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Northallerton College Media Studies Risk Assessment Form Step 1 Identify the hazards

The location is on a hill with a stream, and the ground is muddy; so slipping is likely. There are lots of trees, rocks and branches on the floor which potentially could be hazardous.

Step 2

Decide who might be harmed and how

Actors may be harmed because they have to run in the woods. They could slip and hurt themselves.

Step 3

Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions

Trees and branches can be avoided by setting out a space in the woods where there are fewer hazards. The slippery ground can be avoided by wearing suitable footwear, and setting out an area where the chances of slipping are low. These precautions will then lower the chances of the actors hurting themselves on rocks and branches etc.

Step 4

Record your findings on this form and implement them

When we went to target woods to check the location, Jon (one of out film creators) fell in the beck because the ground was very slippery. This is because we were too close to the beck. If we film further up the V shaped valley, the ground is not as hazardous therefore making it very unlikely for the actors to fall in the beck. The beck is only very small, so in the unlikely event of someone falling in, it is impossible to drown.

Step 5

Review your assessment and update if necessary

We now know all the Hazards and how to avoid them using various precautions. Another thing I would add to the assessment is the weather conditions. If there is snow and ice; the hazards may be too much of a factor to film on that day. We would have to go to target woods on that day, assess how bad the snow and ice are, then make decisions from there.

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