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Advantages of concrete structures

Alsipercha: the professionals opinion

Inconveniences of the re-propping systems

Alsina works: Washers construction

Greetings to everyone, After a long experience of more than 55 years in the formworking business we curiously continue to be hooked on, hopeful and really motivated. We wish to go on assuming more and more important challenges, demanding ourselves more promptness, improving our processes, sharing our difficulties, summing up, to continue working for and to you, clients, but above all: WORKING FOR PEOPLE. One of the biggest satisfactions the whole Alsina team has is to be able to enjoy, vibrate and share your successes, which in a way we feel also as ours. The technical solutions, the on site meetings in search of alternatives, trying sometimes to get the impossible, recommending cycles, changes in the planning, understanding necessities the Commercial Technician assisting the client, the Office Staff, Logistics Team, and Technicians constant dedication, work after work, order after order, that is what we really love!!! Let us ask you to continue demanding us, putting us to the test. We enjoy challenges and positively think that only in that way we will be able to be more and more useful every time!!! We would also like to thank you for the complaints, ideas, opinions and suggestions you send to our email address:, which we deal with the maximum interest and consideration. We would like to approach you a little more with this issue titled Alsina TODAY, so you can know us better and continue trusting in Alsina. Best regards, Alsina Team promises not to disappoint you! Alsina Brothers
Photograph of some member of the wide Alsina Team

Alsina Oliva Brothers: Mr Joan, Josep and Jaume Alsina Oliva (from left to right), Encofrados J. Alsina S.A managing directors.


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Encofrados J. Alsina, S.A.

Pol. Ind. Pla d'en Coll Cam de la Font Freda, 1 08110 - Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) SPAIN Tel. +34 935 753 000 Fax. +34 935 647 059 E-mail:

Editorial Advantages of concrete structures Concrete: a grandiose material Alsipercha: prevention is better than Inconveniences of the Re-propping systems Interview: Jaume Alsina Oliva Alumecano and Alucubetas DIT Certificate Alsina under the Quality Certification ISO 9001:2000 Alsina works: international Alsina works: Alsinas new contribution to slabs Alsina works: the construction of Sewage Treatment Plants * Download the Catalan and English versions of Alsina Hoy from our web.


The structure fulfilled a basic function: to resist the fire and stay up time enough to allow a possible evacuation
La Vanguardia, 15th de February, 2005

Concrete is made up of cement, sand, gravel and water and it has been used in Spain since 1940s. This material has increased its resistance 8 to 10 times during the last 50 years due to the use of additives like plasticizers or retarders that are applied la carte and multiply its resistance. If we add a steel heart its resistance and durability increase, as was clearly checked during the Windsor fire on 12th February in Madrid. The Windsor tower was built between 1974 and 1979. It consisted of a concrete and iron mixed structure 106 m

high. The building was a solid construction with a resistant reinforced concrete nucleus and 3,40 m high girders supporting the weight of faades and floors made of lighter sections. It is outstanding that although temperatures during the fire exceeded 100 C, the structure did not collapse. As per the experts opinion, the key point avoiding the Windsor skyscraper to collapse was that the whole internal area was built with reinforced concrete and the internal nucleus was a box binding the whole building.

What is clear is that a concrete building like this one supports much more than what legislation requires. We have checked it now and in other cases*
* Cited by Manuel Garca Cabrera (Indus Clculo company Industrial Engineer). La Vanguardia, 15th February 2005.

Up to a few years ago it was thought that to make the skyscrapers structures stable they should be made of steel. But technology goes forward and the resistance of concrete has greatly increased along these years. As a result, concrete is more and more frequently present at the skeleton of high buildings. There is a veiled competition in the world to get the highest skyscraper. Misfortunes like 11-S in the Twin Towers in New York or the Windsor building in Madrid have brought up the subject of the necessity of this kind of buildings; nevertheless, there is a general accord in the increasing tendency to build the mentioned buildings with structures mainly made of concrete, more resistant to fire and therefore, safer. The structure of a building is the system/material in charge of transferring all the dead loads, service loads and accidental loads actions from the different areas of the building to the foundations, guaranteeing appropriately its three basic aspects: Resistance, Rigidity and Stability. Although the skeletons of old buildings like the Empire State Building (448,7 m) were already made of reinforced concrete, the use of this material is going further. As an example we can mention the Freedom Tower (541 metres) to be built in the ground zero in New York and the Spanish Santiago Calatravas Fordham Spire (610 metres) that is going to be built in Chicago and will become the highest building in the world. In Spain the height ranking is led by the Bali Hotel in Benidorm. With 52 storeys and 210 m height is also the highest hotel in Europe. Its proportion of concrete is very high. The building was inaugurated short after the Twin Towers outrage and its structure allowed the architect to say that in a similar case the Bali would have not collapse.

Other examples: Agbar Tower in Barcelona, lEix Maci Milleniu Tower in Sabadell (PHOTOGRAPH), Hesperia Hotel, etc.


ALSIPERCHA, prevention is better than

Because it is PREVENTIVE, that is to say, that the accident does not happen...there is no fall, the retractable belt works within milliseconds. Because it is the ONLY SYSTEM THAT PROTECTS during the perimetric operations on site the most risky ones: cantilever decking placing, handrails installation, movement of the gallow type protections or placing of the side shutters. Because it is an EASY AND QUICK SYSTEM TO USE. Because it is certified by the company BVQI and Applus compliying with the regulation UNE EN-795.

The operator slipped ... fortunately he was anchored to the Alsipercha

The operator slipped... fortunately he was anchored to the Alsipercha Manolo Gundns opinion, partner of the company Encofrados Lena S.L., located in Mieres, Asturias, is specially relevant as he has used the Alsipercha in different works since the beginning of the project. Besides his wide experience in the construction business, particularly in the formwork field, his critical and constructive spirit confers even more value on the interview he granted us. We include a brief extract of it. Mr Gundn states:

and if all above was not enough....

BECAUSE IT IS THE MOST ECONOMICAL SYSTEM IN THE MARKET: the repercussion by m2 of structure is less than half the ones born by other solutions.
Alsitec Alsina Technical Department

(...) it is the only system truly effective and reliable for domes and waffle slabs or all decking, and very useful for girders (...) the truth is that right now the system has avoided us two accidents.
ALSIPERCHA ALREADY WORKS IN OTHER MARKETS: The alliance with the company Combisafe for the United Kingdom is the first step in the Alsipercha system expansion. The safety system has gone through the British market and interest has also arisen in other countries. Agreements for its commercialisation are being drafted in Germany, Sweden, France, Netherlands and Denmark. And in the Alsina branches abroad like the ones in the United States, Chile and Portugal.

There are people who say, winning awards will not feed you...and it is true. But obtaining rewards from technical collectives of the maximum prestige, when an arduous task of investigation and development lies beneath, is an important shot in the arm: Mention of Honour to the best fall arrest system. Competition summoned by the Official Chamber of Contractors of Catalonia (CCOC), November 2002. 1st Award to the International Creativity. Competition summoned by the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia. Variety: adoption of innovating solutions and models in construction. May 2003. 1st Award Construmat 2003. Variety: Product for construction, May 2003. Award to Security in the Construction. Granted by the Official Chamber of Contractors of Catalonia, October 2003. Caupolican Award. European Award to Security in Construction. Competition summoned by the General Board of Technical Architecture of Spain, February 2004.

(...) compared with other security systems it is much quicker and economical and its productivity is higher.


Manuel Jos Gundn Garrote, Partner of the company Encofrados Lena S.L.



ALSIPERCHA: Fall Arrest System


The Gaud Prevention Service has incorporated Alsipercha as reliable prevention device.
The Gaud Prevention Service, company founded in Barcelona in 1997, is specialized in the prevention of occupational risks, with presence in the construction sector. Its aims are to satisfy requirements and to give adequate answers to the clients necessities in the occupational health and security areas of their companies or works. Nowadays its prestige is rising, so as its presence in the market, and little by little this company has become a national reference. Since the Gaud Prevention Service knew about the Alsina Fall Arrest System they have incorporated it as a reliable prevention device for daily work in some of the more dangerous tasks in construction works: falls from height during the formwork decking works phase. If there is no a decided criterion, during the drafting of Health and Safety Studies and Schemes our Technical Office informs the contractors and subcontractors about the advantages this system provides opposite to other systems, as it avoids the inconveniences and limitations of horizontal nets, nets under the slab and lifelines between columns. In the implementation of works our Health and Safety Coordinators value: The guarantee offered by the system due to its assembling and use simplicity, meaning that no external fitters are needed. The wide accessible area (100 m2) with no interferences from an only anchoring point making its use more comfortable to formwork operators. The possibility of being used for the placing of collective protections near the openings or perimeters of the formwork (security handrails, gallow type nets), eluding in this way the installation of lifelines, the urgency of placing and the temporality of application, all of them factors against their reliability.

ICS Ingeniera y Seguridad values the importance of the Alsipercha security system.
The company ICS Ingeniera y Seguridad is dedicated to the integral security in the construction field. This company, leader in reliance generation among the biggest contracting companies in the Spanish east, offers security coordination services, so as supply, placing and maintenance of the necessary security elements. What do you think about Alsipercha? Do you think that with this Alsinas contribution the construction field casualtiness will diminish? (...) as per the Alsipercha system, analysed from a technical point of view, I understand that it is more complete than the nets under the slab system due to two main causes: first, because it is a preventive system and second, because it covers all the risky situations during the decking assembly, while the nets under the slab do not cover the risk in the perimetric decks. Besides, in ICS Ingeniera y Seguridad we have checked its efficiency for different work phases, like for example the one-way slab assembly and roof works. To all this we should add a basic factor: its economy. The use of Alsipercha reduces in an important way the security labour costs. From your point of view, what should be done to encourage formwork operators to use Alsipercha? The use of Alsipercha is not different from the use of the security harness or the helmet in, for example, hanging scaffoldings. Therefore the correspondent information and training to formwork operators, on the one hand, and the vigilance of the site responsible on the other should be enough. Do you think that Alsipercha is a good solution for the works to be made in the perimeter of works? The Alsipercha system is the substitutive solution for the nets under the slab in the waffle slabs and is complementary to the rest of the collective protections during the structure phase. The higher the security is in a work, the lower the probability of an accident happening will be and the consequences of the same in case it happened. Do you think that the assembly of Alsipercha is compatible with the formwork assembly tempo? If a work is well planned and organised, no problems of any kind should appear between the different trades. If we decide to use Alsipercha we have to calculate the structure performance and design the system in relation to it. In this way the work tempo will not be held up by the Alsipercha system.
Germn del Valle Prez Technical Director ICS Ingeniera y Seguridad

servei de prevenci gaud construcci

Xavier Barber

Gaud P.S. Technical Office Responsible Servei de Prevenci Gaud, Technical Office Dep. Coordination Dep.



The successive shoring systems offer optimum results both in construction tempos and in structural performances.
The Construction Engineering professors of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, carried out a study about the slabs formwork systems more commonly used in construction, falling especially upon the periods and ways of down-striking. The study, made together with Encofrados Alsina, compares the recoverable formwork systems with the re-propping systems. The main conclusions, from a technical point of view, highlight the following re-propping systems inconveniences: PARTIAL DOWN-STRIKING AFTER 6 DAYS INSTEAD OF 3. The floor form release has to be made 6 days after concreting instead of after 3 like in the recoverable system of partial down-striking.

Housing block built with Alumecano (St. Quirze del V., Barcelona)


On releasing partially the forms, the structure is propped at every moment. In normal conditions it can be done the third day after concreting.

On formworking an upper floor the props keep the same vertical centre lines, avoiding the punching of the structure. 06 ALSINA TODAY On form releasing on the third day the main girders, which are kept at every moment, avoid an excessive deflection of the floor, as specified by the regulations.

The study also concludes that: 1st - In the RE-PROPPING systems, the recovery is generally made after 6 days instead of 3. In order to recover material after 3 days a double amount of props has to be placed or else very special down striking precautions have to be taken. This process has to be planned and supervised by efficient technical personnel. See conditions included in the technical report. 2nd - Incorrect transmission of loads: The cross distribution of props on the supports of the PROPPED floors supports the load in the opposite way (long) of the props of the floor being concreted, which highlights the recommendations made in the previous paragraph. THE ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS OF THE RE-PROPPING SYSTEMS OFFER BESIDES INCONVENIENCES THAT MUST BE CONSIDERED: 1.- It requires MORE LABOUR as the props have to be placed TWICE. 2.- This system requires MORE REFERENCES, (END MAIN GIRDER, INTERMEDIATE MAIN GIRDER, SUPPORT AND SUPPORT GIRDER) instead of 3 (MAIN GIRDER, DROPHEAD and SUPPORT GIRDER). 3.- SECURITY: There are more risks as the PANEL HAS A SMALLER SUPPORT on the main girders wings and even smaller when these are covered with concrete. 4.- FINISHES: due to the accumulation of concrete on the wings, the panel does not always rest at the same height; the panel timber and the prop metal buckle in different ways, producing BIGGER MARKS ON THE CONCRETE.

Encofrados J. Alsina, S.A. Alsitec Technical Office September 2003

(*) As per the Technical Report drawn up by Mr Juan Jos Moragues Professor of Edification and Prefabrication -and Mr Pedro Caldern Titular Professor of Edification and Prefabrication of the Polytechnic University of Valencia; this technical report is at our clients disposal for any consultation.


On releasing forms, the structure supports important stresses, as it is unloaded during the re-propping.

There is no coincidence in the location of the upper floor props and the lower floor ones, which could produce punching on the slab. If the form release is made before the sixth day, deflections higher than the ones in the systems with no re-propping could be produced, not complying with the regulations. OCTOBER05 07


Jaume Alsina Oliva

(Industrial Engineer)

Interview published by the magazine LInformatiu (no. 248), of the College of Aparejadores and Technical Architects of Barcelona.

The company was founded as a timber store at Garrotxa Street in Barcelona and was even also a small sawmill. Some twenty years ago the company began to sell formwork panels and nowadays it is one of the main Spanish formwork companies, designing, manufacturing, selling and hiring with the ISO 9001:2000 certificate for all its processes. Innovation is one of Alsinas philosophy items, currently having more than fifty own patents. The other important item is people, both the ones working in the company and the ones working with their products. We could talk about an Alsina spirit of simplicity, honesty, laboriousness, efficiency, competitiveness..., explains the Managing Director, as he shows us their own design and calculation formwork programmes at their headquarters in Montcada i Reixac. The Alsipercha Fall Arrest System was created from the combination of these two elements, an apparently simple product that contains forty-five components. The system was designed to prevent falls from height during the risky formwork decking processes. Our Professional College awarded us with a special mention at the first Catalonia Construction Awards, in the category of Construction Process Innovation. Which was the Alsipercha creation process? We began investigating in 2001 but it was not commercialised until 2003, although we already had the precaution that our systems were safe a long time ago, as we are a technical company that likes to be very close to our clients. When building a roof at height the problem is the operators anchoring point. The idea came from a working team that noticed that the only

possibility was to make a column extension and to search a supporting point in the sky, that is to say, up. As the first element to be built is the column we worked on the idea of making it the supporting element; the gallow idea arose when trying to take in up to 125m2 Does the Alsipercha need of any prevision from the contractor or designer? No, it does not require any calculation and it can actually be fitted in any work. Only a slight work plan has to be made at the moment of building. But we that carry out the formwork calculations and design for the clients who require it- can also attach the Alsipercha placing proposal. These are placed in a cast-in tube in one column out of every two or three.

used to it he feels comfortable, works safely, knows positively that he will not fall and therefore works quicker. Up to now there are more than 200 works built in Spain with the use of the Alsipercha System and it seems to be that people who get used to work in this way, always held, cannot work in any other way afterwards. We are especially excited knowing that this product has had a very good acceptance in markets as demanding in security subjects as the British one. Is there any similar fall arrest system in the market? There are not at this moment. Alsipercha is a new product which advantage is that it avoids the fall. There are systems, like the nets, which work after the fall. Ours is a preventive system.

We are especially excited knowing that the Alsipercha has had a very good acceptance in markets as demanding in security subjects as the British one
Have you designed any other security elements? We have security platforms and handrails for concreting walls, security handrails, tripods... We provide security as a complement to our formworks, which we demand to have all the correspondent security elements. We want to avoid any accident when working with our products. What is the users answer? The Alsipercha is a system that, as any other security system, requires a users effort. It has a certain initial difficulty as the user has to be hooked on it, but the truth is that experience has proved us that once the operator gets Do you have an own investigation team? Yes, we do have a very strong I+D team, because constant investigation and security are our major challenges. Along our fifty years history and around twenty with formworks we have been the most revolutionary ones in many aspects. Alsipercha is a world novelty, but we also were, for example, the first ones in manufacturing the two usable sides formwork panel. We were the first ones to make a recoverable formwork system in the country, which allows recovering up to an 80% of the material after three days, in front of the traditional twenty-eight days. We were also the first ones in manufacturing a

wall system with a sliding staple and the first ones to introduce aluminium in horizontal and vertical formworks. We were pioneers in the formworks for curve walls, in which it is no necessary to move the panel to produce different radiuses. Therefore, we can say that we have a tradition in innovation. We have signed collaboration agreements with the UPC, Valencia University, ITEC, the Structures Consultants Association and the Gaud Institute among others. Does the sector evolve as well? Yes, this is a sector that is evolving. I have been working in it for forty years. I began when I was studying Industrial Engineering and, at the same time, my father visited clients. The way of using formwork has greatly changed since then, when timber props, screws and formwork deckings were still used and sold to contractors. We are the ones to make the structure construction process and I feel that we have helped to mechanised the whole system and made it very quick: we save an hour of formworking labour per m2 of structure. But there is still a long way to run in the field of innovating the structures construction, making them with elements of the 21st century, optimising the steel and concrete used in them, and making them quick, cheap, safe and environment friendly.

What you are stating is taking us to a paradox. Formwork is every time easier and quicker, and so it requires less training from operators. Therefore, there are more security risks. You are right. Old formworking operators were professionals, veterans, but nowadays there is no workmanship like that. Basically what we have is scarcely trained personnel that comes from abroad. Due to this situation what we try is to elaborate easy systems, mechanised, very automated and really safe at the same time. We are very happy about all of our formwork systems having the maximum security elements for operators, who can be not as well trained as before. Does the designer ask you for solutions? Yes. There are many engineering companies and architecture offices that come to visit us and we work together in the design in order to dimension the modules and their shape. Above all, they come to see us when they have singular works and together we prepare the whole design. For example, we work with architects like Moneo. We are right now designing the LIlla Hotel in the Diagonal in Barcelona with him. Or with Brullet and de Pineda preparing their new Quirn Clinic project.

Which is the position of the Spanish formwork sector in relation to the world? I would say that we- and the Spanish companies in general- have a very good level. The important rise of the construction in these last years has allowed us to invest part of the money in investigation and, therefore, we have nothing to envy from the foreign companies. The German companies are the bench mark in this field but we, Alsina, have some products even better than theirs. Your fall arrest system has already been awarded by engineers and contractors and has also received the Caupolican and the Construmat awards. What did the Catalua Construcci recognition mean? Yes, it has been awarded several times which means that we have brought forward something. It is a new idea...But the Catalua Construcci Award was special for us because it is Catalan. We have branches along Spain, we work in the United States, Chile and Portugal and now we are in the middle of an internationalisation project- we would like to be between the first ten formwork companies of the world in ten years time and to be at least in ten countries-. But at the same time we consider ourselves as a very Catalan company and obviously we appreciate the local professionals recognition.

Alsina contributes with their Alsipercha system to the security in the forming works of the edification structures.



Since May 2005 Encofrados J. Alsina S.A. have a new certification for two of their horizontal formwork systems. Since May 2005 Encofrados J. Alsina have a new certification for two of their horizontal formwork systems: the Technical Suitability Document (DIT), granted by the prestigious Construction Sciences Institute Eduardo Torroja of the CSIC. The document, dated on 30th May, 2005 and titled ALUMECANO - ALUCUBETAS FORMWORKS SYSTEMS, was granted with concession number 466. This new certification corroborates the line followed by Encofrados Alsina of having a range of products of the highest technical level.

Alumecano system assembly on site.

N 466

Alucubetas System, a lighten slab that allows a great concrete save.

ISO 9001:2000
Nowadays we are the only company in the sector that has normalised the activities of: design, manufacturing, commercialisation, and maintenance of products to formwork concrete. This Certification applies to all of our national branches.

The Alsina Group, formed by the companies Encofrados J. Alsina, S.A. and Servicio de Encofrados Alisan, S.A., has obtained the ISO 9001:2000 Certification for all its branches. These are located in Aragon and Navarre, Alicante, Valencia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas, Madrid, Malaga, Asturias, Seville, Sentmenat and Montcada, and are dedicated to the sale and hire of equipments to formwork concrete.

Certificate granted by BVQI, an entity of renowned prestige and worldwide experience, under the UKAS accreditation. The reach of this certification confirms the maturity and efficiency of the Quality Management System in the design, manufacturing, commercialisation (sale and hire) and maintenance of the equipments to formwork concrete, and also ratifies its compromise with a continuous improvement.

The ISO 9001:2000 Certification for the sale, hire and maintenance of formwork equipments, both in the headquarters and the national branches, recognises worldwide the effort and dedication of the whole Alsina team in offering efficient answers to their clients necessities and reaffirms their steady orientation towards the managerial excellency.

These certificate and logo are the representation of what distinguishes us with the ISO 9001:2000 quality management standard.

Encofrados Alsina, with more than fifty five years of experience in the national market, faces now the challenge of its internationalisation under the 10-10-10 plan: being present at ten countries in ten years time and being one of the ten first companies of the world in the formwork sector.

Alta Miramar Building Via del Mar, V Regin, CHILE

Residential building with a high finishes quality demand. The site supervisor was highly satisfied with the results thanks to the complete Alsina products range, specially designed for edification. Vistaform Slabs: for the implementation of slabs with the local typical concrete finish. Steel-ply and Alisply Walls: for the implementation of res pectively, the inner and perimetric walls. Alispilar: light and resistant system for columns.

STRUCTURE: 12.000 m2 slabs - 21.200 m2 walls

Washer Plant Burley, Idaho, USA

Placed at the feet of the Rocky Mountain, the Burley washer plant has a 3.000 m2 structure, implemented thanks to the Alisply Circular curve wall formwork system patented by Alsina. Alisply Circular has amazed in its use due to its versatility and time and labour saving compared with the heavy traditional American systems.

STRUCTURE: 3.000 m2 curve wall

Falcon Wharf London- UK

The innovating fall arrest system Alsipercha, created by Alsina in 2003, contributed to the security in the construction of one of the singular luxury apartment buildings in Falcon Wharf, in Londons heart.



Encofrados J. Alsina has been supplier for the construction of 25.000 m2 of slab in the restoration of the old Philips factory placed in the Zona Franca walk in Barcelona ith this new product Alsina has widened its range of solutions for slabs. It is especially useful for great areas with a perpendicular and very regular columns array.

The Alsina Tables are available in 4 standard measures, two length dimensions: 4 and 5 m, and two width dimensions: 2 and 2,45 m. In all the cases the drophead can be placed along the whole primary beam, which enables the implementation of cantilevers. Besides, the drophead is folded down simplifying the formwork and form release operations and allowing its movement by skipping the security handrails.

Old Philips factory restoration in Zona Franca, Barcelona. The new structure of the building will hold modern offices and a shopping centre.

The Alsina formwork Table allows a great agility in the manipulation of the system on site, thanks to its Hydraulic Trolley and vertical Transportation Hook.
For the horizontal displacements the Alsina I+D department has created a device easy to manipulate and store, with an hydraulic system that makes the rising of tables an easy and comfortable operation at the same time, without requiring heavy mechanisms. The Hook for vertical displacements self-regulates its

gravity centre even if it is unloaded. Security is granted with this device when working with a crane.

Detail of the rise hydraulic system of the horizontal transportation Trolley. It allows rising and lowering the tables for their placement and transportation to the floor to be formworked with a minimum effort.


swivel drophead detail

detail of the security handrail hook in its long direction

standard measures of the tables: length - 4 and 5 m; width - 2 and 2,45 m.

Displacement Trolley (with rise and lower hydraulic system) that simplifies the displacement of the tables on the floors.

The Hook has a gravity centre self-regulation system that moves as per the weight of the load.



Encofrados Alsina has been the company awarded for the formwork of the S.W.S. Benquerencia. Washer with 30.000 m2 of walls from which 2/3 are curve.

he curve walls were built with Alisply Circular, with a 900 m2 equipment. This system patented by Alsina allows the connection between panels in both, the horizontal and vertical direction, by means of the manual Staple, allowing at the same time the quick and simple connection with Alisply Walls panels. The 2,40 m Alsina climbing console was used for higher heights. This new console designed by the I+D Department simplifies the climbing operation as it allows the movement of the formwork together with the platform, with no need of making it in two phases. The displacement is easily made by means of a zip system that moves the formwork in a biding way.

The suspension ring allows to use one-face cast-in anchorages or crossing bars. In both cases the console has a security system that secures the system avoiding the console to get out of the anchorage. There is an optional auxiliary platform for the recovery of the suspension ring. Its fastening system by pins allows regulating the separation between both platforms, and allows at the same time pivoting on the upper union what simplifies the placing and assembly. All the walls have been built with Alisply, combining straight and curve panels. Besides, the one face wall at 3 m height brackets have been used. This system has meant quickness, security and quality in the finishes.

Besides, Alisply and its One Face Wall accessory sorted out with quickness, security and great finishes quality the straight walls of the work


Encofrados Alsina through its technical Department: Alsitec produced a detailed study of the equipments to be used in order to get the best solution on site.




Encofrados J. Alsina has incorporated to their formwork products, the new Multidirectional; matching so their range of formwork products for slabs at heights higher than 6 m. This equipment is the perfect complement for the entire construction of Sewage Washer Stations. Encofrados J. Alsina has supplied the formwork equipments for the Apraitz S.W.S. at Elgoibar in Guipzcua. The client valued highly the entire solution brought forward by Alsina. Besides the Alisply Circular wall, the climbing console and the new Multidirectional, the attention and dedication of the Alsina TechnicalCommercial Department contributed in a very special way. The entire work was re-planned in consent with the works manager and attention was given on site. The assembly of the whole slab was made with a total amount of 4.400 m3 of Alsina light shoring system in two weeks time. This solution did not only mean quickness but also security and simplicity in the assembly. Its anchorage system and measures optimisation grants versatility in the assembly with a high load capacity (4.000 kg/support).

The Alsina 240 Climbing System allows making the release and climbing operations more easily and safely. Combined displacement Climbing Platform and Panel. of

Detail of the security hook: it prevents the movements of the climb. Detail of the displacement device of the panel in the 240 Climbing Platform.

Detail of the assembly of the Multidirectional shoring system for the slab support of the deposits roof in the Apraitz S.W.S. in Elgoibar, (Bilbao).


Encofrados J. Alsina, S.A. HEADQUARTERS* Pol. Ind. Pla d'en Coll Cam de la Font Freda, 1 08110 Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) SPAIN Tel. 935 753 000 - Fax. 935 647 059 E-mail:
*(Local branches under certification ISO 9001:2000)

Logistical Centre* Crta. de Caldes (C-1413) Km. 34 08181 Sentmenat (Barcelona) Tel. 937 153 409 - Fax. 937 150 132 Andaluca Occidental* Polgono Industrial Poliviso Herreros, 61 Parcela 17 41520 El Viso del Alcor (Sevilla) Tel. 955 749 870 - Fax. 955 945 087 Andaluca Oriental* Estrabn, 50 (Ctra. de Cdiz a Mlaga) 29004 Mlaga Tel. 952 238 281- Fax. 952 242 881 Aragn y Navarra* Ctra. de Zaragoza a Huesca Km. 12 50830 Villanueva de Gllego (Zaragoza) Tel. 976 186 400 - Fax. 976 186 989 Islas Canarias (Tenerife)* Barranco de Jagua - Drsena Pesquera 38180 Sta. Cruz de Tenerife Tel. 922 591 224 - Fax. 922 591 214 Islas Canarias (Las Palmas)* Pol. Ind. El Cascajo - Jos Tejera Santana, 1 Jinmar - Telde, 35220 Las Palmas Tel. 928 717 464 - Fax. 928 717 594 Centro* Paseo del Prado, 54 28340 Valdemoro (Madrid) Tel. 918 953 262 - Fax. 918 951 090

Levante (North)* Polgono 6, Parcela 17 Camino de la Garrofera s/n Montortal - Guadassuar (Valencia) Tel. 962 440 663 - Fax. 962 441 809 Direccin de correo: Apartado de correos 159 46250 L Alcudia Levante (South)* Polgono Industrial Bajo Sombra Calle "C", Nave 46 03688 Hondn de las Nieves (Alicante) Tel. 965 480 651 - Fax. 965 480 669 Norte y Castilla* Polgono Industrial de Olloniego Parcela B-15 33660 Olloniego (Asturias) Tel. 985 463 816 - Fax. 985 453 271 Castilla y Len (Occ.) - Tel. 610 760 053 Castilla y Len (Or.) - Tel. 677 976 209 Galicia Norte - Tel. 677 976 213 Galicia Sur - Tel. 610 760 051 Ibiza y Menorca - Tel. 610 760 065

Arlan Enkofratuak, S.L. (Pas Vasco) Gazanda Bidea, 4 (Barrio Atela) 48100 Mungia (Bilbao) Tel. 946 155 080 - Fax. 946 156 309 Balear de Azulejos, S.L. (Palma de Mallorca) Polgono Son Noguera, Cam de Son Fosquet, 25. 07620 Llucmajor (Mallorca) Tel. 971 662 326 - Fax. 971 661 839 PORTUGAL Solues de Cofragem Alisply, Lda. Pct. Antnio Gedeo, 17 Loja 2 Paies -2635-002- Rio de Mouro Tel. (+351) 219 172 535 - Fax. (+351) 219 175 164 Portugal North - Tel. (+351) 914 857 236 Portugal South - Tel. (+351) 914 857 174 U.S.A Alsina Forms Co. 200 East Touhy Ave. Des Plaines, IL 60018 - USA Tel. +1 847-299-7009-Fax. +1 847-299-7027 CHILE Moldajes Alsina Ltda. Nueva Taqueral 369, Panamericana Norte Km. 22, Lampa Santiago - Chile Tel: (+56) 2 745 2003-Fax. (+56) 2 745 3023

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