Prof DR A. Zargari (October 29 2004) Genetic Uniformity

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Genetic Uniformity


Genetic Uniformity

Rick Wagoner

Information Education and Technology 600, Section 002 Professor Dr. A. Zargari October 29, 2004

Genetic Uniformity Genetic Uniformity Genetic uniformity is the result of many factors and must be discussed in conjunction with genetic diversity. These two topics are polar opposites. Both topics also have a great deal of impact on the worlds ecosystems and both plant and animal


species viability. There are always two sides to any topic and Ill try to explore both pros and cons of these topics. Genetic uniformity describes the elimination of diversity in a particular species from a genetic standpoint. (Uniformity, n.d.) A recent issue of Science (Volume 278, October 24, 1997, page 575) mentioned that two humans on the average differ in 1/2000 of their DNA and two bacteria of the same species in 5 percent, which is considered high for a species: Within the human species there is genetic uniformity. There is only .05% variance between two human specimens. There is also uniformity within a bacteria species but the bacteria also have a larger degree of diversity because they show 5% diversity between two different specimens. This genetic uniformity can occur by different methods. Selective breeding, environmental adaptation, and species extinction can all lead to genetic uniformity. The interrelations between these three issues are somewhat cyclic in nature. Selective breeding leads to a primary species, and creates genetic uniformity in the species, and thus other species are allowed to become extinct which further enhances genetic uniformity. Environmental adaptation causes species to develop certain capabilities while other capabilities are not sought leading to adaptation. This adaptation can increase the possibility of genetic uniformity.

Genetic Uniformity


Selective breeding is a method that reduces genetic diversity and increases genetic uniformity. Farmers locate a type of vegetable that is somewhat hardier in nature than its genetic relations and they slowly breed their vegetables to be more like the hardier version and thus genetic diversity is lost. All the grown vegetables are now of a single species with general genetic uniformity throughout the species. According to (Shand, 1997) approximately 75% of all agricultural diversity has been lost since 1900 and livestock breeds are disappearing at a rate of 6 breeds per month. De-population of the worlds plant and animal species could quickly occur through continued selective breeding. Selective breeding practices do provide some benefits. Increased production is the primary reason for following a selective breeding program. (Shand, 1997) Industrial agriculture requires genetic uniformity. Vast areas are typically planted to a single, high yielding variety or a handful of genetically similar cultivars with capital-intensive inputs like irrigation, fertilizer and pesticides to maximize production. Such uniform crops are breeding grounds of potential disaster due to vulnerability to pests or disease. The same is true with livestock. The introduction of modern breeds selected solely to maximize production has displaced or diluted indigenous livestock breeds worldwide. However, the benefits of genetic diversity appear to outweigh the benefits of genetic uniformity and selective breeding practices. According to (Valhalla, n.d.) Genetically identical plantations of fruit or nut trees are obviously much more vulnerable to disease. Their uniformity ensures that any disease or pest which attacks one of them, will attack all of them. Providing genetic diversity can help ensure that species survive.

Genetic Uniformity Environmental adaptation allows a species to adapt to its environment. Through adaptation all the many species in a select environment will likely adapt to


enhance similar attributes that allow for a higher possibility of species viability. Species are composed of genetically divergent units usually interconnected by some (albeit low) level of gene flow. Because of this restriction in gene flow, natural selection can genetically tailor populations to their environments through the process of local adaptation. (Claussen and Phillip, n.d.). Genetic uniformity from environmental adaptation again does have some benefits. The process provides for sustained viability of the species in question for the current geographic locale. However, the adaptation of the species to this geographic locale leads to a species that is uniform and unable to survive in other locations. Through environmental adaptation the relation of genetic uniformity and genetic diversity are somewhat tied together. A genetically diverse species will be more capable of adapting to the local environment which then leads to a genetically uniform species. (Hawtin, 2000) Genetic diversity gives species the ability to adapt to changing environments, including new pests and diseases and new climatic conditions. The problem with this is that the genetically uniform species is then not likely to be able to adapt as successfully when moved to a new location. Again genetic diversity benefits appear to outweigh genetic uniformity benefits. Species extinction also leads to genetic uniformity simply by elimination of general genetic diversity. When there is only one species remaining after extinction of similar species, diversity is lost and uniformity is strengthened. (Mooney, 1990) states that 97% of the vegetable varieties available at the turn of the century have disappeared

Genetic Uniformity forever.


Species extinction is never a good thing in the long term. Species extinction

creates extreme imbalances in the many ecosystems of the world which creates a chain reaction that leads to many ecological problems. Genetic uniformity through species extinction thus is never going to be the best path to follow considering the long term affects on the environment and its ecosystems. As mentioned at the beginning genetic uniformity and genetic diversity our opposite sides of the same coin and they have a great deal of influence and affect on one another. Genetic uniformity creates certain benefits. These benefits of genetic uniformity would be considered cons of genetic diversity and the benefits of genetic diversity can be considered to be the cons of genetic uniformity. We can see from the material presented that there are some benefits to be obtained through genetic uniformity in limited situations. These benefits are almost always limited to the short term. When looking at the long term affects of both of these issues genetic diversity provides many more benefits for species survival and adaptability. Genetic uniformity is a topic that must be considered when looking at the overall environment for future generations.

Genetic Uniformity References Claussen, Julie E., Philipp, David P (n.d.) Loss of Genetic Diversity Among Managed Populations. Retrieved on October 29, 2004 from


Hawtin, Geoffrey C. (2000). Genetic Diversity and Food Security. Retrieved on October 29, 2004 from Mooney, Pat. (1990). The Massacre of Apple Lincoln. Retrieved on October 29, 2004 from Shand, Hope (1997) Bio-Meltdown: Uniformity is the watchword of industrial agriculture. Retrieved on October 29, 2004 from Uniformity (n.d.) The Uniformity Problem retrieved on October 29, 2004 from Valhalla (n.d.) Valhalla Experimental Station. Retrieved on October 29, 2004 from

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