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TYPE OF BALANCE Mechanical Equal-arm balance




SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS Use hard mineral called agate

Metallic lever or beam, divided into two equal arms, supported at the center by a steel knife edge

Two knife-edges at side of support would suspend pans that carry substances and counter-weights Sensitivity affected by friction caused at knife-edges

Unequal-arm balance Compound-lever

Unequal length of arms Movable weights (riders) Knife-edges


Taut wires Knife edges Tightly stretched steel bands

Series of knife-edges held in delicate contact and suspension Addition of weights causes taut wires to twist; twist back to original position causing tension Electric systems restore torque by varying current applied to a coil in magnetic field

Preferred when large amounts are to be weighed Multiplicity of contact and suspension increases friction, thus lessens sensitivity Eliminates friction at knifeedges using the steel bands Balance pans before weighing through raising or lowering High accuracy and sensitivity but low capacity


Based on sensitivity Scales

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