zhang

1 ANALYSIS MODEL............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.1 STATIC MODEL............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2ATTRIBUTES OF THE CLASSES ON THE STATIC MODEL...................................................................................................................................................................................4 1.3 STATE CHARTS............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 1.4 COLLABORATION DIAGRAMS (ONE FOR EACH USE CASE) & MESSAGE SEQUENCE DESCRIPTIONS.................................................................................................................8 2 DESIGN MODEL.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 2.1 CONSOLIDATED COLLABORATION DIAGRAMS & MESSAGE SEQUENCE DESCRIPTIONS .....................................................................................................................8 2.1.1 CONSOLIDATED COLLABORATION DIAGRAMS...............................................................................................................................................................................................9 2.1.2 MESSAGE SEQUENCE DESCRIPTIONS FOR CONSOLIDATED COLABORATION DIAGRAMS..................................................................................................................11 2.2 DISTRIBUTED SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE DOCUMENT...............................................................................................................................................................................13 DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE SYSTEM IS DECOMPOSED INTO COMPONENT-BASED SUBSYSTEMS & CONCURRENT COLLABORATION DIAGRAM...........................13 2.2.2 DESIGN OF RELATIONAL DESIGN DATABASE...............................................................................................................................................................................................15 2.3 SUBSYSTEM SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE..........................................................................................................................................................................................................16 2.3.1 OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION OF SUBSYSTEM SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE..................................................................................................................................................16 2.3.2 TASK ARCHITECTURE........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................17 2.4 INFORMATION HIDING CLASSES..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................19


B ill/P ay m ent


S c heduler

c a nc el s

R es ervati on

R eport

proc es s e s

proc es s es c reates /m odifies /deletes

generates HM S c om pletes E m ploy e e proc es s es HM S Int erfac e up dates R oom


proc es s e s proc es s es

C us tom er

A dm inis tration D i sc ount



D is c o u n t S c h e d u le r H M S I nt e rf a c e D atabas e c u s t o m e rID c u s t o m e rID c u s to m e r ID c u s t o m e rID s q lS t ri n g re s e rva t io n ID re s e rva t io n ID la s t N a m e la s t N a m e d is c o u n t T y p e ro o m R a t e fi rs t N a m e m id d le N a m e d is c o u n t A m o u n t c h a rg e R o o m m i d d le N a m e a d d re s s t im e C h a rg e F o rN o S h o w d is c o u n tT y p e R oom c it y d is c o u n tA m o un t s ta te ro o m N u m b e rt im e C h a rg e F o rA d d it io n a lD a y A dm n c o n firm a t io n N u m b e r ro o m S t a t u s t im e C h a rg e F o rG u a ra n t e e d R o oi mis tr a t io n z ip e m p l oy e e ID r es e r va t io n ID firs t N a m e it e m I D c o n firm a t io n N u m b reoo m N u m b e r r r oo m N u m b e r fo o d It e m s HM S E m plo y ee fo o d A m ou n t s e m p lo y e e ID e m p lo y e e ID d is c o u n tT y p e R e s e rva t io n e m p lo y e e L o g In S t a t u s B ill/ P a y m e n t d is c o u n tA m o un t u s e rID re s e rva t io n ID u s e rID p a s s w o rd c u s t o m e rID c u s t o m e rID p a s s w o rd re s e rva t io n ID ro o m N u m b e r pa y m e ntA m o u nt ro o m A va ilS t a t u s R e p o rt c re d it A m o u n t ro o m S t a t u s r ep o r tT y p e C u s to m er M enu m e n u It e m


Bill/Payment Statechart

Recieve & add item


Adjust Bill

Generate Bill


Record Payment

Room State Chart

RROOMoom Statechart


Rm No entered when customer checks in

Five hrs. past check in Customer check out

Rm. no. entered

Occupied Room number entered when customer check in


Scheduler Statechart

R etrieve Tim e S y s tem S tarted Tim e is 1:00 p.m .

S c hedu ler R unn ing

B illing A dditiona l D ay

B illing Com ple te S y s tem S top ped Tim e is 6:3 0 p.m. B illing C om plete Tim e is 6:00 p.m . B illin g G u aran teed Res ervat ions

R es er vat io ns Canc eled

C anc elling N o n-gua ranteed R es e rvatio ns


We have done individual collaboration diagrams (one for each use case). Per Dr. Wu, they are not required to be turned in. Please see Consolidated Collaboration Diagrams and Message Descriptions for Consolidated Collaboration Diagrams in section 2.1.1 and 2.1.2, respectively.



: Report
Get Pending CheckOut Data Pending CheckOutData returned

: Hotel Database
Get Discount

: Discount

Update / Retrieve Room Availabili ty Info : Room Room Availability Info

Data returned Apply Discount Av ailability Status CheckRoomAv ailability (Ty pe, Dates)

Set RoomAvailability

Update/Retriev e data

Update/Retriev e Customer Inf o Customer Inf o Create/Update/Retriev e Customer Inf o Customer Inf o Cancel Non-Guaranteed reserv ation Generate Bill Charge Bill Credit Bill Reserv ation Inf o Create/Retriev e/Update Reserv ation, CheckIn, CheckOut (Trans Data) Get Reserv ation Data

Update Bill/Pay ment Data

: Reservation
Report Generated GenerateReport (PendingCheckOutRpt, ReportParameters)

: Customer

Reserv ation Data returned

: Scheduler

Scheduler Ev ents

Bill No-Show Bill Additional Day Bill Guaranteed Reserv ation

: <<External Timer>> Digital Clock

<<user interface>> : HMSInterface

Make Pay ment, Credit Pay ment Pay ment made, Pay ment credited

: Bill/Payment

Display Info
Display Inf o CSR Input Manager Input

Room/FoodService Bill

Get Room/FoodService Bill Data

<<subsystem>> : Room/Food Services System : Customer ServiceRep : Manager


: Report
Get Report Data

: Hotel Database
Update/Get Info on Room & Rate

Report Data

: Room

Info on Room & Rate Employee Info Update/Get Employee Info

Add/Modi fy/Delete Info on Room & Rate Report Generated

GenerateReport (ReportT ype, ReportParameters)

: Administration

Add/Modi fy/Delete Empl oyee Profile Administer User Profile Administer Info on Room & Rate

<<user interface>> : HMSInterface

: Employee

Manager Input

Display Info

: Manager


2.1.2 MESSAGE SEQUENCE DESCRIPTIONS FOR CONSOLIDATED COLABORATION DIAGRAMS Message Sequence Description for Consolidated Collaboration Diagram of Reservation and Booking System
The message sequence description below addresses the messages on the Consolidated Collaboration Diagram for Reservation and Booking System.

CSR or Manager actor inputs screen selection and information to HMS Interface. HMS Interface sends the CSR's or Manager's reservation & booking transaction inputs to Reservation. Reservation sends a Retrieve Customer Info request along with customer's name to Customer to search for the customer record. If the customer record is already in the system, Customer sends Customer Info to Reservation. Reservation sends Update Customer Info request along with updated info to Customer. If the customer record is not yet in the system, Reservation sends Create Customer Info request along with customer info to Customer to create a customer record. Customer sends Add/Update/Retrieve Customer Info message to HotelDatabase. Reservation sends a Check Room Availability request along with information on room type, check-in date, check-out date to Room to search for a vacant room. Room sends a Retrieve Room Availability request to HotelDatabase to get room availability information. HotelDatabase sends a Room Availability Info response to Room. Room sends Availability Status to Reservation. Reservation sends an Apply Discount request to Discount. Discount sends Get Discount message to HotelDatabase to obtain discount data. Reservation sends an Update/Retrieve Data request to HotelDatabase to update/retrieve reservation&booking data, and HotelDatabase sends reservation&booking data to Reservation. Reservation sends a Generate Bill, Charge Bill (or Credit Bill) request along with balance due information to Bill/Payment. Bill/Payment sends Get Room/FoodService Bill Data message to Room/Food Services System, and Room/Food Services System sends Room/FoodService Bill Data to Bill/Payment. Timer sends Scheduler Events to Scheduler. Scheduler sends a Get Reservation Data request to HotelDatabase. HotelDatabase returns Reservation Data to Scheduler. Scheduler sends a Cancel Non-Guaranteed Reservation request to Reservation. Scheduler sends Bill No-Show, Bill Additional Day, Bill GuaranteedReservation request to Bill/Payment. HMS Interface sends Make Payment (or Credit Payment) message along with customer's payment information to Bill/Payment. Bill/Payment sends a Payment Made (or Payment Credited) acknowledgment message to HMSInterface. 11

Bill/Payment sends an Update Bill/Payment request to HotelDatabase. HMS Interface sends GenerateReport request along with ReportType, ReportParameters to Report. Report sends Get Pending Checkout Data message to HotelDatabase. HotelDatabase sends Pending Checkout Data to Report. Report sends Report generated to HMSInterface. HMSInterface sends DisplayInfo message to display information to CSR or Manager actor.

Message Sequence Description for Consolidated Collaboration Diagram of Management Services System
The message sequence description below addresses the messages on the Consolidated Collaboration Diagram for Management Services System.

Manager actor inputs screen selection and information to HMS Interface. HMS Interface sends Administer User Profile (or Administer Info on Room & Rate) message along with the information inputs to Administration. Administration sends a Add/Modify/Delete Employee Profile request along with employee information inputted to Employee. Employee sends an Update/Get Employee Info request to HotelDatabase. HotelDatabase sends an Employee Info response to Employee. Administration sends a Add/Modify/Delete Info on Room & Rate request along with room information inputted to Room. Room sends an Update/Get info on Room & Rate request to HotelDatabase. HotelDatabase sends an Info on Room & Rate response to Room. HMS Interface sends GenerateReport request along with ReportType, ReportParameters to Report. Report sends Get Report Data message to HotelDatabase. HotelDatabase sends Report Data to Report. Report sends Report generated to HMSInterface. HMSInterface sends DisplayInfo message to display information to Manager actor.


As shown on the Concurrent Collaboration Diagram below, the subsystems consist of a Reservation and Booking subsystem, a Room and Food Services subsystem, and a Management Services subsystem. These subsystems were determined through the use-case-based collaboration diagrams. The objects in the use-case-based collaboration diagrams that communicate frequently with each other, are related to each other, and have high coupling were placed in the same subsystem. Each of these subsystems also performs a major function, which is relatively independent of the functionality provided by the other subsystems. These subsystems can be allocated to a separate node in the distributed environment or can be executed on the same node as other subsystems. These three subsystems are composite subsystems because they all reside at the same location. They all have localized autonomy. Each subsystem controls a given aspect of the system. They encapsulate the objects they contain. The communication between the three subsystems is loosely coupled asynchronous message communication. The Hotel Management System component encompasses the three subsystems. The Hotel Management System is also a composite system. It also encapsulates the objects it contains. All of these components are logical and physical containers. Concurrent Collaboration Diagram Documentation The Hotel Management System contains three subsystems. These are Reservation and Booking, Room and Food Services, and Management Services. The Reservation and Booking subsystem encompasses customer check in, check out, room reservation, billing for the customers' stay, and room availability. The Room and Food Services subsystem allows the customer service representative to create the customers' food order and will generate a bill for the order. The Management Services subsystem deals with the maintenance of the hotel services. This subsystem allows management to add, modify, and delete information on rooms and rates and food menu items and prices. Management Services also may administer new employee user profiles for the HMS. The managers may delete, modify, and add employee profiles. This subsystem will also generate reports on these uses. The Hotel Management System Interface will allow the users; Managers and customer service representatives to interact with the system. The users will be able to administer Reservation & Booking services, Room & Food services, and Management services (for management only). The external output device, the printer, is not part of the software to be created. The computers in the hotel will have printers available. The report on pending checkouts and the bill data generated from the Reservation & Booking subsystem will be able to be printed. The reports of all subsystem data from the Management Services subsystem will be able to be printed. The bill generated from the Room & Food Services subsystem will be able to be printed. Concurrent Collaboration Diagram below



Concurrent Collaboration Diagram

<<system>> :Hotel Management System

<<subsystem>> :Reservation & Booking

items added to cost room & customer info

<<subsystem>> :Room & Food Services

<<subsystem>> :Management Services

menu item, price

reports of all subsystems' data report pending checkout bill data generated HMS request HMS data requested <<user interface>> :Hotel Management System Interface bill generated

<<external output device>> :Printer




The Hotel Management System is functionally decomposed into the Reservations and Management subsystems. This section describes the criteria used to determine which objects are active and which are information-hiding classes. Active objects execute concurrently and run in their own thread. The active objects are modeled as tasks and the other objects are modeled as information hiding classes. A collaboration diagram is given for each subsystem. The objects having the thicker, bolded borders are tasks. In the Information Hiding Classes Diagram, each class has been given a <<stereotype>> to reflect the type of class being shown. Here are the criteria used to determine which objects in each subsystem are active. Keep design simple by not having too many tasks Objects that execute concurrently can be made into tasks Identify user interface objects o HMS Interface Identify device interfaces o None, other than standard i/o (keyboard, mouse, monitor, and printer) Identify system interfaces o Room and Food Service System o Reservation and Management subsystems Identify entity objects o See Information Hiding Classes Diagram Identify timer objects o Scheduler Identify state dependent control objects o No state dependent control objects that need to run in their own thread Identify coordinator objects o HotelDatabase object coordinates access to the database Identify business logic objects o The only business logic object in this stand-alone system is the Reservation object. This object will not be accessed concurrently, so it does not need to run in its own thread. Each client will have its own instance of the Reservation object. Identify algorithm objects o No substantial algorithms used in the problem domain 16


: Report
Get Pending CheckOut Data Pending CheckOutData



<<Coordinator>> : <<Access DB>> HotelDatabase Get Discount

: HotelDatabase

: Discount

Update / Retrieve Room Availability : Room Availability Status Room Availability Info
Data returned Apply Discount CheckRoomAvailability (Type, Dates) Set Room Availability Update/Retrieve data Update/Retrieve Customer Info Customer Info Create/Update/Retrieve Customer Info Customer Info Cancel Non-Guaranteed Reservation Generate Bill Charge Bill CreditBill Get Reservation Data Reservation Data returned Update Bill/Payment

: Reservation
GenerateReport (PendingCheckOutRpt, Report Generated ReportParameters)

: Customer

<<Periodic>> : Scheduler

Timer Events

<<External Timer>>

: DigitalClock

Reservation Info

Create/Retrieve/Update Reservation, CheckIn, CheckOut (Trans Data)

Bill No-Show Bill Additional Day Bill GuaranteedReservation

Make Payment, Credit Payment

<<User Interface>>

: HMSInterface
Payment made, Payment credited

: Bill/Payment

<<Subsystem>> : FoodService

Display Info CSR Input Display Info

Manager Input

Generate Bill

Bill Data returned

: Customer ServiceRep : Manager



Get Report Data


: Report
Report Data Update/Get Info on Room & Rate

<<Coordinator>> : HotelDatabase<<Access DB>>

: HotelDatabase

: Room

Info on Room & Rate Employee Update/Get Info Employee Info

Add/Modify/Delete Info on Room & Rate Report Generated

GenerateReport (ReportType, ReportParameters)

: Administration
Add/Modify/Delete Employee Profile

Administer User Profile Administer Menu Item & Price Administer Info on Room & Rate

<<User Interface>>

: HMSInterface

: Employee

Manager Input

Display Info

: Manager



<<entity>> Customer customerID : int = 0 lastName : string = "" middleName : string = "" address : string = "" city : string = "" state : string = "" zip : string = "" firstName : string = "" confirmationNumber : int = 0 createCustomer() modifyCustomer() deleteCustomer() <<entity>> Discount customerID : int = 0 reservationID : int = 0 discountType : string = "" discountAmount : int = 0 applyDiscount() removeDiscount() <<entity>> Reservation reservationID : int = 0 customerID : int = 0 roomNumber : int = 0 roomAvailStatus : string = "" roomStatus : string = "" createReservation() modifyReservation() deleteReservation() checkRoomAvailability() doCheckout() generateBill() assignRoom() doCheckin()

<<User Interface>> HMS Interface customerID : int = 0 lastName : string = "" firstName : string = "" middleName : string = "" discountType : string = "" discountAmount : int = 0 confirmationNumber : int = 0 reservationID : int = 0 roomNumber : int = 0 foodItems : Vector = 0 foodAmounts : Vector = 0 discountType : string = "" discountAmount : int = "" doCheckin() doCheckout() createReservation() modifyReservation() deleteReservation() applyDiscount() removeDiscount() createOrder() modifyOrder() deleteOrder() applyDiscount() removeDiscount() <<entity>> Bill/Payment customerID : int = 0 reservat ionID : int = 0 paymentAm ount : int = 0 creditAm ount : int = 0 makePayment () generateBill() chargeBill() creditBill() creditPayment ()

<<Coordinator>> Database sqlString : string = "" update() retrieve() createConnection() close() <<entity>> Employee employeeID : int = 0 userID : string = "" password : string = "" login() <<entity>> Report reportType : string = "" generateReport() <<entity>> Room room Number : int = 0 room Stat us : string = " " changeRoom Stat us()

<<entity>> Administration employeeID : int = 0 itemID : int = 0 roomNumber : int = 0 administerUserProfile() administerFoodService() administerHotelSystem() <<control>> Scheduler customerID : int = 0 reservationID : int = 0 roomRate : int = 0 chargeRoom : boolean = False timeChargeForNoShow : string = "" timeChargeForAdditionalDay : string = "" timeChargeForGuaranteedRoom : string = "" cancelNonGuarRes() billGuarRoom() billAddtlDay() billNoShows() <<entity>> HM S employeeID : int = 0 employeeLogInStatus : boolean = false userID : string = "" password : string = "" login() logout()



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