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6 : Business -Ethics

of MoralitY Medical Practicesand Policies


Fig. 7 '2 tlnderstand'ing

of Business Ethics

B y w h a t m e t h o d d o w e d e c i d e o n a n s w e r s t o q u e s t i o n sprocess to ofmoral There is no special or-unique right and wrong in business? enquiry than is involv"i in any disciplined do this, nothing more or less intocomplexproblems,whetherinbusinessoran)rvvhereelse. Wecansubjectthistothreedifferentkindsoftests. oTestofagreementwiththeevidence:Doestheevidence supportorclenytheexplanationwehaveputforward?Example, of greatei worker part'icipation we are arguing for ttte benefits iuh^t is the evidence that in the running of companies, actually wanf such involvement? "*pfoytes o T e s t o f i n t e r n a l c o h e r e n c e : A r e a l l t h e p a r t s o f t h e e x p l a n a tsornc: in i o r t with. each other or is itself contradictory i, ancl are somehow in opposition "l;;;ent way? Does it say ttri.rgr at the salrr(l to be, equally true so cannot be o, ^i" rinlikely 'time? E x a m p l e : W e c a n n o t a c c e p t t h e w o r k e r the himportanceutoi v e l y s w o a r e e x c l s thetrt and ^'qY" for irr interested in maximising wages that *o.r]d come from participation of an enhanced setf .st".f decision making' irl (with our more general system . Test of its compatibility b e l i e 0 : D o e s i t f i t i n w i t h w h a t w e g e n e r a l l y t a assumptions't tot' ketobetruei contiadict our this area or does it somehow a t l e a s t t e s t u n c o m f o r t ' b l y w i t h t h e m ? H o w w e l l , f o rinterested, itt examplt: are exclusively cloes the claim that the workers rtttrximisingwages,fitinwithwhatwegenerallyacceptaborrt human motivation?

W e : r t L c r r r p t t o s o l v e e t h i c a l p r o b l e m s i n mquestions'aThere issl-lrt' uchtheS meway SW and contentious solve any ot.he. would "o-pio and the same kind of criticar relationsrrr' same rangc oii."t avairabie to theory.

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