Portfolio 1 Batxillerat

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Portfolio 1 batxillerat – End 2 term

Show the world what you can do in

English 
Use tags in your posts : writing, speaking, news,
film, presentation

1- A little presentation and the objective of this portfolio

2- Your European passport (what’s your level of English

around Europe)

3- Your first mail to the teacher (your level at the

beginning of 1 bat)

4- The horror story

5- Your first oral presentation video (observation optional)

6- Frankenstein: differences between the film and the

book. Is it a good story?

7- The Formal letter

8- A podcast minimum( a dialogue)

9- 6 summaries of news minimum (catalonia today, bbc,

cnn, slink magazine etc)

10-Summaries of the films you watched in aula d’idiomes

11-Second oral presentation video (observation optional)

12-A person description (podcast included)

13-Extra points: a landscape description

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