Urban Problems Chart

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Urban problems in MEDCs and LEDCs Project due: Wednesday, September 30 at 4PM Name:___________________________ Task 1: Complete the chart

below. One mark for each row. Total of 10 marks possible. Identify 10 different In 2-3 lines either explain the Choose five of the problems and problems faced by cities and problem; or, how the problem supply a visual that illustrates give one example of a city originated whichever is most each of the five problems: next to the problem it faces. appropriate. picture, map, graph

Task 2: Pretend you are an urban planner contracted to a city of your choice. Write a four paragraph report on the city's urban problems and your proposals to address those problems. It is worth 10 marks. Each of the first three paragraphs should: be well structured with a topic sentence, body and conclusion identify one problem the city faces describe how the city has attempted to solve that problem. The fourth paragraph should: make some imaginative and original proposals that you think the city should use to overcome any one of the problems listed earlier in the report.

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